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Fx Female Can You Give Me What I Want? (NSFW Links)


Jan 21, 2020

I want to do a Pokemon roleplay!

I want to start out by saying that if you can't use at least a high school grammar level and can't bother to spell out your words then please don't message me.

Now... I know what I'm looking for an a playing/writing partner. If I don't like what I see/read after our first few messages I'll let you know and we can move on, no hard feelings.

I want someone who can contribute to the story and give me more than just smut. 70/30 story to smut ratio, give or take with maybe... 60% flirting. I also require someone who knows how to flirt, through their charters. If you can't give me the flirting and foreplay then walk away now. I want to feel the need and want between our characters. I want to get to the brink of sex and pull back.

Details are very important too. I give lots of little details about the scene, feelings, thoughts, wants, clothing, ect. If you would rather not write enough to give your post some heft then I will have to say goodbye. I try and write at least 2-3 paragraphs per reply but I will happily match you if you give me more. I also write in third person but I will do first person if necessary. I also use Face Claims and Character Sheets for all my plays. I need to know what your character looks like so I can give you the best experience possible.

Lauren noticed Skylars studded and her staring at her but didn't thing much into it, she might have had to sneeze... or cough! Coffee...!

"Lauren laughed and put the glasses on the quartz countertop behind her before pointing at the rack of pastel colored coffee mugs that hung beside the refrigerator. "Do you have a color preference?" She smiled and grabbed her favorite yellow and purple swirl one.

As she turned her back again and began on the coffee making she listened to her friend speak and shook her head, her curls swaying softly. "It's just me here... and Niko." She said, playfully rolling her eyes but only to herself. "My last boyfriend left me almost three years ago and I haven't found anyone worth bringing into my life since." She said, feeling exposed all of a sudden and she blushed in embarrassment. "I like it that way though..." She added, hoping it came off as confident as she wanted it to. In reality she hated being alone. Waking up every morning with no one beside her always starts the day off wrong. She wanted someone to sweep her off her feet and to never ever let them touch the ground again.

"How about you?" Lauren asked as she turned to face Skylar, her cheeks still slightly pinked but everything else about her expression normal and friendly. "Someone like you has to have all the boys falling to their knees, right?" She giggled, looking Skylar over again, this time right in front of her face but she figured it would be okay given the conversation. She gestured down Skylars body and added "I mean... look at you. You're stunning."

Lauren bit her lip again and reached forward to grab the wash cloth that was hanging from the front of the stove on the island. Something about this girl was making her uneasy but in the best way. She felt bubbly and on edge but there was no fear inside her. Well... a little but it was rush that she wanted more off. "What do you do for work?" She asked, the urge to know everything about this girl was overwhelming her and she could not figure out why.

Kelli listened to her Professor and looked to her right on instinct when he instructed the class to but the girl to her right was already engaged in a conversation with whoever was next to her. Kelli sighed and turned to her left, hoping that whoever was there would be waiting to talk to her. That's when it happened. Kelli's eyes were met with emerald green pools that she could have jumped into a swam in for all eternity. Her heart leapt into her throat and she smiled nervously before turning back to the front of the room. She hadn't even made it past the girls eyes and her whole body was lighting up like a meteor storm.

"No! Not possible." She thought to herself as she did her best to focus on what was happening now. Her name was at the beginning of the teachers list and she rose her hand, speaking softly but loud enough everyone could hear it. "Here." Kelli slumped back into her seat and groaned, wanting to run for the hill already. It was the first day and she was already late for class and now because of that she was going to be partnered with the girl she had secretly been pinning over since like eighth grade.

Those eyes. It was always those eyes. Every time she would pass Alice in the hallway and muster up the courage to look her in the eyes she was greeted with those beautiful green gems. Her brain ran through all the times she had seen her walking the halls of Oakland High and all the times Alex had been sweet enough to smile but they never actually talked. Alex never actually noticed her, she was just a nice girl... goddess... that floated the halls like a ghost. A ghost that Kelli would never get to meet in this lifetime.

That's what was replaying over and over in her head when Alice slid in closer to her and she jumped slightly when she heard her speak. She turned and once again met the eyes of Alice "The Goddess" Nava. "Um... Hi there." Kelli offered, all her insecurities from high school flooding back into her body and making her feel about two feet tall. "It's good to finally meet you too." She said, realizing how stalkerish that sounded the moment it came out her mouth and she closed her eyes in fear.

Family, age play (younger), dirty talk (light or heavy), water sports, exhibitionism (the thrill of getting caught), masterbation, insertion of strange objects (vagina), leaving cum anywhere we get it on, some machine play, toys, being forced (not raped but dominated), and some animal play.

Scat, Vomit, BDSM, Rape, Torture, Mutilation, any henti, manga, cartoon, ect.

Right now I don't have any specific plots/characters in mind but I know I'm looking for something a little more dirty. Something containing a few of my kinks listed above.

When you message just let me know what you're into and what you have in mind. I love brain storming with my partners.
Please, no one liners when you message me, I probably won't reply to it.

I'm into Slice of Life and Fantasy mostly but do enjoy others if they strike my interest.

So... If you think you can give me what I'm looking for in a partner, please message me.
I promise I'm not as controlling in one on one conversation.

Love, Lana
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