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Riho's Ramblings! Plots, ideas and other discharges. In need of NONCON debauchery!


Mar 6, 2021
Hello hello, do not be timid, come in and have a seat. I am Riho as you probably have figured out already and this is my request thread. I would like to describe it as brand new, shiny and exceptionally appealing, but all that remains to be seen. I have been roleplaying for about 15 years now via different mediums and this forums seems to be a good place for that as well. A sanctuary for the debauched, sordid and coarse. You will probably notice rather quickly that I am mostly looking into nonconsensual scenarios. My mind is filthy and the rules and boundaries of society are just way too little fun in my humble opinion. So if that's not your cup of tea, what can I say? Godspeed and may you find what you are looking for, while I will pursue my own longings. I also feel obliged to point out that I am talking NONCON here. Not: She will eventually like it, she will moan in pleasure bla bla bla. No! Surely the physical stimulation will cause audible moaning and groaning and what not. However, she will not enjoy her ordeal at all. That would defeat the purpose of why I am engrossed in these kind of scenarios.

It seems that I am a bit rusty when it comes to thoroughly setting up a rule book, therefore I will stick to the essentials for now.

-I play on here and that is that. Email might be an alternative. Then again, I don't see the point as email can do nothing for us, that this forum can not do as well.

-Semi-literacy. A classic no doubt, nevertheless it does come in handy if we can understand each others sentences. I would in no way describe myself as a talented or graceful writer, but I am putting in some effort and I try to make it as enjoyable as possible. So please be able to string together a couple of coherent sentences at the very least.

-Calibre and other guidelines. The terms of my writing and therefore your writing too, in case you do wish to engage, are as follows:
3rd person only!
Openers are usually a bit longer (at least on my side) but overall, I would like to define the standard of quantity as 3-5 nice paragraphs. I understand that depending on where we are in the roleplay, there will be divergences, but those should balance themselves out sooner or later.
I prefer using faceclaims. Usually I will provide some for my characters, but I am also always up to throw some your way. Naturally, if you have ideas in that regard yourself, I will be attentive and leave some room for suggestions. In the end, most things can be talked about in some way or another.

Special request for contacting me via PM: If you are interested in becoming a writing partner of mine, I expect you to do so in a proper manner. What does that mean you might ask? It is rather simple. Spare me one-liners and hastily scrawled few-liners. I do not expect a novel or anything, but if your first PM is a lazily, cobbled and uninspired mess, I will do this: " "<---
As you can see, it is nothing, because that will be exactly what I will be doing in that case. If you write: Is this plot still open? bla bla etcc you know the drill, I will be offended. Once you have offended me, it will be extremely hard, if not impossible to turn that ship around again. If you can not put effort into your approach, how will you do it in the roleplay? In addition I will add this little riddle, which really isn't one as one quick google search will provide the answer. However it will show me that you have read this carefully and are willing to make an effort. Because in the end, we are all here to enjoy. Each and every person in their own way of course. Still we have to find common ground to make it a pleasant experience for the both of us. So away we go to the riddle: Who authored the following line? "And if thou'rt unwilling, then force I'll employ."

Another thing that drives me nuts at times is the audacity which some members here display. Yeah I get it, I haven't answered your PM yet even though I was online for hours, even though I have bumped my thread. I will not let anyone bully me into answering just because a little bit of patience is too much to ask for. I will answer when I feel like it. Maybe your PM merits a somewhat more detailed reply. Maybe I am not in the mood today. Maybe I have not decided yet if I will reply because your PM kinda sucked! Whatever it is, I don't owe you a reply within a certain amount of time. None at all for that matter. Obviously waiting for an answer for a week sucks and I usually try to not let people wait that long, instead I will let them know that a longer reply is coming but at a later point in time. Even if I won't say that though, pestering me won't help in that matter. Quite the contrary! Me having a thread here and having engaged in some PM's with you, does NOT entitle you to dictate how I use my time and energy!

To get this over with quickly, but informative all the same I will kindly send you to my F-List

Writing Sample
With one last check in the mirror by the door, Yu-Mi Seong, or Yumi as her friends and family called her, grabbed her purse from the little sidetable next to the door, which she then opened swiftly. A quick turn and a brief glance through the hotel room revealed that she had not forgotten anything, nodding her head as if to confirm to herself that she had done a good job. Her free hand grasped the handle of her small suitcase. Like many flight attendants she traveled with little luggage and hers was one issued by Anjeon Airlines, her employer for the last 6 months. The 22 year old young woman had applied for the job over a year ago and after passing through the entry level exams she was sent to Anjeon Academy for basic training for the duration of six weeks. There she had learned all the necessities from air travel safety guidelines to serving etiquette. A little shy by nature, Yumi had made friends fast during basic training, which made it easy for her to come out of her shell much faster than it would have taken her without them.
To her great relief the first flight schedule that she received by Anjeon Airlines also involved one of her friends from the academy. Low hour national flights were the standard starting point for flight attendants fresh out of training and Yumi was able to leave a good impression by keeping her head down towards her superiors, watching the more experienced colleagues and learning from them. Being gifted with natural beauty and standing 5'4 feet tall, she towered the average young woman from South Korea by more than 2 inches. Though seemingly neglectable in the western world, it made a huge difference in Korea, as height is a vital part of the currently perceived ideal. Smooth pale skin and a slender figure topped it all off, which made the young brunette from Suwon rise in popularity within Anjeon Airlines rather quickly as a positive appearance is as important as skill and work ethic in the field of air travel service.

The expansion of her on-board duties into the 1st class cabin after only 3 months on the job made that even clearer. Nonetheless the call earlier in the week came as a big surprise to her. She would receive a new flight schedule via E-Mail, starting the updated one on the weekend. After carefully reading through all the details a few moments later, Yumi had allowed herself a temporary slip in composure and pride had filled her heart, making her blush immediately after. The new schedule would put her back into business class and economy class duties, but it would be on international flights. A significant sign of the trust her bosses were putting into her. The extra money would not hurt either, therefore she had been looking forward to it all week long. Finishing off her last national flight the day before, landing in Seoul, she stayed in one of the hotels in which Anjeon Airlines placed their cabin crew during their work trips. The morning she had spent with breakfast, a shower and priming herself diligently. The make up had been applied, displaying the required mix of a natural beauty and the subtle but effective highlights which were more common in the high fashion world. Her attire consisted of two pair of shoes, one pair of high heels, which she was wearing now and one pair of flats in order to change during the flights, a navy blue skirt and jacket combined with a white blouse, an orange silk scarf and a pillbox hat. Every flight attendant working for Anjeon Airlines received two sets of the attire, making the required pantyhose the only item the women had to get themselves. During her first weeks on 1st class duty she had noticed that most of her colleagues switched the pantyhose to holdup stockings and not wanting to stick out, Yumi had followed their example ever since. Today she completed her outfit with a nice set of modest but still alluring lingerie.

The attractive woman left her hotel room and after a short elevator ride she checked out in the lobby before hailing a cab to the airport. Passing through the mandatory security check without any troubles she arrived at the Anjeon Airlines facilities and was greeted by the Cabin Service Director, bringing her into the loop in regards to todays flight. From Seoul to Los Angeles with an estimated duration of 13 hours and 45 minutes, the majority of the journey would take place during the night, which usually meant an easier sojourn. One by one the rest of the cabin crew arrived and with the clock striking 6pm there was only an hour left before the boarding process would begin. Yumi took part in several smalltalks before the pilot of the flight would gather the whole crew for a last briefing.
A few minutes later the band left the facilities and headed to the gate. While passing through the waiting passengers Yumi only glanced around for an instant, not wanting to appear insecure in front of her new colleagues. Along with the others she went right through the doors and stepped onto the Boeing 787-9. After stowing away her luggage, Yumi gathered around the purser together with the rest of the cabin crew to walk through todays details one more time. The newcomer, together with three other lower ranking flight attendants would service the rows 50 to 65 today, which was the second economy class section, starting at the wings towards the back of the plane.
Shortly thereafter the boarding process was well ongoing and passengers started to fill out the aisles and seats. Like always Yumi greeted the passengers, assisted in finding the right seat, put away luggage and made sure that the process of boarding would not be halted too long by laggard customers. Depending on the first impression and looks she would either greet them in Korean or in English. Keeping her face in an almost constant state of a polite smile, her jaw muscles started to strain a little and the more people were seated, the more time she would allow herself to keep a neutral face. At least as long no one was looking.

Once all the passengers were in their seats, the overhead compartments were closed and the plane was getting taxied towards the runway, Yumi took off her pillbox hat and stashed it in one of the drawers in the service area. Waiting patiently for the pilot to give the green light to the purser to start the safety display, she wondered if she might be able to get some sleep hours in, later on during the night. Then the purser gave the thumbs up and each member of the cabin crew positioned themselves in their allocated spot. The shy but friendly smile was back in place and during the display of the safety details the brunette let her eyes wander over the passengers. Like always, a good amount of them were not paying attention. Despite having seen it countless times already, it still made her angry. What was the point after all if a little time being attentive was too much to ask for? Her colleagues and herself already knew all the measures by heart anyway. Nonetheless she continued showcasing the seat belt, the life vest and how to use the oxygen masks in case of a rapid dropping of the air pressure within the cabin. Opposite of the mostly uninterested faces, there were always a few passengers who did pay attention. Watching her closely their eyes almost felt like hands, touching her in a weird state of interaction. Her brown eyes lingered on each of theirs for a few moments, abiding a few moments longer on a man who had the whole row to himself. All the while the plane moved slowly but continuously towards the runway before coming to a sudden halt. Timed perfectly with the end of the safety display, members of the cabin crew checked one last time if everything was in order in each row before moving into their own seats. Yumi relaxed a little once she sat down and put her seatbelt on. The first part was done and went rather well, which made her sigh in relief. Making a good impression on her first international flight was vital. The wheels of the plane started moving again and Yumi knew that the ongoing turn was the last one before they arrived at the runway. Keeping her eyes on the aisle she relaxed more and more as the big airliner accelerated and finally took off, starting its steep climb into the sky. It would take about 5 minutes before she and the other members of the crew would prepare the first turn of drinks and refreshments.

So I will colour-code these bad boys and make some adjustments. If I have to spell out my system to you, then I am afraid we can not play anyway, as it is self-explanatory. If a plot is temporarily unavailable you might still inquire about it, though in this case you better come up with an extraordinarily awesome prompt or angle on that plot, because I only take off plots, if I feel I have found a partner who will be worth my time in that regard. Nonetheless there is always a chance to impress and get me interested in playing out a different version, compared to the one I already have going.

Let's start with a classic. My character is a flight attendant, probably somewhat new to her job but eager to leave a good impression during her first moths of work. Your character is a debauched passenger who just can not resist the appeal. Which will lead him to pursue his desire, no matter how much he will have to stretch and break the boundaries of decency.
There are different setups for this which we can hash out together. Just a few examples: It could happen in one of the first class "cabins", somewhat ensconced by partition walls. Or an overnight flight and your character has a row to himself in the economy class. Then there is and always will be the option of your character following mine into the bathroom.
This plot is actually the reason why I registered and I have prepared a couple of face claims.
Option 1: Son Chae-young, 2, 3
Option 2: Im Na-yeon, 2, 3
Option 3: Yoo Jeong-yeon, 2, 3

I am sure everybody has an opinion on the real life consequences of that matter. However, that is not why we are here so let us dive in. MC is a news presenter for a somewhat popular TV station. Not necessarily talking nationwide, but probably something like statewide. Having lived thoroughly protected by her white privilege, her parents money and her social circle, she is ignorant to the real world that is out there. Over the last few years she has developed into one of those Karen's in the making, if you know what I mean. Completely oblivious and at times willingly ignorant, aspects of racism are beginning to surface the more popularity she is gaining. I think a good starting point would be a racial slur or derogatory term she is letting slip during her on air time and someone is taking offense. Grave one at that. It's time to show her what those she is putting down are capable of doing.
Option 1: Victoria Justice, 2, 3
Option 2: Gal Gadot, 2, 3
Option 3: Anna Kendrick, 2, 3

MC has recently started going to a judo dojo. Shy by nature and not taken seriously in most of her social interactions, she has taken up the advice of a friend to invest her time in some self defense classes. After two beginner sessions the sensei of the dojo is offering her an extra session after hours in order to improve her technique. Subtly he already starts groping her during the training session, yet he is clever enough to not make it too obvious and despite her suspicion she is not confident enough to confront him. Which in turn, turns the light green in his head for his next move. Where we go from here can be discussed. I was thinking either he is raping her right there on the mat or he attacks her when she comes out of the shower after the session.
Option 1: Kairi Sane/Hojo, 2, 3
Option 2: Elaiza Ikeda, 2, 3
Option 3: Jeon So-Mi, 2, 3

Having always been a bit of a tomboy, MC has not outgrown her personality as her parents had hoped. Quite the contrary. Shortly after her 16th birthday she had announced that she was into girls and had several girlfriends since. That was 4 years ago. Having been blessed with rather attractive features, she had been an instant hit in the local skate park. Most of the guys were nice, seeing her as one of them. Not YC though. Always leaning towards the depraved and sick side of sexuality, he developed an obsession with her. He would just HAVE to have her. Today would be the day when it was getting late and only YC and MC were left at the park. Knowing your character for years now there was no need for her to feel that she might be in danger. Everybody knew each other, he knew she liked girls, it was an evening like every other. Until YC reveals his desires. She rejects him vigorously, which angers him and he will not accept her refusal, willing to use force to get what he wants. Could also be extended to several guys.
Option 1: Cara Delevingne, 2, 3
Option 2: Son Chae-young, 2, 3
Option 3: Tegan Quin, 2, 3

Another tomboy plot. MC is a young lesbian who has always preferred the company of guys, feeling more at ease as she can not stand all the girly stuff. While on a party with her normal social circle she is having a jolly good time and therefore is one of the last attendees. Still indulging in some beers she does not realize that only a handful of her male "friends" are left. They are drunk, horny and lost most of their inhibitions, more than willing to use force to fulfill their depraved desires. So this is a gangbang set-up, but could be adjusted to just one guy cornering her in a bed or bathroom.
Option 1: Kristen Stewart, 2, 3
Option 2: Cara Delevingne, 2, 3
Option 3: Ellen Page, 2, 3

MC is a mother and her son gets bullied in school. Sick of seeing him suffer and having contacted the school to no avail, she decides to confront the bully herself. One afternoon she drives to his house to have a stern talk with his parents. From here it can go two ways. Either the bully is home alone and quite amused over MC standing up for her son. Inviting her in under the pretense to have a talk he assaults her once she is inside and has its way with her. The other option would be that his dad is at home as well, in which case he invites her in, pretending to be concerned, only to show her that nobody challenges him or his family. Father and son could have their way with her as a team.
Option 1: Elizabeth Reaser, 2, 3
Option 2: Penelope Cruz, 2, 3
Option 3: Cara Buono, 2, 3

MC is a regular traveler, having been lucky enough to make a living out of maintaining a travel blog. Think classic Instamodel type. This day was supposed to be nothing special as she prepared herself to go through the security check. Only this time, one of the TSA agents, YC, had something different in mind. He checks her bag in depth to which she starts to give him attitude and therefore he decides that she needs to be brought into one of closed of rooms they have for more thorough inspections. After shamelessly groping her there he demands a full body cavity search, which she angrily refuses and demands to see his superior. He is determined though to explore her cavities, if she wants to or not. In order to get the pesky "only females can search females" thing out of the way I was thinking this should happen in an airport outside the US and probably most 1st world countries. Open for suggestions here!
Option 1: Ana de Armas, 2, 3
Option 2: Anna Kendrick, 2, 3
Option 3: Alexandra Daddario, 2, 3

A TET OFFENSIVE (I like wordplay as you can see)
That is right, we are going straight to war. Vietnam in 1968 and it is ugly. Yet we will focus on one particular encounter. Again I have several versions in the making so let me enlighten you. We could go with a classic american soldier x female civilian pairing. Your squad is asserting its dominance over a small village deep in the jungle. Who will stop your character from doing as he pleases? Correct! No one! Could be adjusted to several soldiers as well, because gangbangs are fun!
A different version would be that my character is actually a vietcong soldier. If we go down this route, you have to understand that my character would rather die than give in, so there will be a substantial amount of physical force necessary. I can also imagine her being a sniper, actually decimating your squad until only you or you and some friends are left, just before you catch me.

Option 1: Lisa Manoban, 2, 3
Option 2: Choi Jisu, 2, 3
Option 3: Kairi Sane/Hojo, 2, 3

Deep in the south of the very young United States of America, in Greensville, South Carolina to be more precise, MC's father owns a cotton plantation. It is the summer of 1805 and as usual the daughter of the owner, MC, is abusing the slaves. Sassy, entitled and with an utter lack of empathy or humanity, she is well know for throwing temper tantrums caused by the slightest inconvenience and more often than not, without any clear cause at all. If a slave dares to look at her for too long, she will seek out punishment vindictively and exorbitantly. Under normal circumstances most of her antics are directed towards the maidens in the house, yet she has no problem to steer her wrath towards the male workers on the field. One day she lies about her own behaviour and blames one of the housemaids who will eventually get flogged. What she doesn't know is. that the maiden has a brother working on the plantation as well. The whipping of his beloved little sister is the final straw for him and he decides to get revenge. Could be a solo-mission or the brother brings his friends to tag along. With hardened muscles from working in the fields all day, MC is no match at all and YC will pay her back plenty and then some for all the years of abusing the slaves.
Option 1: Hayley Atwell, 2, 3
Option 2: Anya Taylor-Joy, 2, 3
Option 3: Erin Moriarty, 2, 3

PS: If you find typos, please let me know. Its pretty late here and who knows what was going on inside my head while creating this thread.
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I think I am almost at a point where I am good. Still, some RP's fall through after initial promising plotting and I have added a few new plots. Therefore a bump it is!
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