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Question I WANT to Follow the Rules


Feb 2, 2021
I'm just a little confused on some of them? I'm a role player, and that required other parties involvement, yet I was informed in a previous PM that I'm not able to interact with any of the "looking for" threads. Yet, I think I saw it say I was able to post my own?... Lol, basically I was wondering if I could have someone check my permissions, and ensure I'm not gonna get in trouble for posting, and maybe find out what else I have to do to be given more permissions? Thank you in advance. X3
Hey there.

So I'll just preface my comments by saying that I'm not a member of the site staff or anything, but you aren't supposed to post in other members' request threads, as per the rules (note the yellow bold text in particular). It's always best to contact any potential RP partners through PMs.

Hope that helps!
Looks like, until very recently, you were in what's known as Void status (new to the site, grey username, some missing site privileges). Your 24 hour waiting period is over and you've left at least 3 posts around the forums -- so, you should be A-ok to become a full member.

As stated above, posting interest on another member's request thread is NOT allowed. Do feel free to send a PM to anyone you'd be interested in writing with.
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