Checking out


Mar 19, 2013
I am leaving BMR. For a very long time now all I have done is disappoint and frustrate people, which is a really shitty thing to do. This in turn has had a really negative effect on my already weak mental health. Best for all if I just go. Take this as a thanks or an apology depending on how you feel. You deserve someone better.
That's some really sad news to see as I'm scrolling down the site ):

You've been one of my all time favorite writing partners in BMR ever since I joined & I'll always look fondly on our story. It was the only long term story that worked out for me; every other story failed and had me give up and resort to short term. You'll be greatly missed and dearly remembered. For what its worth, you've never frustrated nor disappointed me.

Take however long of a break you need for your mental health - that comes first and foremost. Writing shouldn't bring you that level of stress my friend; its not worth it. Focus on yourself for now and relax. Use the break as a healing process. If I may make a request - please don't deactivate your account. Just leave it be and don't hesitate to return whenever you feel energized to write again. You could even just drop RPing and read around, socialize, post profile posts, or chat on site/discord server.

Whichever decision you make, we'll all be patiently waiting for your return ♥
This really saddens me. You will be missed more than you know. If you have Discord, or if you would be okay with conversing through email, I would like to continue chatting with you. You helped me see an important plot through to the end. I can't thank you enough for that. Your friendship will always have a special place with me. There are few writers, few people, that I have met here that have made an impression like you have. You are a talented, special person. Thank you for all you have done and are DeRe.
Oh no!
I'm so sorry to hear that. I've really enjoyed our chats and our roleplays, going back (checks) five years and more. You are the writer I've enjoyed writing with the most over that time, and your wit and cruelty were always something else. You know that I've had my own issues last year, and I completely understand wanting to clear your head for a while. But I came back, and I hope that one day you will too. I'll PM you something much fuller, but I just wanted to publically add to your tributes here.
As the Marquis himself put it:
"It is only by pain that one arrives at pleasure."
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