Your Succubus' Musings (Mostly System Game Related)

Your Succubu

Just a girl who likes system role-plays.
Feb 13, 2021
Hello! Your Succubus here. This is my journal blog-type thing. Just a place for me to share my thoughts, maybe tell a couple stories, and just write about what I've been thinking about. Mainly this will be used to talk about two of my favorite hobbies. Erotic story-telling, and role-playing games. I love the ability that a good RPG has for telling unique stories. I love seeing how the dice and structure of the game influences the way the story progresses in a way that keeps everyone involved on their toes. I also love eroticism, and media that uses it to tell intriguing stories. My favorite stories don't shy away from the fact that sex and sexuality influence the world. For example, Game of Thrones, Euphoria, or even Mad Max: Fury Road. Mad Max doesn't even feature on-screen sex, but the antagonist has a collection of women he keeps as "breeders". How kinky and dope is that!?

Like I said I love kinky, erotic stories. Within that realm I love basically everything. From romance to rape, from gorgeous models to ugly creatures, from medieval settings to modern settings, etc... Really the sky is the limit for me.

Whenever I'm looking at a system there's a few things that I pretty much always want: First of all, I want something that's pretty easy to pick up. I don't like limiting my options by only playing with people who already know the system, and if you're playing a game that's not D&D you can assume that most RPG fans won't know how to play. Because I'm teaching the game, I like something that's easy to learn, and pretty intuitive. Secondly, I like systems that keep a focus on the narrative. The drama in the game should come from what's happening in the fiction, not changing numbers on your sheet. The highs should come when your character finally scores a date with their crush, not when they level up and get a new overpowered ability. Lastly, I like games that are about drama. Stopping the end of the world is a fun plot and all, but I what I really love is character-specific dramatic stakes. I like seeing if a character can get what he wants in life, I like seeing his important relationships grow and change.

Because of my wants, I mostly find myself playing games that are part of the powered by the apocalypse system (PbtA). These games fit all of my wants above to a T, and then some. As it stands I'm currently running a few different PbtA games right now. I'll probably get around to posting any notable tales from these games if I get the chance. I have a game of Urban Shadows, which is an urban fantasy game about political intrigue. Think the Dresden Files for reference. I'm also running a game of Masks, which is about young teenaged superheroes. Think Young Justice. Lastly, I'm running a game of MonsterHearts, which is about supernatural high school romance. Think Twilight, or The Vampire Diaries.

That's all for my first entry. If you like what you've read, or just want to chat about my interests my inbox is always open. The more support I get from these posts, the more likely I am to consistently update this. My next post will be writing about the latest RPG I've been reading. It's called Wicked Ones. It's a Forged in the Dark game about playing fantasy overlords, and building your dungeon from the ground up.
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