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Fx Any Playful lesbian looking to entice and delve into innocent pleasures


Mar 9, 2021
⚠️ Warning! Please read below! ⚠️

I want to take you into consideration the following should we get in contact (staff, moderators and admins are all exceptions to them; just need to point out my limits):

  • I roleplay with persons over 18 years old!
  • Please read my thread entirely in order to ensure we get along well.
  • When you approach me via messages, please write a convincing introduction of yourself. Include your age, gender and a bit about yourself, what roleplays you like to do, what kinks and limits you have, ensure your message shows writing effort and not let it be all very simple and add your favourite song. I must ensure I could trust you and your interest into me and thereby I imply such conditions. If you met all these conditions, then I will give you 3 questions about my thread to make sure you have read it entirely. If you give them proper elaborate questions (as in you did not tried to copy-paste the answers in my thread) then we could go forward. Otherwise I will ignore with or without notice.
  • Keep in mind that if I get any hint that we don't seem to get along well or notice something suspicious on you I would immediately ignore you with or without notice.
  • I do not respond to you if you have an 'empty' avatar, that is one with a random background colour and letter showing the initial of your username. I will ignore you without any notice.
  • I take notice of your avatar's graphics so beware of that!
  • Please do not push or persuade me into doing a specific fantasy of yours in first place. That shows you don't have any interest in me and what things I like roleplaying-related and, unless we get along well in which case I might consider your proposal I will ignore you with or without notice. I am a roleplayer and not someone's object to satisfy their sexual fantasies with.
  • I have learned from some of my past roleplayers that they have tried contacting their roleplaying partners and then instead of getting a reply to them they were instantly put into their ignore list. They also told me that such unusual behaviour of them not responding to them happened after they replied an elaborate roleplaying reply and are very sure that in the end their partners were not interested into what they like and wanted someone to chill some time around. I warn you not to do the same to me! You will obviously be ignored if you do.
  • Do not ask about my instant messaging ID or share yours in first place! I will ignore you if you will do so. I am fine sharing them but only once we get to know each other
  • I do not take the bite of messages that are elaborate with many charming words and phrases if they do not contain the minimum requirements I aforementioned. I am sure they are a genuine condition to ensure no one will be fooled with long detailed greetings that obviously do not show any interest into another and are a reason not to write a short greeting.
  • Thereby, no ‘hi’s or ‘hey sexy’s' approaches!
  • No IC approaches!
  • Do not send me photos of genitals in first place!
  • I am not responding to OOC messages that suggest deliberate flirting of me! You will be ignored if you try to do that.
  • Do not send messages of what you would do to me or one of my characters in the first place. You will be ignored if you will do so without any notice.
  • I am an adult and thereby I want to talk with people who act like adults! I have a tenacious quality of noticing such thing, otherwise any hint of lacking adult talking will get you ignored instantly. Basically, if you show caring of the person you're talking with behind their online profiles then you will be alright.
  • Respect me! Do not blame me for something I have not done for you, that indicates an obvious sign of lacking adult behaviour it will make you be ignored with or without notice.
  • No kink-shaming! You will be ignored instantly if you would do that
  • Do not troll/cyberbully me! You will be obviously ignored.
  • If you happen to ghost without telling me that it might happen then I will do the following based on how we got to known each other: if we just chatted barely then I will send a polite notice, after which I will wait for a couple of days then send a final notice specifying that I am not interested in roleplaying with you. I understand that people can or are busy, but if you happen to be so without telling me first place of you either have real life work or other real life matters then it would be best for us to mind our own lives and move on. On the other hand, if we got along quite well then I would wait for 2 weeks after which I will proceed as aforementioned, but if we are good friends then maybe I will be patient with you, but remember that usually leaving the site for more than 6 months would mean you are not interested in roleplaying anymore.

Thanks for taking your time reading this. Now, taking the aforementioned rules in mind, proceed reading my thread if you would be interested.

Welcome to Yvonetta’s Dreamland!

Hi there! :)

I would like to thank you very much for taking your time to step upon my thread! I hope that you will enjoy anything this innocent lesbian has written here. Please do not scared about the above warning, I had to show it before anything because I happen to have lots of experience with the online world and want to make sure that its reader is an honest respectable adult who acknowledges the netiquette and my and this website’s rules. I would recommend you to write such warning for your thread(s) too if you would like to and need to protect yourself against random users who feel like they try to get your attention all time and not have any regards about you or your art.

Hopefully you will enjoy reading the rest of my thread and if you then decide to have an interested in me then I can not wait to get to know you!



My name is Yvonetta and I am a young not-feared-to-share-about lesbian in my early twenties who has lots of passion, joy, and love to offer for nice, kind, and gentle people but also happen to be cursed with an unstoppable need of exploration and experimentation, especially about those poor innocent deep erotic needs. So was my decision of joining this website due to its appealing and welcoming aspect of such things, its aid in exploration of one’s fantasies and a cyberspace to congregate with likeminded people. I have intermediate-level experience in writing and roleplaying literotica for over five years with my friends in Discord servers and private messages, having shown passion and dedication into playing as the involved character with my peers’ characters but also delving into the action and environment that is within the roleplaying context My friends appreciate the attention to detail I give, the fluid narration and the flexible adaptive action which is also focusing on the erotic aspects of the roleplay, a part they also appreciate a lot, together with my unique creativity and the original personalities I give to my characters, including the choice of kinks, turn-ons and storytelling which harmoniously blend with the roleplay’s context, creating an intimate romantic environment my partners always love coming back to.

I have found Bluemoon to be a perfect place for finding more like-minded writers who I could create fictive erotic worlds with and eventually seek out more experienced writers from whom I can learn from, but most importantly I chose this place to have fun in what I will do, because that is the main goal of any erotic roleplaying: enjoying it (at least for me :D ). Now, I do not plan on getting involved into non-sexual roleplaying and would like you, the reader, to acknowledge it and thank you in anticipation for that! I can adapt to your roleplaying style truly, though keep in mind that I can not write out something with just one-liners or far-fetched unthought replies: they must have some substance within, be at least descriptive and have less than two almost-medium sized sentences. Also, those words need to have a logic and context too, be in motion with the story, narration, and the partner’s replies, meaning that you must not write two paragraphs where in the latter there’s something happening in the distant future; I have experienced this in the past and I do not want to anymore. One gently-detailed paragraph is a bare minimum requirement for any roleplay I would like to get involved with, though I usually write from three to four paragraphs but if I like the action a lot (most probably due to its erotic effect) then I could go for six to even eight paragraphs written in first, second or third person, past or present tense, my preference being first person on present tense. I want our stories to have a logic, fluid narration and focus on its goals of which we would set up upfront.

Do know that we do not need to do anything that is mentioned in here, it is just a reference of my profile. If you want to add something of your own then do let me know. I am non-judgmental and would really like to come up with something we would both agree with. Keep in mind that respect is everything.

Roleplaying styles and preferences

Usually I write realistic slice of life stories that include lots of romance and bonding: from stranger encounters, friends with benefits, teacher affairs and escorts to celebrity experiences, instant hookups, surprise contests and unexpected diagnosis. I can also go with more fictive setups such as abstract societies where sex is a need everyone is getting, hidden islands full of women, erotic wellness centres, human females with mixed genes that can increase the hormone levels and have constant need for sex and affection in consequence, more sensitive areas and even have lovely voice accents. I would like to try and get naughtier in sci-fi or even horror themes with the right partner and experiment things. Who knows what I may like? Though I will keep my limits regardless. Also, I want to mention that I would not want to do fantasy or post-apocalyptic-themed roleplays as I do not have much experience in such genres.

Really every gender and orientation is welcomed to play with me, as long as we don’t involve anything with penises or heterosexual intercourses of any kind. I only play the Woman x Woman and Woman x Robot pairings, the latter role being a lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual female and the robot being one who is just a typical robot (it can have female parts if my partner is alright about it, but not male parts though). I want to point out that I am not into any phallic interaction of any kind and prefer to have a truly feminine character or at least a neutral robot teasing my body because ‘Hey human female, you need sexual satisfaction? Let me rub your womanhood ‘till you get your gay partner.’. Also, I always appreciate long erotic stories involving multiple scenes and partners, connection, and exploration with them and even having multiple mixed affairs: just something I also enjoy. I do not have an established character I usually roleplay with, being open to suggestions for my partners (come along with your character(s) if you want to), including my list of characters that we can play (ask about it if you would be alright about it; we could pick for either my or your character(s)).

I also want to mention that I am from Europe and stick to the GMT +00.00 time here and can roleplay on weekdays between 6.00 AM and 7.00 AM (1.00 AM – 2.00 AM EST), 4.00 PM and 6.00 PM (11.00 AM – 1.00 PM EST) and in weekends between 6.00 AM and 10 AM (1.00 AM – 5.00 AM EST), 12.00 PM and 4.00 PM
(7.00 AM – 11.00 AM EST) and from 6.00 PM and 8.00 PM (1.00 AM – 3.00 AM EST). I could also try to stay a bit longer if needed (dear Americans I could go for 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM and 7.00 PM – 10 PM EST) or if I really enjoy the roleplay but I need to respect my real-life scheduling too.

Recently I have been craving for two specific roleplays that I would love to do and currently can not find a better way to show it to you. They are detailed below and would be so thankful of you if you would love to agree doing any of them (first one is my favourite).

Innocent Pleasure

This one is a really horror sci-fi story and it involves me being captured by an attractive female spy who interrogates me about my deep intimate desires and whatever the circumstances, be it I either refuse to share or actually do, she will implant a dangerous thing in me and will wait until I meet my new girlfriend in the midnight where the thing will try to 'tingle' me and could make me feel uncomfortable if I'm not dealing with the 'tingleness'. I expect patience and focus on this roleplay, as it is one of my favourites and it also involves degradation, torture, fear (especially during the implantation and extraction), teasing, attention to detail, onomatopoeia and some odd and unusual stuff that I like.

The Special Fan

This is a contemporary slice of life small story where I am the fan of a beautiful celeb of some sorts, maybe a model, singer or influencer, and somehow I will try to flirt with her up to a point where we would get intimate somewhere secluded. We could include my odd and unusual stuff too.

General information

Mostly loves
In a wonderland somewhere in Europe
Sex, kisses and cuddles


Coming soon (I hope)

Roleplaying preferences

Dom/Sub role
Minimum post length required
Grammar competence
Grammar competence required
Post perspectives
Post tenses
Favourite post perspective
Favourite post tense
Usually dominant
Short: 2-4 sentences
First person, seconds person, third person
Past and present
First person

Roleplaying availability

Available to roleplay
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) & Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Weekdays: 6 - 7 AM & 4 - 6 PM
Weekends: 6 - 10 AM, 12 - 4 PM & 6 - 8 PM


1 - 2 AM & 11 AM - 1 PM
Weekends: 1 - 5 AM, 7 - 11 AM & 1 - 3 AM

Australia (AEDT)

5 - 6 PM & 3 AM - 5 AM
Weekends: 5 - 9 PM, 6 - 10 PM & 5 - 7 AM

More timezones coming soon!



I am romantic person at heart, enjoying other like-minded persons too and creating great bonds with. I believe in love at first sight and like teasing, compliments, kisses and hugs, gentle touches, positive affirmations, hair caressing, feelings that college freshmen typically have. I enjoy vacation affairs and relationships, as well as girlfriend and polyamorous relationships, friends with benefits, paid sex workers where my characters would pay them to have intimate attention with on the couch, in bed, or even in texting.

Favourite elements

Favourite roles

Favourite scenes

Flirting/Teasing: compliments, affirmations, kisses, hugs, sexy poses
Strangers: in town or on vacation
My or my partner’s house
Affection: body & hair caressing, snuggles, make outs
College building or campus
Hooking-up challenges
Beach or a hotel near it
Best friends
Remote island
Mountain village
Client x Escort


As for the erotic side, I am a dominant who enjoys giving orders and guiding my partners during the erotic act, explaining what they must do and what I expect from. I also like to tie them up and play around with, including tickling using fingers, feathers, and electric toothbrushes, gently touches, saying teasing words and doing fetish play such as having fun with the breasts, nipples, buttcheeks, butthole, vagina and even the belly button that include touching, tickling, and examining (by the way, I also love verbal teasing and phrases like "Coochie coochie cooo!" and "Raaawrr I want your body!"). Roleplay within roleplay sounds appealing to me as well, as in my college friend could play as a sex therapist or my English teacher play as a luxury escort, the possibilities are endless.

My result

My kinks (F-List style)

Favourite elements

Favourite roles

Favourite scenes

College colleagues
Sex dungeon
Student x Teacher (anatomy, biology, psychology, and English in favour)
Dense forests
Body part flashing
Client x Escort/Sex escort/Stripper/Camgirl/Sex worker/Online sex worker
Doctor’s office
Patient x Normal or Sex Therapist/Doctor/GP/Wellness Centre Therapist
Therapy room
Fan x Celeb/Model/Pornstar/Online celeb/Influencer
Erotic wellness centre
Tickling with hands, feathers, and electric toothbrushes
Client x Gym trainer/Yoga teacher/Chakra teacher
Fan convention
Fantasy play (fantasy within fantasy)
Prisoner x Spy/Interrogator/Robot
Interrogation room
Fetish play
  • Breasts play: squeezing, touching
  • Nipple play: poking and pinching
  • Navel play: fingering, poking and gently scratching
  • Buttcheeks play: squeezing
  • Vaginal play: rubbing and circling
  • Medical examination with hands, flashlights, lamps, machines, magnifiers, medical equipment, etc.
  • Masturbation
  • Crop tops
  • Bikinis: lace two-piece ones
  • Lingerie
  • Underwear: lace bra and panties
  • Office outfits: light blue shirts and black pencil skirts
  • Topless
  • Nude
Truths or dares

Roleplaying suggestions

Innocent college fun

Two freshman college girls meet in a suitable environment in which they start to form a bond and eventually this will lead to an erotic encounter that will either be forgot or lead to something more in the distant future.

An unexpected meet

Two innocent women are on vacation and somehow something will make them approach each other in order meet and get to know, forming a deep bond that would quickly lead to an erotic experience they will both remember.

Beyond examination

A doctor found out from new medical laws that female patients who meet certain criteria must also have their body parts examined in certain ways. This could lead to a more intimate scenario beyond the typical examination that would now include the chest and the womanhood.

Some spies have heels

Somehow a young woman was captured by an unknown spy and now she must witness her sexuality to her, otherwise the interrogator will tease her physically or verbally, preferably based on the erotic records she found about her. If the prisoner is to have an orgasm without confessing such info, her juices will be taken as a sample for an unknown experiment which involves combining the liquid arousal with women’s genes to create overly-aroused females. The spy will repeat the process until she gets what she wants.

Favourite roleplays I would like to experience

A thing she’ll teach you

A great student has already impressed her teacher with the patience and knowledge she has, but one day something leads to her being able to learn something she did not considered before: sex and erotism. It could be she’s asking her or gets an opportunity to learn about, maybe a special school project or the teacher wants to help her research about any subjects she wants.

Intimate therapy

A young innocent woman has some problems evolving around her perception of sexuality and so she decided to pay a specialised therapist to get some sense, including specific therapy which involves learning materials, even on the therapist’s body or maybe send out an assistant to aid with learning.

Body, soul, and sex

Somewhere around a secluded peaceful place there is a new wellness centre no one has ever heard about. It is a new concept in which clients come in to experience relaxation with sex. The services would involve things such massage, escorts, sex pleasers, educators, etc.

First step into the erotic

A young woman has never experience sex before and would really like to. Perhaps she read too much lingerie magazines or watched too much porn that made her get such kind of wish and wants to fulfil it by finding other women to experience intimate moments.

The affair

Finding an intimate partner is never easy, but that is why sex workers exist, ready to please anyone’s needs with a fair cost. This is also true for a young lady who is deciding to contact either an escort, a camgirl or another sex worker she found online. Money is not an issue for her and if she succeeds then it could be her starting point into learning more about erotic experiences that would benefit her into meeting great partners later in life.

The wish

It is a fan convention and a young woman is so excited to meet her favourite celebrity or model, though she really has dreams beyond a typical big fan would have: the lady wants to have a one night-stand with the celeb or perhaps having affectionate attention from her or touch the intimate zones, maybe in a bathroom or at her place.

In my final words

Friendship and bonding are also important in my stories and our characters should have at least a solid relationship, even if it is just for sex or closure. The same goes for my roleplaying partners, respect and closure is important for the continuation of our roleplaying sessions and that is just the most I am asking for. I want you to know that I respect your real life and will not try to push you into playing out our thing if you are busy, though I ask if you could let me know whether you have an affair to do outside our sessions so we would ensure our bonding will remain solid. Of course, if you have any questions regarding anything I have written in this thread then do let me know. I will try to respond as soon as possible, as such with the roleplaying requests.

I also want to thank you so much for reading all this until here and hope you have enjoyed to and please excuse my English as it is not my native language. If you like something from here then you may consider getting in touch with me. I can not wait for you if you decide to do so! In other words, have a good day/night!
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And fifth bumpsie and now I am craving for a horror intimate fantasy and a fan x celeb/model/singer/influencer roleplay. Check out my updated thread if interested.
I am back for roleplaying. I updated my rules to ensure genuine communication. Please read them before trying to contact me via messages.
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