Fx M or F Looking for men or women.

Princess Morgana

Jan 30, 2021
I'm looking for men or women to write with. Either are fine with me in and out of character. What you are makes no difference to me. I'm a Native and live in America, so if timezones or what I am matters to you, there you go. I only have a interest in writing through private messages or discord. Discord is my preference. Please do not contact me with less than a paragraph. If you cannot tell me what you like or what you're looking for, I don't really know why you're messaging me. Include your sexual interests as well since this sort of thing can easily be a defining factor in writing with someone.

I do not write in the first-person perspective at all when it comes to stories. Third-person only please. I've absolutely no interest in god-modding. Constant grammatical errors are also highly annoying when it comes to words like there/their and to/too. Seriously, Google them if you don't know the difference. How often I reply is not something set to a specific amount or time. I may reply once a day or multiple times a day. My replies may come every day or every two-to-three days. The same thing applies to how much I write within a reply. Some scenes require more words to come across well and some require less. Do not expect me to write ten paragraphs with meaningless detail when all that is needed is a simple single-to-double paragraph reply on my part to further the dialogue.

What I am primarily looking for is dominant men. I'm open to women as a secondary preference. The girl characters I write opposite to can be submissive or dominant; sex roles need not be applied if preferred. Regardless of what type of characters that I write opposite to or how many, I always plan on writing multiple girl characters. For me this tends to mean ten or more girls. With this, I am open to the popular request of harem themed ideas. The girls that I write are often shy, intelligent, and girly girls. I love for my girls to wear glasses. I'm also into writing the uncommon shy ditzy girls or the more popular slutty ditzy girls. Most of the girls that I write have slightly average bodies, beach bodies or some slight muscle. Bubble butts are a very reguarly physical attribute for my girls.

A lot of my characters tend to have a similar look to this (Asian or not, big breast or not).

Please note that I only use real women as my characters face claims. This means actresses, Instagram girls, youtube girls, girls involved in porn, girls involved in music, et cetera. I've no interest in the unknown with very little in the way of high quality images or searchable information. The only exception to the girls I use is when I write canon characters (which is rare) such as Sonya Blade, Cassie Cage, Mileena, Kitana, Sindel, et cetera. As a final note about characters, I write cis and trans women so specify if you have a preference.

The settings that I am looking to write within are that of modern realism or those with apocalyptic themes. Sometimes I may be open to non-original verses or crossovers. The type of apocalyptic settings I like vary drastically when it comes to the time period they're based within. The one constant they all share is zombies or some similar form of dead/infected beings. Regardless of the type of setting that the story takes place in please understand that my preference is for sexual content. I've no made up ratio to speak of but I can definitively say that I prefer far more sex than plot. My sexual interests are something left to be discussed in private. If you're interested in writing with me feel free to contact me and ask whatever you need along with giving me an appropriate response with details on what you're into and after. Don't give me the "I'm on mobile" excuse either as a cop-out for lack of detail as all of this was written via my phone and I strictly write by phone.
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