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The Vacation (Veiled_Desire & The Honeymoon)


Jan 15, 2018
Benjamin Carter had booked this vacation over three months ago, knowing that making a reservation at Paradise Islands was normally impossible without giving up a good portion of your life savings to pay for the room. Luckily, Ben had found a way to make this week long stay at the resort a business trip by making a deal with the owners. While Paradise Islands was well known among the wealthiest of Americans, most people outside of the top 1% had barely heard of it. That was because this resort had certain rules that the rest of society might frown upon. Paradise Islands was established as a unique getaway. The island was part of a small Caribbean Nation, one that wanted to promote luxury clientele and who were not against loosening the laws so long as those laws only affected the tourists and not their general public. Therefore, anyone who stepped on the shores of Paradise Islands didn't have to worry about taking any form of drugs that they saw fit. Clothing was never really a requirement for this island, and guests could wear whatever they wanted when on the property, even if it meant wearing absolutely nothing at all.

Unfortunately for Ben and the other guests, not many people took full advantage of the nudity laws on this resort. What was more common these days were the fully body paints and skin tints that were all of the rage these days. They could range from lasting a few days to be full tattoos that were permanent. As Ben walked through the resort he spotted a few couples with red or purple tinted skin, but at most when it came to clothing there were a few women who decided to go without tops for their bathing suits. Ben had come on his own as a scout, having worked in Hollywood for the past three years. He had made his name filming commercials and a few adult films. The owner of the resort figured the best way to promote this location was to have someone comfortable filming both commercials and pornos working on the project, that way the product would appeal to as many people as possible. He had been given a tour of the resort and was told that the owner might be bringing a few porn stars to stay on the resort as well to make sure the commercials had as many beautiful people as possible.

These alleged stars were not showing up, and Ben was beginning to realize that this resort owner wanted to cut as many corners as possible. He figured if his employer was being this cheap he might as well just enjoy the resort and figure out how to put together a project by the end of the week. If the owner complained, he could just let the man know that this is what you got for not providing a staff or stars to join in on the project. Ben had just entered the bar when he spotted a gorgeous woman with blue skin standing at the bar counter wearing nothing but stockings, high heels, and corset that stopped just under her breasts. A smile spread across his face, that son of a bitch actually kept his word, he managed to get Devi Sin to agree to come onto this island.

This beautiful woman would be one who would never normally have to wait for a drink, but the bar tender seemed to be preoccupied with a couple that clearly had enough money to leave a tip that would be worth the bartender's weekly salary. Seeing as she was alone Ben made his way over to her, knowing that Devi was the kind of woman who didn't mind being approached on the street. What she hated was men who half assed it, guys who would hit on her but then chicken out at the last second. With that in mind Ben mad his way up to her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her up against himself as he stared into that beautiful face of hers and said,

"Devi, no one told me you were going to be on this island. And here I was thinking I was going to have a boring week with nothing to do but lay on the beach and get a tan. Did you come here by yourself, or can I perhaps interest you in a drink, and something a little more fun after we share that drink back in my place." He had seen her work, and he was a huge fan. If she knew of him though he would be a little impressed. His face was on a few billboards throughout Hollywood, but unless you were truly interested in the amateur adult film industry he would be relatively unknown to most people.
After weeks of planning, Alexandra Ricci was more than happy to finally make it to the exclusive Paradise Islands. Needless to say, it was a vacation that she had been planning for quite a while, likely even ever since their honeymoon a year ago. Sure, the European Alps were lovely but she had yearned to be somewhere warmer with a beach that could stretch for miles and an endless sun with a few additional perks. The Paradise Islands often were a part of many conversations among her friends, often a source of rumours and wild stories that had a hard time proving to be true. This was a place that was out of reach from many around the world, but luckily Alexandra married rich. She found herself a good and rich husband, the heir to some motor manufacturer. While she was pretty before, she used her wealth to make herself bodacious and sultry with the help of a few surgeons. She was a knockout bombshell incarnated into reality. Her life was extremely comfortable and carefree but unfortunately, her husband, Richard Mills, was often at work. Despite after all the months of waiting for their turn to get on the island, he would find herself stuck at work, often teleconferencing and on the phone.

There were many perks on the island to be enjoyed by couples and lucky singles. Everyone was often pretty and successful, making Paradise Islands a place fully worthy of its name. The laws were rather loose when it came to other parts of the world and that was something that Alexandra appreciated about this place. Certainly, drugs and full nudity was something that was almost considered to be trivial in this place, focused fully on catering to the tastes of the rich who were lucky enough to get in. After a few hours here, Alexandra had fallen in love with the place and already had a few thoughts of even buying a beach house here. Of course, Richard brushed it off completely as a joke and likely forgot about it completely. She was starting to wonder if she was going to notice a few million missing from their account if she followed through with her intention.

In addition to her enhancements, Alexandra had taken to the fantastical skin treatment that had been popular these days, making her skin a light blue with some ornamental additions like a skeleton design on her right arm. This certainly made her stand out even more as a distinct and almost alien beauty. She even went deeper with the treatment to re-color a few parts of her for further thrills. Despite the cosmetic changes, it had some natural perks like protection from the sun so that sunbathing wouldn't much of an issue and she no longer had to get into make-up in the mornings as she maintained this appearance full time until she wanted to change it. Naturally, Richard didn't take too much of a liking to it and said that she looked like a zombie. Alexandra didn't disagree, although she thought she looked like a very sexy zombie at the very least. It didn't so much matter about her opinions as it seemed that Richard was more focused on his work than having any sort of fun with his lovely wife.

When the evening descended down on Paradise Islands, Alexandra decided to go out while Richard was still buried in work. She had practically spent most of the day without him and probably had grown used to not seeing him. It was still a disappointing first day, especially when she thought that Richard would have gotten away from his work here. She figured that perhaps she could drop by the bar for a nightcap, get a few people to gawk her way, and perhaps a few catcalls before calling it a night. For the evening, she threw on barely an outfit that covered any of her decency, consisting of a black latex underbust corset with some matching stockings and a garter belt. She walked on tall stripper heels that easily elevated her bold form and petite height. Her deep blue nipples were each pierced with a white-gold barbell piercing with a similar vertical piercing found through her similarly colored nether hood. It was a bold outfit but seeing what was allowed on the island, it wasn't illegal and sure to turn heads.

She sighed as she strolled up to the bar to get a drink to get this evening started, smiling with her pouty pink lips at some of the attention she received from some of the patrons. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to get the attention of the bartender, who had her back to her, despite her alluring appearance. She was almost resigned to her fate of waiting for the bartender until she felt a hand go around her waist and she was pulled up against someone. At first, she thought it was Richard and she smiled at the thought that he would finally ditch his work to spend time with her. Maybe he will get some of this blue hotness tonight...but she quickly realized her mistake when it turned out to be another man.

"Wait, wha...D-Devi?!" she gasped sharply with a stammer, putting her hand on his forearm. Who was this guy and why did he talk to her like he knew her? She frowned at first, wanting to correct him on his mistake but he wasn't hassling her or doing anything too bothersome. Why not see what this was about? She eventually eased slightly with a smile, giving a small shrug. "Hah, the one and only..." she said as she brushed some of her electric blue hair from her ear as she smiled brightly. "It almost seems like you've read my mind about this place too. It's been a pretty boring day and I did practically did nothing by myself. I could really use a drink right about now. Why don't you get me one and we'll see what I can do for you in return?"
"Now that is the Devi I know and love," he said, looking down at the bartender who was laughing at a joke that was clearly not amusing to anyone but the person telling the joke. "Well, that idiot seems to be beyond hope, I mean, if this perfect figure didn't manage to draw his attention, I don't know what will. I guess we will just have to use that to our advantage." He gave her a playful smirk before removing his hand from her waist and placing his right hand down on the counter. With a jump the man vaulted over the counter, showing her that despite his choice to wear clothes this evening, he was in very good shape for his age.

As he made his way into the employee side of the bar he turned back to her, resting his elbows on the counter and giving her a broad grin, "Now what can I get this gorgeous woman to drink tonight, order anything you like, and so long as it is not too complicated i can guarantee I can make it and it will be on the house." He winked, turning around to quickly snatch up a few bottles from behind him and popping a few glasses up from beneath the counter. He had spent a summer in college as a bartender, and while he wasn't the best at it, he remembered most of the drinks.

"Now that he was standing in front of Alexandra he could see the many differences between her and Devi, at least the Devi he knew. This would normally have been a red flag, a sign that this was not the pornstar he thought he was talking to. Yet Devi was also prone to changing her appearance on the spot, and so Ben just assumed she had updated her look. As he poured out two shots for them to begin their evening with he eyed Alexandra up and down and said, "I absolutely love the new look by the way, blue has always suited you, but this skeletal tattoo, now that is just a work of art my dear." He reached down, taking her right hand in his and admiring the detailed work before adding in, "I would love to see what this thing would look like in action. I can't wait to see your next film and watch the lucky man's face who gets a hand job with this bad boy."
'Devi' gave a roll of her eyes with her cool silver eyes, another one of her many augments ever since she started changing herself for her visit here, matching well with her skin to give her a rather ethereal quality. "Well, I'd raise a complaint but I'm hardly the only one here tonight. I'm here to enjoy myself tonight and not speak to someone's manager," she smirked back at Ben. She bit her lower lip for a moment, pierce with a hoop right in the middle, as she stopped herself short of saying that she could consider getting her husband to do it instead. Whoever this man was, he was dashing and handsome. Why not continue this to see where this was going, this Devi was bound to pop in around the corner right?

"I think whiskey would be just fine tonight, top shelf and only the best for me," she said with a wink return to him before giving him a glance up and down, getting an eyeful and making it look like she was interested at the very least. Did it mean that she was planning to sleep with him? It was all talk and flirtations for now. Despite being practically naked, she didn't have to commit to something she wasn't willing to. The resort had policies about that at the very least.

"My new look?" she said before she gave a glance at herself, her hands went to her chest as she carefully brushed her electric blue waves away from the tops of her breasts before descending down to cup them underneath, giving them a slight lift to show off. Her augmented breasts easily had enough lift without a bra, which made parading like she did all the most fun and enticing. "Oh, thank you...I figured that people were often going for red that I'd do something different. I'm glad you don't mind."

When he took her right hand, she gave his hand a small squeeze in appreciation as he looked at the tattoo that was done on both sides of her arm, including her palm and the rest underneath her arm. "...My next film?" she said questioningly before while raising a slender brow at the question at first. It didn't take a moment before things clicked in for her. Did he think that she was some sort of movie star? Or rather, some sort of porn star? Thankfully, her skin was painted well enough that he couldn't see the blush that crept up on her cheeks. "Oh, yeah. Could you imagine? Touched by a Zombie? Uhm...25?" she giggled before she gestured with her other hand in a jerking motion. "Psh!" she said as she pretended a cock exploded on her face as she stuck out her deep blue painted tongue out, pierced with a barbell piercing, similar to the ones on her bountiful breasts.
As she told him exactly which whiskey to pick out for her he grasped it off the shelf, pouring both of them a shot before telling her, "You are a woman with excellent taste." Devi was quite fun to talk to, but she did not seemed too thrilled to talk about her work, raising an eyebrow when he brought up her next film. That made sense though, if he wasn't here partially for work the film industry might be the last thing he wanted to talk about either. He smirked as she told him the title of the imaginary project and said, "I have worked on weirder films. People are always trying to find that one unique hook, that thing that will separate them from the ocean of other films." He raised his glass to hers, giving her a little toast before he took a shot and poured out another drink.

"So how have you been enjoying this island?" The place was still not even close to filling up, and none of the other patrons came even close to as reveal of an outfit as Alexandra had on. "It is odd how little advantage people are taking of the unique opportunities here. Without you here to show everyone in this room the possibilities of Paradise Island I might have mistaken this for some upscale resort back in the States."

"I mean, we are in the middle of the Caribbean and allowed to wear as little clothes as we want, and yet no one is taking full advantage of it." It was at that point that he realized he was critizicisng the lack of adventure while still wearing a shirt. This made him roll his eyes and added, "myself included." He reached down, grasping the hems of his shirt and pulling it up and over his head to reveal the intricate pattern of tattoos that ran from the center of his neck and down past the his hips, leaving the rest of the design up to Alexandra's imagination. "So, you want to take this bottle and head somewhere a little more fun than, I am sure two single people like us could find some way to pass the time that didn't just involve a few rounds of shots on the hotel."
"I've got to have an excellent taste if I'm a porn star, right?" she said with a smirk on the corner of her pink lips before flashing a wink with her smothering eyes. Truthfully, she wasn't that big of a fan of whiskey but it seemed like something that was expensive at the bar and if they had the bar to themselves mostly, why not go for something expensive and new? She took the shot and raised her glass before taking the drink with a quick gulp. "Whew..." as she placed a hand on her chest at the burn she felt afterward, giving a quick blink and was already dreading the next shot. That hit her harder than it should have, it was strong stuff and likely wasted on her in appreciation. "Strong and flavourful, just the way I like it."

Devi Sin reached for the next shot and she smiled at him. "And I'm sure that I've worked in weird films too, as you know. Sometimes you have to try something new and get new fans, like that one with all the things I've done?" she said vaguely, hoping that Ben would fill in the rest of the blanks for her. It seemed that he was rather knowledgeable. "Of course, just because I look like this, doesn't mean I'm a zombie...just a girl who happens to be blue who's looking for fun. You could fit me into a million things. I'm sure none of my true fans are going to mind the change in look, especially when they get a look at the things that I do while like this." she said with a playful smile as she gestured her body vaguely. "I guess I'm people are about showing off but it's not like people haven't seen me naked already right?"

"Oooh..." she said in an impressed tone as she watched him take off his shirt and gazed at him with appreciation. There were certainly a lot of things to eye and take notice of, especially where those tattoos were going. She took the shot of whiskey and downed it quickly, letting out a small gasp before she recovered from the drink. Her gaze went around the room, wondering if someone was going to take notice of her walking away from here with someone who wasn't her husband. It wasn't like people saw her with her husband together on this island, for all they knew, she was truly this Devi and she was single. Not that it was proper but she felt like she was here to have fun and perhaps she could teach her husband a small lesson. Especially, when she was being mistaken for someone else...she could have some fun to see where this could go.

"I mean, why stop there?" she said with a chuckle and a shrug of her shoulders. "Sure, why not...I'm here to enjoy myself and I could use a lot of fun. Why don't you tell me more about yourself...and maybe tell me what you like about my movies? Your favorite one?"
"That is very true," he agreed as she told him that people had already seen her naked if they even saw one of her films. "Yet I think it is the same as knowing what the Mona Lisa looks like and seeing it in person for the first time. The experiences are on an entirely different level, and you my dear, truly are a work of art." It would have been such a corny pick up line a few years ago when people did not augment their appearances. With Devi, she truly was art. She had designed her appearance herself and modified her natural charms to make herself more appealing, he wanted her to know that he truly appreciated the work she put into her appearance.

Speaking of which, she seemed to be enjoying the work he had done on himself as well. He let her look over his tattoos, knowing that a majority of them each had their own story for why he had permanently etched those designs onto his body. Of course more than a few were simply added in to fill in space and make the overall design more appealing, but he knew a woman like Devi would understand the time and effort it took to pull off a design as encompassing as this. He arched his eyebrow as she asked why they should stop there. It was a valid question, why limit themselves to any one kind of fun when they were on an island designed to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh.

Ben hoped back around to her side of the bar. It was this leap that caught the bar tender's attention, but at this point what could the inattentive man really do about it. Ben wrapped his arm around Alexandra and guided her away from the bar before they could draw more complaints or interruptions. "We can walk and talk, that way we can find one of the more interesting places to really get to know each other." As they made their way out of the bar Ben guided them towards the beach and the lounge chairs overlooking the ocean.

"I suppose I should properly introduce myself. I'm Benjamin Carter, currently a director and producer. I have dabbled in commercials and adult films, but right now I am sort of combining the two. I am here to film a promotional piece for this place that should air in the States and in Europe." He figured Devi would know all of this, but maybe she had a bad agent who didn't fill her in on all of the details. "As for your films, I suppose 'Attack from Venus' might have been my favorite. You were one of the first stars to actually use your new skin tone as part of the plot. So many others just tried to ignore those elements in their films. The 'look, I am your averaged red-skinned, purple haired next door neighbour looking to fuck' videos were just so lazy. I mean, how many porn stars can actually make you care about the plot?"

As they reached the ocean side recliners an idea popped into his head. His hand slid up her waist slightly, reaching up and grasping her right breast before he asked, "You know, I was actually planning on filming a scene here in a few days. Maybe you could help me scout it out. We could try to see some of the spots, and see how they would look with someone as beautiful as you in them. If you were up for it, I could even show you some of the positions we are going to be relying on while we film. Make sure they work for this setting. And if anyone walks by while we are working, well they can always just stand by and watch two professionals at work?"
"I am a work of art, am I?" she said with a smile that crept up to her lips, looking very pleased by those kind words from Benjamin. It didn't really matter to her what was natural or augmented, she was at least in the belief that works of art were made rather than found. At the very least, Alexandra found herself owning that compliment. A woman with her lovely figure, designer face, symmetrical full breasts, and infused skin tone...she certainly thought all of the work she put into herself made her earn that. Funny enough, that part wasn't fake in front of Benjamin, even they are fake in other ways. However, she did muse that after all the work she did her appearance, it was perhaps all the less coincidental that she could end up looking like someone else who was aiming for the same thing. Were there other Alexandras out there? Or rather, Devi Sin?

"Whoa, careful!" Devi called out when Ben daringly jumped back over the bar to meet with her again. Her silver gaze looked to the bartender and she gave him an embarrassed wave with a kiss. He lost his chance for a good stare and tip, unfortunately. She didn't feel bad at all now that they were leaving the bar with fun to be had. Her smile returned when Ben put his arm around her so boldly as she belonged to him. Even her husband hadn't done that in a while. She would have thought if she paraded naked all day and took a tan on the beach that would make Richard jealous enough to take her but unfortunately that wasn't the case. "There are a lot of places I haven't seen around here. I'm sure there are places where we could explore our options or perhaps even places where the rules are less strict."

"Benjamin...pleased to meet you, I'm Devi, of course," she said with a slightly low-tone that was personal and intimate. Alexandra didn't know how this Devi sounded completely but she imagined she would probably like sound like that. "Commercial and adult films, that's a bit of stretch but it sounds like really interesting work...Of course, I would know, being a porn star. Oh right, Attack from Venus...That was a fun one. Thick cum contrasts well against red skin. Aliens don't exist but at least we're able to make them here, right? I'm sure I'm far more fuckable than any alien we'll really meet out there," she said with a gesture to the night stars above them as they walked. The stars and night lights reflected well on her clothes or lack of. Her black tall heels clicked on the wooden floor of the boardwalk as they made their way to the beach.

"Ohh!" Devi gasped sharply when she felt suddenly handled and touched on her breast with a firm bounce. Her nipples were already hard from being in the nude, along with the white gold barbell piercing that adorned it. Her cheeks blushed sharply red at this idea and she felt a bit lost. Was this what porn stars casually did in their jobs? She had all sorts of questions but she kept them to herself, as she was supposed to know this. "I mean...oh, of course. Here? Seems a little daring but obviously, there was some license that would fall under 'performance and entertainment' despite what could be going on. What's a little preview for the good folks here? So...what sort of ideas did you have in mind, Ben. What's the scene? What's the shot?"
"You would be surprised what commercials are becoming these days. With places like this and most marketing going to the Internet, we can make commercials that would have made Hugh Heffner blush and still turn a huge profit." He laughed as she told him that she doubted any real aliens would be nearly as appealing as her and her costars. "I couldn't agree more, I am not really holding out for 'space babes,' but if there is a market for guys who have given up on the women on Earth, might as well exploit it."

When he fondled her for the first time she could have just slapped his hand away if she wanted. He wasn't her director, and he hadn't signed a contract with her just yet. Instead she seemed intrigued by this idea, and just let him know that she had a few questions about doing something in such a public place. He gave her breast another squeeze, gently pinching down on her nipple before he moved his hand down to her hip and spun her to face him. "Normally you would be right, we would need to schedule shoots and clear the space. But here, on Paradise Islands, they encourage this kind of behavior, most likely knowing that people come here to be able to walk in on scenes like this." His hand reached up, gently cupping her cheek as he leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. It was a brief kiss, but there was a smile on his face to let her know how excited he was to try this with her.

"Picture this, we start at sunset, first panning out from the sun setting behind the waves. The red and orange light giving this hotel a bright orange glow to make it seem even more alluring. From there we have a narrator telling the audience that this is a place of magic, where everything is possible." He gestured down to the lounger as his other hand rested on her hip and he took a step forward, gently pressing her back as he dipped her down onto that same lounger. That is where we will have you on your back smiling up at the drone. You will have your legs spread, and a man between your legs." Once she was lying on her back he grasped her legs, gently spreading them to expose her sex to himself before pressing his own hips against hers. He was still wearing pants, but she would be able to feel his erection pressing up against his pants, eager to meet her for the first time. "You will be able to give that drone a kiss, maybe a seductive wink, letting our audience know that this could be them, fucking you by the see, enjoying the view of a life time." He would let her decide if he meant her or the sunset against the ocean backdrop. With another playful grin he said, "But perhaps just describing it might not be enough, I could show you exactly how we shoot it, if you wanted a more personal demonstration." His hands slid down her inner thighs, stopping just over her sex where he ran his finger tips over her cool metal piercing.
"Sex does sell...and I am sexy and sex incarnate," Devi said with a confident bat of her full flashes, getting more confident with this particular role that she found herself playing. While she strived to look like a strumpet and a sex pot, she was loyal to her husband. Despite his lack of attention on her lately, he was a good man and one who was extremely rich to get her whatever she wanted. She never considered being a porn star but now that she was mistaken for one, the idea quickly grew on her. It was like a gift that fell on her lap without her knowing, certainly an experience she thought she never wanted.

"Mmrrmm, oh..." she gasped softly when he played with her pierced nipple. Devi bit her lip at first before giving him a small smile. It got her a bit bothered but she wasn't going to tell him to stop. This might have been normal, just spending time with a shameless sex star but to her, it felt naughty and forbidden. It was something she wanted more of now that she had a taste, both him and this exciting life. "I're probably right about that. I thought public sex here was forbidden but that wouldn't stop some people from finding some exciting places. That wouldn't stop me, after all..." she said softly before brushing her cheek against his hand, loving the attention and leaning into that soft kiss. The scent of vanilla and floral notes could be smelled on her as her scent. It might not be Devi's brand but was Ben going to notice when he was this close?

She nodded in appreciation as he started describing the scene, drinking up the sales pitch that was given to her. When she was laid down on the lounger, she was more than willing to follow his direction. It was his vision and this was his direction after all. When he took her legs, she gasped in surprise as her legs were spread so casually. It wasn't rough but it was sudden. She quickly forced herself to be at ease, knowing full well that someone like an experienced porn star wouldn't mind such a thing, probably. Her legs were spread as he wanted and she aided by putting her hands under her thighs to keep them that way. She was shaven bare and her netherlips were a deep blue, contrasting the piercing that she was wearing well on her hood, nestled against her clit. Her hips couldn't help but shiver when he touched her on the piercing. In a short amount of time, she was getting a bit damp at the idea, biting her lower lip in anticipation.

"...That's pretty in your face, REALLY in your face..." she said with a withheld gasp, being so vulnerable and excited at the same time. What was she supposed to say or do in all of this? It wasn't so much of a question, especially when she had already set in her mind what she was going to with this stranger. It only took a few seconds before she gave in at the idea with a small shrug and a coy smile. "...But I don't think I'm really all that convinced about it. It's a little silly and cheesy. Why don't you give me a demonstration and tell me how it feels on your end? I don't know if it'll resonate well with your target audience..."

Something occurred to her and she quickly stammered to Ben, "O-of course, you should slip on a condom, first. That's the price of admission..."
God he loved her confidence. Some of these new porn stars tried to play an innocent character, that girl next door or your step-sister who needed to be shown how beautiful she was. Devi on the other hand let any man she was with know that he was lucky to be in her presence, and that he would have to work hard to make sure she was happy. This woman was also made it very clear that her sex appeal wasn't just an act. She seemed to generally love to be touched, and for a man to take advantage of everything she designed or was gifted with by nature. After that first kiss Ben found himself just wanting to pull her down onto this lounger and just make out with her for another hour or two straight. But she was not his lover, he would have to work hard to remind himself of that. She was just an artist like him, and they both very much enjoyed their own unique form of art.

Devi was showing what true experience meant in this industry. She didn't need to be molded like some sex doll. Instead she instinctively knew what positions he was going for and how to make sure the two of them would be able to accomplish them with ease. He loved the sight of her gripping her legs and helping spread her lower lips to him just as her hips seemed to shudder in anticipation at the thought of what they were just about to do.

"No, you are right, words could never do this scene justice, not with a partner like you." He reached down and undid his pants while she held her legs open for him. He was quick to push those khaki shorts down along with his boxers, discarding every piece of clothing he had to reveal an eight inch member, cut member. He was well trimmed with only a small patch of pubic hair. His tattoos went down past his hips, ending just an inch before his cock, there were places that even he did not want marked. He grasped his fully erect member and pressed it up against her lower lips as she mentioned a condom.

That caused him to smirk, the price of admission was her line from College Sluts 9: Teacher's Turn. If she wanted to quote him a line from her movie he would be happy to show her he knew her work. Without missing a beat he repeated the next line right back at her, "But professor, you forgot. I got here on a full scholarship!" With that he thrust himself inside of her, groaning out as her walls wrapped around his member. He did not shove himself fully inside of her in that first thrust, instead he gave her time, thrusting his hips in twice more before his hips clapped up against hers. To Ben, a condom was not necessary. On this island all of the single people who came were tested for disease and given anti-pregnancy drugs that they had to take while they continued their stay here.

His right hand went to her legs, wrapping his arm around both of her legs as he brought them together to rest against his chest. He now began to pull himself in using her legs, leaning forward with each thrust to drive himself in even deeper as he began to curl her legs towards her body. His left hand went down to her clit as he placed his thumb against her sensitive little bud and began to stroke at it. There was a playful smile on his face as he said, "Now just imagine that drone floating above my shoulder, taking a video of you as you draw closer and closer to your own orgasm. Knowing that soon thousands or tens of thousands of people will be watching you, wishing that they could be doing this to you. Dreaming of fucking someone as beautiful as you."
"Oh, my..." Devi murmured when Ben undressed out of his pants and boxers to show what he was showing underneath all of his garments. Her eyes widened at his size, which probably should have been second nature to the real Devi but Alexandra hadn't had a cock that large before. She found herself biting her lower lip in anxious anticipation, wondering how she'd even fare against him. Richard wasn't that large, that's for sure. One hand slid down her thigh and her fingers brushed against her tender petals of her pussy, toying with them slightly as she made herself wetter with excitement to prepare herself. She did spread her folds to show Ben exactly how wet and blue she was further inside herself while looking at Ben longingly.

"Oh, OH!" Devi gave him a bemused look at first with the line then felt Ben enter inside her, she was snug inside and squeeze every bit that entered inside her as she was engorged by his member that was spreading her open. She gasped loudly and felt herself trembling on his cock, giving a few pants as she tried to settle down with him inside of her. Her hands gave her thighs a squeeze as she kept herself spread open for him. He wasn't even fully inside yet!

"Oh, GOD!" she cried out when he fully entered her to the hilt as their hips pressed together. Her head tilted back on the lounger as she already rolled her silver eyes to the back of her head at the length that pushed deeply into her and was practically rapping against her womb. She hadn't felt this filled and full in a while, feeling every bit of him inside her wet and snug walls of her pussy. Unfortunately, she wasn't single when she arrived on the island and overlooked the anti-pregnancy drugs that she was given on the assumption that she would be having sex with only her husband. Of course, she didn't exactly count on cheating and sleeping with a stranger. Her face and chest blushed red with embarrassment at leaving herself to open to everything with this cock inside her, unseen on her light blue skin. "You're so perfect inside me, fuck!" she said after a grunt, feeling so full with Ben inside her.

Her hand would release control from her legs when Ben took them into his hands. She gasped as she found he was deeper into her body. Her hands went to her large breasts and she gave them a firm squeeze to comfort herself, her piercings showing in between her fingertips as she inadvertently pinched them. "Fuck me..." she said breathlessly and moaned as her clit was toyed with, brushing against the piercing as he toyed with it.

She mustered a smile as he smiled back at her, trying to not lose her mind in all of this. "Oh, yes...a lot of people would like to fuck me hard but I don't think they'll ever get the chance. However, this would be a good consolation at the very least, it sells well..." she said as she placed a finger on her lower lip, the one that was tattooed blue with the skeleton bones, adopting a coy smile.
This was just another example of how reality was so much more impressive than anything you could put down on film. He knew that Devi was a vocal actor, but this Devi was blowing his mind with how expressive she was. He loved seeing her eyes roll up as she cried out the second he completely buried himself inside of her. She wasn't just going to lay back and let him do all of the work, instead she reached for her own breasts, giving him quite the show as she played with himself and encouraged him to do everything he could to bring her to her first orgasm as quickly as possible. He was starting to pick up the pace of his thrusts, sending Devi higher up the lounger and making the weak chair shake back and forth with each thrust.

"It would give up their life savings just for a chance to be with you Devi, just to see you in the bar standing there in all of your glory." His hand left her clit as he reached down to grasp her other leg, now bringing both of her legs up to his chest. Ben leaned forward, curling her body up into a C shape as he began to thrust into her using his entire body weight like a jack hammer. He was panting now, fighting back the pleasure.

At this point all of his attention was on Alexandra, preventing him from noticing that they were starting to attract a crowd of onlookers. There were couples and people standing by themselves. Some were pulling out their phones to record this once in a lifetime encounter. Luckily the pair wouldn't have to worry about any of this leaking out onto the Internet. Due to the private nature of this resort the members were forced to sign agreements preventing them from posting anything without the consent of the hotel and the people who they were filming.

Ben was now able to lean forward, stealing a kiss from Devi before he said, "You are such a little slut. I am bringing you back to my room after this. We can talk about the project later. For now, I jus want to see what it takes to make a goddess like you tap out." He was going to see which one of them broke first. After that kiss he finally leaned back onto his knees. He let her legs fall down to his sides as his hands slid down under her ass. Whereas his thrusts were hard and deep in that last position, he now began to drill into her ass fast as possible. He was holding her ass up in the air, pulling her into each of his thrusts as the head of his cock kissed her cervix again and again.

Having her be in porn was such a rush. Instead of worrying about how he would stack up against all of the men she had been with to this point he thought about what it would be like to give this woman a new experience. Would he be able to make a lasting impression with a woman who had almost done everything? Would she ever think of him after this and wish they could meet again to try something new?
Alexander kneaded her full breasts as Benjamin worked his thrusts into her, pushing much pleasurable friction into her tender hot depths. She rolled her head on the back of the chair, her electric blue hair became a bit disheveled as the chair shook with the force that was being pushed into it. Her fingers soon found themselves on the pierced nipples and she gave her barbell piercings a pinch each. She shivered deeply as she played with the metal on her chest enough to send a bit of pain and pleasure into her body. This was joined by her clit being played with too and that was enough to coax a long moan out of her as she looked at him with very lustful eyes. She hadn't received this much attention in a while, especially from someone who knew where to touch her. When her legs were placed on his body, she was more than happy to follow with his lead to lift her hips slightly so that he could fuck her even harder. "Yeah! Yeah!" she said breathlessly to coax him ever further.

She couldn't help but blush when they started attracting people to see what they were doing, gawking and getting a very good show out of it. There were some whispers among them she heard, wondering who the blue woman was and they quickly deduced it must be Devi Sin, the massively popular porn star. At this point, it was too late to go back to any sort of decency and she should happily add this to her list of crimes tonight. She dug deep into her inner porn star, if it existed at all, and blew a kiss at them with a wink in the middle of her lovemaking. This should be normal to her. She would look back at Benjamin and meet his kiss with one of her own, her blue tongue brushing against his before it escaped her reach. "I am a bit of a slut..." Devi admitted on a slightly bashful note, grunting and moaning as she kept penetrating her. "Sluts get fucked!"

Her hands went to the back of the chair as her breath trembled. Speaking of tapping out, she felt like that was going to happen soon. She admittedly wasn't a real porn star who was used to long shoots and multiple sessions, not yet anyway. As she was lifted up, she would gladly wrap her stocking-clad legs around his waist to hold on to him, arching her back. "Ohh! Benjamin! Harder! Deeper!" she would cry out, feeling she was reading to have him penetrate her cervix even if he wanted to. Her pussy was like a tight suction around his cock but she was dripped with her juices on the chair. She would grip down on her chair and pant with a fevered pitch as she found herself nearing close to her climate with this wild session of lovemaking, to be taken by a stranger and having all these people watch... "Fuck! Fuck! I'm going to..."
He loved her sinful admission as she licked his lips and told him in a quiet tone that only he would be able to hear that she was a slut. She told him how much she loved to be used like this, and he knew that he had found his perfect partner for this entire week. In his mind it didn't matter what she did for a living or how many other men or women she slept with. Right now, she was his, and he knew from how she held onto him and stared up at him that he was the only person in her mind at that moment. With her in his lap he could feel her walls begin to squeeze around him like never before, as if her sex had a mind of its own and it was demanding his seed. Devi would be able to feel his member throbbing just as hard now as he fought back his own orgasm for as long as possible.

As he reached his end he leaned forward and bit down on her collar, making sure not to bite too hard as he moaned out against her skin. "Me too...Devi...fuck..." He knew that they weren't wearing protection, but at this place that fact really shouldn't matter. With each passing second his thrusts got harder and faster, more erratic as his body took control over his brain and it did everything necessary for him to reach his own peak. Finally he slammed himself up inside of her one last time, wrapping his arms tightly around her as he shot his seed deep inside of her.

If anyone in the audience had their suspicions that this blue skinned woman was not Devi, Ben helped quell them by moaning out her name to the beach before he buried his head back down against the nape of her neck and began to lavish it with attention. His hips ground up against hers, letting his member continue to convulse inside of her as it released wave after wave of his seed. It took a while, but soon his body began to relax and he loosened his grip on her before he kissed up to her ear and said in a low voice full of pleasure.

"I absolutely love how much of a slut you are...but I think I want to have you be my slut, and not theirs." He started to kiss across her jaw and over to her lips before he added, "Why don't we take this back to my room. I want to keep playing with you all night long."
Devi arched her back and called out in an unabashed moan as she was a bit on the neck, something that sent her closer to the edge more than she'd admit as she was assaulted with so much pleasure. "Ummph," she grunted as Ben went harder on her and knowing that he was ready to explode on her. A part of her wanted to tell him to pull out and cum all over her, perhaps spare her of the potential risk of getting fucked by someone else. However, she also wanted him to cum inside her, something that she wanted so badly because someone who was a whore like her probably deserved it. She gave her chest a few more squeezes, her fingers playing with her nipples, and angled herself so that he could fuck her more in her more sensitive places inside. She was shivering deeply as she getting so close, it wasn't too long now...

"Ooooh, GOD! BEEENN!" she would call out his name as his hips ground against her to send her over the edge and she hit her orgasm with great intensity. Her silver eye rolled back as it became too much for her to handle. She was completed painted by another color by his seed inside her and she shivered with a squirt of her juices at the same time. That was even surprising to her, considering that she never squirted with a man in a very long time. She might have achieved something like that with her toys but had been a long while since anyone else made her squirt like that.

She was almost happy to stay in her position forever before Ben loosened and she dropped her legs slowly back on the chair that she was sitting on. Her breath panted heavily as she was practically still seeing stars afterward, figuratively and literally as she looked upward to the night skies. Where was she again? Who was she? Did it matter that she was mistaken as someone else now? Her gaze turned to look at their audience and she giggled at them with a wink, almost acting out her part in this commercial already. Maybe she should hold off on signing autographs, however.

Devi kissed him back on her pouty pink lips and her pierced blue tongue gave his lips a slow lick. "I've got to be a slut if I'm a hot porn star, right? I can be anyone's slut if the part is right but I'll be more than happy to be yours. I'll be willing to take this anywhere. You can play with me all week, darling," she said with a sultry grin. It wasn't like she was going to be missed by anyone else anyway.
He loved being able to just lie there with her, feeling their hearts beat at that frantic pace as one to indicate that they had both had an amazing time together. It took them a while to calm down, but when they finally regained their composure Devi returned his kiss and told him that of course she was a slut, she worked in Porn. That was odd, and he arched an eyebrow at her, remembering an interview she had done a few weeks back about her career. There the real Devi had told the magazine that just because she fucked men and women for a living didn't mean she was a slut. She was a business woman who just knew what to use to get herself the best career possible. The woman beneath him did not share that same sentiment, and that got him wondering about things he should have looked into the moment he called out to her in the bar.

Regardless of this, he flashed her a brilliant smile as she told him she would be his for the entire week. "Perfect, there are things I want to do to you that we really don't need an audience for anyways." He gave her a deep kiss then, sucking her tongue into his mouth as the tip of his tongue rolled over that warm metal stud that stuck out from the center of her tongue. When he pulled away he leaned over to the right, hitting a button that activated an intercom. A robotic voice spoke out to them. "This is lounge chair 37, how can I be of service?" This place certainly was worth the money people spent on it. Ben told the chair to send someone or something to come and fetch them and bring the pair to room 201. There were five floors to the main hotel and a few private cabanas for the richest of clients. The chair beeped in acknowledgement and told them that their ride would be there in a few moments.

Witht that set Ben turned back to Devi and said, "I can't believe how amazing you were back there. You far surpassed all of my wildest fantasies Devi. I hope that this week won't be the last time I see you, maybe we can do a project together later on in this year?" This was a little test for her. Only industry insiders would know that Devi was fully booked for the entire year on projects. Getting a famous porn star to do just about anything without his or her agent would be practically impossible.
Devi gave him a momentary blink when he raised an eyebrow at her, hoping there was nothing wrong with what was done. She did the same with her dark brow. However, she didn't really prod and further on the look. Alexandra certainly did feel like a slut at the moment in more ways than one and it seemed natural to have that bleed into her supposed porn star persona. She would be more than happy to kiss him back deeply, shivering slightly when Ben had toyed with the piercing on her tongue. The color on her lips wasn't makeup but rather her current 'natural' color, much like the rest of her skin and everything else he had seen so far on every inch of her body. As they waited for the robotic voice to comply, she shifted slightly and had him pull out of her. Her fucked entrance slowly oozed out the cum left by Ben in a lovely display of a creampie. She looked down at herself and bit her lower lip with a coy look. "Oooh, I'm a naughty, naughty girl..." she would say shamelessly.

"I'm glad you liked working with me," she said as she fixed her hair, pushing it from her forehead before she smiled at Benjamin. Her eyes would gaze around at the question, uncertain at first. She didn't know how far she wanted to go with this, especially considering that she may have to go back to her life and stop being Devi. Devi gave him a small smile at first with a noncommital shrug to let him down easily. "I'm not so sure...That's something that we'll just have to look into. Maybe it'll just be something that'll happen by chance when you're around and I'm around at the same place...kind of what's happening now. Just fated to be together and we'll just have to make the most of it."

She placed a hand atop of her bare breast and toyed with the pert nipple, subtly brushing over the piercing with the palm of her hand. "We'll just have to see, Benjamin. Do you want to really think about all that before the weekend is even over? Now, why don't you tell me more about these good ideas of yours and what sort of things that you want to do with me? I probably work much better if leave more surprises and things work out for the both of us?" she asked before leaning forward to give him a quick kiss on the lips and then another on his chin before leaning back on the chair once more.
Devi certainly knew how to pull his attention back from where it shouldn't be drifting off to. There was something just so utterly attractive about seeing her stare down at her own sex as she pulled her hips away from him to watch his seed trickle out of her entrance. She clearly enjoyed the sight, and the little comment about wanting a condom seemed like something from another life time ago. Her answer to his next question really didn't answer anything. It wasn't like he could call her out on it or push his suspicions away yet either. At the same time, what reason would Devi have in lying to him about who she really was.

She did the best thing in the world just then, drawing his attention down to her breasts as she teased her nipples and reminded him just how much he had wanted to do that very same thing the moment he laid eyes on her. "A very good point my dear. Why focus on the uncertain future when I have this time with you here and now?" He lowered himself down her body so that his head was directly over her right breast. He wrapped his mouth around her nipple and began to flick his tongue over that hard bud and her cool metal stud while his hand went up to grasp her other breast and give it a firm squeeze. He flicked at her piercing, knowing that would send completely different sensations throughout her body than just playing with her nipple itself.

After gently biting down on her nipple he pulled back to say, "For starters, I think we need to share a view of the ocean from my room." He didn't move his head up from her chest but instead just continued to kiss and flick his tongue over her nipple as he described the scene. "Just the two of us on that king sized mattress. Me taking you from behind as we look out over this entire island. Testing to see if these walls are as sound proof as they claim to be." He gave her a wicked smile at that while his free hand traced his finger nails along her spine.

Only then did a small car drive up to them, big enough to hold just two people. The door popped open like a lamroughini, and Ben pulled back from Devi to let her make her way into the car before he followed her and closed the door behind her. The second the door was closed he pulled her body back up against his, letting her sit in his lap with her back up against his chest. He began to kiss along the side of her neck as he continued to present her with options. "Or we could start in the bathroom, doing you right in front of that huge mirror to let you see how absolutely ravishing you are while I fuck you."
"Oohhh..." she murmured softly when she watched him descend on her with some delight in her silver eyes. She licked her lips as he took her hardened blue nipple into her lips and groped the other, fondling her freely. He didn't ask her permission to touch her but at this point they had entered into several unspoken agreements of what to do with each other. "Ahh..." she said softly, shivering at the sensation as he played with her large perky chest. She reached over with her black-colored arm and brushed her skeleton-designed arm over his hair, showing further encouragement of what he was doing with her as they waited for their ride. At this point, she was in his mercy and she gasped hotly when Ben bit her nipple, hissing out a sharp breath as her body tensed. However, she still wanted him to continue what he was doing, especially what she was describing to her. It was certainly wettening both her appetite and her blue pussy once again.

"That sounds pretty good..." she said as his hand felt her back and Devi was quite warm to the touch, despite being nearly in the nude. "A bit might be a little too conventional...maybe we can just reserve that for a lazy day. Or maybe we can do that in the morning. Nothing like a good fuck to start off the day. Maybe you can fuck me while I'm asleep...then fuck me against when I'm awake," she giggled at the wild idea in her mind, imagining herself to be used so freely that she would be waking up with a pool of cum between her legs. She gave a slow sultry lick of her lips, running her tongue over the ring piercing on her lip.

Devi had practically forgotten about their ride when the car pulled up. She sighed regretfully as they took a small break from their play and gave a playful wave to the audience before them. It was likely they might have another show this week if what had happened was any indication of what Ben was capable of. She slipped into the car and giggled happily when he pulled her on his lap, snuggling against his chest while the sides of her breasts brushed against his. She closed her eyes and sighed softly. "Mrm...yeah, the bathroom would be very nice. I think we'll look great in front of a mirror. Why don't you tell me what you like about me so much while we're doing it? We can even do it in the shower if you want, pressing my wet body against the glass. Unless you'd rather play games, make me your plaything when I'm all tied up..."
As Alexandra ran her hands through his hair Ben thought that calling the ride had been a mistake. Why shouldn't the pair just make love her for the rest of the night. Hell, he was sure they could throw down a donation box and make quite a profit taking requests from their audience that continued to grow despite the two no longer going at it like two horny teenagers. In the end though, he should have realized that he was with someone who was on an entirely different level than any other woman he had been with. Sure, he knew she was a freak like him for hooking up in such a public place, but she told him what she wanted to do and let him know that his ideas were only the tip of the iceburg when it came to their true potential together.

A shiver of excitement ran down his spine as she told him he could just do her throughout the night. How many times had he woken up next to a partner with a raging erection and had to wait until his partner woke up to get the relief he so desperately needed? "Now you know that is something I can't pass up Devi, I can't wait to see the look on your face when you find out how I will be waking you up this next morning."

The pair were only apart for a few seconds, but Ben already missed the beautiful woman and the feel of her warm and supple body against his the second they had to step away to get into the car. His hand slid up her sides, roaming up that latex corset that felt so natural against her skin that he never even thought about taking it off of her. He nipped down on her ear, giving her earlobe a little tug before saying, "As you said, we have an entire week together. We ware going to be able to do everything we want. No matter how kinky or risky you think your idea is I want to hear it, and I can almost guarantee that we are going to do it." He was smart enough not to promise that they would do literally everything she suggested as he did not know what she was fully into. He was hoping she would not bring up pegging, but everything from her bio said that this shouldn't be an issue.

The car took them into the lobby and even through the elevators, making sure that they had privacy up to their room. There were guests here who did not want to show their faces to anyone who might sell their pictures to the papers after all. "So tell me, what is something that you have been dying to try, something you haven't done in ages?" She was a porn star, in his mind, he was so curious to see what she wasn't able to do on film, even if it was something as simple as missionary, finding out her hidden kinks would be a true delight.
Devi found herself shivering when she felt him nibble on her ear, letting out a soft sigh of pleasure before shivering at the words that he said. "Anything, really?" she murmured curiously, being able to have free reign and her imagination went a little wild. It was already quite a delight to have sex in public with another man but apparently, the fun didn't stop there? While her normal sex life had been pretty conventional and mundane, since Richard wasn't interested in anything too wild, Alexandra had some imagination of what they could do together. She didn't haven't to be a porn star to have some dirty thoughts of her own. It was likely too easy to get carried away and she didn't want to scare off Benjamin by overwhelming him. However, she got the feeling that he likely had some wild ideas of his own if he worked in the porn industry.

She would follow him to where they were going, perhaps not so concerned when it came to privacy. The only person she didn't want to see them was perhaps her husband but she knew that he was likely going to be trapped in his room for most of the week to see her fooling around. She gave her lips a slow lick with her blue tongue. "Mmm, I don't think I would mind being tied up or restrained by you. Perhaps you could bound my arms and take me somewhere where I can be fondled and fucked slowly to the point that it drives me wild. You can put your hand in on my mouth if I ever get too loud and I'll guarantee that I'll get pretty loud..."

She broke out a giggle and shrugged her shoulders. Her gaze went down to her body and she brought her hands over her breasts to cup them as if to cover herself. "If you'd rather, maybe I could put on some clothes again to slow things down a bit. Maybe we could order something like a bridal dress or some naughty bridal lingerie. You can think of me as a married woman who you're taking away from her husband," she said with a playful smirk and a shrug, feeling rather comfortable with that idea seeing that it wasn't too far from the truth. If she was going to break that rule and get naughty, may as well go as heavy-handed as possible.

"Is that enough for you?...Or maybe you'll like to experiment with me and get very dirty. Push some things to the limit," she said as she put her arms around Ben and rest a hand on his shoulder as she brushed her body rest against him like a cat, purring at the same time.
He was going to let her know that there was no way he would want her to slow anything down, that he would be a fool for wanting her to cover up this perfect body of hers. But then she mentioned the wedding dress, and his mind began to race. Sure it was an exciting idea, but he would never steal the bride of someone he knew, would he? She would be able to see the grin spreading on his face as she crawled up into his arms. Ben kissed the top of her head and said, "How could I pass up on an idea like that, I am sure they have more than a few costumes lying around here." He looked her up and down, having only seen her for the sex goddess that she was. Now he couldn't get the idea out of his head and he said, "That could easily lead into me tying you up, punishing the little slut who ran away from her husband just because he couldn't get her to cum no matter how hard he tried."

At that moment the door to the car opened, revealing his room as the door to his room opened automatically. There was a long entrance hall leading to the master bedroom that over looked the resort. Ben pulled Devi's body up against his, wrapping an arm under her legs and keeping the other wrapped around her waist to pick her up princess style before he began to walk her into the hotel room. To the right she would be able to see the bathroom, which had a more modern feel to it with a shower large enough to easily fit four or five people. As they walked he gave her a deep kiss, not needing to really pay attention to where he was going as his feet eventually bumped up against the king sized bed in the center of the bedroom.

He lowered her down, letting her land gently on the bed before he spun her over so she was lying on her stomach on the bed. Ben didn't give her time to adjust as he stepped up behind her and grasped her ass with both hands. He pulled her back, lifting her ass high in the air so he could lean down and give her sex a long slow lick. From there he began to lap at her sex, knowing she would be ready for him but wanting to keep her occupied as he striped out of what little remaining clothes he had on.

"Now should we put what you said to the test. I am curious to see how loud you can really get Devi." He stood up then, grasping his member and pressing it up against her nether lips before he slammed his hips forward and bottomed out inside of her. This would have sent her body flying forward and onto the mattress, but at the last second his hands came crashing down on her ass, giving it a firm squeeze as he began to pull her body back into his hard thrusts. Fucking her in public had been fun, but now he had her to himself. He would have her for the entire week, and that meant he could show her what it would be like if she was his even after this little vacation of theirs ended.
Devi smiled at Benjamin, internally knowing that there was more to the story. She merely placed a finger on her lip and smirked. "I'm pretty such a slut was probably deserving of every little thing that was done to her, I'm sure you'd do a very good job of making her regret of getting so naughty and dirty. Maybe even make her cum until she passed out...or something...What could you do with her after you were through with her anyway?"

She cried out in delight as she was swept up and taking off her feet, carried into the room. Her arms put themselves around Benjamin's shoulders as they walked in, having little time to see what was around them. The resort had nothing but highly luxurious and fancy rooms, she was already pretty sure that this wasn't an exception. However, this wasn't her room, which did make it feel even more forbidden. She kissed him back just as deeply and savored the kiss with her pierced tongue, tasting him like she was in love with him.

However, she didn't know what was coming next and that was perhaps part of the appeal. Benjamin asserted himself with her body and that made it even more thrilled when she was put on her stomach, without fully knowing what to expect as he was handling her, perhaps roughly so if anything. She gasped loudly when her ass was grabbed and propped up. Her head was down on the bed but she turned to see what was going on. Her sex was still moist from their earlier fuck and gave him plenty to lick. She shivered when his tongue touched her. She gave a few pants and looked back at Benjamin. "Don't hold back...maybe me your bitch..." she pleaded.

Even though her body was more than ready for him, her depths were hot and wet that it welcomed his member inside her like it was a perfect fit. She screamed out when she took all of his cock inside her and flew forward with the force as expected. He was more rough and forceful, which was making things even more excited for her. They weren't doing a pitch for a commercial or a show for other people but merely just having animal sex! She lifted her hips more to put her body against the thrust, panting and moaning with each thrust that he was giving her as she was getting so hot into it. Her hands gripped the sheets. "Oh God, fuck me!" she screamed before yelping like a bitch. She was loving this and the feeling of his balls slapping against her clit.​
She was giving him so many possibilities that he would never try with anyone else. Devi truly wanted him to use her for his pleasure, to focus solely on himself because she knew that would give her the most satisfaction. It was an option he knew he would not have with many other women, and he was not going to hold back on some of her darkest fantasies that he knew she could not just share with anyone in the world.

When he thrust into her Devi showed him that those little displays back in the pool area had not just been for a crowd. He knew she was a performer at heart, so there could be a chance that she would change when she knew the only audience here was her lover. Acting, after all, was difficult, it required focus and concentration, things that did not lead to a good orgasm when you had to think of the camera and not on your own body.

She had told him to go hard, and he was following up on that command. As she began to yelp and scream he let go of her hips, sending her body flying an inch or so farther than usual. Just before her body threatened to fall down on the mattress he reached up and grasped her by her shoulders, pulling back hard just as he slammed his hips forward. He caused her back to arch hard as he began to pound in even harder now that he had a better grip on her.

"You are such a fucking whore!" He called out with a broad grin on his face, loving how wild she was getting as she showed no signs of slowing down. He pulled back harder on her shoulders as he leaned forward and licked at her exposed ear before saying in a husky voice, "Tell me how much you fucking love this cock!" As he held her closer against him he speed up his thrusts with a sudden burst of speed, wanting to overwhelm her for a few seconds before he slowed back down to that hard pace that was making her ass cheeks turn an interesting shade of purple, an odd side effect of her blue skin he supposed.
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