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Fx Male ♡*°:⋆ₓₒ 𝒜eline's 𝑅equest 𝒯hread ₓₒ⋆:°*♡ [ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴅᴀʀᴋ, ʟɪᴛᴇʀᴀᴛᴇ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏꜱ ]


Mar 14, 2021

𝐫 𝐞 𝐪 𝐮 𝐞 𝐬 𝐭 _ 𝐭 𝐡 𝐫 𝐞 𝐚 𝐝

s t a t u s _ ; _ semi-looking


_ _ L a t e  2 0 s _ _ scandinavian

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a few things worth knowing
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_ I am extremely selective when it comes to partners and plots. Please don't take it personally.
_ My response time will vary, please respect that. In return, I will patiently wait for your reply.
_ I prefer plot-driven stories with well-developed characters. Quality over quantity.
_ I do not roleplay smut for the sake of smut. Instead, I like to focus on the plot.
_ I am only looking for dark-themed roleplays at the moment.
_ I strive to communicate well with my partners and ask for the same in return.
_ My timezone is CET / GMT+1. I'm not always available when I am online.
_ Real life will always come first. We all have a life behind the screen.

p s . I am only looking for. D A R K . R O L E P L A Y S .with. L I T E R A T E . P A R T N E R S .

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how I like to do things
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_ I only play female characters. They will always be the most "submissive" in the rp.
_ I want my characters to suffer. I want them to get hurt. They will not like it nor beg for it.
_ I only write in third-person perspective, past tense. I'd prefer it if my partner does the same.
_ I only roleplay on Blue Moon, preferably over PMs. Threads can be discussed. No Discord.
_ I prefer to use realistic face claims to portray my characters and would prefer if my partner did as well.
_ If I want to or need to drop a roleplay, I have the right to do so without an explanation. I will
grant my partners the same courtesy. I am ghost-friendly. I might ask once if you've
forgotten about it, but then I'll leave you be. Don't be afraid to let me know.

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a quick note on ooc communication
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I am one of those who likes to have an open ooc dialogue while we're roleplaying. I also prefer to plot
a lot before we start._ It is very important to me that we understand each other &. find some common
ground. We're both supposed to enjoy ourselves & I would rather spend some time figuring out what
is going to happen than be disappointed later on.. I am not saying we need to establish all the details,
but it's important that we're both in the same boat, going in the same direction. _However, don't ever
be afraid to reach out to me, should you like to change anything. _I _am _very flexible _&_ sometimes
things can change ~ for the better.

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my ideal partner
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20+ any gender ♡ writes proper English ♡ matches my effort ♡ communicates well ooc ♡ interested in
plot-driven roleplays & well-developed characters ♡ comfortable playing dominant _&_ often abusive
characters ♡ willing to hurt my characters, physically&emotionally ♡ willing to use realistic face claims
♡ no god-modding ♡ able to separate the roleplay from real-life ♡ polite & open-minded

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what kind of character I want you to play
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_ A male between 30 - 55 years old.
_ He is the most dominant in the roleplay in terms of power, but not necessarily a Dominant.
_ Traits that could describe him ; cruel, arrogant, abusive, selfish, charming, manipulative, cunning.
_ He will hurt my character & he will enjoy every second of it.
_ He will not go easy on my character because she's a woman. He will not hold back.

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what kind of character I want to play
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_ A female between 20 - 35 years old.
_ She is smaller & younger than your character & will be considered the "submissive" in the roleplay.
_ Traits that could describe her ; strong-willed, sharp-mouthed, independent, feisty, cheerful, kind, sarcastic.
_ I prefer to play feisty characters, but I don't have a problem playing sweet, innocent characters sometimes.
_ She will not beg to be hurt nor will she like it.

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likes & dislikes
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dark themes ♡ torture ♡ fear ♡ violence ♡ abuse ♡ discipline ♡ threats ♡ blackmail ♡ punishments
manipulation ♡ conflicts ♡ arguments ♡ dominant men ♡ age gaps ♡ humiliation ♡ power play
dub-con ♡ non-con ♡ coercion

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♡ fluff ♡ vanilla ♡ romance ♡ scat

I am open to pretty much anything, but if you have concerns, just send me a message.

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how to message me if you're interested
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I'm not really that hard to please, but let me give you a little heads up anyway ~ I will not address any
messages I feel lacks mutual effort. When and if you reach out to me, .I would very much like to know
what made you want to roleplay with me & what makes you think we're a good match. Please share a
few things that you can offer me, something about your potential character, or throw some plot ideas
at me! Please have a recent writing sample ready, just in case I ask for it! .If you want to include a few
of your favorite face claims already, I have a list down below. Although, _my list isn't complete, so feel
free to add your own suggestions!

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If I decline, please don't take it personally.

Thank you

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Here are a few examples of messages I've sent when reaching out to potential partners.
You don't need to be this thorough or make your message this long, but please,
don't write a simple sentence saying "I want to roleplay with you".

I wasn't really planning on reaching out to more potential partners, but when I read your profile I just had to. If you're still into that shit, of course.

I guess I can start by telling you a little bit about myself. I'm Thia, turn 26 in May, located in Scandinavia and I joined this site not long ago. So far I have started a few roleplays, some better than others. However, I still haven't found someone who seems to get what it is that I'm after. What I truly want to roleplay. Until I read the short text on your profile. I want my characters to be treated like shit. I want them to suffer. A lot of people claim to know how to do just that, making me excited... Only to disappoint me shortly after.

Me, I like it dark. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that I want my character locked up in a dungeon and tortured from start to finish. If that were to be any fun, you'd better be extremely creative. My point is, people seem to think that DARK ROLEPLAYS means torture and nothing else. For their character to dominate mine. To some extent, it does. They just don't understand what kind of domination I want. I don't want Dominants, not really anyways. I want male characters to dominate my characters. Hurt them. Surely you understand the difference I'm trying to explain? Of course, your character can be a Dom, but I'm not really looking for a Dom/sub pairing. Anyway, I know this message is getting longer by the minute, so I'm going to cut to the chase.

I want to roleplay with you.

Now, I've started plotting with potential partners in the past, only to realize halfway down the road that we're not a good match after all. If that is the case, I will leave you be. But I hope we can at least try to come up with a plot and a story that will interest us both. At this point, I don't even start roleplays unless I'm 100% invested in them. I'll gladly discuss things with you to find some common ground.

I've been looking through your plots, and if you don't mind, I'll suggest something new that I hope you might find interesting. We can always discuss the details, I'm actually very flexible. It's a loose alteration of your "XXX" and "XXX".

I don't mind playing Master/Pet pairings/scenarios, but I would prefer if that wasn't all there was, if you know what I mean? Of course, a few scenes here and there would be nice, but not the entire roleplay, start to finish. Now, how about the world is divided into some sort of factions/caste system. You're either a slave, commoner or noble. (Or something else, depending on how many ranks we want). The slaves are considered.. well, slaves. Ordered around, treated like animals. Their sole purpose is to serve. Among other things.

Like in your XXX world, everyone can end up as slaves, if they're unlucky enough. But, how about, instead of being snatched off the streets, it's like a lottery? E.g. every year or every month 10 (or more, depending on the population) citizens are destined to 5 years of slavery (maybe more, maybe less?). When they've done their "duty", their name can't be drawn again. When your name is drawn, you have three days to get yourself together and "turn yourself in", so to speak, I haven't come up with a way of saying this. Those who don't show up are hunted down.

I don't know what would make the most sense, to have them auctioned to the highest bidder or simply "assigned" to different families who can afford it or have applied for it.

Depending on your interests, we could start off with YC hunting down MC.. and then skip to when she's assigned a family/owner. Or, we can start when she's dropped off at her new owner (YC)'s home.

This is just a rough outline, If you're interested, we can flesh it out together. Should it not be of interest, I am still interested in roleplaying with you. As I said, I'm flexible, so I am sure we can figure something out. I know that this message was a bit long and perhaps a bit messy, but I hope that some of it made sense.

Should you not want to roleplay with me at all, just simply say 'no' and I'll be out of your heir.

- Thia
I should probably start by apologizing for lurking in your threads for the past week(s). But, I'm pretty confident you'll forgive me when I tell you why. I'm very drawn to your kinks and plots. I like dark roleplays too. And when I tell people that, they assume I want to be dominated. Which, to some extent, is true. But, I don't really want to be dominated in the bedroom. I'm more interested in having my character dragged across the floor by the hair, pushed against the wall with a knife against their throat, and fucked in the ass with a loaded gun. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. I've been struggling to find partners who are into this type of darkness. They tend to make it all about the smut, which again, is cool. Sometimes. I just want the little extra. Obviously, I don't like vanilla sex. I don't like happy couples or happy endings. Not in roleplays at least. Reading your kink list in your journal was like a dream come true. "Yes, yes, yes please, heck yeah, oh my, fuck yeah" and so on. I want my characters to suffer. And from what I can see, you play the type of characters who really like to play with their victims. Torture them to oblivion. And back, perhaps?

Instead of directing you to my request thread (there's a link in my signature), I'll just tell you a few things about myself. I'm Thia, soon 26 years old and located in Scandinavia. I prefer quality over quantity, but what you give is what you get. I can write 3 paragraphs, but I can also write 10+. I always try to add something new to the play and drive the roleplay forward, even when the opposite character has all the control. Sometimes it can be hard though, but when my characters can't move, for instance, I can only add emotions, feelings, fear, etc. You get what I mean. I try to reply at least once a week, but usually reply two, three or four times, if I have time and motivation for it.

Now, I'm not writing this message just to tell you that I admire you. I would really like to roleplay with you. And, if you don't have any open spots at the moment, I hope you will at least have me in the back of your mind when you'll get one. However, should you not be interested at all, I'd appreciate a polite "no", but I don't need more than that. I respect my fellow roleplayers. You don't owe me anything.

I would prefer to roleplay in modern times. I prefer to play one character at a time, but I don't mind playing more to make the scene more realistic (e.g. a group of friends). I'm open to discussing cravings and coming up with a perfect plot. I never start a roleplay I'm not a hundred percent invested in, and I don't think my partners shall either. I'm all about finding that common ground, so we're in the same boat and headed in the same direction.

Since I am the one approaching you, I guess I should be the one to suggest some ideas. We can figure out the details together! My characters tend to be 18-24 years old, and the only wish I have is that your character is older.

o n e ; YC is a feared Mafia Boss who doesn't tolerate bullshit from anyone. Make a mistake? Dead. Cross a line? Dead. Screw up? Dead. Disagree with him? Dead. You get the point. It doesn't have to be that black and white though. He might torture them for a month first. MC can be a lot of things, the daughter/girlfriend of a rival, a part of his revenge plan, a part of his crew, someone who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, a journalist, a spy from another gang, etc. The end result will probably be more or less the same. Torture. Pain. Suffering.

t w o ; YC is a Police Officer who abuses his power to get away with pretty much everything. MC can be an innocent bystander, someone caught stealing, the daughter of a criminal/prisoner, a colleague's daughter/girlfriend, a previously troubled teen (orphan?), etc. I'm open to kidnapping or just slow torture - fear, bruises, scars, etc that she'll have to hide (and live with) during her everyday life.

t h r e e ; YC is MC's boss, new or old. Could be any type of work, really. I'd say blackmail and/or threatening her life could work here. Depending on the profession, I'll even go so far as to say she could disappear for days at a time.

f o u r ; kidnapping, although this tends to get boring really fast unless we plan what's going to happen.

f i v e ; MC's father owes YC a great deal of money (or was the reason he lost a lot of money), and YC wants it back, with interest. He wants MC's father to suffer the consequences and therefore he steals the most valuable thing he has - his daughter.

I'm obviously open to a lot of things, so if you have any specific ideas, kinks, or pairings you'd like to try out, I'm game! (I would love to include a lot of things from your kink list) And I'm sure you understood that most of the ideas I mentioned above need to be fleshed out anyways. If we stick our heads together, I'm pretty sure we'll come up with something magical!

I hope I'll hear back from you, but even if I don't, I thank you for your consideration.

Take care!

- Thia

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plot ideas
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001 YC started dating MC's mom, but only to take advantage of MC.

002 MC's twin did something reckless and pissed off some bad people, and YC is ordered to bring her in. However, YC grabs the wrong twin.

003 MC's boyfriend is a former criminal. MC doesn't know about his past, so when YC comes knocking on her door looking for something
MC's boyfriend is supposed to have, MC is clueless. YC gets annoyed and thinks MC is lying and is determined to get the truth out of her.

004 YC was abusive and MC managed to escape the relationship and settle down in a new town.
But YC is not done with her yet, and when he finds her, he will punish her.

005 YC is the town's favorite police officer. MC overhears/sees something and finds out that YC is actually a dirty cop.
YC must make sure that MC doesn't tell anyone, yet he has to maintain his facade.

006 MC is a journalist trying to discover the truth about an illegal operation. Little does she know that her world is about to be turned upside down,
when YC catches her and decides to make her his personal slave.

007 MC is a cam girl on the side to earn some extra cash. YC is a professor who recognizes one of her tattoos in class and decides to
blackmail her into submission.

008 MC's dad lost a deal that cost the company millions. YC offers MC a shady deal in return for not firing her dad.

009 MC is a thief and her next mission is to steal something from YC. YC catches MC and decides to punish her for her crimes.

010 MC works undercover at a brothel, helping women escape. YC finds out and makes sure MC has no way out.


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  F A C E  C L A I M S  

  • lili reinhart danielle campbell naomi scott lindsey morgan elizabeth olsen lily collins willa holland danielle rose russell kiernan shipka josephine langford madelaine petsch sabrina carpenter kaya scodelario margot robbie emily browning teresa palmer phoebe tonkin amanda seyfried malese jow alycia debnam carey kat graham chloe bennet emma roberts britt robertson zendaya camila mendes emilia clarke sophie turner hailee steinfeld katherine mcnamara isabela merced katherine langford candice king aja naomi king emeraude toubia janel parrish adelaide kane melissa benoist lily james lucy hale zoey deutch alicia vikander zoe kravitz amandla stenberg shay mitchell ++++

  • chris evans tom hiddleston dan stevens stephen amell henry cavill charlie hunnam tom hardy chris wood ian somerhalder skeet ulrich daniel gillies joseph morgan milo ventimiglia michael malarkey alexander skarsgård matt bomer michael fassbender dave franco hugh dancy jude law hugh jackman wentworth miller jason momoa jared leto scott eastwood nikolaj coster waldau clive owen joseph andrew lincoln jack falahee nico tortorella sam claflin santiago cabrera manny montana jon hamm aaron tveit tom ellis ♡ tyler hoechlin jake gyllenhaal ben barnes jaime dornan riz ahmed richard armitage sebastian stan ++++

please note that you can suggest face claims not listed here too!
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  W R I T I N G  S A M P L E S  

  • Riley tried to keep her poker face intact, she really did. But when he stepped in front of her and crouched down, it was impossible to hide her fear. Her facial expression remained unchanged—as if she was not afraid of him, simply because she had nothing to hide—but her hazel eyes might as well have spelled terrified. She followed his movements with extreme caution and tried to look clueless when he drew out the receipt. Perhaps it would have worked too, had it not been for the fact that he'd caught her with it earlier. For all he knew, she could have just been a curious maid. She might even have planned to throw it away once she had looked it over. He probably wouldn't believe that, but she was ready to lie to him nonetheless.

    Her jaw clenched when he lit the small paper on fire. The small gesture was barely noticeable, but one could easily see the resentment growing in her eyes as her only piece of evidence turned to ash. It was, in fact, a good piece of evidence too, as he so kindly reminded her of. If only she had managed to snap a photo of it before he had caught her, it wouldn't have felt like such a loss, but that receipt had been the only evidence she'd managed to get her hands on during her two months as a maid. Two months. And now it was gone. Vanished into thin air, right before her eyes. All thanks to him. If only he knew the sacrifices she'd made to get it, to still be there. Now she regretted all of it, but he didn't need to know that. He couldn't possibly read her mind, but it was pretty obvious what she was thinking. You fucking piece of shit.

    She was about to tell him that she had no idea what that paper was, that it meant absolutely nothing to her when he caught her off guard with his words. This time she couldn't hide the shock from her face nor the sheer terror in her eyes. That piece of information changed E V E R Y T H I N G. Trying to convince him that she was someone else wasn't going to work, not when he already knew who she was. And obviously, he knew exactly who she was and what she was doing. Still, she kept her mouth shut, glaring at him.

    When she studied the picture he held up, her heart sank in her chest. Her face was undeniable and so was Grayson's. Even a half-blind person would be able to identify them. Riley resisted the urge to roll her eyes. This was old news. She was well aware that Grayson Ward was a married man, she'd even met his wife on several occasions. It wasn't like Riley was planning on stealing her husband. No, she was only in it for the rough sex and his luxurious gifts. She would be lying if she said she didn't feel attracted to him or that she didn't care for him, but she knew he would never leave Amanda. Still, it would be a scandal if anyone found out. Riley wasn't too worried about herself, she could handle the consequences, but Grayson? He had too much to lose. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she was the reason he lost it all. His career, his wife, his family, his reputation—no, she refused to let that happen.

    Fear turned into confusion as he continued his little speech. He wanted her to do what now? She blinked, realization hitting her like a punch to the face. Her eyes narrowed when he called her a whore. Vince wanted her to continue fucking Grayson, that part wouldn't be a problem, but to draw information out of him? This man obviously didn't know Grayson very well. He barely shared anything work-related with her, let alone answered her questions. If anything, it would probably make him suspicious of her. Not that Riley was planning on telling Vince that, not yet anyway. Riley let out a whimper as he pulled her head back by her hair, forcing her to look up at him.

    She couldn't help but feel like a little bird, trapped in a mist net. Her eyes said fuck you, but when her lips parted, she croaked,
  • Finally, she thought when he remained silent. Finally, she'd gotten through to him. Finally, she could move her sweet, little ass.

    When he started to apologize—obviously seeing things from her perspective—she managed to feel victorious for about three whole seconds before he stripped her of her victory. It wasn't an apology at all. He was mocking her.

    "Me—" She pointed a finger at herself. "Behaving suspicious?" she asked in disbelief. Was he serious right now? A sour expression spread across her pretty face as she shook her head in dismay. Her annoyance only grew when he brought up her father, adding fuel to the fire. She had a feeling he knew exactly how to use this information to his advantage. He would tell her father about the incident if she didn't comply and she wouldn't be able to tell her father about his mischievous behavior without telling him why. 'Oh, but why was he suspicious of you, sweetheart? What did you do?' Yes, what had she done? Nothing illegal, she would tell him. But he would demand details and if she didn't provide them, he would just go to Officer Robinson and ask him about the incident, and Abigail had no doubt that he would spill his guts. If not to put himself in a good light, then to put her in a bad one.

    Gone were her friendly tone and innocent smile. She didn't even try to hide her resentment towards him. He may look like a God, but he acted like the Devil. He even had the audacity to order her to step out of the car, as if she was some sort of criminal caught red-handed with drugs or stolen money. She snorted as she unbuckled her belt and stepped out of the car, her eyes shooting daggers at him.
    "This is ridiculous," she declared. Her eyes landed on his gun for a brief moment, noticing how his hand rested on its handle as if he were ready to take it out and shoot her. What exactly did he think she would do? Run? Leave her car in the middle of an abandoned road? Attack him? "This is highly inappropriate," she said as she turned her back on him. "Not to mention unprofessional."

    Abigail walked slowly toward his patrol car in her green dress and white sneakers. She hadn't bothered with heels last night. The annoyed brunette put her manicured hands on the hood of his patrol car, before turning her head around. If she'd known this was a position she'd find herself in, she would have worn pants instead, or at least a pantie that covered more of her ass. She could only imagine the view he got of her long, lean legs.

    She was used to spreading her legs for Shane, exposing herself. And although she was rather pleased with her own body, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. But what was she afraid of? Officer Robinson had just said it himself, that he was simply doing his duty. He probably wouldn't look twice. At least he shouldn't.

    "I don't see how this is going to clear your suspicion. Do you honestly think you're going to find anything on me?" she snapped. "I mean, does it look like I'm hiding anything, Officer Robinson?" Her hands remained on the hood but she made a small nod with her head towards her backside. She wasn't hiding a fucking thing, except perhaps her damp panties and the reason why. Hardly something worth arresting her for. But he wouldn't notice that, because his hands wouldn't go that far up her thighs. In fact, he wouldn't even have to touch her legs, because they were bare and fully exposed and in no need of a more thorough examination.

    She was prepared for his hands to examine her torso, perhaps even check if she had stashed something in her bra, but he would only end up empty-handed. In the end, he would only make a fool of himself. But luckily for him, she couldn't tell anyone about it without having to explain why he pulled her over in the first place. It didn't matter, because she wasn't planning on driving to the outskirts of the town ever again anyway.
  • Marina took a large step backward, taking the wine bottle with her. She opened and closed her mouth many times before any sound came out. The wide grin on the King’s face confused her. It made it look like he found the whole incident hilarious. Yet, her own expression was clear as day. She looked mortified. “I’m so sorry, My King. I don’t know what came over me,” she apologized. But they both knew what had caused her hand to flinch. A small part of her was grateful that no one seemed to pay any attention to Emryn or the thousand tiny pieces she was crawling around in on the floor.

    Marina looked back and forth between his face and the puddle of wine that had fallen into his lap. She was almost too busy studying his groin—or the red wine that looked like fresh blood—that she overheard him. It took her a few seconds to recollect what her ears had heard in the distance.
    “I uh—I work mostly in the kitchen,” she explained. That wasn’t a complete lie. Marina did work in the kitchen along with some other servants, but she also spent many hours helping other servants with their chores. Earlier that day she had helped a servant named Amaya to clean some armor. Marina got easily bored and distracted, so staying in the kitchens all day wasn’t really her thing. Besides, the other servants appreciated the help and Marina could roam more freely around the Castle she knew so well.

    Marina jumped at his sudden movement, taking another small step away from him. She had not expected him to stand, at least not so abruptly. The screeching of the chair hurt her ears, but it was over before she had a chance to cover them. The piercing sound had caught the attention of many seated guests around the table.

    King Salvador’s sudden yell made Marina cringe. When he snatched the wine bottle from her grasp, her heart rate increased. She swallowed hard, suddenly very nervous. A part of her wondered if this was her cue to leave. Everyone was looking at the King now, so no one would notice if she slowly backed away. However, before Marina could move a single muscle, Salvador had spilled some of the wine on the floor. She listened in on his words and was certain he was just joking around, entertaining everyone who paid attention to him. But when he started circling her, letting the spilled wine form a circle around her feet, the color drained from her already pale face. Her mistake had offended him after all. His actions spoke for themselves.

    A few red tiny dots had stained the bottom of her light dress. She looked down at the blood-red circle that surrounded her. She felt trapped. Her breathing was uneven and her heart was threatening to break her ribs, but when the King closed the distance between them, whispering into her ear, she froze. Usually, she wouldn’t mind a man’s presence, but the King was invading her personal space.

    Marina let out a low groan when his fingers grabbed her jaw in a tight grip, forcing her lips to part. Terror filled her brown eyes when he tilted her head backward. Automatically her hands shot out to push him away, but it was like pushing a brick wall. Yet, her small hands remained against his torso while he poured the wine into her little mouth.

    He left her no other choice but to swallow. She gulped down mouthful after mouthful, trying to keep up with the stream’s pace. Now, wine was something she had learned to like from an early age. Ser Garcia had let her taste God knows how many different types, yet she had never had more than a glass at a time, sometimes not even that. At some point, Marina struggled to breathe properly. It felt like she was drowning. It didn't take long before she started to make some involuntarily gurgling noises. She tried to breathe quickly in through her nose in between gulps, but that only resulted in the wine running down her chin and neck. Her dress had already paid the price of her failure. Tears welled up in her eyes while she prayed to God that the bottle would be empty soon. The discomfort didn’t bother her half as much as the humiliation did. The sound of cheering and laughing nobles only fueled her shame.

    Relief flashed across her features as soon as the wine stopped pouring into her mouth. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She felt extremely uncomfortable. A little lightheaded too. Her body wasn’t built to drink an entire bottle of wine in one go. When the King tried to command a servant to get another bottle, terror filled her body once again. Marina wanted to beg him to stop, but instead of a please, she let out a shocked cry when he forced the bottleneck down her throat, making her gag.

    She desperately tried to pull her head back, but as soon as she put up a fight, he forced her to her knees. Red wine soaked the fabric of her dress as soon as she hit the floor. The bottle was shortly replaced with his groin and once again she found it difficult to breathe. Tears fell down her cheeks and blended with the red stains from the wine. When he signaled that she had to lick the wine off his trousers, she thought it was a sick joke. But when he didn’t budge, she knew he meant every word. Unwillingly and with a visible grimace she stuck her tongue out and started cleaning his leather pants. A foul taste filled her mouth as soon as she began, but she ignored it. She would not get out of the situation before his pants were free from wine, so she licked until the leather was as good as new.

    Marina realized then that the rumors about the sadistic King had been true all along. The other servants were prepared that something like this could happen, but she had been so ignorant and naïve that she hadn’t even imagined it. She regretted her decision. Giving him the benefit of the doubt was probably her biggest mistake.

    When he bent down to her level to whisper instructions in her ear, what he said sent shivers down her spine. This was not over yet. The kiss to her forehead took her by surprise, but the slap that came afterward made her gasp. She nodded once, defeated. If she disobeyed, she did not doubt that he would stay true to his words. And if she could avoid lashes, for now, that would be a good start. She got to her feet, ignoring her shaky legs and stained dress, and followed the two servants out of the room.

    Salvador’s chamber was big. Bigger than she could remember, it being Ser Garcia’s only months prior. Marina hadn’t been there more than once or twice, but she did remember it nonetheless. The King had made adjustments though. The two servants didn’t waste any time, forcing her into the bath before the water had filled the bottom of the tub. She let them do most of the work, while she tried to picture all the different scenarios that might happen later.

    When the redhead was as clean as a newly polished silver spoon, they let her step out of the tub. Marina had never been ashamed of her body, not around other females, but right now she couldn’t help but feel exposed. After drying every inch of her skin, they gave her a long robe and told her to wait for the King. The fact that she only walked around in a robe bothered her. Yes, it almost reached the floor and had long sleeves, but the only thing that kept it together was a string around her waist. While she waited for the King to retire from the feast downstairs, she walked around his chambers, looking at everything he owned. And touching maybe half of it. While she explored his chambers she almost forgot the reason why she was there in the first place.
  • Mina didn't like the way he looked at her. She had been with other clients before, and they had all let their eyes wander up and down her small frame, but somehow, the way he seemed to look at her, was different. His gaze was almost... intimidating. She took the opportunity to take him in as well. She already knew he would be attractive, but seeing him up close was something else than seeing the photo Patrick had shown her earlier. He dressed his part too, and it wouldn't surprise her if his suit cost more than one year's rent for her small apartment. She still wasn't used to being called by another name, but she was getting there.

    His compliment made her blush. She might not feel one hundred percent confident in her new outfit, but it pleased her to know that he approved it. The comment regarding Patrick took her by surprise. She had no idea he talked about her to the clients. Perhaps she'd have to ask him about it tomorrow. When James motioned for her to get back up on the stool, she complied. Maybe the evening wouldn't be a complete disaster, after all, despite the rough start.
    "I'll just have a refill, thank you," she said to the bartender and pushed her empty glass from earlier towards him. As soon as it was full, she raised her glass as well. "To new beginnings," she repeated with a shy smile, before pressing the glass to her lips.

    When she felt his hand against her thigh, she flinched. Not because his hand was cold or anything, but because she didn't see it coming. She was tempted to move her leg out of the way entirely, but then she remembered that she got paid for this. He was paying for her company. For her services. The other clients just hadn't started touching her until they were alone. Relief crossed her beautiful face when he said they would leave the bar soon, but then—

    "Excuse me?" she whispered, a little taken aback. What had he just said? He couldn't be serious. When he didn't seem to be joking, she swallowed hard. Was it a test? To check if she had followed his instructions? Couldn't he at least wait until they were alone? When he ushered her to do it, she had a feeling he didn't mean for her to go to the bathroom. No, he wanted her to take her panties off right there, right now. Mina stared at his open hand for what felt like an eternity before she managed to move her own. The bar might not have been full, but someone was doomed to notice her hands pulling up the skirt of her dress just high enough to reach the edge of her panties. She pulled it down her thighs and wiggled herself back and forth in order to get the fabric under her backside which was still plastered on the stool. There was no way in hell she was getting to her feet, that would only draw more attention. Instead, she crossed her legs and discreetly pulled her black pantie down, all the way to her ankles, before she leaned her body slightly to the side to get it past her heels. Folding it in her small fist, she quickly straightened her back and shoved it into his hand.

    When she met his gaze, annoyance was written all over her face. One would have thought she was pissed, had it not been for her red cheeks indicating that she was mostly embarrassed.
    "Happy?" She didn't dare look around to see if anyone had seen her little performance. The quicker they left that bar, the better. If he was going to have her undress, piece by piece, she'd rather they were alone. Mina was pretty comfortable in her own skin, but she was not as comfortable showing it off to strangers. One stranger she could manage, but undressing for a larger audience? No thanks.

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