A place for my head


Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Jul 10, 2020

At the break of dawn, when the oppressive darkness of the night had lifted and a spillage of colorful clouds soared through a coral sky leaving the sun a mere fragment across the horizon, they departed the capital of Filaurial. Goodbyes were kept to a minimum, most of them having been spoken the previous evening over a most splendid dinner. One private and long overdue for them to be gathered in one setting without some interference. Eshara Lhoril cherished it because she knew what the following day would bring. Her journey to the heart of Erendriel for a marriage, something she neither asked for nor wanted. It was to help strengthen an already fragile relationship between her homeland of Sundamar and across the massive Oluevaera woodlands and near the Roamara border, Erendriel. What must be done versus what the princess wanted to do kept going over and over in her mind. The union between her and Erendriel's eldest prince would help build a trust where such a thing did not exist. It was no secret the two kingdoms held a bitter history of war with one another dating back centuries and it seemed only through this arrangement would there be some semblance of peace on all sides going forward. Erendriel had taken advantage of her grandfather's sudden death to attempt to usurp the throne. This was while her father, in his youthful days, studied abroad with the tribes of Lennart further south. Of course no matter how far away he was, his dedication for his homeland ran deep and once learning of the King's passing, returned to Sundamar promptly to take the throne. Eshara's father had barely reached twenty-one when he found himself ruler over an entire country and had he not returned, quite certainly Erendriel would have overwhelmed Sundamar. He had done his part, the young woman with round-shaped worldly blue eyes, thought. Regardless of whether he desired to or not, a strong responsibility and obligation fell on his shoulders and he responded without a hint of hesitation or so the princess was told by her mother countless times. At times, she wondered whether the man contemplated leaving Sundamar to its own devices while he continued an ordinary existence far away. Life for those of the crown, as she came to discover, was not about personal want. It was doing what was best for the greater good of the many.

It really didn't matter what she wanted, Sundamar's needs outweighed her own though since finding out about the marriage she wished there was a better way. Something other than having to give up her freedom. Did she not deserve a bit of happiness too? In the end, the princess would just have to endure and see it through. The morning mist clung to the leaves of the gigantic trees as old as the world itself. An eerie feeling settled over the otherwise quiet Oluevaera Forest where not even an animal roamed or a bird chirped. There was still much ground to cover once the caravan left the forest. The Roanmara border was at least a trek of about a day not to mention when in Erendriel, its capital of Kaii'lm proved to be even further. The princess thought it strange that she would be the one to meet her betrothed in his kingdom instead of somewhere both parties decided as a neutral but what did she know, everything was handled by her father and Erendriel's King who promised the utmost hospitality to his soon to be daughter-in-law. Still, a feeling of unease crept up in Eshara the moment she and her entourage left Filaurial. She remembered the solemn expression on the face of her father who usually kept his feelings in check backed by a stern look. He stood beside her weeping mother, one arm linked through his and the other one free to lift in a wave. The princess thought to herself, she would be back, that if she asked her husband he would not be calculated enough to keep her away. Truth be told, she knew little about him. What rumors she was privy in learning depicted him as somewhat ill-tempered. Hopefully, it wasn't true. It did nothing to eradicate the doubt filling her as she sat planted firmly on the velvet seating of the carriage insides which had a wine red color to it. Eshara's father, King Christoph Lhoril, sent with his daughter twenty of Filaurial's finest knights all on horseback set to guard her private carriage. Of course bringing up the rear of the group was a smaller carriage containing traveling supplies. It was not just the company of knights with her, two male advisers were along for the trip to make the necessary arrangements and closing the group were her two ladies in waiting especially brought to help her for the wedding and anything else. The two were rather chatty, often engaging Eshara in light-hearted conversation about her marriage. Although she tried to pretend to be excited for their sake, it never fully worked. She felt crestfallen and it showed sometimes.

Turning her head toward the carriage window, long locks of golden blonde hair touched Eshara's shoulders. She saw nothing other than the trees spreading far and wide outside of the dirt road between them. It was small. It led north with ten of the twenty knights leading the way, the hooves of their horse pounding heavily against the ground. Besides the occasional chattering inside the carriage, those were the only sounds the princess heard. The rest of her hair fell like a waterfall against the sides of her heart-shaped face. She found the seat nearest to the window comforting, the now crisp air of morning bringing a breeze rushing over her skin. For a moment, she closed her eyes. Her rosy red lips parted leaving a sigh to escape them so soft it went unnoticed by her companions. She wore a long sleeve maroon velvet corset dress with a matching shoulder shawl and lace ankle boots. Opening her eyes, Eshara stole a look out the other window where more trees greeted her and the big bodies of horse and the knights riding them. She longed for a break to stretch her body. Since earlier on, the group utilized the time by taking to the road without stopping. She herself wanted a simple walk if not for a few minutes. From the words of the knight captain and the advisers, they were on a good schedule. Barring nothing too out of the way, they were on precise time.

"Please," She spoke up, all attention came on her. Conversations stopped abruptly and they scrutinized her. "Might we stop for a moment, I am rather tired of sitting. I would like to walk a bit." It was the truth, but she also wanted to explore more something she had not been able to do in the lands out of Sundamar. There were the plains of Nylaathria. The princess begged them to stop, a request the captain could not fulfill. He appeared apologetic underneath that hardened exterior. This time, Eshara hoped it would be different. One of the advisers gave a warm smile, the princess assumed he could go for a walk too. Sitting near the other window, he folded his arm outside the signal to alert the knight captain. The thunderous pounding of hooves slowed including the four horse team leading the main carriage. That decrease in speed eventually came to a complete stop. The only sound the princess heard now was the trot of a single horse, the captain presumably. The robust man came to the window dismounting in ease, shimmering half armor made a clunking sound as he did so. He was in middle age, the long beard matching that of his red hair which was pulled back in a ponytail. Sea green eyes searched the faces of the advisers.

Leaning in, the three men conversed in hushed tones. She observed. A few moments later, Errich the knight captain met her eyes. "Very well, your Highness. Come please," He took a step back opening the door. With a gauntlet covered hand extended outward, the man waited for her to take it. "The road is a bit muddy." He went on. She could care less. Anything to get away from having to sit anymore for the time being. She left her seat carefully managing her way through legs to the door. She took his hand getting the chance to see that the road was indeed muddy but not enough one could not travel upon it. The male whisked her on his horse with no effort at all. The others followed suit abandoning the carriage for the forest. The captain, once Eshara was secure, led his animal by the reins along the dirt road. "We break here," He announced. "Keep it tight."

When there was no threat of Eshara falling head first in the mud, Errich stopped off to the side. The princess lifted her head at the rustling of tree leaves above in the wind. With the trees so huge, only a glimmer of light from the skies above made it beyond. She felt better and less confined. Looking down, she found the captain staring up at her. She smiled and soon the corners of his mouth rose. He helped her down. "Stay close." He told her.

"I will." She replied. Holding her hands together, she went to explore. There was no shortage of beautiful flowers growing all around. She wondered whether she would be able to see more of such beauty. "Captain?" Eshara spoke.

"Yes, milady?" He stood on the other side of the tree, back against it and head turned in the direction her voice came.

"Do you know much about Erendriel's royal family?"

"Not especially," He answered. "My apologies."

"No, no. It's okay." She was afraid. Afraid of the unknown. Pressing her body against the tree, the princess sighed again. It would be time for them to head on soon. Voices of the others reached her ears, they were grateful for the time. Pushing up from the tree, she knelt to pick one of the flowers. Putting it in her hair, she placed her concerns aside temporarily. Looking around, she thought she saw movement in the distance. "Errich," She called out for the captain. It didn't take him long to reach her. When he did, he stood at her side with a look of concern on his face.

"What is the matter, milady?"

She searched, nothing except trees caught her eye.
"I thought I saw something, perhaps I was mistaken." Their eyes met. "I'm sorry." She apologized.

"It is not a problem. We will get a search underway." From what she knew of the captain, he was a thorough man. The caravan did not make any sudden stops or take longer than necessary anywhere without his permission. Eshara was sure that after he did his search they would be on their way, a bit of a disappointment for her yet one she understood. "Your Highness," He held his hand out to her which she took. He led her back around the tree near his horse. He called for a comrade to keep watch of her in his place. Suddenly, the princess felt chilled. Pulling the shawl further around her shoulders, Eshara's head lifted at the sound of the previously quiet birds fleeing the trees. It did not go unnoticed by the others either. The captain grimaced in his checking stride.

"Milady," The knight near her gathered her attention. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," She nodded. "A bit chilled is all."

"Allow me to fetch you a blanket," The kind knight suggested.

"Oh, no please don't trouble yourself on my behalf." She smiled, shaking her head. She blinked and in that quick second it seemed as if a lifetime passed. Something flew past her face. It was so abrupt. It felt as if someone had pressed something hot right up on her check and a wet sensation followed. From the corner of her eye, the knight had been stricken directly in his neck with none other than an arrow. The impact sent blood flinging outward. The arrow had been the something which flew past. Reaching up, she touched her cheek. Blood rolled around her fingers where she had been cut, but it was of no comparison to what she saw. Her eyes widened, mouth opened with a shrill scream filling the air continuing even after the body hit the ground. The disturbance reached the party, Errich whirled around. His face taking in the scene. "Get her in the carriage this instant!"

It was unknown what went on, but he could not afford to take anything lightly. As Eshara's ladies rushed to get to her, arrows pierced their flesh, fatally sending them to the ground. An ambush, the caravan had been ambushed. Having never seen a dead body, the princess stared at the carnage unfolding. She was in a state of shock unable to move while the voices of the knights carried on the wind, Errich's booming one above all. It did not matter about the dead females nor the twentieth guard bringing the group to nineteen now, if something happened to the princess everything their lives might as well be forfeit. He shouted. "Shields up! Protect Lady Eshara at all costs!" The Sundamar knights, at first, held an oval formation before it became a tight circle with their silver shields raised high. They closed any openings allowing Eshara's advisers to usher her back into the carriage and for a time no more arrows cut through the air. "Is she safe?!" Errich demanded.

"I-Im alright." Eshara told him, it was the furthest thing from the truth. She was not alright. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the dead three. People had been killed! She could not understand for what reason or who was responsible.

"Captain, what is it?" A knight questioned.

"I do not know." Errich answered looking around.

The tree branches rustled. The group below looked up to find several individuals clad in hooded black cloaks using the thick branches as a playground. They readied arrows, the tips caked in flames. They soon shot them at the group. Some caught the shields while three of the knights were impaled in their exposed parts.

Errich looked up. "Above! Archers!" Dropping shields, those adept with arrows sent a blur rising to meet the flesh of their enemies knocking them from the trees. Eshara covered her ears at the battle. In the blind spots of the forest brought out more cloaked raiders and even some rising up from the pathway having used the disguise of the mud to remain unseen.

"Prepare for battle!" The princess heard before the scraping of metal filled her ears. Her advisers were arguing with one another about her safety whether they should steer the carriage themselves or wait. Outside, the horses attached to the carriage were spooked causing them to take off and send Eshara hitting the side. She screamed. All of them were tossed around harshly. The frightened animals tore away from the carriage and it spun out of control. She bit down on her lip. In her scattered view, she could see the enemies fighting with the knights and Errich driving his blade into an adversary. He fought to make an opening to go after the carriage, but enemies lined up to challenge him. The carriage spun out of control striking a tree in the eventual stop. Striking a tree, the carriage's movements stopped with the princess hitting her head on the side. A wound opened bleeding. "Uh..." She gasped.

"Run," One of her advisers uttered. He hadn't quite recovered from the spin out, his frightful brown eyes were on the outside staring at the approach of an enemy clearly different than the other raiders. He was tall, his age undetermined although he appeared young. Wavy brown hair looked a mess of sorts covering one side of his face and his skin was an alabaster. He did not pay attention to the massacre, his focus was on the carriage. A sadistic smile touched his dry lips and from his manner of clothing he could have very well been a distant member of some low born nobility. "Run!" The princess heard her advisers insist. They were warning her to flee, to leave them behind so that she might survive. Resistance gripped her. How could she do this? These were her people! She couldn't abandon them!

"No!" She threw her body against the door to force it open. "We will go together! Come!" Just as she managed to give them the space they needed, the strange man with messy hair took off running. He rammed the door closed with his body grabbing the outside of it to hold on to. He winked at Eshara. At closer inspection, his face was horribly scarred.

"If you would, pretty girl, I'll be needing you to come with me. Preferably without incident or I might just do something you'll regret," His blue eyes trailed down her body. "Cut something here…..or there."

"Who are you?!" The princess cried out.

He answered. "Olinsiver, madam. How do you do? If it weren't for that fact, I really would love to kill you, I really would. Though, seeing how you're so beautiful I will settle for a memento from you, something I can remember you by," He tilted his head to the side. "Maybe those eyes, you won't need them where you are going or a taste of that body." He licked his lips. His derangement held no bounds.
Eshara and the others would not be able to go out the other window as it was jammed against the tree. "Uh oh," Olinsiver turned away momentarily to gut a knight with a dagger, taking pleasure in the killing. With a look of horror at the others, the princess acted. With the beast of a man distracted, she managed to bring all her weight in pushing the door open frantically leaping out falling on the ground. She forced herself up anticipating the pair to be right at her side in their haste to survive but as she looked back, the gentlemen had stayed behind instead.They threw themselves at the one named Olinsiver shouting for her to keep running. She wanted to stop, truly she did, and it pained her not to do so. The pair were no match for the crazed one. The princess witnessed them be gutted by that single bloody dagger blade and once finished, the man laughed. He kept her in his eyesight allowing the futile head start. She escaped off the path fleeing into the forest and away from the screams of her people dying. She had not a clue what direction she was going but she prayed it would take her somewhere she might hide. There were footsteps other than her own behind her and looking, Olinsiver charged after her. It was when she looked forward, she realized at any time he could have caught her. He toyed with her. He wanted her to think she took the lead, that a chance was still obtainable. She kept on running wide eyed, the sound of her own breathing pounding in her ears and the man closing the distance. He reached out to take hold of her hair only succeeding in wrapping just a handful around his hand. Eshara screamed again. He pulled her to him wrapping one arm around her waist.

"Now that was fun," He whispered in her ear. "What do you say we play another game? I promise I won't be gentle."
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