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Fx Female Looking for fun, flirty FXF ideas (and maybe a F X Futa idea)


Jun 21, 2016
Hello. I am looking to play a FxF roleplay. The type of rps I like are ones where the characters are flirty, have plenty of sexual tension, and are playful with each other. I have a lot of ideas but I'd love to hear some of your ideas as well. When you PM me. let me know what type of idea you would like to play, what type of character you like to play, and what type of character you'd want me to play.

Some idea/pairings I like.
Supernatural creatures*
In heat**
best friends*
first/blind date**

For my one futa idea, it would be between two people who are in an established relationship. Ideally it would explore a risk of pregnancy kink, but it would not have to.
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