Mx Female My father, my rock [adultery, incest]


Can't draw, but has 1000 words.
Feb 26, 2021
"Oh... oh my god..."

It flipped everyone's world upside down. Everything that used to be safe was all of a sudden suspect. Cities, the throngs of people rushing and living together that made everything exciting, were suddenly steel and concrete death traps. It took only a few days for them to come to the only logical conclusion: she would take the kids out to Dad's house in the mountains to wait it out. She could work remotely, even if he husband couldn't. He'd try to make it out as much as he could, of course, but in practice that meant the odd weekend once a month, leaving her to manage the kids on top of her job. She'd have gone fucking mad, if it hadn't been for Dad.

His house, secluded in the mountains, was gorgeous. And the way he handled the kids, like it had just been minutes since he'd last had them running around the house, tickled an ache at the bottom of her heart that it took a while to identify. When she realized that it reminded her of how much he'd been in her life as a father, and how little her own husband made time for the kids, she started to resent the windows when her husband planned to visit their mountain escape, rather than look forward to them. And that was all before...

"Oh... fuck..."

Firm hands. Strong hands. Working hands that knew the value of what they held. Turning her hips with masterful ownership, drawing out the eagerness she'd long forgotten. His rough fingers over her smooth skin made her shudder with anticipation for the moment when his cock would press between her lips and cross that line they'd been tiptoeing to with plausible deniability. Naked together, now... eyes locked together, now... Deniability is gone.

"Please, Dad... Daddy. Oh god..."

"Say it, baby."

"Fuck me, Daddy."

I'd love to collaborate on a story where an escape to her father's mountain cabin throws YC's life into relief, reminding her of what's missing. The shortcomings of her husband, the grounding beauty of the natural. Having her father around stirs up some old habits and she finds herself leaning into his strength, letting him shoulder her burdens. Maybe the feeling of safety and comfort has YC slipping from calling him 'Dad' to 'Daddy' again? Or has her craving the simplicity of sitting in his lap with her head against his broad shoulder?

With the theme of 'strong father provides safe harbor for unfulfilled daughter', I'm open to loads of different flavors to go with. Is this new territory for them, or are they rekindling something lost in the past? Has the daughter's relationship with her husband been dead for a while, or is this new infidelity a surprise to her? How old is everyone? Does the daughter have a daughter of her own old enough to be involved? I'd love to hear your thoughts about where to take this. Or, if you see something in the archived plots below you're interested in, let me know!
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Edited to add: archive the above prompt!

And that's the last one. Last glass washed and put away, last customer seen to the door after the kitchen closed. It's a good life, running a tavern, but the days are long and rest is scarce. Jace has been running The Sunken Ship for just about 10 years now, most of it with only his wife to help. Lately business has been brisk enough to justify hiring some extra hands, but somehow that hasn't shortened the days as much as it has increased the number of mouths that can be fed. It's the kind of work day that leaves you ready to throw yourself into an arm chair, never to rise again.

Jace wipes his hands off on his apron before slipping it over his head to hang on the peg by the kitchen door. His broad shoulders roll under his shirt as he stretches out, trying to shake that ache that's begun to creep into his bones ever since he turned forty. The grey flecking his short black beard and hair and the lines around his eyes seemed to come in around the same time, but there's a liveliness to his step as he ascends the stairs that seems almost youthful. Purposeful.

At the top of the stairs, he glances momentarily at the door to his bedroom. His wife would probably be there already, and he considers a moment going in to her. A wry smile crooks up the corner of his mouth, though, as he continues past. It's been a long day, but it's not over yet.

Down the hall three more doors, Jace turns the handle and steps in. He reaches down to pull up his shirt, with the brisk impatience of a man who is tired of waiting. His body isn't as toned as it was when he was a young sailor, but time hasn't smoothed out all the hard edges yet. Nor has it faded the tattoo running from his shoulder down to his forearm; an octopus writhing around his skin. As he lets the shirt fall to the floor, he looks to the bed and sees you sitting the middle, naked and nervous as the moonlight shimmers in through the window. He hadn't told you to undress and wait for him, but you knew. Or maybe it's more accurate to say you'd hoped.

Hello, there! I'm looking for some interesting and sexy RP. The prompt above should give you a sense of my writing style, and there's loads of places that we could take it:
  1. You're the new barmaid, starting today. She'd felt a kind of electric tension each time Jace touched her hand when giving her something, or when he guided her out of his way with a hand on her waist. Maybe it was just in her imagination, but she could swear that she caught him looking at her as she bent over to set a plate down before a customer. And when she got to her room at the end of the day, she couldn't stop feeling that touch lingering on her skin. She undressed, then climbed onto the bed and looked to the doorway. Each passing minute made her feel more foolish for sitting there, but more anxious to find out what might happen if the door did open.
  2. You're our daughter. Something's been changing lately, like the air pressure falling as a storm approaches. Little things like touches here, or comments there, feel significant somehow. Sometimes when he looks at her, she finds herself turning away. Those gray eyes, those broad hands. She'd find herself thinking about her father in ways she'd never used to before. When he'd look into her eyes, she'd feel this paranoid fear at the pit of her stomach that he could read her mind. It terrified her. But what if he did know? What if he could see how she felt? And then that night, everything felt alive in a way that was almost unreal. Like the storm was about to break. She found herself, with trembling hands, taking off her night gown to leave herself naked. She climbed onto the bed and settled onto her knees, fingertips nervously digging into the blanket as she waited, hoping he'd felt what she felt and would pass by mother's door to come to hers tonight.
  3. You're the witch that knows how he got that tattoo. It was years ago that he visited her island. The ship anchored out at sea and a smaller crew rowed ashore to see her. The captain was a drunk and a lout, and didn't impress her much with the chest of gold he offered her to grant him her powers. There was a young man in his crew, though, who caught her eye. He had a kind of daring, a cunning look. In the night, she came to him and offered the secrets of her power to him, if he was willing to pay the cost. He quickly agreed, and she took him into the jungle to perform the ritual. Blood, darkness, pain, sex; the particulars are lost in the haze. But when it was done, he could feel the power of the sea coursing through his veins as the tattoo on his shoulder writhed. He killed the captain and commandeered the ship, using his dark power to plunder the seas for years before he disappeared. The witch, the passing years having done nothing to age her any more than the previous hundreds had, became curious and tracked him down to The Sunken Ship. They'd have much to talk about, but that's for later.
I'd also be down for the first two prompts to be male, with a young dishwasher, for instance, or his son. The key for me is compelling characters and taboo, twisted delights. I'm more than happy to take these prompts into many different styles (third person, first person) or settings (I have vague fantasy setting in my head, but could do anything), and have many varied tastes. A non-exhaustive list is incest, dub-con, non-con, DD/lg, bdsm, age play, beast, breeding, bi, facials, watersports, tentacles, lactation, reluctance, and many more. If you see anything on that list that excites you, let me know and I'd be delighted to bring it in. Easier to say what I'm not into, which is scat, vore, excessive gore, or unrealistically large anatomy. Here's my f-list.

If we have a good time, I'm open to exploring more aspects of this scenario, too! Who's his wife, and what's their relationship like? Does she like to help him prey on the young help they get at the tavern? Is she a cuckquean, holding her husband's penis while he slides it into the witch's sex? Is she sucking their son's cock at the same moment that her husband is walking in to their daughter's room?

I'm inconsistently available in GMT-6 (real life intervenes!). I'm happy to try and make time to RP in realtime, though, if we can coordinate. I'm happy to RP with men, women, trans, or non-binary folk, but I would appreciate honesty about who you are if you decide to share. Please PM me with your take on how the story should go!
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"It's perfect..."

She felt the words spilling out of her lips before she even thought to say them. It felt cliche and that made her blush, but she knew it was also deeply true. She curled her fingers into the bed cover, letting the sensation make its way leisurely through her whole body: from her hair falling all around her face to her toes curling up away from the mattress, knees pressing down into it. And as she felt the penis sliding back out again, her whole self became dedicated to having it fill her right back up.

She looked back over her shoulder and bit her lip to stifle the moan. The fit, firm chest covered in dark hair. The powerful, veined hands clutching her soft, round ass. The dark stubble on his cheeks, speckled with hints of gray just like his neat, black hair. And then those eyes... The green eyes with that hard edged hunger. She could feel his lust for her in his eyes just as easily as she could in the tight grip on his fingers on her rear, and she wanted to give every inch of herself to him to sate that hunger.

And then, she looked in front of her. Sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed, sat her boyfriend. His mousey black hair
could never stay straight, and he needed to be sure to shave every day to avoid is uneven beard from growing in patches. She looked down to his lap and watched him tugging hard and fast on his penis. She watched the small shaft disappearing into his grip on each pump and winced at memories of struggling to keep it inside while fucking him. But now, that was over with. She felt sad, in a way; it was a cruel thing to do him and he was a nice enough boyfriend, after all. But as her boyfriend's father strokes forward again and fills her sex up with his thick cock, the guilt about mistreating her boyfriend is washed away. At least she's letting him watch, right?

Hello! I hope you find the idea of a young woman cucking her boyfriend with his father as hot as I do. I think it's the kind of scenario that can be hot in so many different ways. How did they end up here? Was she looking for something better than what she had, or did she find herself getting carried away by her needs? Do you think the son wanted this, or is he resigned to it? Are you wondering what it'd be like to see her and the father dominate her boyfriend? Let me know where your mind wandered, and let's explore all the details together.
Bumping, and adding this story to the archive.
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