Personal Notes For My Thread

Jan 21, 2018
  • The Perverted Teacher
  • GIRL is talking to you in hall when teacher interrupts and makes her come into his room. He locks the door behind her and shuts the shade, what could be going on?
  • Confront girl about what happened, high enough persuade and she might just tell you. If not, you will have to help her locate the flash drive she dropped that has her college entry essay on it.
  • Learning GIRL is being black mailed by her teacher, she wants you to help her set him up. Her plan is to film him sleeping with her from outside his house, but you will have to find a video camera to do so.
  • You lost the camera and have to find it, but GIRL tells you she is now being black mailed by another student who might release everything and humiliate her as a slut. You must get the camera back.
  • Going after the camera, you can either still it or find another way to get it back. Be careful, the bitch who has it can be seductive and mean.
  • You inform the GIRL you have the camera. Will you help her or blackmail her yourself?
  • The teacher knows about it. You can avoid him and take the camera to the police or fight him and black mail him to leave her alone. Choice is yours. He may also want to make sure you never touch his girl again.
  • It’s time for your prize, enjoy!

  • The Injured Athlete
  • You find GIRL in the gym holding her knee, in a lot of pain. She needs help.
  • She is healthy and ready to play again, but a recruiter is scared she isn’t healthy and is going to resend her scholarship offer. You have to convince her not to do it.
  • She is thankful you have helped her and wants to go on a date. She wants you to help her create a high light tape of her since the injury.
  • When she plays a rival school, you meet her ex-boyfriend that is trying to get back into her life. He is a total jealous jerk, but she seems smitten by him. You have to prove he is a piece of shit.
  • She is being heavily recruited again and is invited to a local college for a visit. She asks you to go with her, but while there you are purposely separated. Some college guys try to find a way to force her to sign with their college, and you have to save her.
  • She wants to thank you for saving her but has a game she really needs to get too. Can you get her there in time, it could mean the difference between her future and nothing at all?
  • After all you have done for her, she is finally ready to give herself to you. Enjoy.

  • The Babysitter
  • You see a paper at school, someone there is wanting to make cash for babysitting and your little brother would be perfect.
  • You meet the babysitter, before leaving the house for the night. Your parents are out of town. When you come home, you have to give her a ride home and pay her.
  • You see her at school the next day, and she explains she is trying to pay for insurance on her car but needs more jobs. Will you help her?
  • You find her at school the next day, upset and saying she is quitting babysitting. What happened? You have to make this right!
  • Helping her out, she is thankful and wants to baby sit for you again.
  • Your little brother sneaks out of the house, and she panics. Do you help her find him?
  • The next day at school, you approach her about what happened with your little brother? How do you handle it? She might want to thank you for the help or beg for forgiveness.
  • She comes over to baby sit a third time and has to spend the night. You catch her in her bedroom asleep, what do you do?

  • The Nerd
  • She is a very beautiful girl, but no one in school has a chance with her. A local girl makes a bet that you cannot take her virginity. Do you do it?
  • Getting to know her, you ask for a tutor but have to convince her that you are being honest. She is hesitant at first and doesn’t trust you.
  • You witness her being bullied by a couple of jerks in the school. Coming to her rescue, they run off with her book bag. Will you get in back for her?
  • Taking your brother to a local comic con conviction, you find her there dressed up as a superheroine. How will you react to her?
  • The girl who made the bet with you is worried you are going to win and discloses information about the bet to the nerd. She hates you, now what?
  • You lost the bet. it’s the Homecoming Dance and the nerd hates you. However, the girl you made the bet with is trying to humiliate her. What will you do?
  • The bully does not like you and the nerd being so close and starts to threaten her nerd. You have to make it stop, but how?
  • The nerd admits she is falling in love with you, but she is a lot wilder than you ever imagined.

  • Your Rival
  • You bump into each other the first day of school, and it seems as if you hate each other from day one. She is rude to you, but so damn beautiful Worse, she is the head cheerleader and only dates jocks.
  • You have joined one of the sports teams, will this be enough to impress her? Oh, and she has become your sister’s best friend.
  • When you two make a big scene in the hallway, she is forced to wear your football jersey by the school and the though sickens her, maybe you, too. If she doesn’t wear it though, you will be kicked out of school. But she decides to hide it, hoping to get rid of you.
  • At the game, she is forced to wear the jersey and can’t stand it at first. A few game winning plays later, you are the hero of the school and she hates you for it. Why though?
  • You find a couple guys from another school giving her a hard time, do you save her or join them?
  • Later that night at the party, she apologizes for everything she has done and asks you to dance. She is drunk though will you take advantage of her?
  • You wake up and find she has spent the night with your sister, and you didn’t know it. Worse, she is running late for an appointment and needs a ride. Will you help her, though you really don’t have the gas money to do so?
  • Afterwards, she says she wants to hang out and you suggest your family’s lake house. While there, can you seal the deal with the hottest cheerleader in the school?

  • The Troublemaker
  • You find a girl skipping class, and can easily rat her out, but do you? She asks you for a ride and tries to convince you to leave school early.
  • The next day, she calls you and wants to hang out. While driving around town with her, she is pulled over by a cop and threatens him since she is the mayor’s daughter. You find out she has drugs on her though.
  • She calls you and needs your help. You go to her and find she has wrecked her car and is drunk. The cop is ready to arrest both of you, but now what?
  • After getting her out of the jam, your parents freak and tell you to never see her again. However, she comes to your house late one night needing a place to stay. She makes it worth your while.
  • A local drug dealer breaks into you home while your alone with the troublemaker and holds you at gun point. The dealer says she hid some drugs in your room and the dealer wants them.
  • The dealer is going to kill her, but maybe you can do something to save her life. What will you do?
  • You thought you were rid of her, but she comes to you while running from the law. If you help her escape, she will give it up, but there is also a reward? What will you do?

  • True Love
  • At school, you realize one of your class mates is a world famous gymnast that has recently come back to school after winning a gold medal and you had the biggest crush on her ever.
  • She wants to go to a party, and asks you to help her sneak out but her dad has hired a body guard you have to help her ditch.
  • The next day at school, you find her very upset and learn someone is stalking her. She is scared and doesn’t want to be alone.
  • She calls you screaming and yell, someone is breaking into her house. You rush to her house to find she is gone and her bodyguard is injured.
  • You have to find a friend that can help track her down, before she is hurt. But they will want something in return.
  • Tracking her down to a near by cabin, you have to save her from the crazy nerd you go to school with.
  • She is moving away, getting away from this town but she wants to spend a romantic night with you. Can you make her date real?
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At school Lobby…

Enter the building, while talking to your mom about not wanting to babysit that night. Bump into YOUR RIVAL and make her drop her things. She gets mad and acts very rude toward you.

At School East Wing Hall

Walk down hallway and see a bulletin board, closer examination will reveal a sheet of paper with a phone number for someone willing to babysit. Take number for later.

Go to your first class, look around and notice a few different girls: cheerleader, rich girl, bully and THE NERD

At School Lobby…

Notice a beautiful girl who is looking at her schedule, trying to find her next class. If you talk to her, she is really nice and sweet but her football playing brother interrupts the conversation and tells you to back off.

At School West Wing Hall…

Walk into your class room, following behind a BAD RELATIONSHIP CHEERLEADER. She will be polite if you talk to her, but will blow you off and tell you she has a boyfriend. Class starts…

In The Gym…

You watch THE INJURED PROSPECT shooting basketball in the gym and see just how good she really is, but her knee gives out and she goes down hard. Do you rush to her rescue or leave her there?

In The West Wing Hall…

You walk to your locker and THE NERD starts to get into the locker right beside you. She is sweet and nice, blushes when you flirt with her but overly shy. When she walks away, THE BITCHY BULLY tells you THE NERD is a prune and to quit wasting your time. Maybe even bets you that you cannot get into her pants.

At Lunchroom…

You are eating lunch by yourself when a really QUIET GIRL asks if she can sit with you. She is beautiful but doesn’t say much. She will blush when you talk to her but tends to hold you at bay until you finally push her to leave.

At East Wing Hall…

On your way to class, you see TEACHER’S PET struggling to get into her locker. If you stop and help, she will be friendly until teacher steps out and interrupts you, asking her to enter his office while giving a creepy vibe.

At School Lobby…

You see the ABUSED GIRLFRIEND again. If you talk to her, her jealous boyfriend will walk up and act nice to you, but she will stare at the floor and start to show signs of emotional abuse.

At West Wing Hall…

You run into your cousin for the first time, who is also your best friend when her boyfriend approaches. They get into a big argument when another girl says hi to the two of you.

In Car…

If you retrieved the babysitter’s number, you could use this moment to contact her and schedule her to babysit your kid brother that evening (for practice if athlete, studying if nerd, to play music if artist, to hang out with friends if normal guy).

Cousin texts you about your first day in the next school and wants to meet up later, she wants to introduce you to her best friend.

At Home…

BABYSITTER arrives for the job; she is very sweet and gets along great with your kid brother. There is some innocent flirting before you leave.

At Practice (Athlete), At Library (If Nerd), At local restaurant (Artist), At Mall (Normal Guy)…

Meeting up with your cousin, who is best friend’s with your RIVAL. Walking around a corner, you bump into your rival and she spills her drink all over herself. After she storms off, your cousin reveals that is the girl she wanted to introduce you too.

At Home…

Return home and find your kid brother sound asleep, and the babysitter watching tv. Some more small talk and she asks if you can drive her home when her dad doesn’t answer her text. She tells you a little about why she is wanting to work and asks you to pay her when you drop her off.

You walk up the sidewalk toward a new school, but it is so much different from what you are use too. This is a small school, maybe four hundred students in the entire building compared to the couple thousand you were familiar with. As you head toward the front door, random students pass you by, most heading into the school but the occasional one is heading toward the parking lot. You hold a phone to you ear, with the sound of your mother’s voice coming through…

Mother: Please Josh, try and make this work. We have no where left to go after you got your dad fired from his last job and got yourself kicked off the football team.

Josh: I don’t want to be here mom; I don’t know why we had to move?

Mother: You know damn well why! After you broke into the school for that stupid prank using your father’s cop car, he was forced to resign, and the school kicked you off the team. Lucky for us, we didn’t have to pay for the damages.

Josh: Ugh, still! This place is so freaking small! There is nothing to do here.

Mother: Josh, I don’t want to hear it. This is your own doing. I have to get clocked in at work and your father is working the night shift at the station. You have to be home to baby sit your brother tonight, so don’t make plans.

Josh: But I have practice mom!

Mother: Then you better find a babysitter before then or else you’re going to miss it.

His mother hangs up as you enter into the building, frustrated with the situation. Your book bag hangs off one shoulder as you enter the SCHOOL LOBBY. Looking at your class schedule, you need to make it to room 104. Looking at the signs on the wall, the EAST WING HALLWAY is rooms 101 through 116. Looking at the WEST WING HALLWAY is rooms 201 through 216. In front of the is THE NORTH HALLWAY leading to the cafeteria. The entrance to the school offices and gymnasium is on the left and the library is on the right of this hall.

As you walk around the corner and start toward your first class, you blindly bump into some while looking down at your schedule. Her books all hit the floor and you hear her scream out...

Angry Girl: Watch where the fuck you are going!

You look up to see the YOUR RIVAL in front of you[/url] as she leans down and starts to gather her things.
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