Mx Female I Wanna Play A Game, And I'm Looking For A Player! Now Including A System!

Good Times With Matt

Apr 10, 2020
The Netherlands
Hey hey people, thanks for checking out my little request thread, this is going to be for a particular craving of mine, and I can't take too many people at once for something like this. But feel free to give me a message regardless of when this was last bumped!

Also, please read through the recent bumps! They might contain some information.

I'll start with a little introduction:
Hi! I'm Matt, I've been at the game of roles for quite some time. I've done all kinds of things, including what this thread is going to outline.
When it comes to kinks and fetishes, I always prefer to discuss those things together with my potential partners when we're discussing the play at hand. But just know that I'm open minded and welcoming of a lot of things, so no need to be shy!

Now, I'm looking to play the part of a Game Mater/DM, and you, my lovely, would be the player. Your character will be the main character in our story.
I've always enjoyed the creative control the roll of game master has, I enjoy surprising my players and seeing how they react.
There will be smut, and there will be story. This is an adult website after all, and I quite enjoy writing smut. But, this roleplay would ideally be an even match of the four pillars of TTRPG. (Combat, exploration, socialization, and this being an adult roleplay would add smut to it.)
How much of what, in what ways and where, well. That's all up for discussion. I adore discussing a roleplay with my partners, and getting excited for it together.
I am strongly leaning to the good and trusted Fantasy themes here.
Be they light hearted and fluffy, or something dark and gritty, I've done it all.
I prefer to play this over Discord.

A few of the things I offer:
Essentially daily replies! I work a fulltime job, I start early in the day. This leaves me with some time to write in the evenings, reliably and consistently. Granted that I might skip a day here or there, but I should be able to be fairly consistent.
Surprises! As I mentioned above, I enjoy surprising my players. Things in the story won't always go the way you might have imagined it, and there will be a few twists here and there to keep things interesting.
Story! Who doesn't love being the main character and having the world build up around you?
Friendly and chill OOC chatter! I enjoy chatting with a partner OOC as well, even after the roleplay has started. Giving feedback and general understanding.
Adaptability to your character! Let's discuss what kind of character you would want to play, perhaps you already have some experience with characters you particularly enjoy? Or you have a craving to play the part of a vampire newborn? Discuss it with me, and we can likely make it work!

What I would ask of you:
Effort and input. You must understand, these roleplays are a lot of effort on the part of the GM to set up. Planning out a story, different characters, writing the setting out and possible twists. Few things kill my muse faster than planning and writing all that out, just to get a message back: "I take the door on the right."
Give me a good character, show some personality, features that stand out. I'm not asking to write me a novel in every post, the nature of these plays is that the player generally writes a bit less the GM on average, but I'd like to see some effort and interest from your part.
No god modding. No character I write is ever flawless, and neither should your character be. On this I would also add that even if the story takes a twist you don't expect, don't panic. I will always try my best to be fair to my players, and I won't throw you into a scene that you can not win from. (EI, if your character get's captured, that doesn't mean it's game over. Something like that might just be a scripted event.)
Give me some idea of what you like. Tell me what makes you tick, what kind of things get your juices flowing. These things really help me make a scene to fit your character.
Creativity. I would love someone that puts in the effort into making a good, enjoyable character, with flaws, knifes and details!

Think of your character like the main character in an video game, I play the world, and you the player character. This means that if your character is in an Inn, ready to head off tomorrow, you're free to talk to other NPC's around, but not much would happen until you actually [walk up the bed and press A] sleep the night.

Now then, onto system. This is a pretty big part of the roleplay, and a very big deal for some. So read well~
I'm familiar with systems like DnD, but with this, I'm really looking to use a system of my own design. Not the same as a freeform however, as it's an entirely functional system by now.
This system is made for one-on-one plays, and allows myself as DM a greater amount of interaction with the player. Using this also helps to avoid disagreements and confusion, as the rules are quite simple but fair.

This is a quick rundown of how I like to write a story.

Because these roleplays revolve around just one main character, I like to center the story around them and their decisions. This makes it so the players actions and choices have a visible effect in the world and the outcome of the roleplay. The way I like to include this is to ask my player to give a reason as to their journey, where they're going or how it started. This gives me ground to write the beginning of the adventure and enough opportunity to introduce other needed story elements, after which the story can carry itself. Always feel free to ask about details like this however.

So, these are the basics of how the system works. I'll provide a more detailed set below, and you're always welcome to ask questions.

At the core is a simple stat sheet. This isn't anything you're not used to, though I have put my own little twist on it. The stats are as follows:


Lastly is Luck, which works slightly different and can mostly be ignored for the sake of this explanation.

At the beginning, every stat is at a value of 10. This increases as your character grows stronger, points can be allocated as desired, with the exception of the Luck stat.

The value of a stat determines the number of eyes you're rolling on the dice.
Your roll is weighed against a required amount, with anything surpassing the required amount being a success, and checks below that being a fail.
The system becomes more interesting with the introduction of bonuses and disabilities. This is essentially the same as using a skill system alongside the stat sheet, however it's very unpractical to make a skill sheet with this, as I'm trying to avoid editing a 100+ skills into a sheet and updating them consistently too.

To give an easy example of how a dice check would go: You are rolling to inspect a special plant that you found, trying to determine if it's got medicinal properties. Your knowledge stat is at a total of 13, you would roll a single dice with 13 sides.
I will say that you need to roll at least 7 to identify the plant. Your roll comes out to 5, and it fails.
Now, in character creation, you have written your character as the daughter of a huntsman, she is trained in the forest and knows her way around. Naturally, she's be a lot better at knowing her ways with plants.
I would give this character a bonus on identifying the flower, so the 13 sided dice now becomes [Roll + 2 = 7], and thus it passes.

This is the slightly more advanced version of the explanation, I hope you're still following!

Strength determines characters physical strength. Any action requiring bruit force relies on Strength.
Dexterity is what determines your character's reflexes. Any action requiring the quick movement of your character relies on Dexterity.
Vitality is the main factor that determines your character's maximum Health, but it also influences how much your character can do without tiring. A tired out character loses advantage on many different roles. Vitality and Strength together influence how well your character can heal.
Intelligence is what determines your character's magical abilities. The use of magic, or the act of countering certain types of magic relies on Intelligence.
Knowledge is your characters understanding of the physical world. Plants, animals, landscapes, maps, metal. Anything non-magical falls under Knowledge.
Attunement is your characters understand of the non-physical world. Anything related to magic, be it understanding runes, magical traps, lingering effects of spells, all these things fall under Attunement.
Charisma is your characters ability to socialize. Be it to seduce a patron or to intimidate a guard, any action requiring you to interact with a character falls under Charisma.

Luck is odd, I mostly use it as a tool for myself as DM. Characters can't roll for their luck normally, and luck can't be gained through levels. It can be gained and lost through blessings and curses, magical items and deals with demons.

I'll be adding more detailed examples to this section soon~

If this interests you please send me a message! Either here or directly on my Discord: Nep Doge#8180
Even if we have previously spoken and failed to get a setting going, you're more than welcome to try again.

Hope to hear from you soon!
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Bumping this thread now looking for a more smut heavy story. Ideally, I'm looking for a partner able to and interested in playing several characters at the same time. (2-4 characters, really.)

Also, the explanation of the system is a little bit outdated as I've tested and updated the rules quite a bit. Don't worry though, I'll still be able to explain everything you'll need to know! Just saying I might need to update this thread sometime soon.
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