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Fx Any Skye's fantasies! (NSFW Links)


Jun 30, 2013
Hi all! I'm Skye, and this will my request thread for my more traditional ideas. This thread will cover all my ideas with girls played across human(oid) partners. That said, I like a little magic in my roleplay!

First, some rules:
  • Approach me as a person!
    I'm not just a font of sexy roleplay, I'm a human being. Say hi, bring up your ideas, and expand on mine!

  • Try to use proper grammar!
    I'm not the language police or an English teacher, but it's nice to easily understand what you're talking about!

  • No one-liners or walls of text!
    A one-line response has no chance of giving me anything to work with, but chapter-length screeds are impossible to respond to!
If you can follow those, I'm sure we'll get along grand! Now, on to the interesting stuff!

Plot Seeds:
All of these are just jumping-off points! Please don't just say you want to play one of my ideas, but use them as a start so we can come up with our own unique settings and plots! Each seed will have a picture. If you want to take that picture in a completely different direction, that's just fine!

The Girl Power Squad are a group of teenage girls that have been granted the fabled Girl Power! This magical source allows them to transform from ordinary schoolgirls into the bane of criminals everywhere! Unfortunately for them, the criminals of the city have had enough of being pushed around by teenagers, and have found some truly awful men that were willing to be experimented on in order to take the Girl Power Squad down for good.

Kinks: Non-con, violence, humiliation, domination, age play.

Demi is obsessed with the local gig scene. She's at shows two or three nights a week, dancing, drinking, and having a wonderful time. It is at one of these gigs that she catches the eye of a major artist. After the show he calls her back stage, plying her with drugs and drink. She has no idea what his plans are, and she isn't quite sharp enough to work them out.

Within a few months her new sugar-daddy has ruined poor Demi. She's gone from a pretty young woman to a fat, desperate addict, willing to do almost anything for her boyfriend's approval.

Kinks: Corruption, weight gain, humiliation, drugs.

Demi is obsessed with the local gig scene. She's at shows two or three nights a week, dancing, drinking, and having a wonderful time. It is at one of these gigs that she catches the eye of a major artist. After the show he calls her back stage, plying her with drugs and drink. She has no idea what his plans are, and she isn't quite sharp enough to work them out.

Within a few months her new sugar-daddy has ruined poor Demi. She's gone from a pretty young woman to a fat, desperate addict, willing to do almost anything for her boyfriend's approval.

Kinks: Corruption, weight gain, humiliation, drugs.

Simulacroid is the hottest new VR game on the market, allowing normal, everyday folks to experience the lives of almost anyone on earth! Cherry is obsessed with the game. As a shy, nerdy, teenager exploring the lives of people quite unlike herself is a welcome escape. She spends her every spare moment living the lives of stunt-women, models, and fighter-pilots, while alone in her small bedroom.

Unbeknownst to most, there is a vulnerability in the code of Simulacroid, open to those in the know. One of Cherry's classmates has managed to use this backdoor to access the virtual world that she spends so much time in. By directly manipulating the game's code they have twisted Simulacroid's world into a bizarre, hypersexual dreamscape, where the human form is twisted well beyond its normal limits. Cherry is trapped within the game, forced to explore a world that is under the direct power of a pervert that knows a little too much about her.

Kinks: Hyper sized bodies, free-use, manipulation, surrealism.
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