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Scourge of the shackles Rules and setup


Mar 7, 2021
Simple things first: We'll be using the Pathfinder first edition rules.

Characters will be created using a 25 point build.
Characters will receive their maximum starting gold per their class.
Races can be either fom the core, standard or advanced races. You can find a handy list here: Races – d20PFSRD
All Paizo published classes for 1E are allowed.
Hitpoints: max at first, half rounded up for all other levels.
Traits: You can pick two traits, one of which must be from the skull and shackles campaign: AP 55-60 S&S – d20PFSRD, the other can be any category except campaign: Traits – d20PFSRD

I won't be using or allowing any optional rules for character creation.

Backstories can be PM'ed, if you want me to involve your story in the campaign,

Any questions can be asked here.
Hello my fellow players!

I will be playing a Wyvaran girl. Class is to be decided.
What are all of you thinking of playing?
I could take the role of a healer, if people would like me to do so. Or a secondary healer with some combat abilities, which is less powerful.
From what I've read on that race right now, they have animal heads and are otherwise human, even described as completely hairless. So kind of like the gods in egypt.
Yes but I just want to use the rules to play as an anthro. Not into the animal head human body thing, nor the forced sterility and transformation via fruit lol.
Regarding Discord or OnSite:
I'd heavily prefer playing on Discord, because then the number of people who see all my naughty writing is much lower.

Regarding sex:
I think that, if not everyone is part of it, or the outcome is important for the progression, scenes can be played out in private to not slow down the game.
Regarding Discord or OnSite:
I'd heavily prefer playing on Discord, because then the number of people who see all my naughty writing is much lower.

Regarding sex:
I think that, if not everyone is part of it, or the outcome is important for the progression, scenes can be played out in private to not slow down the game.
I think in-lieu of dedicated discord channels for certain character interactions, that approach to NSFW scenes would be best. Good idea ^^
Hi everyone!

Now that I'm free, I'm probably going to build a shameless Vishkanya Rogue. Image reference incoming when I find one that sings to me...

Race link - Vishkanya
Class link - Rogue
Gonna be going with a Swashbuckler for him instead!
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Got a few concepts lined up, wanted to check a race first. One concept I have is based on being a Kitsune and using the Mesmerist class. Listed as an Uncommon Race so wanted to check if it would be acceptable. If not I can go for one of my other concept.

Edit: Scratch that got a better idea. Human Kinetisist(water).
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As stated previously I'll be making a Barbarian that's a hybrid between melee and throwing. Specifically with the archetypes Invulnerable Rager and Hurler.

Everygirl approved my use of the Anumus race so that's what MC will be, at least stat-wise that is.
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