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Fx Female Seeking Long Term, Multi Character with Power Exchange

Island Gwen

Oct 11, 2020
Now, I get that this request is akin wandering through the forest looking for a unicorn. What I am hoping to find will be rare and difficult to navigate. But I thought I would put it out here in the hopes of catching the eye of someone else so inclined.

The Dream
A long term story with multiple characters involved in romantic and sexual relationships that include power exchange. The main characters would have arcs and evolve over time. The interactions could be straightforward, but might also be subtle and complex.

There could be larger plots as well, affecting the whole group and forcing them to interact with the world. We can decide these together, based on the setting.

The Setting
This point is flexible. It could be the crew of a starship, high or low tech Amazons, Vikings, a ranch in the Wild West. Even modern day would work in some sort of defined community (university, sports team, business group). Whatever sparks our mutual interest.

My writing partner is more important to me than specific plot lines or kinks or settings. I would want to write a story with someone, working with them on what we both enjoy and want to explore.

I am a mid 30s professional woman working from home in the US ever since COVID. This allows me to write two to three paragraph entries several times a day. Longer pieces for introductions, set ups and what have you. This isn't required by my partners, I can wait for people with other timeframes.

• Locating - I would prefer to write stories on Discord, but this doesn't have to be a deal breaker. I can be flexible for the right person / story.

• Plot to smut ratio - In the past, my writing has been pure smut. Moving here has allowed for more plotting and world building, so that is fun. I guess I am open to a mix, as suits us.

• Frequency - I am able to support several updates per day. This is not a requirement from my partners, but it sure would be fun to find!

• Response Length - My additions will tend to be two to three paragraphs depending on what is going on. More for set up pieces, less for quick back and forth.

• Limits - My only limits are those of the site's. If the story calls for it, then I am good. I tend to be more 'realistic' and less 'fantastical'. Mega-anything doesn't really work with how I view my writing. And more 'cartoony' behaviors is the same.

• Kinks - As hinted at in other places, I enjoy power exchange, including BDSM and associated kinks. Leather and lace is always nice but not a fetish for me.

• Preferences - I lean towards preferring female to female characters, but this doesn't have to be a hard and fast rule. I also tend towards wanting power exchange and kink involved in at least some level.

• Fandoms - While I have nothing against them per se, I don't follow any of them very closely, and my knowledge of them will be superficial. I recognize I don't put the same emotional weight into them as fans might. My imagination is sparked by original worlds and characters.

• Asynchronous Writing - My schedule doesn't permit me the time to commit to writing at the same time you are. If this is important to you we are not the right partners for each other.

• Out of Character - We don't have to be best buds. But I have found I am more engaged and enjoy the writing better when discussing ideas with my writing partner.

• Images - I enjoy finding face claims for characters, and I prefer real images for this. I am often inspired to find images of selected outfits, pieces of jewelry or settings for the scenes, be those buildings or spaceships. My partner doesn't have to mimic this, just tolerate it!

If this interests you, please message me and we can see if we are compatible on other points or resolve any points of disagreement. Then we could explore a world of our own creation together!

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First edit, albeit subtle. Putting this back out in the world. Hoping to find a collaborator.

My other stories have dried up, so bumping this again to see if I can find people another way.

Edited the request, cannibalizing from my mini request thread. Hopefully the increased detail will let visitors understand where I am coming from better.

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