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FxM, FxF. Discord. Open-minded. Small number of role-plays.


Feb 19, 2021
Active Roleplays: 3/3

Hi. I saw someone else do this doing/looking for counter and really liked it so have done the same. I hate having to turn people down. Especially when they seem fun and I like their idea. But I can only manage a few roleplays at once. So At the top of this thread I put how many roleplays I am looking for and how many I'm currently doing. If it's full then you're welcome to send me ideas but it will have to wait before I can play them with you. If it's not full, then I'm looking for something to play. You don't have to be shy around me. My Discord is HungryForMore#0342 and you can message me there or here. :)

I usually play a submissive character but I have very recently tried experimenting with non-submissive and even Domme. I also thought I may even be willing to try playing the male character just as an experiment. But normally I'm looking to play a female submissive. No hard rules though.

I like modern and realistic, or modern but with fantastic elements that aren't universal. So a world that is normal except for some little twist. I also sometimes like superhero settings and I know DC and Marvel. I've done a lot of that recently, though. I'm not against Fantasy or Sci-Fi settings, I just don't like overly-involved world building. I like the focus to be on our characters. If you want to focus on what happens between our characters rather than building some big setting, then that's me.

For kinks, I'm extremely tolerant of suggestions so you can ask for anything. But mind-control, aphrodisiacs, objectification (extreme as you like) can be fun. But also romance and simple physical attraction. For characters I'm willing to play I have a few 'no' but mostly it can be anything. Even non-human. Don't be afraid of grossing me out, nothing does.

I have a couple of hard no's:
  • Mom / Son incest, Boy / Teacher relationship. Basically young / younger male scenarios are a turn-off.
  • Furries (I mean very specifically those anthro, cartoonish things.)

I also have a lack of interest in incest generally. I don't necessarily mind it being part of a story if the characters are good. It's just not something that turns me on by itself.

I play on Discord, never by PM or Thread. I prefer First Person but can do Third. I'm open to both short term and long-term suggestions but if it's long-term, we start with something short to see if we get on. I like to do quick back and forth but I'm not always on so leaving our posts for each other is sometimes necessary. Best way to get my interest is to present me with an idea and characters you'd like (for me and for you) and if we like it, lets dive in. I hate people spending hours upon hours planning something out only to find we're not having fun. Or worse, to fly off in a huff without explanation after days of planning before we've even started (you know who you are and you're a dick).

Sorry there aren't many specific ideas in here. I do have ideas but putting any one of them would make people think that's only what I'm into and I'm really wide open to different things right now. I may add some ideas later but they'll never be the only thing I'm interested. I don't have an F-List as yet. It's on my To-Do list. ;)

EDIT: I got a lot of replies to this so I'm working my way through them all and the friend requests bit by bit. I'd love to hear ideas but please don't take it personally if I take a while to get back to you or can't fit it in. Responses have caught me off-guard.
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