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Fx F or NB Demon girl looking for an engaging story


Jan 31, 2021
Time to upgrade this RT,

I'm Namah, and I'm an experienced writer and general creative person for quite a few years now. Recently I felt a lack of good RPs in my mind, so that's what I am looking for here.

What am I looking for generally?
  • Smut is fun, but that's not primarily why I am here, what I crave is a story with kinky, sexy elements (not the other way around!)
  • I am looking for a medium post length. One-liners are boring, but writing pages with every post eventually feels more like a chore than anything else. I am looking for a few paragraphs on average
  • I am kinky, switchy at that, but with a tendency to dom
  • I am looking for characters with a spine. A passive sub who's just looking to get used, is purely reactive is, well, a bad rp partner.
Now how does that translate into RPs?
  • Settings
    • Fantasy works obviously well, as pathfinder (d&d, just better) player I feel most at home here, but it's by far not the only option
    • Sci-Fi less common, but in the right story just as intriguing.
    • Cyberpunk/Shadowrun - not quite sci-fi, and not quite boring modern times either, generally with a hefty dose of dystopia, what is there not to love?
    • Supernatural themes - not a must, but in most cases the only way you can interest me in an otherwise modern times/real-world setting.
  • genre
    • Adventure is always a plus. Something that keeps us moving, something that pushes the narrative along, danger, mystery, give it to me
    • Slice of Life is generally not something I'm looking for
    • Of course, it's not always easy to define the genre of a story, so feel free to present your ideas. As long as things are happening, that's a good sign!
  • themes
    • I dislike giving out whole stories, I very much prefer sharing some themes and general ideas and then use those together with my partner's idea to come up with something new and original. What follows is more meant to spark imagination than working as-is
    • Summoning gone wrong
      • There are many reasons to summon a creature, maybe a familiar, a demon, or something else entirely. YOu should just be careful to be able to control what you brought in this world ...
    • The stowaway
      • Maybe it's a medieval ship, maybe a spaceship, YC had a reason to sneak on board. Of course, they get found out eventually, and MC decided it would be a waste to feed them to the sharks/void of space
    • scene culture
      • I have a thing for scene aesthetics. Punk, emo, goth, you name it
    • An adventurer is you
      • Think d&d, think LotR, it's the same concept, if most likely in a much smaller group (I generally like to keep things at 1 main character each, call me lazy).
Final points
  • Feel free to send me a PM, but have something in mind, an intriguing concept, show me that you can take initiative and have something in mind
  • Generally, I prefer female partners, but I am somewhat flexible there. Just keep in mind that I am simply not too much into interacting with dicks
  • For bonus points, feel free to add a picture of your favorite demon girl to your first message
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