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Mx Male Fantasy and romance of many kinds! New top, returning bottoms! 1 spot open.


Oct 15, 2019
The Northern Lights

I'm looking for a partner or two for some MxM fantasy stories. I write both tops and bottoms, but I don't really do switches. While I have some bottom energy usually, I do enjoy writing service tops too for the right story and right partner character. If me and my partner mesh well in writing styles and characters, I'm open to having multiple stories with one partner.

Some quick things about me:
  • I default to write at least a few paragraphs, it depends on my partner's input
  • I've written roleplays for over 15 years, I consider myself literate
  • I work and do other hobbies, so I aim to reply at least weekly, if extra inspired and got the time, multiple times a week possibly multiple times a day
    • I am very patient with replies, if you need time, sure no problem let me know and we good!
    • However, if there is no reply, no word, nothing even after messaging OOC for months? I won't ask after you
    • Just tell me if you wish to quit the story or are going on a hiatus, it's all good no hard feelings!
    • Note, that I do wish replies from you more than once a month
  • I love world building, discussing systems and societies, etc. But I don't always need a grand world saving plot at all times
  • I write romance, not just smut. Emotional connection is really needed, what comes before and after sex is as important as the act itself
  • I don't do smut/plot ratios, if characters click, let them
  • I only roleplay in PMs for easier tracking
As a mention, I like it when things make sense. With this I mean it doesn't make too much sense if two characters just see each other, not a word and then they're having sex like lovers. There has to be something in between to make things work out... Makes sense?
Thank you.

Now then, I write fantasy, sci-fi, all non-human things (within site rules of course). I extremely rarely do mere modern human settings. I do however do medieval human stories, usually historically inaccurate. I'm not opposed to human characters in a fantasy or sci-fi setting, they are fully welcome!

As said before, I don't always require intense action or plot to happen, I enjoy the calmer times too and let the characters breathe. I do not enjoy frequent time skips, it breaks the flow way too much for me, some are okay of course.

  • Almost any fantasy races in a pairing, open to many combos!
  • Size differences! For example, an orc and a human, or a huge demon and an elf, you get the point
  • Corruption is always lovely if it fits ( as in, i.e. someone sweet and kind turns more morally grey, or from innocent to very sexually active)
  • Sweet lovemaking, passionate, loving with kisses and praise
  • Rough sex, still with aftercare, but more passion less sweetness (my tops go this direction usually.)
  • Multiple orgasms/longer sessions
  • Interracial
  • Praise
  • Sounds described/mentioned
  • Horned(and horny) characters
  • 2 tops 1 bottom, would love to get to try this as bottom sometime, but it always ends up the other way around. (this would be really nice to try out)
  • Light restrains, say cuffs, ties, some ropes
  • Blindfolds & gags
  • Toys
  • Breeding or attempting of it (no pregnancy, the intent is the focus even if it isn't possible)

  • Non-consensual scenarios in any form
  • Humiliation/Extreme humiliation
  • Degradation
  • Cheating in any way
  • Malicious Physical or verbal abuse
  • Ageplay
  • Fandoms (excluding Pokemon and even then No Canon characters)
  • Scat
  • Watersports
  • Alternative pregnancy / Male pregnancy
  • Fisting
  • Petplay, parent and child play etc. similar things. (Something very brief like wearing a leash and collar is okay and calling MC a pet, but don't make them eat from a bowl, they're still people.)
  • Children, I don't like them in the roleplays, obviously not sexually, but not really other ways either. Some brief side characters, fine, but not in any longer term role.
  • Feet
  • Prolonged nipple play, while it's ok to touch them, to tease them etc, but don't make it a focus point. Honestly I don't know how to write a response to it as I never got the appeal.
  • Hard facials/facials/having excessive amounts of semen on their face. Elsewhere than the face? Go wild.
  • Rimming

Thank you.

So... Any ideas? Pairings? Lots of yapping so far...
  • God x God (preferably from original pantheon(s))
  • Experiment x Experiment/human/anything
  • Cursed x Anything
  • Demons are most of the time always lovely
  • Humans x Most other races
  • Possibly some soulmate or just mate scenario, can be with werewolves or something else

For more specifics, I draw inspiration from the images I use for character face claims. I do not use real images and would prefer if you didn't either, at least not celebrities etc. I'm not opposed to realistic art of course. My ideas below vary from vague ideas to fleshed out characters and settings.

Additionally, I don't use face claims of already created characters if I know that they are a character! i.e. I would not pick a picture of Peter Pan or Ranma from Ranma½ since I know those characters and I know the person in the image is said character. So if you see some character from somewhere used as a face claim, I do not know said character. Please don't point characters you might spot to me as it will ruin both characters (original and mine) overall for me if it is something like what you will see in these spoilers below. I draw inspiration to said characters and prompts directly from the image or think it is fitting to my mental image of them. I also as real images go, don't use celebrities if I recognize them since it bothers me.

SO. I present you some images that I would love to have as my characters mainly, and what their possible scenario could be:

1. Garm, orc

An orc, could be a wanderer or a tribe's member. A warrior type either way, protective of his kind and will fight a bear bare handed for it if need be. A strong mind, in the good and the bad, the good being his undying loyalty and love to his partner, the bad that he is also very possessive of his partner and when he wants something, his lust is strong and very hard to stop him from satisfying it. Rough around the edges.

He may find someone on his travels that he brings with, or something sparks his want on someone. Ideally both are into the idea of partnership, with plenty of some possibly rough and passionate sex within. Whether it is in his tribe or someone else's place, a heated time of some orc loving would be fun to do if you ask me. As for a coherent plot going for this, not sure. Suggestions are all welcome

2. Eternal Guardian, New!

Eternal vigilance, eternal duty to his Queen's throne, even when said Queen has died long ago. Even when the kingdom has crumbled to nothing but a buried palace with little to no daylight left. A vow to the sorcerer Queen centuries ago still holds firm, preventing death and aging of her guardians bound to their pact crystals. Or more so guardian, the only one left.

The Sorcerer Queen's kingdom existed some 300 years ago, a volatile era for the region when magic was more prominent and kingdoms were less friendly to each other than present day. The Queen had gathered a fair bit of enemies as well as allies, more the former than latter however. So she formed a group of Guardians for herself binding their souls into pact crystals, some more willing than others but it was a non-issue for the Queen. They wouldn't die no matter the damage, no matter the time, no matter the ruler. They were bound to protect whoever sat on the throne, which She had planned to do until she grew bored of it or gained an heir. They were frozen in time, unless their crystals were shattered. While it wouldn't kill them outright, it would remove their immortality, their freeze in time. The group of six were formidable knights, imbued with power from the original Queen herself.

Yet due to unforeseen circumstance, a great war between several kingdoms written in history took place and the Queen was killed, her kingdom sunken to the ground and everyone in it killed in a grand effort to rid the world of her and her people.

Everyone, but one, that is.

A single Guardian from the Queen's guards yet lived, for his pact crystal had never been found and where ever it was, it clearly was not broken either. Even if He knew where it was within the palace ruins that had formed an enormous cave underneath the crater it had sank into, the Guardian could not shatter it himself, for that was against the pact.

So he stands guard, even after 300 years, in the darkness where nothing lived but him, rubble covering the floor from the crumbled ceiling, dry bones under the collapsed pillars. Longing for the release his comrades had gotten, for his duty to end to the ghostly throne. Even just a speck of daylight once more, a living being amongst the dry bones. He stands by the throne, his greatsword in front of him and him leaning to its large handle, tired. His armor tattered, yet not rusty nor broken. A single yellow eye glowing in the darkness as he keeps eternal watch over the dead.

Until his wish is granted, prayer answered, and a sudden ray of light comes through the newly made hole in the enormous cave's ceiling.

In this setting, the current time, so 300 years after the war, it can be futuristic, it can be still older time but different from His time, even modern time with fantasy or sci-fi elements. Main idea is that YC is part of an expedition or doing solo searching of the legendary Sorcerer Queen's lost palace. An archeologist, historian, even just a student or anyone with interest in tales or legends of old. Could even be someone interested in the Guardians specifically, or the Sorcerer's magic that was used back then. The race of YC is free to be almost anything that could have capabilities of having such an occupation. It'd be fun to have the different times clash somewhat, MC having to get used to the new world with the guidance of YC. Whether his crystal is found, it's up to us, I'm open to talk about details to make this setting work for our wishes!

Upcoming character images, feel free to ask about them if interested!:

1. Drow, corruption possibly


As for my more submissive characters, they tend to be either human or some more slender creatures such as elves or used to be humans. They're also loyal, usually, to their partners and can turn out to be a bit slutty if they turn out to be characters that enjoy their partner a lot. So sometimes taunting or such can occur in order to get a response, usually sexual. They also often tend to be sweet and on the loving side in a more genuine relationships and they make passionate lovers. Sometimes they might not want to admit their feelings.

1. Escaped Experiment, Aurei

A blinded experiment who escaped the lab after the rebelling experiments quite literally blew up the facilities making their escape all together. A former doctor himself, he used to be part of the staff in said laboratory. A newly graduated doctor getting a job in such a fascinating workplace was a rare sight, so he took the chance and ended up in the 'medical research team'. Alas, he was kept fairly far from the actual subjects at first and when he did get to see what was truly going on, injecting unwilling subjects with chemicals, removing limbs to replace with machines, attempting to create a 'cure' for various disabilities and some possible bioweapons on the side if they got lucky. Make a person able to fade into thin air, move as smoke, create super hearing through gene manipulation, make bulletproof skin on humans naturally for the ultimate soldier build, you name it.

Now he was not signed up for such, so he demanded for this 'treatment' to stop especially under the scheme of 'medicine research'. Not the smartest time to remain true to your beliefs some would say, but he couldn't resign either, he knew too much by now. So he was subdued and put in as a subject himself. For him specifically, an alternative for blindness was attempted. He was not blind, so they made him that way. His eyes are unable to see anything, but instead the experiments caused him to see shapes around him without his eyes. He is able to see outlines of people, surroundings and everything. He can see an open book, but not read what's on the pages. He is still effectively blind, he just wont bump into things. Additionally, as a side effect, he requires blood to live. He's not a vampire, doesn't get affected by the Sun or anything such, but his body won't produce blood the same way it used to. Ironic for a doctor, really, but the manipulations on him were unpredictable at best so suppose he was lucky it wasn't more than that. Some became like rabid dogs, unable to control hatred or anger, but He has his senses still intact.

Even though free after two years, he's certainly not comfortable being alone in a strange place. He keeps dark glasses or a blindfold at all times to cover his scars. He has some contacts thankfully, friends who haven't seen him, but who he has asked for help. Friends could be human, could be other experiments (in which case they have seen him, maybe grouped up after their escape), or can be whoever else you might come up with! Also as a side note, originally I have had this character have a certain dream ability, where he can enter other peoples' dreams. Not control them, but enter and interact with them within the dream. I removed it from this prompt and I'm not quite sure why, but I figured it might be off putting for people. If you'd like to include it, I'm more than happy to!

2. Leo, half-elf, [Warning: Prompt includes depiction of domestic violence]


The society has been taken over by radical women. They hold the power completely over any other gender. World leaders, company CEOs, anyone worth knowing is a woman. They have changed every law in the book to favor them. No more situations of 'he said, she said', only 'she said' and that's it. Are you really going to argue to a female judge about a female hitting you in the face as domestic violence and she just says no? Case dismissed. If a woman is with heavy discriminating evidence proven to have say, committed a murder on video, they will get jail time. If the victim was a man or anyone not a woman, the sentence is lowered to at 25 years maximum. Another woman? Easily 50 years. A man murdering another non-woman? 30 years. A man murdering a woman? Death sentence. Even hitting or catcalling a woman can earn a man jail time easily, all that are needed are a woman with an injury and her telling that it was You.

In such a society there are also some supernatural races who have emerged. Non-humans also strongly matriarchal most of them, going by the humans' laws if they live in human societies. However, not everyone accepts them. It's not overly bad for these races to live among humans though and mixed couples are rather common.

One such couple had a beautiful son together. A human woman and an elf man. However, the elf had hidden his race all this time until his wife found out of his heritage. Outraged, she didn't accept him and found him disgusting despite his gentle nature and the love they used to share. The fact that he wasn't a human was too much for her. He'd 'poison their human son's mind with his elf propaganda' as elves were one of the few races who lived on their own mostly with more equal rules compared to humans. She divorced him and out of spite even arranged him to jail for 'domestic violence'. He got easy 5 years as the 'injuries' on her wrists were very mild and after that he would be sent away back to his elven brethren, forbidden to ever return. This happened when the son was no more than mere 8 years old. To him, his mother tried to tell that his father had left them, unable to handle such responsibility as a child. But he knew, he had heard their arguments, he remembered.

Everything was okay, normal even, with his loving mother supporting her normal human child with whatever he wanted to pursue. Until he started showing signs. Signs of his elf heritage. The previously dark chocolate brown hair started to lighten up, even getting a couple completely gold blond strands, similar to his father's hair color. The soft brown eyes started tinting green, much like his father's vibrant green eyes. Those signs may seem beautiful, gorgeous to those who saw them in his aesthetic. His mother? He became like a demon spawn.

Her love changed to spite, disgust and she became delirious. She'd hit him, strangle him, sometimes even with something like a bat, whatever she could grab. 'HE HAS CURSED YOU! HE'S POSSESSING YOU! YOU AREN'T MY SON, YOU'VE BECOME A DEMON! I WILL KILL IT OUT OF YOU!' She would yell, call him a demon, demon spawn, cursed child. And he couldn't fight back or he'd get put to jail instantly. He could only run, but not permanently. He didn't have money to get his own place, he had to always return to her, even if he didn't sleep at home anymore and spent minimum amount of time there when she was not working. She had become too unpredictable.

Of course, he had formed friendships in his university where he studied, but he couldn't tell them either. He was afraid of getting abandoned by them. Every time they'd ask what happened when he showed up at the university once again barely able to speak, bruises all over. 'Gangs, I just got caught again..' he'd answer, not daring to tell on his mother. He hadn't told them of his elf roots, though many could probably guess it already.

In this idea, Your character could be any of his friends who don't buy the gang story one bit, or a brand new acquaintance from the university or elsewhere. Maybe a doctor who treats his injuries at the ER, someone who finds him sleeping outside some evening or night. Any species goes as long as they fit the world, so some humanoid species I'd say work best. Social status can be any as well, while women hold the highest spots, it's not impossible for men to be well independent and do well in life. I'm aware the violence can be a trigger for some, but the idea is to get Him out from the situation. This is in modern time, but can be changed to older or more futuristic settings too.

3. The Heir, Returning!

The heir for a fortune, vast lands and influence in the higher class social circles. Known to be a gentle, sympathetic figure which alone is rather rare in such a twisted society where power and money are everything. To keep himself safe in such an environment, he has a loyal Companion with him with nearly at all times, keeping him safe and sound. At social events, while outside, even while at home, it hasn't been dancing on mere roses after all.

Many deem this gentleness of the Heir to be unfit for such a position, so much could be done with what he has and yet... He doesn't use the similar exploitative methods to grow his fortune. Paying his workers properly? How absurd, he could just tell them to get another job or stop complaining, many are lining up for work anyway. Treating his guard more like a companion instead of just a Guard to keep him safe? Way too soft of a way to treat a paid worker! Not marrying a higher class Lady for more social status?! Insanity.

Of course, there are things that he keeps to himself, apart from his companion, who ought to know him well or they simply would not be able to do their job properly.
However, they, too, are merely a human and cannot always protect the Heir.

The two of them spend the night at a social event, a party even, hosted by a whole new acquaintance. Of course, new names in such circles have to be met as connections are an important lifeline to anyone and even if the Heir does not have interest in growing his fortune substantially, even he keeps his web of connections vast. This foreigner had only but a few weeks ago arrived to their city and had shown up at an event before where they got acquainted. However, this was the first event they themselves hosted.

The evening and soon the night were going smoothly, even quite enjoyably at first, chatting and enjoying the various delicacies offered for them. However, in one moment the Heir was talking with the host, the next the Companion looks to their direction again, the pair is gone as if to thin air.

Obvious and understandable panic mode gets the Companion to search around the crowd of participants, unable to spot the Heir until a while later as the now much paler, out of breath and shaken Heir appears from behind a curtain on the edge of the large ballroom. Holding his neck and some red on his lips, what seemed like blood of another.

This one I think is extra flexible and the last bit of the party is completely optional, as I could see this as a sweet story between the Heir and their Companion, as human. While with the party portion of it the host made the heir a vampire by drinking his blood and feeding him his own. With this bit, there are options such as the Heir and the Companion leaving the party and eventually the Heir will ask to drink from him when the realization of what had happened occurs to them both, or another option if You wish to play the Host instead. In this world I'd say things like vampires, werewolves, witches and the like are known to exist but they aren't commonly among human populations. At least so that it's known to said humans. Open to suggestions!

4. Tom, Werewolf

(image: j-witless on DA, could find the artist, so putting it here)
The petty wars between vampires and werewolves have finally come to an end, for the most part anyway. Treaty has been formed to keep them from each others' throats and thus, keep the other races such as elves, humans and others safe as well from getting into the crossfire. The treaties were written just roughly a century ago. Now werewolves and vampires can do as much as share a workplace if anything, though usually the relations and interaction is still a bit stiff for those who still remember the old times. Some don't, as a new generation has come for the werewolves anyway, vampires... Well, they hardly die in a century's time if they can help it. Werewolves still mostly revolve around family groups and small packs, but they no longer live in the forests lurking and being menacing. Now they are more sociable with the other races, often running things like home day cares as they more often than not are great around children and make sure their needs are met.

Tom doesn't work at a day care, though. Instead, he works as a personal assistant for his boss, the CEO of a large company. Also happens to be a vampire. Mainly he figures his appointments, secretary work and other kind of assisting of course, whatever he might need. A sweet soul, having hard times saying 'no' to people who ask his help, even if they're from other offices in the company. So whenever he has time, he does give a hand in some jobs he's not necessarily required to do. Though, whenever he's done some extra help like that, he ends up working overtime on his own things. Not because he'd be overly behind, but his boss simply.. Demands him to.

His boss doesn't seem fond of Tom helping others than him. At times he even gets properly angry if he finds out that Tom's been helping someone else in the office, even if it didn't really intervene with his own tasks. Tom was good at his job, keeping everything nice and organized for his boss, but he stays anyway in the overtime his boss orders him into, usually that time was spent together in the CEO's office doing paper work. Despite the quite evident tension between the two at times, Tom has been assuming it's just due to his boss in some way possibly disliking him being a werewolf, everyone else but Tom seem to see how obviously jealous his boss is for having to share Tom's attention with some other people in the company.

Well, that is, until one evening his boss finds out that Tom had yet again said yes to delivering a letter to the post office for someone else in the company and he finally snaps and makes it clear that Tom was his and only his to have. In more than just professional way.

This is a pretty straight forward, and a little different maybe than the others. Basic pairing is the boss and Tom, where this boss has been growing increasingly possessive of his assistant. Wanting his companionship and undivided attention in and out from work. Now I didn't write it out above, but it won't be a one sided relationship, Tom also has attraction towards his boss. Thus he does more or less anything he asks for and doesn't complain about overtime or anything like that. He just is very .. Quite oblivious to his boss's wants and has kept things strictly professional. A bit of a shake up, and maybe some harder overtime work session turning into making things extra clear for Tom will get him to realize just who he belongs to. It's a smutty idea, and has some extra that can be added to it, you can ask me about those additions in PM. I'm looking for this to be a hot, passionate relationship with a lean to almost master/servant or boytoy, but not the full thing. Tom won't be his personal sex slave. This can be adapted to be in modern or older time, both work, whichever you prefer!

Upcoming character images (older characters getting taken down for now) Feel free to ask about these if they interest you! :

None of these images and scenarios are the only things I'm up for doing! Pitch me your idea!

Please, come to me with some sort of an idea or if you'd like to do one of these mentioned here. Did a character or a pairing interest you? Do you want to play one of the characters I set out for me instead of them being my character? Want to come up with an idea together for the inspiration images? 'Hey want to roleplay?' is not much to go off of and I just have to ask questions to find out if you even read any of the thread or the ideas within.

Thank you for reading!
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