Aaron Barnes: A puzzle of Worlds combined


Jan 29, 2021
Ladies and Gentlemen here is the biography of Aaron Barnes, strap yourself in and prep some popcorn

Name: Aaron Barnes
Age: 93 Years old

Born on July 14 1927, Aaron is the younger brother of Bucky, and the shadow was cast over him, only having met Steve a handful of times and wasn't that close to terms with the soon to be American Hero. For 14 years he was raised and an average American kid, though he did slightly excel in athletics and intelligence. But that was only rivaled by his ability to get himself into trouble or rushing head first into situations without thinking it through all of the way.

When he was 14 on December 7th, 1941 he heard over the radio the transmission that would change his life forever. Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor, killing over 2,000 people in an unwarranted attack other than just trying to cripple them. His brother Bucky had enlisted and as soon as he left for basic, Aaron had gone to the recruiters office himself and enlisted. Lying about his age and actually managing to fool the recruiter and enlisted at the age of 14. Instead of going infantry though, he enlisted and joined the airborne and was quickly thrown into a basic training unit and tossed into the 82nd Airborne. He was barely in for half of a month before he went into the first two combat jumps of the 82nd into Sicily on 9 July and into Salerno on September 13 both Combat Jumps into Italy as they fought the Nazis and Italians and pushing into North.

On January 17th he was wounded in combat, taking a gunshot to his though and was medically evacuated all the way back to London. With no way for them to currently get him back to his regular unit, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant after the six months of hard fighting, and transferred to Dog Company of the 101st Airborne as they were lacking NCOs for some reason. In London, he trained with them as they prepared for the largest invasion known to history at that given point of Operation Overlord, or as more people would come to know, D-Day. In the 101st he was one of the few to be on the third combat jump and along with that actually combat experienced and trained.

He jumped into the Nazi controlled Europe and with that would soon lead to a whole entire new world. As the Allies pushed further inland they soon began to face some of the Nazi units supported by a new group of German soldiers called HYDRA with the advanced scientific equipment and weapons. Aaron and his platoon which was roughly 36 men were loaded up into a C-47 and actually diverted from the entire division and front line and would be the only platoon dropping to help support Captain America who had actually boarded a plane and was currently trying to sneak into a HYDRA facility to save a battalion of men that were trapped behind enemy lines. The plane was shot down close to the HYDRA base with him, six others of his platoon and the co-pilot surviving as he was the highest ranking. The seven men launched an attack on the east side of the base when they noticed the beginning of a prison escape it seemed. Later on they would hitch a ride aboard one of the captured enemy vehicles and made it back to allied lines. The six men of the platoon were reassigned to the SSR to help support Captain Rogers and the pilot was sent back to the Air Force. They helped with several operations, working in conjunction with Captain America and the howling Commandos.

That was until they were about to find the last HYDRA base and help stop them from launching a world devastating strike on the allies, that was until apparently another hidden base was found in Mittelburg, they didn't know if it was actually another HYDRA base or just something that had been hidden away. Seeing as it wasn’t normal and regular, and apparently a mole was inside of the base and giving a bit of intelligence on it, Aaron was separated from the team and attached to the small group that was being sent in, the problem was it seemed that very few were actually armed forces it seemed. So far he had only seen two that were from the active military. Major Hank Rideua who seemed to actually be leading this mission of sorts, and Captain Jefferson Potts who had been leading an allied team to recover stolen art and priceless artifacts that the Nazis had stolen. The other members of the specific team was a french freedom fighter named Olivia Durant, a Scottish art thief by the name Drostan Hynd, and a Austrian Engineer Marie Fischer, all of them were apparently a part of the MFAA, or the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Program. Aaron and the small platoon of Rangers, would be going in and disabling the Anti Air guns to open up for a larger invasion of airborne soldiers and provide air support as this was primarily a MFAA operation with regular army and SSR providing support. Currently they were all in a train and Rideua was going over the operation and some of the members when all of a sudden something hit the train and caused it to stop. Large noises followed and a monstrosity of a creature ripped the roof off, composed of many mangled and fused bodies together, before flipping the train car and causing everyone to be knocked unconscious and scatter.

Aaron awoke as the team was too late and the airborne dropping had begun, but unknown to him both alive and undead forces that he would discover later began to already attack them and the anti air guns were in full effect. Escaping with no weapons except a knife, he began to sneak through the night, trudging through the snow to try and make it to the german town, hoping he could regroup with some sort of allies. Instead he ran into the first undead zombie and killed it with a shovel. He ran into two more later that was currently gnawing on a group of american paratroopers. He killed the undead and collected supplies, gaining a Thompson SMG, and a 1911 pistol along with a radio and seeing one of the paratroopers was someone he knew and felt sorrow. He grabbed the radio and made contact with Colonel Phillips of the SSR and how the operation was failing. Aircraft were waved off, and regular allied military reinforcements were being put together but it would take time. Until then he was on his own and would have to try and accomplish the mission.

Making his way to the town after hiding the radio, he came together and began to make his way to the town, regrouping with the four operatives, as Major Rideua was still missing. Entering the town it became a nightmare for them as they began to find the undead bursting at the seams it seemed with the undead as they were trying to push inside, eventually making it inside of the bunker and uncovering the true abominations and horrific experiments that Dr. Straub and Colonel Richter, the head scientist and military leader of the Nazis and what was going on in the bunker. In Middleburg, they discovered that the informant was actually Marie's brother, and had been captured before they arrived. So what they did instead, they fought through the hordes and began to discover the secret weapons and abilities that were being developed by the Nazi supernatural group. Some include more enhanced skin and abilities making them tougher and able to survive more along with more. In the end, they caused enough damage that Colonel Richter had arrived in an experimental weaponized Zeppelin. Shooting purple geitskraft and raining fire down upon them. In the end they damaged it enough to have it fall back as it was the last piece they needed. Putting the pieces together they unlocked five different types of the experimental Tesla Gun, The Hurricane becoming his favorite and became a secondary armament for him, as he was also the one to discover and put together the Red Talon Sword, later becoming one of the pieces he kept as a memory and in a safe house. In the end, they destroyed the monstrous creature by attaching several batteries to it and it acted like a magnet destroying the Zeppelin as well with Klaus attached to it as they discovered his fate. But yet somehow he survived the sheer explosion, stumbled by them saying the evil must not return, and then it seemed he committed suicide in the sewer fire pit. Not soon after, Allies arrived with a full Company of infantry and armored support, rescuing the survivors of both them and the surviving airborne troopers. But somehow it seemed that the Nazis had one final trick up their sleeve and set the entire town on fire, a scorched earth policy.


Returning to the allied occupied territory, they were forced to turn over the Tesla guns to be researched and experimented on along with them taking the hilt of Barbarossa's sword after all the work they had done, that was the reward. All they had was the personal Geitskraft batteries that seemed to stop working each time they were taken away from the group, so they were allowed to keep them. And Aaron convinced them to keep Red Talon as it was a personal that he discovered on his own after everything, though it wasn’t practical to use it he kept it. Three days later they were sent out on another mission, that seemed related to Straub again and this time Drostan had a personal connection to it. Apparently he had done a job for the nazis himself, stealing several ancient scrolls for Himmler himself, and it nearly cost him his life as they tried to kill him in return. Reaching Heligoland Islands, they again plunged into the horrors and monstrosities that Straub had for them, including having to shoot down a wing of dive bombers, and sinking several destroyers, and completing the sacrifices for the God Nerthus, all the while dealing with the undead assassin that Straub created on the island, using the fog as an advantage. They were called Meuchlers, and could take a hell of a beating as well, right before they managed to escape the island, they suffered the first casualty and one snuck up on Jefferson, pouncing on him and split him in half from the waist, decapitating him as well and throwing his body all in separate directions. Not even able to collect his dog tags, they were forced to run as the allies bombing wing began to saturate the island with both high explosive and napalm bombs. They escaped by boarding an enemy zeppelin, as a fleet of them began to leave the island and head towards britain.

Yet the invasion of Britain was quickly called off as Hitlers call for aid caused the direction of the fleet to change direction. Russia was invading Berlin and Hitler was calling for all forces to return to the fatherland and aid in the defense. As the Zeppelins arrived they saw the russian forces and tanks invading. They dropped with one of the pods and touched down into the war torn Berlin where yet again tasks and puzzles awaited them and a new horror to face. They found three unique melee weapons upgraded by the geitskraft yet again as it seemed to cause mysterious attributes and behaviors to the weapon, allowing Aarons combat knife to finally be returned from Olivia where the two had been developing a slow romance between the two. When they reached the courtyard they completed the statue puzzle and finally received the actual blade of Barbarossa's sword and thus the last piece. But that wasn’t the end as they were taken to Straub's personal Zeppelin and witnessed the undead finally turn against him and tore him apart. There they killed one of Straub's pet super zombies and escaped the Zeppelin again, but were surrounded by the undead and ran out of ammo resorting to melee only weapons as a Meuchler appeared. Rideau out of nowhere though arrived in a Willys jeep and managed to save them all in the nick of time and ran the zombie over.

From here the undead horde went from bad to worst as nothing controlled them now and they were running free, they spread across Europe and the Allies struggled to hold territory as the undead came at them in waves. They even crossed the English Channel and had invaded Britain, growing in the number as they killed what they and what they could. President Truman, promoting Rideau to now General, authorized the creation of the B.A.T or known as the Bureau of Archaic Technology, Aaron became a liaison between the two special unit groups, as by this time Captain America had sacrificed himself in the antarctica and the SSR were now trying to recover old HYDRA technology and cut off all the heads, though at times, some operations actually had them aid the B.A.T and regular units with the undead horde causing everything to become even harder as they killed without remorse, though they still seemed to leave the Nazis alone. With all of the pieces of the sword in their possession the team was now separated, Aaron would remain in Europe to see that the pieces were escorted to the destination as the other three would be escorted by Mikhail, the russian that they came into contact with over the radio in Berlin as he was brought into the B.A.T would escort them to New Swabia, and the forge to completely repair the sword and fully complete it. Aaron with three new recruits of the B.A.T would escort the pieces there so that they wouldn’t put all of the eggs in one basket so to speak. The three recruits were from different nations, the first a U.S female who wore a duster and dual wielded SSA wild western revolvers, and a lever action rifle was her main, almost like an outlaw cowgirl named Alice. The second was a british man who also wore like a armored trench coat and a old helmet by the name of Wesley, and the final was a Russian Lady wearing a Ushanka and outfit that looked like she could survive the russian Winter by the name of Tania who like Mikhail was a artist with a sniper rifle.

They caught a plane from Paris and flew all the way to the border of Spain, and from there caught a convoy to head to the port to catch the U.S.S Mount Olympus. About 50 miles from the port, the convoy was attacked and the vehicles were destroyed as a massive Zeppelin blockade seemed to be blocking them and the undead horde was once again upon them. After several waves, allied aircraft broke through the blockade and cleared the skies allowing the team to complete the trip to the port and boarded the U.S ship. The ship sailing to the Antarctic was boarded by the undead, swimming with inhuman speed in the middle of the ocean and for a certain time a storm brewed and threw the ship around as the crew fought for survival. It seemed though as they passed a certain point, the horde ceased and the storm dissipated acting as if it never happened and it was smooth sailing the rest of the way. There with the sword pieces arrived they rendezvoused with the original team. The three that accompanied Aaron were quickly rerouted and tasked to other areas, while the rest made the final stretch to New Swabia forge where they forged the sword and killed the Guardian.

Repairing the sword, they boarded a C-47 and took to the sky as enormous amounts of Geitskraft energy was forming underneath the ice. One bolt though struck the plane and caused it to crash. They awoke from the crash to find that it was only the four present, both the pilot and co-pilot were dead, with no clue where the newly forged sword and Mikhail were.As they came to their senses, halfway across the world Paris had fallen to the undead and the survivors were forced to pull out and become on the run again But quickly those issues were thrown into the back of the mind as the undead was upon them. Soon though as they explored and fought through the long lost city, they were given four ancient weapons as they completed trials of the original Raven Lords. While they fought, a small B.A.T team had found Mikhail and retrieved the sword. Agent Olivia Harris disobeyed General Rideau orders and at first was stating she was bringing the sword to Aarons team in Thule. But soon her mind was beginning to be lost and she became under the God-Kings control and when they found his tomb, she appeared and stabbed the sword into his chest as it was awakened. Having both the old King Barbarossa’s and Straub's head on hanging from his belt. A fight broke out between the brave fighters and the God-King until they were forced to their knees from his power. At this time Klaus reincarnated and possessed but by what was unknown. Gifted the four and granted them as the new Raven Lord and powers. With this, they defeated the God-King and Rideau revealed himself a part of the long lost cult of The Order of the Raven and had been waiting for this moment.

With the God-King now killed as they stated, they waged war against the undead, taking back Europe and soon the war returned to fighting just the living again. Aaron and the team were sent back to America as sort of a publicity stunt and to help with War Bonds, the Heroes of the undead war as they were called, the true nature of them would remain a secret. While home, it was actually discovered as a secret that his selfless acts of heroism and such the U.S Government actually built him a home that he would be able to return to once the war was over, it was honestly his dream home, almost as if someone had read his mind and designed it like he wanted. A small house was set on the side that led to a separate almost underground bunker of sorts, but some of the pieces he collected during the great expedition and war were set up on sorta a display. The Red Talon, Hurricane Tesla Gun, both the Dancers Dagger, and Nazi Axe, the Wunderbuss, and the Thulian hammer his weapon of choice. The others had their own momentos, but also Olivia was talking about moving to America once the war was over. Even marriage as it seemed the two could see an ending that was almost a picture perfect image of the American Dream. But they were separated once they went back to Europe, the B.A.T almost wasn’t even needed anymore and Aaron went back to active duty for the SSR. HYDRa’s remnants took over all the Nazi undead research facilities as well but were quickly either captured or destroyed, though if captured most were taken over by the B.A.T when called upon. Eventually though the last Nazi research facility was discovered with the last pieces from Straubs reign of terror and Operation Arcane commenced.

Aaron would lead a small team to the facility with a Sherman for support where they breached quickly and the bunker was large enough for the tank to drive through. There the fanaticism of the Nazis was demonstrated. The Nazis tested unused serums on themselves and would charge the Howling Commandos and Aarons team with waves of them wielding broadswords, some having heightened senses almost like X-Ray vision, with more on the way and testing other things to throw at them along with experiments such as what looked like a German UFO, a anti gravity device, a King Tiger with a railgun it seemed another had what looked like a enlarged Tesla gun as the main gun. They rounded up the German survivors and even a German Scientist who had worked closely with Straub. They were taken into custody and Aarons team was left to guard the facility until the B.A.T sent a force to secure and categorize the pieces. Once they arrived they boarded a truck and were making its way back to the front lines, when they were ambushed by a HYDRA force. His entire team, the one that had been with him from the beginning at the HYDRA base supporting Captain America, and the remainder was executed in front of him as they only wanted him, apparently word leaked out of what he was now and they wanted him for experimentation.

For the next 20 years they experimented on him, taking samples after samples of his blood trying to learn the full extent and the abilities of being a Raven Lord but yet it seemed none were present. But what they also did was begin the brain washing procedure and turn him into a sleeper agent they would be able to use. Not sure what the extent of being a Raven Lord would bring, they injected him with the super soldier serum that had made Captain America to make sure he would be around for a long time and put him into cryo until they would need him. Soon the time came in 1963 where he was awoken and they tested him, using him for small missions either assassinations or even just stealing schematics or blueprints from facilities. That was until he was deemed ready. November 22 1963 he assassinated the United States President John F. Kennedy and with that allowed HYDRA the chance to sneak and root itself into the U.S Government to a point. HYDRA used him for several years for other high stakes missions as both the Raven Lord and Super Soldier augmentations made it seem he didn’t age a year physically. Soon though he was put back on ice for at least 40 years until the early 2000’s when S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers was becoming a huge public figure.

HYDRA “leaked” his location and the Avengers rescued him, believing they finally recovered a lost war hero and he was returned home, But deep inside his brain, HYDRA had another mission inside of him. At first he actually for the first time arrived at the home that had been built for him all those years ago. He noticed it seemed that as the technology and years progressed so had the home as they updated it with the latest technology and equipment to keep the home with its time. But no one had touched it, and so he decided if his mind and himself would allow it, he would try to hide and keep it hidden from even HYDRA and anyone else. He tried to find any sort of clues with what happened to Olivia but it seemed that she disappeared without a trace as well. That was until after his rescue Nicholas Fury came to have a talk with him and none other than Oliva herself accompanied the man along with his second in command Maria Hill and a inhuman Daisy Johnson. Meeting several key players, and with Olivia there he was convinced to join SHIELD. Finding her again things slowly became or what felt like it was normal to him until the great Civil War happened between heroes and villains alike and his mission would finally be completed. Captain America was apprehended and he was tasked with escorting him to the trial. But the problem was they would never arrive, he stopped halfway, somewhere in a secluded spot and brought the man to his knees, handcuffed with the special cuffs that he wasn’t able to break. He simply brought out a pistol and shot the man in the back of the head and drove off, leaving the now deceased hero laying in a pool of spreading blood.

Soon the body was found and a manhunt began by SHIELD, led by none other by his older brother Bucky and Olivia. It didn’t take long but Aarons cover was blown and he was on the run. Fleeing the country, he retreated to an abandoned HYDRA facility, one that was being used to try and research and make a portal device able to transfer to different universes. A firefight had broken out and he was shot in the side, and the leg. Ending up in one of the device's large rooms, one of the machines was damaged and caused it to have a faulty start as he stumbled onto the pad and fell, ending up with him laying there, slowly losing consciousness as the injuries were taking its toll and he blacked out as the portal activated and his body was carried into another verse, only to wake as the portal opened several feet above the ground onto a highway bridge. Slamming him to the ground, only to be hit by a car and sending him flying off the bridge and hitting his head a couple of times on the way down, breaking several ribs as well and causing him to have a concussion and amnesia to follow. With this he was brought to the hospital and only because of what he was, is the only reason to believe he survived the extent of his injuries. With the amnesia and head injuries, he had no clear conscience of what was real and what was fake. Where his loyalties lied and what he had actually done.

Once again he was visited by none other than Nicholas Fury and questioned. He did his best to answer him and held nothing back, no matter how bad it made him seem. It took him only two days to fully heal, before he was transferred to a SHIELD high security facility. Not necessarily as a prisoner, but not a friend either until he knew what to do with Aaron. It didn’t take long though as HYDRA in this universe had revealed itself and tried to take over the world with the launch of Project Insight. Aaron at the facility was broken free when the power went out and he sided with the SHIELD agents defending against the HYDRA incursion and chose his own allegiance with no persuasion or being forced. Soon he would report to Coulson as in this world Inhumans were just being discovered. Yet that would be short lived as apparently portals from his own universe had been opening after his time here as both allies and enemies for some reason were showing up. And it wasn’t just from his time, but even back in the 40s again, including a very alive Straub and soon the modern world would come to chaos as he once again, unleashed the undead horde, but this time no control would be given as the undead strain here, he modified at first. Mastering control of the portal, he even managed to time travel to grab pieces he would need, and set up his laboratory and experiments in a castle in Germany. He tested a portion of the strain in the country of Harran, and SHIELD sent him in to examine and process what was happening. He experienced a whole new set of the undead, and with that other people sent people in, not to help but they actually took strains to research themselves. In the end the small country was actually nuked, but it was too late as the strain was spread and soon zombies began to spread around the world infecting people as it began to fall apart from Straubs interference. Not just regular zombies, but mutations from it as well causing entirely new creatures to be formed that would soon be called Biological Organic Weapons or B.O.Ws as they weren’t even zombies anymore but monsters.
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