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Fx Any Fun sexy adventures


Jan 28, 2021
Ok so I'll restructure this to be a bit more broad to my interests and such. I'm a female and I play female main characters but I'm happy putting those characters in relationships or scenes with men, women, futas, and groups of people if it makes sense for that character and the plot.

I write in third person for my own clarity and sanity, unfortunately I'm not flexible on this. What is quite flexible are kinks I'm comfortable with, which is most of them. I'm not comfortable with scat, vore, or gore in a sexual manner. If I'm not comfortable with something I'll let you know but I don't judge you personally if I don't share the interest, people are different and I have no issues with that. Another staunch position is for that of my characters, I like to play them and control them, while there are canon characters I'm comfortable playing and I don't mind tweaking or giving multiple options for my partners characters to play opposite of, if you have an extremely specific character you want me to play I'm not interested. If that's the case I'd suggest you play the character yourself, not out of spite I just think you'd enjoy it more.

While I'm not opposed to plots without smut and romantic aspects they usually don't appeal to me. I'm a switch and generally balance that in most characters though I can play dominant or submissive characters. In the past it's been a minor issue a couple times so I should state that I don't do highly submissive or dominant characters in positions where it doesn't make sense. I like to ground plots and relationships, especially those in a modern or historical setting in some kind of reality. I also like to keep my characters believable, they have flaws and are imperfect and I like plots and opposite characters more if they are too. I find it quite dull if your character just does everything right and perfect and is above any kind of reproach.

My availability tends to vary I've come here to get back into things but in the past I've been spotty due to my personal life and responses from partners being spotty. I aim for a response a day but that can turn into 2-3 days sometimes but also I can get in a dozen replies on other days. The length of replies I shoot for is 2-3 paragraphs, I fall short in conversation replies but one liners are a no go for me.

I'll put more here later I'm just restructuring things while I'm waiting on replies.

Plot Idea #1
So this is a young/old taboo kind of RP. MC is a single mom, she got married young and had kids young, too young for it to last. Now she's in her mid thirties and busy taking care of her kids, working and just dealing with life. That doesn't mean she doesn't still have needs. YC could be a friend of one of her kids, or the neighbor boy, or an acquaintance from church. He could either make some moves on her, warming her up to the idea of getting back on 'the horse' or he could catch her in a compromising situation or vice versa. I'm looking to play opposite a horny teenage boy, and even if she ends up developing genuine feelings for him she would be terrified of people her age finding out. I'm open to ideas on how to make the plot better. Hopefully you can get the general feel I'm going for and if not don't be afraid to send me questions via PM.

(Alternative options)
Pretty much just a role reversal. MC being younger, not especially popular or highly social but her family helps talk her into helping your character out with some things around the house. He could be recently widowed and MC helps with housework and such. Or MC could be friends or dating one of YC kids.
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