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Fx Male AEW and Criminal Minds & an original pairing or two (Arrow seeks those who enjoy playing dominants for stories)


⬷ the archer ⤐
Mar 30, 2020
Hello All!! This is my second request thread.

My first/other thread can be found here, but as you may have guessed I'm seeking something slightly different in this one... But I'll get to that in a bit. I'm a cis woman, and I'm seeking to play against someone who would enjoy playing a dominant male character - your gender off screen doesn't much matter to me. I'm here to roleplay, and not anything else (though I don't mind making friends!) I would be posting at minimum once a week for you - I currently have some hectic shit going on IRL and while I may be able to post more on occasion, please don't rush me or make me feel bad. This is a fun hobby for me, and I'd like to keep it that way. In return, I promise that I won't nag or pester you. In fact, I hope you'll find me to be a fairly easy going partner!

I suppose that you'd consider me to be a 'literate' writer - my posts are generally 3-5 paragraphs, and intros may be much longer, depending on what's needed to set up the scene. With this thread, I'm more focused on finding someone to create stories with using certain characters, but I do tend to focus heavily on smut writing. It's fun for me, so even though what I'm looking for at this time is more plot driven, please do expect that I'll still write a lot of smut.

Speaking of...

Kinks ‘n Limits
let's get these out of the way

Limits (hard no’s): any bathroom play (vomit, watersports, scat), sexualized gore, beastiality, bimbofication, first person perspective, spitting.

Big Kinks (the yes pleases): spanking, roughness, sex toys, oral, dirty talk, face claims, cheating, dub-con, training, internal cumshots/creampies, being YC's favourite/treasured little fuck toy

Not Off The Table (BIG maybes - like you'll have to come to me with a plot I REALLY like): scenes with me playing multiple girls during a sexual encounter

Here is my f-list! Browse responsibly!

So let's get down to the nitty gritty, shall we?

Plots and Ideas

~The Fandom Corner~

So, what am I looking for? Well, I have a specific character in mind, and I'd love to play her against a character of yours. What character, you ask? Well, if you're familiar with AEW the title of this thread might have hooked you. That's right, I'm unabashedly seeking someone who's comfortable playing Sammy Guevara or Hangman Adam Page.
Right now I'm more seeking a Sammy, as I have a very basic plot in mind based on the character I'd like to play. However, I can't say no if you'd really prefer Adam. I'm definitely a hangman mark, lmao. The Sammy plot involves me playing a character who's a little older than he is, which is fairly rare for me as generally I prefer my age gaps with me playing a younger character. So yeah, this entire request thread is something that's highly self indulgent for me, which isn't something I usually do either. However, I can't get this particular craving off my mind and I'd love to finally do something about it.

The Sammy plot has a basic outline as follows: MC works for AEW in a non-wrestling capacity as a physical therapist/possibly doctor. She and Sammy meet through work and although she insists she's 'too old' for him when he expresses interest in her, they end up fucking. Sort of a 'the lady doth protest too much' situation. The plot would be about her exploring her sexuality with YC and the developing love affair. I... mentioned this was super self indulgent, right?

The Hangman plot's basic outline is a little different. It starts with MC in a similar situation, except both she and Hangman are married to other people. It would be a sort of star crossed lovers type of story, with heavy 'what happens on the road stays on the road' themes.

Now for the Criminal Minds angle!

I'd love to play an OC against Aaron Hotchner - a younger member of his team who he develops a romantic and sexual relationship with during the devolution of his marriage to Haley.

All plots will come with a heavy dollop of smut. I like smut, I'm good at writing it (will provide writing samples upon request) and I'm open to incorporating kinks not listed as long as they don't hit my 'no' list and make sense in the story. I would consider running a tit-for-tat story with you in exchange for you filling one of my plots. However, I would need to be familiar with what you'd like me to run, just as I would need you to be familiar with AEW or Criminal Minds for this to work!

Original Pairing Thoughts
MC in Coral

Escort x Married Man - She offers the straight-laced man a glimpse into a world of self indulgence he finds increasingly addicting
(actually I'd love to play with any variation of this theme currently. The idea is that he's lived a life that has left him fairly uptight and strict - he handles a lot of responsibility and she offers him the chance to cut loose and indulge himself. Major themes of her leading him down into temptation here, but like, in a lighthearted and fun way. Unless you want to talk bad ends.)

Not sure how to boil this one down to a simple pairing, but I'd love to play a high class lady in a historical setting - anything from Regency to Rome - she's married, given birth to the heir and the spare, and is now "free" to indulge herself/explore some of her own vices. Her husband has been carrying on affairs for years, and she figures that it's finally her turn.

Ready to Roleplay?/Misc

I’d prefer to play through PMs on-site ONLY at this time. I’d love to hear about your plots and ideas as they relate to what I've outlined above, so please don’t totally cold call me. Please tell me what about my thread caught your eye so I know you’ve read it! Please also note I’m a little shy, so ooc chatter isn’t my strongest suit. I’ll do my best though!

I am getting a lot of PMs that just say "hi" or from people who have no interest in... anything I've lined out here. Please you guys, stop the madness.​
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one am is a good time to decide to update your second thread so people don't get confused about what you're looking for, right?


two hours of pure serotonin for me 😊
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