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Just a random question...


Fuck Donald Trump
Dec 30, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
...but are airbeds/air mattresses supposed to be so wobbly and just can't freaking inflate properly even after the first few nights as the instructions say not to freak out about? Cause I'm kinda worried that despite my best efforts this SOB I'm currently lying on has a hole in it.
Submerge it in water, bit by bit of you have to, with some air in it. Use a bathtub if you don't have access to something bigger, if there is a leak, bubbles will make it pretty clear.
If you don't want to submerge it in water, bit by bit, you can put soap and water in a spray bottle and squirt the mattress. If it has holes, the dish soap will foam and bubble.
They expand. So you fill it. It seems full, then it slowly expands a bit. If it had a leak, it would go basically flat.

Fill it, wait about an hour or so, and fill it again.
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