Salvador's Daily

Salvador Wall-E

Feb 18, 2021
I acquired provisions from the food pantry near my marked monument, without a cart or means of admittance to the metropolitan transportation it was difficult to take my groceries home; truthfully I managed different holds hinging on my shoulder, the best was a few moments unburdened, steeling myself like icing precipitation. I spoke this resistance to my inventory on the principle of strength, but by the sight of me you can't name a strong-man, instead I commence unreasonable marches and stomach alien disgust -- the face of unrepentant endurance. The measure of the gravity this body makes of corpulent Earth is more significant than the affection of lithe sprites which must exist under the auspice of perfection. Introduced by the form of state identification it will be hard to tell you I can ever be as lost as I was before, losing cards had been like stocking the decks of Satan, for who would credit anyone a good deal that is allergic to their own likeness?
This entry was sponsored by commitment in the key of eyes blinking, lungs rising and sinking; meals eaten, pages scrolled and turned.
I am obsessed with the roleplaying charade -- were that I had a modicum of health to trade for the agreeable phrase, I would be at some greater degree than abased -- so it is in the season of giving, or in general with progress in the annual revolution there are daemons of ritual -- the applications in the background are necessary, when I freeze I am comforted by the games I will never rule. I move like a drunk: I am enraged with discipline, instructed like the literal (it's always figurative with "allies") violence that I was.

Sloths have formed a symbiotic relationship with the green because they can't manage to get it off, with us too there is such a complementary color, that is, red of the collective velvet sea. Velvet is luxurious, as opposed to the mere instance of the sanguine body, cover of an illustrious deep. Though I possessed several phobias (heights, submersion, and canines) the trepidation with which I faced the vaccines of my youth I blame on insecurity, steadied breath better than the hand I had to grasp; moreover, I now claim a queer pleasure in bloodletting, just signing it away for other's records of course -- I do think of losing my blood on purpose. Let me keep my money, give each drop. We can do so much with vital force the demand should be for it with threat of lethal force, and most assuredly I would sooner be bloodless, than witless without saving a soul.

I'm not kidding about this savior business. I binge eat between the days when I heavily go through the motions, I know. Unlike a Fortnite addled Thor I have never been worthy, at least not without the caveat of a mood for riskier things than affirmation and definitely no handcrafted inscriptions on objects of power. I have a "biggest debate geek" medal indicating that blood once went to a brain, it's victims were dog-eared after it was done with them. How might I leave my mark if not humorless?
There are two days that begin with S and seven days with Y. I think the greatest mark a person can leave on another is the question, it doesn't matter which one, like the everyday they all end in why. Not why it was, but because it still is, dying will is the answer to the hole in people that cannot be touched. My favorite phrase is "back in the day," more accurate than any number I remember, and to whoever said hindsight is 20/20, "You're full of shit!" If the past were dead then I would just be an adult like Jesus could just be the son of God or I could just be imagining the preceding. We do remember the future like we remember the past, the past only seems clearer because of a suffering why.
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