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Fx Any Erotic horror lies within! [F x Non-human characters!]


Jun 30, 2013
Hi all! I'm Skye, and this will my request thread for some of the more... unorthodox ideas that float through my brain when I get a little excited. This thread will cover all my ideas with girls played across inhuman partners. If you're looking for mundane, realistic pairings, please look elsewhere! In this thread, we will be using reality as a jumping-off point rather than a set of hard rules!

First, some rules:
  • Approach me as a person!
    I'm not just a font of sexy roleplay, I'm a human being. Say hi, bring up your ideas, and expand on mine!

  • Try to use proper grammar!
    I'm not the language police or an english teacher, but its nice to easily understand what you're talking about!

  • No one liners or walls of text!
    A one line response has no chance of giving me anything to work with, but chapter-length screeds are impossible to respond to!
If you can follow those, I'm sure we'll get along grand! Now, on to the interesting stuff!

Plot Seeds:
All of these are just jumping off points! Please don't just say you want to play one of my ideas, but use them as a start so we can come up with our own unique settings and plots! Each seed will have a picture. If you want to take that picture in a completely different direction, that's just fine!

Right now this is all rather heavy on dark themes, but I'll broaden things as brighter ideas come to mind.

Chloe woke up the same as every other day, entirely unaware that deep inside her something was very different. In the night creatures from far across the dark reaches of space had entered her bedroom unbidden, looking for a host they could use to incubate their young and spread across the globe. They entered where they could, through her mouth, her anus, her vagina, even the ducts in her breasts. They worked their way deep into her muscles and bonded themselves with her nerves. While she had no idea when she woke up, she was little more than a fleshy puppet for their blasphemous designs.

Kinks: Erotic horror, dub/non con, body transformation.

The USSS Covenant was a Juggernaut Class interstellar vessel, more like a moving military installation than a conventional starship. It carried not only a thousand marine personnel, but also their support staff, materiel, and even their families. The Covenant was meant to arrive at a conflict site and allow marines to undertake engagements without leaving the solar system for years on end. They had all the food, supplies, and weapons to persist without support for as long as an operation required.

Unfortunately, this also meant that when they snuck aboard the ship before it left for the Calyxian front, they had all the supplies they needed to take the ship far from humanity's borders. While the Covenant's scientists had no chance to understand the boarder's biology, they could not help but notice their effects. They were able seep into the brains of humans, linking the haplesss victims into a hive-mind that quickly expanded across the ship. Within days every person with military training was consumed and linked to the hive-mind, leaving the remaining few unable to resist their carnal urges.

Kinks: Erotic horror, non-con, impregnation, bondage, impact play, possible torture.

She is proud of her body, and always happy to show off, as well as not being averse to mocking those less beautiful than she is.

Unfortunately for her, this malign behaviour has drawn malign attention. A being, possibly from hell or someplace darker still, is planning to abuse this poor young woman's sin. This formless being plans to corrupt her further, twisting her into a specimen of vice.

Pride and Greed will come naturally to her but must be increased until she thinks of herself as a demonic princess worthy of all that she wills.

Gluttony and Sloth will be harder but are much more important. Her body must be allowed to alter from its trim and beautiful present into its lumpen and lascivious future.

Envy and Lust must drive her to take other women's men, corrupt their souls, and make them like her.

Finally, Wrath. When the daemon is finished it can set her loose, allowing her to take what she wills from the world as a true emissary of hell on earth. She will have a cult of followers, the body of a daemon, and the heart of a conqueror.

Kinks: Erotic horror, fattening and slobbishness, corruption, transformation.

Emma Holbrook is cute, bubbly, naive, and passionate. Unfortunately her passion is for the occult, and her cuteness is filtered through a darkly gothic lens. This would usually be entirely unremarkable, but Emma's home lies at a confluence of ley-lines that weakens the veil between the afterlife and our world.

After experimenting with a ritual she learned from a proscribed tome, Emma has unknowingly summoned a spirit into her home. This being, while non-physical, is able to move objects within the Holbrook house, as well as encourage its residents to act on their darkest, basest desires. Her mother, her father, even the house itself, have all become tools with which the spirit aims to corrupt and punish Emma for her hubris.

Kinks: Corruption, Non-con, sexual violence, incest.
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