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Adventuresses seeking depraved worlds to explore


Feb 24, 2020
For quite a while, I've been a lurker on the forums here, choosing to respond to request threads that interest me rather than making my own. However, I find myself with a particular itch I would like to scratch. Namely, I would love to play an adventuress that finds herself in a world that seems bent on breaking her. From a misogynistic society, to monsters that try and capture her to use as a sex slave, and even simple woodland beasts trying to breed with her rather than kill her. It would practically be a very sexualized version of a classic fantasy world.

Ideally, I would like things would be focused on non-con, bondage, gangbangs, humiliation and degradation, and possibly some bad ends. As for what I'm looking for in a partner, I would love someone that would be willing to basically GM the world around whichever girl we would like to use. My only limits are vore, scat, and vomit play.

I have a few characters that I'd love to try and use for this. All face claims are somewhat NSFW. While no nudity is involved, all the girls are dressed rather scantily/provocatively.

Name: Leah Gaillot
Face Claim:
Class: Priestess
Backstory: A young orphan that grew up in a Temple of the Sun God, Leah has been rather sheltered her entire life, but now that she has come of age, she's chosen to try and bring the mercy of the Temple to those beyond the city. Despite warnings that life as a travelling priest is rough, even for male priests and doubly so for women, she was not to be deterred. Little does she know that she should have listened to the warnings, and stayed in the safety of the Temple.

Name: Angel Moore
Face Claim:
Class: Rogue
Backstory: Angel comes from another continent and little is known about her past by anyone. Fleet of foot and quick with her hands, the girl has made a living off of picking pockets in the city and being able to quickly get herself out of any trouble that she hasn't been able to talk her way out of. However, when a job makes its way to her with a reward that she absolutely can't pass up on, what will happen to her when things inevitably go awry?

Name: Vixen
Face Claim:
Class: Mage
Backstory: The races of the beastmen are known for a lot of things, but magic is not usually one of them. The beastmen are blessed traditionally with enhanced strength, speed, and durability, making them excellent warriors. However, Vixen is not a normal beastkin. With a human mother, the half-breed lacks the same overpowering strength as her pure-blooded kin, but in return, she gained an aptitude for magic, very strong magic. It turned out to be a blessing and a curse. With her magic, she can protect herself, but it has also made her a target of many unsavory types. Wizards who wish to study her mixed blood and its effects on her magic, other beastkin who wish to breed her in an attempt to produce children gifted with strength of both magic and body, and slavers who know how rare a magic-using beastkin is and how much money they could fetch for her.

Name: Verose Robinson
Face Claim: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca8...Q.2z6XAeKylRsbZVni1HQwvleJxEuG5p4ybmq7cRaKV9I
Class: Fighter
Backstory: Verose's story is not a common one. Most dream of adventure and riches, and Verose used to do that. For several years, she was a rather successful adventuress, skilled with a blade and graceful beyond measure. However, one particularly bad quest had seen her watch her entire party get wiped out, and she just barely managed to survive without being caught. It was then that she decided to look for another line of work. She found a new home as a noblewoman's maid. Sure, the job wasn't as exciting, but it was safe. But, sometimes, it's impossible to run from ones past forever, and when it finally catches back up to Verose, will she still be able to count on her skills to see her through?
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