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Fx Any Into the wilds


Can't draw, but has 1000 words.
Feb 26, 2021
Everything looks more oppressive in the darkness. You try to remind yourself of that as you tread through the forest, painfully conscious of every branch and twig broken underfoot. In the daylight, it's probably quite pretty! Your torch burnt out half an hour ago, and ever since then you couldn't help feeling like the trees were moving around you like towering giants. The moon above sprinkles its light weakly through the branches, leaving the forest floor a mottled whirl of shadows. Everything feels like it's sliding around, even though you can feel the ground firmly beneath your feet.

You shouldn't even be here after dark, you remind yourself bitterly. The idea was to set out in the morning and be back home by sunset. The reports of girls going missing in these woods had troubled you, but it was the fact that none of the men of the village were willing to stand up and put a stop to it that really put your teeth on edge. "If none of you cowards are willing, then I'll go!" you declared, your words jumping from your lips before your brain had a chance to stop them.

It wasn't the first time your fiery temper got you into a tricky spot, but you hoped it wouldn't be the last. "It's the exact same forest it was when the sun was out", you tell yourself over and over again. "The darkness only gives me room to imagine danger where there isn't; it doesn't create any. And besides, night is probably even safer! Most of the animals will be aslee-"

You're on the ground before you know it, and it takes you a second to realize why. You can't really see your assailant, but you can hear the lower canine growl cutting through the cool night air. It sends the hairs on the back of your neck on end, and you scramble forward blindly. Your hands find the trunk of a tree and you pull yourself up to sit against it, hands held out in front of you protectively as you try to assess the threat.

Even in this darkness, you can see the dark outline of the wild wolf staring you down. It's large furry body rises and falls with each breath, and you swear you could make out the glint of moonlight in its hungry eyes. You wonder for a moment why it isn't attacking, before you see her. Standing behind the wolf is a woman, unusually tall. Her short hair is white and mussed, and her long ears betray her elven heritage. It's hard to make out in the forest's shadows, but you find your breath catching as you see she's not wearing any clothes. Her lithe, muscular body is covered in scars, callouses, and dirt; the badges of a life lived hard. You notice her hand extended out to the wolf, stroking the small of his back affectionately. You swallow, trying to calm your body down as the realization hits you. This woman... this wild woman must be why the girls have been disappearing. But what is going to happen to you?

I love the hunted-in-the-wilderness dynamic, and I expect if you PM me about this post it will be because you do, too, and you want to see what plans this wild woman and her wolf have in mind. But I'm curious to know what else you imagine can be going on, here. Did you come into the forest suspecting what might be going on, and somewhere inside you hoping you'd find out this way? Or are you horrified about what this woman and her wolf might do to you, and you plan to try to resist them while they take what they want? What about the wild elf? Is she a normal woman, or as normal as a woman can be growing up in the forest? Or is there something between her legs that you didn't notice at first but you'll come to be familiar with soon enough? And what's happened to the missing girls? I'd love to hear your thoughts about where we could take the story.
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