another one coming back


Feb 24, 2011

It seems to be a trend lately in request threads doesn't it? phrases along the lines of "I've been away from RP a while and I want to get back into it." Enforced stay at home 'cos Covid, maybe? Who knows? Anyway here comes yet another one. You'll look in vain for fancy graphics and GIFS on this one - I just want to state the bald facts of what I am interested in, and see what comes of it.

What I can offer:

OK this sounds amazingly pompous and sanctimonious but - I'm a guy that understand the concept of respect. That means I won't ghost, won't nag you to step outside your limits, won't try and flirt with you OOC if you make it clear you have a SO in real life (OK, I might flirt a bit if you haven't!)

As far as the BM rules go, just about all the stuff that isn't allowed is stuff I don't want to do anyway.

And I might be blowing my own trumpet here but I consider myself highly literate. I've been writing for many years, and RPing for more than five. About my only weakness is typing, which sometimes results in an occasional spelling mistake. This doesn't mean I expect the same level from partners - shit, we've all got to learn, right? But see "expectations" below:

And I am a real demon plotter - I consider RP an art, and I am ever seeking original ideas and piquant twists.


Obviously basic grammar and literacy. If you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" or think every "s" needs an apostrophe before it, I'm probably not going to enjoy RPing with you, and vice versa. Sorry. Similarly if you don't understand that ghosting is rude, and leave me in the lurch, don't expect me to ever RP with you again. Naturally if you are not enjoying the RP and want to stop, and tell me so, no hard feelings.

I don't care about your gender in RL, but I do only like playing against female characters in my fiction. If you are a male who can convincingly play a female, that's fine. I might make an exception for a an effeminate transexual character.

Faceclaims: Yes, I like 'em. Preferably real people rather than anime or manga or whatever. Though of course I understand that if we're talking nekos or mermaids, compromise is necessary here.


The bad news. I live in a GMT+10 time zone, so being on at the same time as Americans may be an issue. And as a British-born Australian, I tend to use UK spelling.


To me, the idea of doing a rabbit hole is meaningless. One of the appeals of RP is to push boundaries and try out stuff you would not think of doing in RL. My turn-ons tend to be centred around the character I am playing against, or circumstances in general rather than specific erotic practices. I also understand the point of reciprocity. If you're prepared to try my kinks, I'll try yours. RP partners are a team. A long list of sexual practices I'll let my characters do or not do is a bit pointless - hit me up with it, and I'll consider it. The few things I certainly have no interest in doing are listed below under "Squiffs." My kinks are pretty individual anyway, and are listed below for the perusal of potential partners (love that alliteration, hey?)

So with that intro out of the way let's list the stuff that draws me in!

Helplessness: The idea of playing the "white knight" against a helpless girl who needs constant rescuing really gets my juices flowing. I guess it's a basic need in guys that explains the popularity of all those medieval poems about dragons and princesses captured and locked in towers. A girl who is needy, broken, screwed up, bullied by other women, lacks confidence, or generally just needs succour and comfort - count me in!

Shyness: Probably connected to the above. Nympho girls who put out to everyone and are totally confident with their sexuality (while I think this excellent in RL) are not much of a turn on for me in my fiction. Give me the shy, virginal (even if she isn't actually a virgin) type any day.

Wardrobe Malfunctions: To me, catching a girl in the act of adjusting her pantyhose or picking out a wedgie is far sexier than deliberate nakedness. A skirt blowing up and revealing a girl's panties is better than a nude shot. To me an especially sexy scenario is a lady needing a guy's help with some aspect of her dressing, ie doing up her zipper or straightening her seams, or unsticking her dress if she gets static cling.

Old fashioned clothing: Girdles, slips, stockings with garters, control briefs etc. This is possibly related to the "wardrobe malfunction" kink above I guess, as there's a lot more that can go wrong with such attire. Though there's a lot of RP fun that can be had with modern shapewear like Spanx or hip-slips too!

Blushing: Again, related to the above. If your character blushes, she'll get me in every time. Same with tears, actually.

Physical/Mental Flaws: To me a minor physical or emotional issue is a real turn on, especially if it makes the girl who suffers from it insecure. A birthmark? Very small breasts (or even very large ones). A stomach or a bum that sticks out a bit too much? Skinny legs? A lisp or a stammer? Scared of the dark? Nice!

And on that note, Unreliable Bladders. I'm not into watersports as such, just the idea of a girl who frequently has to hurriedly break off important conversations to rush to the bathroom, or spends a lot of her time with her legs crossed in an agony of suspense hoping she won't disgrace herself!

Flirting: To me, the chase is more than half the fun. Having your character flirt with mine, especially if she's a bit desperate and clumsy and has no real idea how to go about it... ooh yeah!!!

Romance: Well, who doesn't like a bit of fluff, right?

Older Women / Younger men: But with a twist. Usually, in RPs wth this dynamic it's a "Mrs Robinson" type scenario, where she's the powerful experienced one and he's the young, naive ingenue. As far as I am concerned, this one's been done to death. Let's try a scenario where the woman is older but was married young and totally neglected by her husband, and has hardly any sexual experience or confidence, and he's a kid that gets around.

Inversion of the Power Pyramid. I guess this one needs a bit of explaining. What turns me on is the idea of a person officially in power, but in fact is not that powerful at all. The high paid female executive who everyone thinks is a scary bitch, but is actually dependent upon her underpaid male menial. The high-ranking female military officer who got her role through connections, but is actually a coward in battle. A mother or aunt who married young and lacks knowledge of the ways of the world, and her much more confident and worldly son or nephew (or elder sister and younger brother works well here, too.) A Domme whose personality is not really up to the job and needs to rely upon her sub. You get the picture, right?


Pregnancy, birth. Sorry but the whole idea of pregnancy and babies really kills any lust for me!

MC in a romantic involvement with masculine men. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with any variation of adult consensual sexuality in RL, but as a straight male, I just can't RP this convincingly. I wouldn't mind trying a lesbian thing if my partner can accept that as a male I might make a few mistakes playing a female, or alternately, MC is a straight male and YC is an effeminate cissy-boy or transgender person.

Types of RP preferred

Slice of life or at least semi-realistic stuff is my main thing. Once you bring any kind of magic or super power into the story, it kind of makes it hard for me to immerse myself in it and really think of it as real. I love reading sci-fi or fantasy, just not RPing it.

Having said that, I also have a liking for Steampunk, or an occasional foray into the Victorian or Elizabethan worlds. And as an exception to my non-fantasy barrier... I do have a kind of kinky thing about mermaids and nekos!

Fandom? Not really my thing at all. I prefer making up my own people. But hey, if you have a really good idea, let's talk anyway. Everything here is open to discussion!

So, now onto the good stuff
: The plotty thingies. All, of course, bring in at least some of my kinks... but I've tried to leave a good amount of wriggle room so potential partners can also insert their own tastes. I repeat, anything you read here is subject to negotiation. The first three, marked with a * are the ones I'd really, really love to do. The others, however, are also things I'd enjoy and I think I could make any of these ideas really enjoyable for the right partner, too.

*The Protector: (Modern, or nearly so, say 1980s - today) YC is an unmarried/divorced/widowed mother with a teen age daughter who is constantly bullied at school. You attempt to stop this, only to find that the parents of the bully - and maybe even the bullying girls themselves - take advantage of your weakness and lack of confidence to make your life a misery and harass and humiliate you at every turn. MC is a local youth who steps in to help, and despite the age difference, various other things then come into the relationship. (Note: This could be done either with a younger woman and a very young kid, or an older woman with a teenage daughter, with you playing both roles - obviously I'd double up on the bully roles and the protector. Another variation could be the protector is the woman's son or nephew - incest being one of the things I have never wanted to try in RL but would be interested in investigating in RP. Or even you play the teen and I play her younger, more confident brother... open to many variations.)

*Damsel In Dis-Dress:
(Modern) This is one I'd really, really love to do, but to be frank I doubt it will get too many takers. YC is a complete clothing klutz - every time she goes anywhere, her garters come off and her stockings fall down, or her skirt comes off, or her bra straps slide, or... you get the picture. MC is either her SO/husband, who has to get her out of embarrassing situations resulting from these problems and comfort her afterwards, or alternately a guy she hires as a personal valet to make sure she always looks good.

(A variation on the above: The same plot, but done as a kind of system RP. I will be DM, and have control over your clothing, and can cause things to happen to YC's outfit, and YC has to find a way to get home without embarrassment or humiliation. For this we'd need to work out a fair system, with rules and such, so that the DM does not have all the power, but I'm sure that's do-able. Alternately, for male or lesbian readers, I'll be the damsel-in-dis-dress and you can be the DM)

*The Fan (Modern): This one's really experimental. Again, it's a kind of twist on a story that's been done a lot in RP. For this one, the medium/style in which we conduct it will be different from the usual. It's a kind of experiment. YC is a famous actress, rock star, sports personality, writer, congresswoman, whatever. MC is a complete nobody who writes a fan email to her, hoping for an autographed photo, or maybe even asking some respectful questions about her work. YC happens to get the email on a day she is feeling really low and that her career is a failure, and instead of the usual stock response sends him a reply full of angst, pain and a desperate need for comfort and reassurance that she is beautiful. A correspondence develops. The twist here is that instead of being written in the normal third person, it is an epistolary RP in which we compose the emails our characters are sending to each other. Do they ever meet? Let's see where it goes. Come on, surely there's someone out there who wants to push the envelope and try this one! Erm... is "push the envelope" even a good metaphor for a RP based on emails?

Not in Command: (Steampunk, Alternate World, Sci-fi) YC is a high official in the military (or Space Navy, or Airship Corps, or whatever) who has purchased her commission or had it bought for her by a rich daddy (as in the old days, Victorian Britain for example) - she's an arrant coward, but makes up for this by the smartness of her uniforms, the crispness of her salutes, her strict adherence to military protocol. Which works fine in peacetime, but once war breaks out... thank heaven MC, her lower ranking officer (or batman) is there to support her.

Among the ______. Insert the word "Nekos" or "Mermaids" here as you choose - or maybe even some other supernatural being if you have a particular thing for them. This is about the only straight out fantasy on my list. MC is injured and washes up among the colony of the mermaids/nekos and is nursed back to health by YC, who has never really fit in with the colony. She is weaker than the others, always made to do the horrible jobs, and generally kicked around (well, not that mermaids can kick, but you know what I mean, right?) MC takes it upon himself to help her and try to teach her to stick up for herself.

Executive Stress: (Modern, or basically anywhere from 1960s onwards) YC is a high-power executive, who holds her position because her father is a highly paid director of the company. Sure, she looks the part with her business suits and perfectly groomed hair, but underneath she's a seething mass of fears, insecurities, worries and humiliations. Other females at the same level resent her and sense her weaknesses. But her new male PA is on her side!

The Coach: (1930 - up to "five minutes into the future")YC is a married woman neglected by her husband, with no idea how to make a splash in the world. In desperation she hires a gigolo (MC) to teach her about how to function and not make a complete idiot of herself. You can imagine where it goes from here, right?

OK, well, let's see who is out there. Thanks for reading.
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