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Fx Male [DarkMinds] Mega FICTIONAL Request Thread --- Star Wars (OPEN), Superheroes and All Things Comics


Dark and Sadistic
Sep 28, 2017
[Under Construction]
Currently accepting: STAR WARS


DarkMinds' Mega FICTIONAL Request Thread
Star Wars, Superheroes and All Things Comics

Lightsabers & Jedi & Sith, OH MY! - Heroes & Capes & Battles, OH MY! -
Comics & Villains & Powers, OH MY!
I can go on forever, but you get the drift.


A very brief and summarizing introduction to the content I am craving!
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I'm looking for STAR WARS, SUPERHEROES & HEROINES, and general comic-book related (and movie related) roleplays from many franchises. I have a preference for MARVEL, particularly for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and of course the Star Wars films (all three trilogies).

Here is a list of content I am most interested in:

The STAR WARS Universe
- Any time period, both current, past, or even future
- Any blend of species as characters (not just humans... also open to inventing species!)
- Preference on playing ORIGINAL (OG) characters but...
- Open to playing CANON / EXISITING characters

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
- Any of the films (Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America, Black Panther, etc.)
- Any of the Netflix series (with the exception of Iron Fist)
- Any of the Disney+ series (WandaVision, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, LOKI)
- The X-MEN franchise
- Deadpool films
- Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire trilogy OR Tom Holland)

Other Comic-Related Ideas
- Teen Titans (DC)
- Wonder Woman (DC)
- Justice League (DC)
- Batman (DC)
- Aquaman (DC)
- Lucifer (DC - Neil Gaiman - Netflix series)
- Sandman (Vertigo - Neil Gaiman)

Character Types (Options):
- Playing EXISTING / CANON characters
- Playing ORIGINAL (OG) characters (send me your ideas)
- Playing ORIGINAL (OG) characters that pick up an existing-character uniform/mantle

About Me
All the nitty-gritty about me, my writing style, expectations, F-List, and all that fun stuff!
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A Little About Me:
- I roleplay heterosexual female characters (for male characters, see my FxMale Request Thread).
- I RP solely on BlueMoon private messages or threads. No private email or instant messengers, sorry!

Things I'm Looking For:

- Heterosexual Play: Male x Female
- Literacy: Good spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is an absolute must. I am also looking for partners who write SEVERAL PARAGRAPHS (2+) on average. I can generally write anywhere from 2 to 15 paragraphs. It really depends on the story, content, and characters.
- Story Driven: I'm looking for RPs that will hold substance and story. I like equal amounts of story to my smut, and generally prefer complex characters and plots!
- Creativity: While a pairing may be cliché, I am looking for someone to breathe life in to a story and roleplay by bringing forward creative writing, plot twists, character developments, etc.
- Patience: Do not expect daily responses. While it may be possible, I cannot guarantee replies every day. Like many others, life is busy!

Regarding Images:

I enjoy working with imagery and face-claims. Your character MUST have a realistic face-claim (sorry, no anime!). I make it mandatory for my partners to also submit an image option (preferably more than one for me to choose from) for a face-claim. I'm a visual individual and I find it adds to the eroticism of the play. Additionally, I also have no preference on race and physique. Likewise, got a model/actor/other face-claim you'd like me to play? Send it my way. I have no preference on age, race, and build.

Particular Kinks:

You can take a look at my F-List to get an idea of my kinks.
However, there are a few that are particularly important:

- Age differences: Although not mandatory, I do have a preference for pairing older guys against much younger girls/women.
- Height differences: I like my women shorter than my men. It doesn't mean the woman has to be short, it just means the male character has to be taller - even if just a bit.
- Role differences: I love when the male and female characters are different. Not just in age, but in character. Bad guy vs good girl? Peasant vs Royal?
Sign me up.
- Dominant males: I tend to be a submissive female or switch. I will NOT play against submissive, weak, or frail male characters.
- Rough play: I do like a varied amount of rough play in my roleplays. And generally, I like the male character to be the aggressor/ assertive. See F-List.

- Table of Contents -

[ POST - 1 ]

About Me

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The STAR WARS Universe

Original Characters

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The STAR WARS Universe (CONT'D)

Canon Characters

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The MARVEL Cinematic Universe (MCU)

Canon Characters

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The DC Universe & Other Comics

Canon Characters

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Superheroine ORIGINALS (MCU + DCU)

Original Characters
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[ POST - 2 ]

The STAR WARS Universe
Original Characters
A Quick Summary:
[Wikipedia] Star Wars is an American epic space opera media franchise created by George Lucas, which began with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon. The franchise has been expanded into various films and other media, including television series, video games, novels, comic books, theme park attractions, and themed areas, comprising an all-encompassing fictional universe.

*** A great resource to the universe of Star Wars is the webpage Wookieepedia.

Welcome to the Lucasfilms' wonderful world of STAR WARS ~

I'm going to try to keep it as simple as possible, granted the complexity of the expansive universe, including (but not limited to) the films, comics, books, and video game content. To keep this consistent and organized, if you have ANY questions, feel free to message me. Remember the golden rule: Just because it isn't listed here, doesn't mean I'm not open to it! :)

HOWEVER, the age-old Star Wars Roleplay question is always: "Which timeline are we going to be setting this plot?" To be completely frank, as much as people place emphasis on timeline, to me, it isn't of particular importance. I'm open to CREATIVE LIBERTY, and as complicated as the timeline may be, it is not something we have to follow. That aside, we can break it down into three categories: Pre-Force Awakens (any period, any film), Post-Force Awakens, and finally... the FUTURE!

Also, here is a general nutshell of the updated timeline: [ Star Wars Timeline (shows + films) ]

ORIGINAL CHARACTERS & TIMELINES: Over the course of many decades, the Star Wars Universe has become expansive and enormous, spanning over several generations and thousands of years (in lore). While it is easy to pick a specific timeline and stick to it, there are also other options that can be explored. Most of my Originals are not attached to a specific timeline, however they could be if requested. I am also OPEN & WILLING to "pluck" these Originals out of their normal timeline and "dropping" them into all-new timelines of our choose. Additionally, I am duly interested in exploring alternative universes, time warps, timeline blends, time travel, and any kind of spinoff(s) we can imagine!
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Original (OC) Female Characters
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* Below is my selection of Original (OC) Characters. Most of these characters are based off of the Star Wars universe, and use actual species from the Star Wars universe. However, there are a handful that are ORIGINAL CONTENT and non-Canon. Please note: All of my species descriptions are provided by (copied and pasted from) the Wookiepedia - Star Wars Wiki. For more information on the species and the universe, please refer to the Wookiepedia Wiki database! If you have any additional questions, please shoot me a PM! *

Xenya (ZZ Pop)
Name: Xenya (also known as ZZ Pop)
Real-Life Faceclaim: Irine Meier

Organization: Bounty Hunter's Guild
Force-sensitive: Unknown
Lightsaber: N/A
Specialty: Exceptional combatant, soldier, and bounty hunter
Species: Human Mix

About the species:

Hair: Pale gray or white hair
Eyes: Emerald green
Skin: Olive (tanned)
Height: 5 foot 9

Extra Details:
Extremely versed in weaponry, including underground or black market items that are otherwise illegal or unknown.

Xenya, known informally as ZZ or ZZ Pop, is an infamous bounty hunter and black market weapons dealer. As part of the official Bounty Hunter's Guild, she is well-travelled and well-known. She has a reputation on many planets and within the Bounty Hunter's Guild as being feisty, reckless, yet incredibly accomplished. ZZ is as captivating physically as she is mentally, with an exceptionally charming personality. The saying "like selling fur to a Wookie" has been used to describe her sales and manipulation tactics, allowing ZZ to convince and con even the smartest of individuals into purchasing her goods or investing in her services.

Regardless of her mischievous and often careless lifestyle, Xenya is actually a trained warrior, whom was born into a militarized genetic program aimed to breeding super soldiers. Her and her identical twin sister (Xenayda - see bio below), were both born to mystery parents and do not know anything about their ethnic or genetic lineage. Considered test-tube babies, the two orphans only ceased military testing near puberty after massacring their entire unit in order to escape confinement. Despite being bonded by birth, trauma, and the refuge of freedom, the twins grew apart as they grew older, and their paths greatly diverged.

Plot Idea(s):
Because Xenya (ZZ) is usually hanging around pretty scuzzy places, she can be paired with virtually any character; be it someone who has a bounty on their head, another fellow bounty hunter, or someone trying to purchase arms from her. I could also see ZZ being a big drinker and gambler, as she socializes frequently to swindle people into investing into a number of businesses, programs, and products.

Another option is that your character crosses paths with ZZ because of her past as a super soldier candidate. Perhaps after all these years, the program is trying to eliminate the twins or retrieve them to revive their previous program.

Xenayda (Zeus)
Name: Xenayda (Zeus)
Real-Life Faceclaim: Irine Meier

Organization: Assassin's Allegiance
Force-sensitive: Unknown
Lightsaber: N/A
Specialty: Exceptional combatant, warrior and assassin
Species: Human Mix

About the species:

Hair: Dark brown and light pink
Eyes: Hazel-Green
Skin: Olive (tanned)
Height: 5 foot 9

Extra Details:
Cybernetic and weaponized bodily enhancements.

Xenayda, known formally as Zeus, is a skilled assassin part of the Assassin's Allegiance. With advanced cybernetics and many other genetic modifications to her body, Zeus is an expert killer. While most think Zeus is the street name for a male assassin, most are surprised to learn that the reputation belongs to a woman. Despite her tactical talents, Xenayda is not a cold-blooded murderer as many assume. She is an assassin with a code of honor, and does not accept requests to murder children, most women, nor anyone she deems to be free of guilt or wrong-doing. As one of the most successful assassins in the allegiance, Zeus researches her subjects before fully accepting to assassinate them.

In addition, Xenayda is actually a trained warrior, whom was born into a militarized genetic program aimed to breeding super soldiers. Her and her identical twin sister (Xenya - see bio above), were both born to mystery parents and do not know anything about their ethnic or genetic lineage. Considered test-tube babies, the two orphans only ceased military testing near puberty after massacring their entire unit in order to escape confinement. Despite being bonded by birth, trauma, and the refuge of freedom, the twins grew apart as they grew older, and their paths greatly diverged.

Plot Idea(s):
This can be as simple as a case of an assassin being targeted for an assassination, or as complex as Zeus taking on a case that become far more complicated than she could have ever imagined. Your character can either be one of her targets, a target she is still investigating (considering) or can be an assassin trying to target her. I could also swing a storyline where Zeus is hired to prevent an assassination attempt, or is used as some kind of body guard for a target that has a known hit.

Another option is that your character crosses paths with Zeus because of her past as a super soldier candidate. Perhaps after all these years, the program is trying to eliminate the twins or retrieve them to revive their previous program.

The Soldat of Draco
Name: Damaris - Soldat of Draco
Real-life Faceclaim: Julia Almendra
Status/ Organization: Draconian Military
Force-sensitive: No (can be changed)
Lightsaber: None
Specialty: Exceptional soldier and assailant, capable of great manipulation
Species: Umbaran
About the species:
The Umbarans, also known as the Shadow People, were a near-human species native to the planet of Umbara. They were characterized by their pale, bluish skin and colorless eyes. In the waning decades of the Galactic Republic, the Umbarans were represented in the pan-galactic Senate by Mee Deechi. However, after Deechi's murder by a fellow senator during the Clone Wars, they joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, bringing their extremely advanced technology to the enemies of the Republic. On their gloomy homeworld of Umbara, the so-called "Shadow People" formed an organized society divided into castes, and they constantly schemed to improve their social rank. Their technology was more advanced than that found in most of the galaxy. A traditional Umbaran garment was the voluminous shadow cloak.
- Homeworld: Umbara
- Language: Basic, Umbaran
- Extra Details: Rumored to be able to read minds, manipulated, ability to see in the ultraviolet spectrum

Hair: White
Eyes: Colorless/ gray
Skin: Gray
Height: 5 foot 11
Extra Details:
Extremely muscular, scar over the left-side of her face, freckles, dressed in militia armor and uniform.

Damaris is a renowned soldier (soldat) of the Draconian Military, the biggest branch of Umbaran military, best known for its advanced weaponry, space-crafts, and technology. She has no official ranking title, as she has no official identity or paperwork. She is known simply as a rumor, someone to whom most refer to as "Shadow-Ipsa", derived from the Umbra species nick-name of "Shadow People". Damaris reports to the commander of the Draconian military, known as "Draco" (title of the highest rank). The Draconian military has had several Shadow-Ipsa throughout history, however because of the anonymity and secrecy of the organization, most have been impossible to identify.

Plot Idea(s):
Damaris is dispatched on a new mission where she will meet your character (some way, some how). Perhaps their paths collide when Damaris is sent on a head-hunt, or perhaps she herself is targeted by someone seeking to assassinate the Shadow-Ipsa. Also willing to introduce Damaris in a fight scene. Since she is a soldier, it is dully possible to have her show up on a battered battlefield to fend for the Draconian army.

The Dark Knight
Name: Zrora'krudu'duotta (Zrora)
Real-life Faceclaim: Cara Delevingne
Status/ Organization: Dark Knight (Ex-Sith)
Force-sensitive: YES
Lightsaber: Red & Blue (two)
Specialty: Uses the dark side of the Force, exceptional combat, night vision
Species: Chiss Mix

About the species:
- The Chiss were a tall, blue-skinned Near-Human civilization from the planet Csilla in the Unknown Regions, best known to most Humans as the people to which Grand Admiral Thrawn belonged. Due to the remote position of their home territory in the Chiss Ascendancy they remained largely an enigma to the rest of the galaxy, and contact with outsiders was limited even in the days of the Galactic Alliance.
- Homeworld: Csilla
- Language: Cheunh, Sy Bisti, Minnisiat, Other languages
- Extra details: Not normally force-sensitive, good night vision

Hair: Glowing white
Eyes: Bright red
Skin: Light blue
Height: 5 foot 9
Extra Details:
Wields several lightsaber combinations, including one that is red and another a bright blue. Often has half her face covered by a mask, especially in battle.

Zrora'krudu'duotta is a Chiss mix and anarchist commonly known as Zrora for short (pronounced Z-roar-a). She is the leading founder of the anarchist mercenary group called the Dark Knights. The Dark Knights are made up of fallen Jedis, Dark Jedis, and fallen/estranged Sith who have rejected the ideologies of both the Jedi and Sith Order. They are force-users who do not identify solely to one Order or the other. They are extremists who are at war with corruption, politics, and both Jedi and Sith. All members of the Dark Knight organization share a united belief – that one does not have to adhere strictly to one side of the force, or the other. Dark Knights believe both light and dark can be used together to achieve optimal meaning and use. Most Dark Knights have fallen from the Sith Order in order to escape its evil. Those who have fallen from the Jedi Order do not embrace evil, but rather, believe that the aggression-free and emotion-free ways of the Jedi are too weak, and not abrasive enough to create change.

Plot Idea(s):
Zrora can be paired with any kind of character - anything from a Jedi, Sith, to even a bounty hunter. I have no specifics for her, however it would be interesting to pair her against someone who questions her abilities, ideologies, or morals. Since she is a fallen Sith and continues to use the dark side of the Force, many (especially Jedis) may be reluctant to trust her.

Caelcian Fett of Clan Fett
Name: Caelcian "Cici" Fett
Real-Life Faceclaim: Clara Alonso

Organization: BOUNTY HUNTER
Force-sensitive: YES
Lightsaber: N/A
Specialty: Exceptional combatant and warrior
Species: Mandalorian Human

About the species:
Mandalorian was a demonym that referred to the people of the planet Mandalore. Mandalorian clan structure was like a pyramid, with the ruler or Mand'alor at the top and the Protectors enforcing their rule. Below them were the political factions known as Houses, made up of family Clans. The Mandalorians had a strong code of honor that could be invoked to settle disputes with one-on-one combat that would conclude with the death of one opponent. They spoke Mando'a as well as Galactic Basic.

Hair: Extremely long dark brown hair
Eyes: Blue-green
Skin: Porcelain/pale
Height: 5 foot 8

Extra Details:
Lightsaber-resistant armour and weaponry.

Caelcian Fett [pronounced: kale-see-in] is a descendant of Boba Fett and the Clan Fett. Her mother, however, was not of Mandolorian descent, raising Cici [pronounced: see-see] without the Mandalorian way of life. Because of being separated from the Mandalorian community, Cici found herself in an identity crisis as a teenager, and returned to Mandalore to explore her identity and birthright training. Once back on her home planet, she was taken in by Clan Fett to be trained. She became an expert in weaponry, martial arts and battle, ascending to her true Mandalorian self and adopting their code of ethics, honour, and ruthlessness. She went on to become an infamous bounty hunter, taking on the colors and uniform of Clan Fett to wreak havoc on the galaxy.

Plot Idea(s):
As a bounty hunter, Cici has ben found anywhere in the galaxy. Your character could be one of her accepted targets, or perhaps even a target gets placed on her own head. It can equally be a happenstance, where our characters cross paths by accident either through battle or drama. Many possibilities!

The Desert Rat
Name: Cheyadiskya (Cheya)
Organization: N/A
Force-sensitive: Potentially
Lightsaber: N/A
Specialty: Excellent mechanic and podracer
Species: Twi'lek

About the species:
Twi'leks, sometimes referred to disparagingly as "Tail-heads", were an omnivorous humanoid species originating from the planet Ryloth. They tended to eat cultivated molds, fungi, and rycrit meat. Their distinctive features included colorful skin, which varied in pigment from individual to individual, and a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grew from the base of their skulls. The tentacles, called "brain-tails", "lekku", "tchun-tchin", or "head-tails" were advanced organs used for communication and cognitive functions. Twi'leks possessed a fairly standard humanoid vocal structure and were capable of learning most alien languages; however, they usually preferred their native language of Ryl, which incorporated subtle movement of the lekku. When they wished, they could even communicate in complete secrecy using their versatile brain-tails. Twi'lek females were often used as slaves or dancers because of their beauty.

Hair: None, two Lekkus
Eyes: Silver
Skin: Bright green
Height: 5 foot 1

Extra Details:
Severe scarring on the right side of her face, slight scarring on the left.

Cheya is a desert rat from the rural planet of Tatooine. She has very few memories of her parents, having been orphaned and enslaved as a toddler. She lives in one of the few inhabited cities called Mos Eisley, an infamous spaceport known to host the scummiest of dealers. Like most, Cheya is immersed in a life of poverty and uses her skills as a mechanic to scrap together enough of a wage to survive. However, she is not a free woman, and most of her salary is owed to her debtor. Although she charges a pretty credit for her repairs, she is barely surviving on the little commission she makes. Although very young and of foreign species for the deserted planet, Cheya is well-known for being one of the best space mechanics at the port. She is also known in the underground of Tatooine as Chey-Chey; a successful podracer who has competed several times in the Boonta Eve Classic.

Plot Idea(s):
Because Cheya is indebted, she cannot leave Tatoine without facing potentially detrimental consequences. Her debt will have to be paid off, or she will have to a runaway with a bounty on her head. I'd like to start the RP in Mos Eisley, where Cheya may meet your character due to an issue related to mechanics. Since she is the best of the best, Cheya meets clients of all kinds, ranks, and status in Mos Eisley.

The Fallen Padawan
Name: Xen'Kya Renko
Real-life Faceclaim: Moya P
Organization: Jedi Order (previously)
Force-sensitive: Yes
Lightsaber: Bright yellow (previously)
Specialty: Absolutely fearless
Species: Zabrak-Human Mix
About the species:
Zabraks were a near-human carnivorous species native to the planet Iridonia. The species had distinctive horns atop their heads and two hearts.

Hair: Black
Eyes: Lavender
Skin: Beige with an orange hue
Height: 5 foot 7
Extra Details:
Small horns scattered over her forehead and scalp, with black line tattoos running from her eyes down to her chin.

Xen'Kya [pronounced: zen-kia] was a troubled Jedi student. She was exceptionally force-sensitive as a young child and recruited rather late into the academy. Xen'Kya, more commonly known by her last name - Renko - was an extraordinary combatant, however lacked greatly in teamwork and social courtesies. She was known primarily for her fearless spirit, but this lack of worry often left her with poor judgment. She was a firecracker, disobedient, a Jedi delinquent in both her attitude and her constant nightlife escapades. A constant problem for any Master, she bounced around from trainer to trainer. Close to expulsion, her case was presented at a meeting in order to determine if her cunning wit and strong skills could outweigh her recklessness, however she lost her case - and was disbanded from the academy.

Renko saw this as a betrayal, and rather than adhering to the Jedi way to earn her way back into the Jedi Academy, she became a Fallen Jedi. Xen'Kya fell into the criminal underworld of Coruscant, using her brute strength and combat skills to become an assailant. She became known as "The Krohza" to the darkest side of Coruscant; a Zabrak word meaning "The Crow" or "Raven". Renko was a 'collector', a bounty hunter of sorts retrieving all owed goods from credits, to precious jewels, to expensive artifacts, and even... bodies.

Plot Idea(s):
This story would likely begin in the underbelly of Coruscant, where Renko mostly operates. Because she is in the business of retrieving cargo (in any form), your character could cross paths with her in any setting. It is likely that the two will meet as a by-product of her assignment. Perhaps your character is the owner of the item Renko is to retrieve, or perhaps your character has a bounty on their head but is requested to be acquired alive.

Another idea is that the Jedi Academy gets word of her recent life of crime and decide to send a Jedi (or padawan) to intervene. Similarly, we could also pair her with a Sith or apprentice sent to recruit Renko to the dark side of the Force.

The Princess of Datar
Name: Princess Idalia of Datar
Organization: Thustran Monarch
Force-sensitive: Potentially
Lightsaber: N/A
Specialty: N/A
Species: Ghostling-Sephi hybrid
About the species:
Ghostlings were a species of ethereal humanoids indigenous to the planet Datar. While mostly Human-like in anatomy, Ghostlings had key differences from that species. The Ghostlings' shiny, tan-coloredskin radiated an aura of light. Their lower limbs ended in five-toed feet that gave the species a tip-toe posture. Because they were accustomed to the low gravity of their homeworld, Ghostlings were quickly overexerted on planets with higher gravitational pull. They were easily injured in such conditions, with a mere touch enough to cause a bruise and with even a slight blow potentially proving fatal. They were also sought after as pets or slaves by individuals who valued the Ghostlings for their extreme beauty and rarity. Ghostlings and Humans found each other mutually fascinating and attractive. However, due to the fragile structure of the Ghostlings, sexual relations between the two species inevitably proved fatal to the Ghostling partner.

Sephi were a species of humanoids indigenous to Thustra. They were very similar in appearance to Humanstock, the key difference being their long, pointed ears. Many Sephi were tall and healthy-looking, with a narrow waistline and long-fingered hands. The Sephi evolved on Thustra, a terrestrial planet located in the eponymous star system of the Sumitra sector, in the Expansion Region of the galaxy. The Sephi formed a space-level civilization led by a monarch. Due to the species' longevity, Sephi sovereigns tended to stay in place for a long time. They had developed a culture of elegance and sophistication in art, which was even reflected in the delicate design of their walkers, flyers and tanks. They had contacts with the wider galactic community, or at least with the Arkanians. For centuries, they stood as staunch defenders of the Republic, and the Sephi monarch exerted a powerful influence over the neighboring systems. They were also in good terms with the Jedi Order.

Hair: White
Eyes: Emerald green
Skin: Golden (glowing)
Height: 4 foot 11
Extra Details:
Big scar on left side of face from the eye down the cheek.

Idalia is the one of the only mixed Ghostling individuals in history. She is the first-ever child to be born as a result of Ghostling and Sephi breeding. Because Ghostling's are so delicate in form, breeding with other species normally results in the Ghostling's death. Despite this, while on a mission on Datar, the Prince of Thustra, a Sephi man, fell in love with a Ghostling Duchess named Geshalyn. Despite their relational difficulties, the two were determined to have a baby. While the Prince was visiting Datar, Geshalyn became pregnant with Idalia, who was born prematurely. Due to post-natal complications, Geshalyn became ill, and died as a result of the birth of her daughter. With nothing left in Datar, the Prince took his daughter to his homeworld, Thustra, where she would grow under the heading of royalty.

Because Idalia was raised on Thustra, she became better accustomed to standard (higher) gravity, and grew to be stronger than Ghostlings. Although she still bruised easier than most humanoids, she was not nearly as fragile as her maternal species. As she aged, she became increasingly beautiful and sought out after by many potential suitors for her exotic and glowing appearance.

Additional/Optional: She was kidnapped by slave traffickers and smuggled off of Thustra to be sold on the black market. Due to her genetic hybridization, she was considered not only rare and beautiful, but unique; a one-of-a-kind (a quality highly sought after).

Plot Idea(s):
Many possibilities. Your character could be someone sent to rescue her from her kidnappers, or could even be an individual sent to purchase her or smuggle her.


The Servus of Dorion
Name: Alzeena - Servus of Dorion
Organization: N/A
Force-sensitive: Potentially
Lightsaber: N/A
Specialty: Mutated, Albino
Species: Orc (Fantasy-Based)
About the species:
*Non-Star Wars Content*
Orcs are a species found commonly in the Fantasy genre, not so much Sci-Fi, however, I love this picture, and would love to incorporate the classic species into the Star Wars universe.

Orcs are a humanoid species from the planet Tolkien. Tolkien was a swampy and densely forested wetland planet part of the Mid Rim Systems. They are home to the native species Orc, who are widely known by their large sizes, bow-legs and long arms. They are generally larger than humans (and starkly different) and are physically stronger. Orcs are generally ugly and filthy, with prominent fangs, tusks, and facial features tending toward the grotesque (generally a mixture of the ape-like and pig-like). Their skin is typically a shade of green, gray, black, brown, or sometimes red.

Orcs are aggressive scavengers and opportunistic carnivores (with a taste for both in-species cannibalism and human flesh). While possessing a low cunning and crude culture of their own, they are generally portrayed as a subject race used as soldiers (or battle fodder) by beings of greater power and intelligence. Violent by nature, they will fight ferociously if compelled or directed by a guiding will, but tend towards more chaotic behavior (including cowardice) if left to their own devices. They often use boars, wolves, and wargs, and other unusual beasts for battle transport.

Hair: Silver and gray
Eyes: Sclera Silver
Skin: Greenish-Beige
Height: 6 foot 3
Extra Details:
Small upper body with wide hips and thick thighs. Extremely muscular, especially legs.

"Do not look upon thee, for she is deformed, and ugly."
- An Orcan woman, in reference to her slave, Alzeena

Although objectively beautiful to most Human, Near-Human, and Humanoid standards, Alzeena is considered, by her Orc civilization to be mutated, albino, and hideous. Her appearance deviates from normal Orcan biology by the paleness of her skin, the strange purple pattern over most of her face and body, and her small facial features; such as her petite and narrow nose, shrunken tusks, and round head. Because of her deviant appearance, she was disowned by her mother and sold as a slave child to a wealthier Orc family. Alzeena served a prestigious Orcan lineage, known on Tolkien as the Dorions, whom had many ties and relations to the outside world.

A typical Orc has larger, more brute features, such as in this example.

Plot Idea(s):
In terms of how she's fit into the Star Wars universe, there are so many ways we can incorporate her. Because she is a slave and of little Orcan value, she could be sold to someone. She could also come in contact with many other species from the galaxy. A general idea could be that someone would come to Tolkien to do business of some sort, or even your character would end up on Tolkien by accident (perhaps crash landed), and stumbled across my character, who would be unlike anything he's ever seen.


The Gasglow Killer
Name: Tazaria “Tazmaniac"
Organization: N/A
Force-sensitive: No
Specialty: Assassin and mercenary, exceptional shooter and combatant
Species: Zeltron Mix
About the species:
Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which came in different shades of red ranging from light pink to deep red, and hair which could be red or blue. Most of them were considered highly attractive by Human, near-Human, and even some non-humanoid standards. They possessed two biological traits of note. The first was that they all produce potent pheromones, similar to the Falleen species, which enhanced their attractiveness and likeability. The second was a limited telepathic ability, used to project emotions onto others, as well as allowing them to read and even feel the emotions of others; some Zeltrons were hired by the Exchange for this ability. Because of their telepathic ability, positive emotions such as happiness, love and pleasure became very important to them, while negative ones such as anger, fear, or depression were shunned.

Hair: Dark indigo (purple-blue hue)
Eyes: White schlera, silver eyes
Skin: Light pink
Height: 5 foot 8
Extra Details:
Perceived as extremely beautiful, Tazaria is a hunter and killer as much as she is a seductress. She takes many shapes in order to lure her prey. Tazaria also has several markings (tattoos) on her face, chest, and other parts of her body).

Many have described Tazaria, known only by the pseudonym “Tazmaniac”, as a perceived psychopath. Since gaining recognition in the past few years for her insurmountable amount of kills, Tazmaniac has become one of the Most Wanted criminals and assassins in the Galactic region. Known most commonly by her trademark, a Gasglow smile, which she leaves on every single one of her victims. Also dubbed the “Gasglow Killer”, her kills are normally of people who are of political or criminal significance. Although some victims may appear to be innocent citizens, investigations are consistently leading to secrets of the individual, normally revolving around themes of corruption, drug and sex trafficking, paedophilia, rape and hidden violence.

Plot Idea(s):
Local law enforcement is under grave pressure to put a stop to the Gasglow Killings. Because of this, they enlist in the help of other organizations (perhaps Jedi, perhaps Sith, perhaps Bounty Hunter's Guild) in order to find her. This can bring our character's together. Another idea is that your character is her next target, or perhaps is a bodyguard or associate of her next target.

The Ambassador of Nereusis
Name: Nereida
Status/ Organization: Ambassador for the Kingdoms of Nereusis, Nereusian royalty
Force-sensitive: YES (but untrained with the Force)
Lightsaber: None
Specialty: Exceptional aquatic abilities, cartilaginous skeleton, night vision
Species: Nereusian
About the species:
* This is an original species, which does not formally exist in the Star Wars universe *

- Nereusians were humanoid aquatic species native to the ocean planet, Nereusis. Nereusis was a small planet in which mass is made up of majority ocean and freshwater. Nereusian's were often considered Near-Human, as their figure physically resembled that of humans. They were tall, typically between 6 and 7 feet, were bipedal with long legs, shorter torsos, and webbed toes. Their feet were similar to humans in that they had distinct toes, though were only made up of one big toe and three smaller (but still elongated) digits that were all webbed to support their aquatic lifestyle. Despite this, Nereusians had human-like five digit hands that were only partially webbed. Like many other aquatic species, Nereusians had many sea-like features, such as color skin patterns, scales, and various forms of fins that were most often found on their forearms, elbows, shins, shoulders, neck, face and head. Rather than hair on their head, Nereusians had something called a Dorsal Gown, which essentially acted like a light, soft, flowy fin that was often wide and lengthy. Additionally, the species was capable of both breathing through lungs and gills. They had a cartilaginous skeleton, which made them very flexible. They also possessed double-layered eyes that allowed them to switch from dark/night vision to light/day vision. It also worked to provide impeccable eyesight both in and out of water. Nereusians were completely amphibious – capable of living out of water as much as in.

Throughout their evolution and technological advancements, Nereusians have mainly cemented on land by the shore, and live mostly out of the water (though, they do require water-contact and much hydration to survive). They developed a complex Parliamentary government consisting of several political parties known as Kingdoms. Each Kingdom represents a geographic area and group of people (called a district), which is ruled by a group of leaders that are chosen by the people. Each Kingdom runs its own district, though, for issues pertaining to the entire planet, or outer-planet concerns, the Kingdoms gather together in unity to rule and decide. Nereusians also have a lavish and rich culture. They are highly intelligent and artistic, and embellish themselves in lavish gowns and natural jewelry (from the lands) which are often used to symbolize status and respect within the community.

Hair: N/A – Dorsal Fin
Eyes: Sclera blue
Skin: Gray and multicoloured pattern
Height: 5 foot 9
Extra Details:
Very slim, almost lanky physique with several fins across the body. Slightly webbed fingers and toes.

The planet of Nereusis, ruled in unison by 13 Kingdoms (districts), despite their educated and wealthy empire, have mostly failed in terms of universal communication. They have mainly stayed secluded from galactic affairs, wars, and political conflict in order to keep neutrality and peace. Though, recently, pressure on the Kingdoms to branch out led to the launch of a project known as “Galactic Gaia”. This project would create a bigger, better, more universal space station that would provide Nereusians access to other galaxies. The project would provide flights to and from Nereusis to the space station – which would be used as a terminal for other species and companies. The decision was made mainly to allow Nereusians to travel off-planet, but was mostly heavily influenced by the specie's growing interest in the Force. Nereusians are highly force-sensitive species, but lack of universal communication has not allowed them to embrace adequate training. As part of the Galactic Gaia project, the Jedi Order has joined the mission to seek out and train Nereusians, giving them that once lacked opportunity.

Nereida is a Nereusian political representative for the Kingdom of District Atlympia. She was voted by the 13 Kingdoms of Nereusis to be the planet's Ambassador and representative to the outside universe. She was chosen by both district parties, and by the people of Nereusis. She acts as the lead communicator between Nereusis and the outside world, but more specifically, works hand-in-hand with the Jedi Order to ensure both the safety and satisfaction of her people. She would be among the first of her kind to leave the homeworld to live in Coruscant. She is as intrinsically beautiful as she is respected, and very intelligent.

Plot Idea(s):
The story can begin either in Coruscant or on the water planet of Nereusis. It would be easy to pair Nereida with a Jedi (padawan, Master, etc.). However, I am open to other possibilities!

The Dark Jedi
Name: Zelenia
Real-life Faceclaim: Model Unknown
Organization: Sith (fallen – turned Dark Jedi)
Force-sensitive: YES
Lightsaber: Lavender/ Purple
Specialty: Uses the dark side of the Force, cartilaginous skeleton (heightened flexibility)
Species: Vahla

About the species:
The Vahla were a nomadic, near-Human species who roamed the galaxy in search of their homeworld. They were tall and slender, and possessed cartilaginous skeletons, which gave them exceptional flexibility. All were Force-sensitive, and they were regarded as having a natural shrewdness about them. Many Vahla belonged to a dark side-cult called the Ember of Vahl, and all Vahla were expected to heed the dictates of the cult's central coven.
- Homeworld: Lost Vahla homeworld
- Language: Vahla
- Extra Details: Believe in a goddess named Vahla

Hair: White
Eyes: Lavender-Pink
Skin: Light orange/ beige
Height: 5 foot 3
Extra Details:
Symbol of the Ember of Vahl tattooed on her forehead

Zelenia was born and raised in the highly religious culture of Vahla, where the Dark Side of the Force is worshiped. Born with ashy-white hair and fairer skin than most, she was blessed for her resemblance to the Vahla deity; the Goddess Vahl. Zelenia, like most Vahlas, was highly force sensitive, and was enrolled in the Sith Order at a very young age for training. She was taught to use the sheer rawness of her emotions in order to deepen the connection to the Force, and fuel her power. She trained under a Master who was cruel, often manipulating her emotional state in order to produce results. He was constantly unhappy with her performance, despite constantly proving her extraordinary abilities to him. He became unhealthily obsessed with her, and soon began to resort to violence to battle his desire for her. That is, until he couldn't resist her any longer, and forced himself on her. He raped and violated her, and when she tried to escape, he chained her in a dungeon. In this confinement, he tortured and abused Zelenia, trying to get her to agree to marry him. When she relentlessly refused, and after months of failed attempts, he banished her from the Sith Order, and sold her to a slave dealer. She was stripped of her lightsaber, and enslaved as property.

She was sold to a slum crime lord, who used her beauty and good looks to make money. He used her as a slave dancer, and promised her freedom if she performed willingly and made triple her purchase fee. She ended up earning more money in week than three dancers combined, and was able to offer him her pay-back after just 10 days. When he refused to free her without having sex with her, something in Zelenia changed. She became enraged, and for the first time, was able to yield the energy of the force in her palm without the use of a lightsaber. Completely consumed with uncontrollable anger, she slayed the crime lord, and freed the slaves.

Zelenia, now free, returned to the Sith Order and surprised her Master by murdering him. She crucified his naked body, castrated him, replaced his eyeballs with his testicles, and stuffed his own phallus down his throat. All this to send a message: a lot of people were about to die. Taking back the lightsaber he had taken from her, Zelenia went on a killing rampage which would later become known as the “Sith Slaughter”. Full chaos broke out in the facility, and by the time Zelenia was done, she had killed over 200 people, freed over three dozen, and had successfully escaped.

Once the news spread across the nations, Zelenia had become a sort of antihero to many communities, including her own. She became widely known as “Dark Jedi Vahla”; and not as an evil Sith, but now as a passionate freedom fighter. In proving to the universe that raw emotions and darkness could be used in a twisted tale of good faith, Zelenia not only redefined her religion, but triggered a public galactic anarchy against both the Sith and Jedi Order.

Plot Idea(s):
Zelenia is a complex character with complex history. This means that her storyline can overlap with many different kinds of character. She will have as many fans as enemies, with many people either wanting to recruit her or kill her. Your character can be anything from a Jedi, Sith, or even hunter. Mabe Zelenia goes on the run and needs shelter, and your character is the one she encounters.

The Disturbance in the Force
Name: Eris
Real-life Faceclaim: Jessica Stam
Organization: N/A
Force-sensitive: YES
Lightsaber: White
Specialty: Highest midichlorian count since the creation of Anakin Skywalker (over 20,000 per cell), extreme destructive power when using the Force
Species: Echani
About the species:
- The Echani were a Near-Human species from the Inner Rim world Eshan. The Echani had anatomy similar to humans, but a common feature was that they had light skin, white hair and silver eyes. They exhibited among themselves a remarkable sameness in body type and facial traits. It was believed that the Echani were a result of Arkanian experimentation with the Human genome, a theory which could explain the resemblance among these members of the species.
- Homeworld: Eshan
- Extra Details: Exceptional fighters, warriors, and tactical combatants

Hair: Silver
Eyes: Silver
Skin: Pale-white
Height: 5 foot 6
Extra Details:

Eris is a young female character who's existence was first brought to the conscious of Yoda when one stormy night – 21 years ago – there was a massive “disturbance in the Force” that was so immense, it awoke nearly an entire community of force-sensitives across the universe. This was the birth of Eris, soon to be known as one of the most powerful Force users in the universe since Anakin Skywalker. It is estimated that her midichlorian count is in excess of over 20,000 per blood cell. This would make Eris not only the first female to possess such power, but it would also make her the first Force user in the history of the Echani race (a race that is not force-sensitive).

Eris is the product of genetic testing by the infamous intellects, the Arkanians. Arkanians, also not force-sensitive, have been known for their crazy experiments, and are rumored to have even created the Echani species. Through a series of years-long tests and genetic engineering, the Arkanians secretly found a way to increase midichlorian counts in blood cells through an infusion process, which would enable species with low-counts, to then have the potential to use the Force. The experimentation, all illegal and conducted in secrecy, failed for the better half of a century, until there was a breakthrough with a Human surrogate who was impregnated with an Echani-bred fetus, specially test-tube engineered with high resilience to survive the experiments.

When the surrogate – a Human containing already high midichlorian counts – was given a DNA-enhancement infusion, her midichlorians began to duplicate. Slowly at first, and then suddenly increasing in speed – lodging the body into a critical antibody reaction. Such reaction caused the blood cells to begin to multiply at an incredible rate. Within minutes of the infusion, the facility was thrown in chaos. The patient surrogate (and her baby) were mutating. The infusion caused an inexperienced force-user to quickly turn into an uncontrollable, unstoppable force. Before anyone could administer any sort of treatment, the surrogate detonated, leaving an enormous Force-powered explosion that blew the facility to pieces. Leaving hundreds dead, millions of force-users awoke to a deep and troubling disturbance in the Force.

Plot Idea(s):
Eris survives the explosion (her birth) and is smuggled out of the facility. Despite her genetic mutations, she grows to be a strong, healthy female. She does not resurface to the would until she is 21, when she discovers the truth of her birth, origins, and abilities. Because Eris has an element of chaos that surrounds her, I would love to see her storyline be packed with action, war, battles, turmoil, etc. I'm thinking she is mostly untrained, and will need guidance.


The Royal Immune
Name: Princess Adara of Arkania
Real-life Faceclaim: Model Unknown
Status/ Organization: Royalty (Princess, pureblood)
Force-sensitive: NO
Specialty: Immune to most diseases and toxins

Species: Arkanian
About the species:
- The Arkanians were a near-Human species which resided primarily on the frozen planet of Arkania. Arkanians considered themselves the pinnacle of evolution, and as such many were distinctly arrogant. Arkanian scientists had been experts in genetic manipulation for millennia, and by the time of the Mandalorian Wars the species had been split into many sub-species, making it hard to determine exactly what a baseline Arkanian was. Most could pass for Human, though the most pure of blood had pure white eyes and four clawed digits on each hand. Arkanians were capable of seeing into the infrared spectrum, and their eyes were sensitive to sources of extreme heat. This was helpful on their dark and frigid homeworld, but when traveling offworld, many were forced to wear blinders on planets with hotter, younger suns. It was also not unusual for an Arkanian to enhance themselves with internal and/or external cybernetics. It was also standard practice for Arkanians to undergo genetic manipulation of their own bodies, enhancing themselves so as to be better than "lesser" species.
- Homeworld: Arkania
- Language: Arkanian
- Extra Details: Possess extreme intelligence, have four-clawed hands, and are able to see into the infrared spectrum

Hair: White
Eyes: White (both sclera and iris)
Skin: Pale-white
Height: 5 foot 2
Extra Details:
Normally wearing royal garments and jewelry.

Adara is a noble woman formally known as Princess Adara of Arkania or as Adara of the House of Adasca. She is a leading member of the Adasca family, who are very wealthy noblemen made up of Arkanian purebloods. The Adasca family is responsible for a large majority of planetary profits. The House of Adasca founded and run the Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania (or known simply as Adascorp), which is a vast medical organization famous for its bioengineering and medical research. The family, as well as their corporation, have strong influence in the Arkanian Dominion (government). The family is also responsible for the ancient capital, Adascopolis, which strictly segregates Arkanian Offshoots (non-purebloods) from the city.

The House of Adasca was known for their involvement with many organizations on and off Arkania. Recently, Adascorp had entered a mutual agreement with several scientific and political powerhouses all searching for the same thing: disease immunity. Since the Arkanians had garnered a reputation for genetic mutation, a cure for many common disease and poisons was on the horizon. It took several years and countless failed tests before the species engineered any sort of definitive vaccine, but they did. Before the vaccine could be finalized, approved, and mass-produced for the general public, a security breach left the facility crippled. Military-grade spies broke into the medical research facility and proceeded an outward attack on the building. Shooting dead anyone that got in their way, the team of intruders moved quickly and violently to capture their target; the vaccine.

With the facility surrounded, and nowhere left to run to or hide, the Head of Adasca, Adara's father, was left trapped with nothing but a single vial of the antidote, and his daughter. In a desperate attempt to save his company's breakthrough, the royal leader stabbed the vial into Adara's arm, and injected her with the vaccine. When the intruders broke into the room only to discover the vaccine was lost in the body and blood of the Arkanian noblewoman, the masked men kidnapped the royal Princess and escaped.

Plot Idea(s):
Adara is now immune to various diseases and effects of poison, and because of this, is now being kidnapped for her immunity. As a wealthy royal, a huge reward is set by the House of Adasca for her safe return. In addition, many other bounties are placed on her head. Many people want to smuggle her for genetic testing, while other organizations want her dead (becuase they do not want the vaccine to launch). Many avenues we can explore there!

The Wanted Criminal
Name: Kanara (known as Skyhawk)
Status/ Organization: Wanted Criminal
Force-sensitive: YES (Untrained)
Lightsaber: None
Specialty: For-Hire, psychometry (ability to read the memories of objects, including dead corpses)
Species: Kiffar-Human mix
About the species:
- The Kiffar were a species of Near-Humans from the planet Kiffu. About one in a hundred Kiffar had the ability to read the memories of inanimate objects—including formerly animate objects like corpses—by touch, an ability known as psychometry. It was not, however, normal for a Kiffar to be able to read the living. Visually, they were comparable to any Human except for their distinct facial markings. These markings, called qukuuf, applied as tattoos when young, were passed down through families on the mother's side, except for on those rare occasions where an individual's mother was not a Kiffar, in which case the father's markings were taken on.
- Homeworld: Kiffu
- Language: Basic
- Extra Details: One in one hundred possessed psychometry, force-sensitive, facial tattoos

Hair: Chestnut brown with blonde highlights
Eyes: Colorless
Skin: Tanned
Height: 5 foot 6
Extra Details:
Master of disguise; constantly changing outfits including hair and eye color through use of costumes and technology.

Kanara is a Kiffar-Human mix, whom was abandoned by her mother as an infant. She spent most of her upbringing bouncing from orphanage to orphanage. The instability caused her to develop into a child troublemaker and later into a delinquent. By her late teens, Kanara was mostly homeless and poor, and lived off of the streets of the Coruscant underworld. She predominantly grew into a lifestyle of general crime, adhering to the many criminal ways of Slum District G17 (area of the underworld that contained bars, cabarets, gang hangouts, gun market, etc.). Despite her upbringing, Kanara was extremely intelligent, cunning, and charming, and used these characteristics to build a reputation for herself as a legitimate criminal. Known mostly for her skills in thievery, Kanara became a wealthy and prominent figure in the Coruscant underworld and became a popular choice For-Hire. By her 20s, Kanara had become known as Skyhawk – and after stealing extreme valuables and for her involvement in organized crime, earned her name onto a Most Wanted list.

Having little knowledge of her roots other than the facial tattoos her mother left her, Kanara discovered her Kiffar ancestry at a young age. She realized she was highly force-sensitive, and was able to see and feel memories and emotions from inanimate objects. Living mostly on her own, Kanara taught herself the unique ways of psychometry, without the use of formal training. This ability became a key aspect in her life as well as her criminal career – giving her the upper hand in many facets of the underworld.

Kanara is extremely difficult to catch, as she is mainly untraceable due to her disconnected upbringing. Because she has no family, little to no friends, and no legitimate legal identity, she is known mostly as a virtual ghost to society. She is a barely recognizable face among a city containing millions of individuals. Those who tracked her knew simply that she was female, near-human, and that she was referred to as “Skyhawk”. But, to Kanara's dismay, she was accidentally captured on a private security camera, one which she failed to disconnect on a job. Unfortunately, in the photograph, Skyhawk's face is covered from the eyes down, and she is hooded. The photo is also of poor quality, but did manage to identify part of her forehead tattoo. Although her head was mostly covered by a big hood, the two circles above her eyebrows were foggily captured on the image, along with her distinct ghostly white irises.

Plot Idea(s):
Now that local law enforcement has some facial characteristics to identify her with, they begin a manhunt to catch the most-wanted thief. Perhaps they enlist in the help of other organizations, investigators or hunters to track her down.

The Club Dancer
Name: Aeza'veka
Organization: Club LUSH
Force-sensitive: YES (Potentially)
Lightsaber: None
Specialty: Exceptional singer and dancer
Species: Twi'lek

About the species:
Twi'leks, sometimes referred to disparagingly as "Tail-heads", were an omnivorous humanoid species originating from the planet Ryloth. They tended to eat cultivated molds, fungi, and rycrit meat. Their distinctive features included colorful skin, which varied in pigment from individual to individual, and a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grew from the base of their skulls. The tentacles, called "brain-tails", "lekku", "tchun-tchin", or "head-tails" were advanced organs used for communication and cognitive functions. Twi'leks possessed a fairly standard humanoid vocal structure and were capable of learning most alien languages; however, they usually preferred their native language of Ryl, which incorporated subtle movement of the lekku. When they wished, they could even communicate in complete secrecy using their versatile brain-tails. Twi'lek females were often used as slaves or dancers because of their beauty.

Hair: None - two green lekkus
Eyes: Violet
Skin: Green
Height: 5 foot 8
Extra Details:
Often dressed scantily and/or in revealing dancing uniforms adorned in fake jewelry and accessories.

Club LUSH is one of the most infamous underground super clubs buried in the ever-growing black market of Coruscant. Having now become a haven for illegal activity and unlawful negotiations, Club LUSH began attending to crooked customers from criminals to even corrupt politicians. Despite its flagrant reputation, it is deemed virtually untouchable; protected by its bound criminal ties and cemented fortunes. Many called it "illegally legal", growing from a hole in the wall to a glorious empire.

Now, it employed dozens of artists of various talents, from your typical exotic pole dancers and club singers, to aerial artists and accomplished musical groups - there was entertainment to suit many tastes. Though, one particular entertainer, a young Twi'lek named Aeza (Ay-zah), had gained recent popularity among Club LUSH frequenters. She was was standard club singer, with incredible vocals and spellbinding and voluptuous movemenst. She as skilled with her voice as she was with her hips and her eyes - capable of rendering even the strongest of men completely smitten. Although locally acclaimed, she was not a free woman. Imprisoned to the owner of Club LUSH, a notorious drug lord known only by his street name Grim after becoming indebted to him, she was not a star, but a slave.

Plot Idea(s):


The Unknown Species
Name: Zahirya
Organization: N/A
Force-sensitive: Potentially
Lightsaber: N/A
Specialty: Alien Species
Species: Unknown

About the species:
Zahirya is an alien female who's origin species is a mystery. Zahirya has all five of her senses exceptionally enhanced. She has the vision of a hawk, the smell of a wolf, and the hearing of a bat (including echolocation). She has nearly double the amount of taste buds as the average human, making her ultra sensitive to foods. She can also use her enhanced sense of taste and smell to identify proteins, minerals, and other materials. Similarly, Zahirya is capable of smelling pheromones on people, as well as other undetectable human scents and chemicals that allow her to interpret a person's feelings, intentions, and moods. Due to the unique design of her wings, legs, hands, and feet, she is an extraordinary climber, leaper, and glider. Her legs allow for increased agility and speed when in combat. Her heightened senses allow for incredible detail in her surroundings, giving her prime instinctively combatant abilities (she knows who's around her at all times and can sense people and animals from a mile away). Lastly, Zahirya possess superhuman intelligence.

Hair: Blue and Purple
Eyes: Sclera blue and black
Skin: Purple and pink patterned
Height: 5 foot 4
Extra Details:
Although Zahirya is a unique original character, I did use Dren from the film Splice as inspiration and as a physical model for Zahirya's body. Zahirya will have the same collapsible wings, as well as the same tail, hand, legs and feet of the character Dren. However, I am open to modifying her body to accommodate other designs.

Her species is virtually unknown to the universe - no one being able to identify exactly what planet she came for or exactly what species she truly is. Her entire existence is a total mystery. Not only is she an not human, even an alien, but she is an alien to aliens - a creature so foreign, no one even knows what to call her. Although she has knowledge in Basic, Zahirya has very little recollection of her origins. She suffers from severe amnesia, a condition believed to have been caused by a mixture physical head trauma and mental trauma. How she got to (insert planet) is unknown - though it is suspected that she may have been either transported there through universal smugglers.

Plot Idea(s):
Zahirya is a literal blank slate. She will be foreign to any city/ planet we set her in and would have little to no knowledge of how the world or even universe works around her. The roleplay would include a lot of teaching or even correcting, and could perhaps be rather humourous (think Thor when he first came to Earth - walking in the middle of the street). She would perhaps be transferred to a facility or program of some sort to help her reintegrate into mainstream society. She would be very naive of the human world - although an exceptionally fast learner. The plot and how to integrate her will heavily depend on which male character we pair her with.

I'm currently craving to have her attend some sort of high-status, formal gala or event of some sort. We could add in, also, that she is being hunted (for whatever reason). Which could add some drama/adventure to the play. Whatever the idea, I'm very open to it. Zahirya is a sort of blank slate and can fit into nearly any plot and with any pairing. Send me your ideas!


ARTEMIS - Coruscant Mercenaries
[ Persephone ] - [ Tzipporah ] - [ Jubilee ] - [ Novalie ] - [ Venus ] - [ Pandora ] - [ Valhalla ] - [ Echo ]
[ Sig'ruun ] - [ Zodiac ] - [ Juniper ] - [ Moira ] - [ Gemini ] - [ Saphora ] - [ Fawn ] - [ Luna ]​

Organization: Mercenary gang of all-female assailants
Force-sensitive: Some
Lightsaber: Not Applicable - all women use a range of weaponry, but none use a lightsaber
Specialty: Exceptional combatants, assassins and mercenaries
Species: Mixed Near-Humans

Artemis are a group of all-female mercenaries who are known to terrorize the underworld of Coruscant. They live by a lawless code of ethics, bonded to the gang by their loyalty to one another. They are considered to be one of the most wanted gangs in Coruscant, and have warrants for their arrests throughout the galaxy. The bounties on their heads equate to over a million credits. Over the years, they have grown from only a handful of members to over 15 mercenaries. Police of Coruscant are unable to say for certain how many are in the gang, but know of 16 members credibly (see above). Despite their numbers, Artemis has been widely unstoppable. They are incredibly intelligent, manipulative, and masters of disguise, escape, and deception. Their headquarter(s) are still unknown. There is also little information on their true identities or their backstories in government files, so police have had a difficult time catching them. Based on the limited pattern officials have managed to piece together, Artemis looks as though they seek largely corrupt targets. They have committed all sorts of crimes from grand larceny, grand theft, bank robbery, black market weapons trafficking, assault, and even murder.

Plot Idea(s):
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[ POST - 3 ]

The STAR WARS Universe [CONT'D]
Canon Characters

A Quick Summary:
[Wikipedia] Star Wars is an American epic space opera media franchise created by George Lucas, which began with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon. The franchise has been expanded into various films and other media, including television series, video games, novels, comic books, theme park attractions, and themed areas, comprising an all-encompassing fictional universe.

*** A great resource to the universe of Star Wars is the webpage Wookieepedia.

Welcome to the Lucasfilms' wonderful world of STAR WARS ~

I'm going to try to keep it as simple as possible, granted the complexity of the expansive universe, including (but not limited to) the films, comics, books, and video game content. To keep this consistent and organized, if you have ANY questions, feel free to message me. Remember the golden rule: Just because it isn't listed here, doesn't mean I'm not open to it! :)

HOWEVER, the age-old Star Wars Roleplay question is always: "Which timeline are we going to be setting this plot?" To be completely frank, as much as people place emphasis on timeline, to me, it isn't of particular importance. I'm open to CREATIVE LIBERTY, and as complicated as the timeline may be, it is not something we have to follow. That aside, we can break it down into three categories: Pre-Force Awakens (any period, any film), Post-Force Awakens, and finally... the FUTURE!

Also, here is a general nutshell of the updated timeline: [ Star Wars Timeline (shows + films) ]

CANON CHARACTERS & TIMELINES: Over the course of many decades, the Star Wars Universe has become expansive and enormous, spanning over several generations and thousands of years (in lore). While it is easy to pick a specific timeline and stick to it, there are also other options that can be explored. Although every Canon character is attached to a specific timeline (and surrounding events), I am OPEN & WILLING to "pluck" these Canons out of their normal timeline and "dropping" them into all-new timelines of our choose. Additionally, I am duly interested in exploring alternative universes, time warps, timeline blends, time travel, and any kind of spinoff(s) we can imagine!
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Canon Characters (Existing)
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* Below is my selection of CANON Characters that I'm currently craving and/or interested in. Please note that while I do not mind playing CANON, I reserve the right to creative liberty, such as making the character my own by adding or possibly changing details to fit the story. That being said, any canon that you choose to play will also have the same creative liberty.

All of my species and BIO descriptions are provided by (copied and pasted from) the Wookiepedia - Star Wars Wiki. For more information on the species and the universe, please refer to the Wookiepedia Wiki database! If you have any additional questions, please shoot me a PM! *

Full-Size Image
Face-Claim: Daisy Ridley
Organization: Jedi
Force-sensitive: Yes
Lightsaber: Blue
Specialty: Exceptional connection to the Force, natural and strong ability to dual
Species: Human

Rey Skywalker
, once known only as Rey, was a human female Jedi Master who fought on the side of the Resistance in the war against the First Order. A former scavenger from the planet Jakku, her life was changed by the tumultuous events of the last days of the New Republic Era. Her decision to help the droid BB-8 would set Rey on a course to discovering the Force that awakened within her, leading her to seek out Jedi Master Luke Skywalker for training. Yet despite her commitment to the Jedi Order and the light side of the Force, Rey felt the pull to the dark side due to her anger and the adversarial relationship she had with Ben Solo, a fallen Jedi whom she knew as the dark warrior Kylo Ren. The unique Force-bond between them was a result of their nature as a dyad in the Force.

Plot Idea(s):
I am a SUCKER for a good opposites-attract pairing, which the newest trilogy definitely fulfilled by pairing Rey with Kylo Ren (Ben Solo). I would love to play out a story between these two, starting at any point of the trilogy (7-8-9). I would be open to exploring alternative universes or spinoffs of the two, as well! Have any other ideas? Send them my way!


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Name: KYLO REN (Ben Solo)
Face-Claim: Adam Driver
Organization: First Order (Sith)
Force-sensitive: Yes
Lightsaber: Red, 3-prong
Specialty: Exceptional connection to the Force, trained combatant with strong ability to dual
Species: Human

Ben Solo
was a human male Jedi who returned to the light side of the Force by renouncing the dark side. His alter ego, Kylo Ren, was the master of the Knights of Ren and Supreme Leader of the First Order. A product of Jedi and Sith teachings, Ren embodied the conflict between the dark side and the light, making the young Force warrior dangerously unstable. Yet it was through discord that he derived power, and he learned to channel his anger into strength. Inspired by the legacy of his grandfather, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, Ren sought to destroy the last remnants of the Jedi Order and conquer the galaxy.

The heir to the Skywalker bloodline, Solo possessed raw strength in the Force and had the potential for limitless power. He was born at the end of the Galactic Civil War in 5 ABY, when the Galactic Empire surrendered to the New Republic. His parents, General Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa, were considered great heroes of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During the New Republic Era, Solo was part of a new generation of Jedi apprentices trained by his uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. However, Solo was seduced by the dark side through the machinations of the phantom Sith Lord Darth Sidious and his creation, Supreme Leader Snoke. Solo destroyed his master's training temple and killed his fellow students, earning him the moniker "Jedi Killer" along with the new identity of Kylo Ren.

Plot Idea(s):
Would love to pair Kylo Ren with any of my Original Characters, or even with another Canon. Aside from the standard Rey x Kylo (which I am duly open to exploring), I would be willing to pair Kylo against someone from the past in a time-bending story. Another option is to simply pluck older canon characters (example, Ahsoka Tano) and plop them down in the new timeline with the First Order. OR, vice versa! (Taking Kylo and placing him in an older setting or timeline). The possibilities are endless.


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Face-Claim: None - TBD (Will not be using Gwendoline Christie)
Organization: First Order
Force-sensitive: Unknown
Lightsaber: Not Applicable
Specialty: Renowned Captain and stormtrooper, incredible combatant, warrior and soldier
Species: Human

, a human female stormtrooper captain of the First Order, grew up as a member of the Scyre clan on the nuclear-ravaged world of Parnassos, where she became a formidable warrior, eventually becoming the clan's military leader. Seeking passage offworld, Phasma helped the First Order General Brendol Hux find his ship, in the process betraying her own brother, Keldo, and the rest of her clan. After being rescued, Phasma joined the First Order, abandoning her former life.

Over the years, Phasma rose through the ranks of the First Order, eventually becoming the leader of their stormtrooper training program. She conspired with Brendol's son, General Armitage Hux, to assassinate her former benefactor, resulting in Brendol's former protege, Cardinal, attempting to kill her after the assassination was carried out. Having consolidated her position within the First Order, Phasma became part of an unofficial triumvirate consisting of Armitage and the dark enforcer of the First Order, Kylo Ren.

Plot Idea(s):
Although I have no interest in using Gwendoline Christie as a face-claim, I am interested in choosing a new FC and slipping her into the role of Captain Phasma. I would like to include Captain Phasma's sheer height, however, and am willing to place her at a 6+ foot height.

I'd love to see Phasma pairing against someone that not only challenges her, but possibly has her questioning her established values and morals.


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Name: THE MANDALORIAN (Din Djarin)
Face-Claim: Pedro Pascal *** can be changed ***
Organization: Mandalorian (Clan)
Force-sensitive: Unknown
Lightsaber: Not Applicable
Specialty: Exceptional combatant, trained warrior with many skills
Species: Human

Din Djarin
, also known as "the Mandalorian" or simply "Mando," was a human male Mandalorian who worked as a famous bounty hunter during the New Republic Era. With his Mandalorian armor, IB-94 blaster pistol, Amban sniper rifle, and distinctive beskar helmet, Djarin was both well-equipped and enigmatic—a stranger whose past was shrouded in mystery to others. Orphaned during the Republic Era, he was raised as a foundling by the Children of the Watch, a group that had broken off from mainstream Mandalorian society. Djarin was not aware of this and believed that all Mandalorians followed the Children of the Watch's beliefs. He was trained to become a Mandalorian warrior and eventually joined the Tribe, which operated in a secret covert on Nevarro and was affiliated with the Children of the Watch. Djarin became battle-hardened, a man of few words, and a formidable hunter in an increasingly dangerous galaxy.

After the fall of the Galactic Empire, Djarin made a reputation for himself as a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, collecting bounties as he traveled across the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories—far from the authority of the New Republic—in his personal starship, the Razor Crest.

Plot Idea(s):
I would love to pair Din Djarin against any of my canons or original characters! Any plot in which the Mandalorian is included would work for me. Send me your ideas!

Face-Claim: Not Applicable
Organization: Not Applicable
Force-sensitive: Yes, incredibly
Lightsaber: Not Applicable
Specialty: Able to wield the Force by hand (without a lightsaber)
Species: Unknown (Ancient), same as Yoda

, known to many simply as "the Child," was a male Force-sensitive Mandalorian foundling that belonged to the same species as Jedi Grand Master Yoda and Jedi Master Yaddle. Grogu was born in the year 41 BBY, and was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Grogu was eventually held at a hideout run by Nikto mercenaries on Arvala-7 during the New Republic Era, having survived the siege of the Jedi Temple decades prior. While still an infant at the age of fifty years, he was sought, on behalf of Moff Gideon, by an Imperial who hired Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin to retrieve him.

However, Djarin chose not to leave Grogu with the Imperials and rescued him from the Imperial remnant facility. After attempting to hide with Grogu along the fringes of the galaxy, Djarin returned to Nevarro to deal with the Imperials chasing Grogu in hopes of keeping him safe. In the process, Grogu became a Mandalorian foundling and the single other member of Djarin's newly created clan. As a result, Djarin took up a new mission: to deliver Grogu back to the Jedi.

Plot Idea(s):
While I am not looking to pair Grogu against a character, I'm instead looking to develop a roleplay where The Child is included. ANYTHING WITH BABY YODA HAS ME SWOONING.
I absolutely adore this little Child and would love nothing more than to make him the center of a story. Ideally, I can see my character being an Original, someone who was possibly a motherly or sisterly figure to Grogu in his early years. Since his ancient species lives long and assumingly ages slowly, we could incorporate a storyline where Grogu was cared for (for many years) by my character before being targeted and separated. My character would then be on a hunt to retrieve him and ensure his safety.


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Face-Claim: None - TBD
Organization: Mandalorian
Force-sensitive: Unknown
Lightsaber: Not Applicable
Specialty: Expert armorer, ironsmith, blacksmith, weapons maker, and warrior combatant
Species: Unknow - TBD

"The Armorer" was a female Mandalorian Armorer who served the Tribe during the New Republic Era. Following the Galactic Empire's Great Purge, she resided with the Tribe in a covert on the planet Nevarro, where she forged armor and weapons for her fellow Mandalorians. Around 9 ABY, she forged a new set of armor for the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin using the beskar he provided. During this time, she stopped an altercation between Djarin and another member of the Tribe, Paz Vizsla, when she reminded them of the way of life they were supposed to follow.

In the aftermath of an attack on the covert by the Empire, the Armorer made it her mission to salvage what beskar she could from the deceased Mandalorians. When she met Djarin and his allies, she helped him restock his supplies and declared the formation of his clan after creating his signet, but stayed behind in order to continue collecting the beskar and cover Djarin and his allies' escape, before evacuating herself to parts unknown.

Plot Idea(s):
A face-claim will be decided together, before the start of the roleplay. I would love to develop some kind of storyline with this mysterious, wise, and skilled Mandalorian. I am open to pairing her against a canon or an original character.


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Face-Claim: Rosario Dawson
Organization: Jedi (Padawan)
Force-sensitive: Yes
Lightsaber: Purple or Blue
Specialty: Exceptional Jedi, combatant, and trainee
Species: Togruta

Ahsoka Tano
was a Togruta female former Jedi Padawan who, after the Clone Wars, helped establish a network of various rebel cells against the Galactic Empire. Tano was discovered on her homeworld of Shili by Jedi Master Plo Koon, who brought her to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to receive Jedi training. Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Jedi Grand Master Yoda assigned the young Tano to be the Padawan learner of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who nicknamed her "Snips" when she joined him at the Battle of Christophsis. Whereas Tano was eager to prove herself, Skywalker had a reputation for recklessness, and they had a rather difficult start as master and apprentice. Yet they worked together to rescue Rotta, the son of crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, and returned Rotta to his father, thus facilitating a crucial alliance between the Hutt Clan and the Galactic Republic.

Plot Idea(s):
Since Ahsoka is traditionally a Padawan in most lore, we could continue with that theme and have her paired against a Jedi Master.
Another option would be to have Ahsoka become enslaved, either by smugglers or even by the Sith.
Other options include having her paired against a Mandalorian warrior, or pretty much anything you can think up --- send me your ideas!


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Name: MARA JADE (Skywalker)
Face-Claim: Anya Ichios
Organization: Jedi
Force-sensitive: Yes
Lightsaber: Purple
Specialty: Exceptional Jedi, operative, assassin, combatant, pilot, mechanic, and smuggler
Species: Human

Mara Jade Skywalker
was a Force-sensitive human female who was during different times in her life, an Emperor's Hand, a smuggler, and later a Jedi Master who sat upon the Jedi High Council. She was raised as a servant and assassin to Emperor Palpatine and became a high-level Force-using operative. As an Emperor's Hand, Jade carried out the Emperor's bidding, killing Rebels and corrupt Imperials alike with cold professionalism, even as a young woman. As Palpatine's assassin, she received top-notch training from experts in a variety of fields as well as training in the Force, which was continued by Luke Skywalker years later. After Palpatine's death, she received his last command, which was to kill Luke Skywalker; however, the death of her Master caused her to go rogue. Eventually she joined smuggler chief Talon Karrde, becoming one of his best smugglers and his second-in-command. During the predations of Grand Admiral Thrawn, she was forced to work with Skywalker, and developed a grudging respect for him. During the Galactic Civil War, Mara Jade proved herself skilled in a variety of fields; she was a good pilot and mechanic and trained in the use of both a blaster and hand-to-hand combat even without relying on the Force.

Over the years, she continued to work for Karrde and interact with Skywalker intermittently, training at his Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 for a short period of time. She was groomed by Karrde to take over the Smugglers' Alliance and had a brief relationship with Lando Calrissian as part of that role, although she later admitted it was a charade. She also continued to grow closer to Skywalker and worked alongside him on numerous occasions, including the Almanian Uprising and the Corellian Crisis. The two finally realized in 19 ABY while on a mission to Nirauan that they were in love, and wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

After marrying Skywalker, Mara Jade took the surname Skywalker and devoted her life to the New Jedi Order, becoming a Master in her own right.

Plot Idea(s):
Mara Jade is an absolute bad-ass and very underrated Canon. Traditionally, she is paired against Luke Skywalker, but would love to explore and alternate universe or spinoff where she is related to Luke instead of his love interest. Perhaps she is his daughter, grand-daughter, sister, or even mother. I am open to hearing other ideas!


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Name: DARTH TALON (Alema Rar)
Face-Claim: Jannetincosplay
Organization: One Sith
Force-sensitive: Yes
Lightsaber: Red
Specialty: Powerful and ruthless Sith, operative, assassin, and exceptional combatant
Species: Lethan Twi'lek

Darth Talon
was a female Lethan Twi'lek who became a Sith Lady in Darth Krayt's One Sith in 137 ABY. Talon was styled with black Sith tattoos covering her body including her head and lekku; each tattoo had been earned in ritual combat and inscribed by Krayt himself. As a Sith apprentice, she was trained by a fellow Twi'lek Sith Lord named Darth Ruyn, whom she later killed on Krayt's command with a swift decapitating strike of her lightsaber, shortly before ascending to the rank of a full-fledged Sith in Krayt's Order.

Recognizing her unshakable loyalty, Krayt anointed Talon as one of his two Hands, thus making her an extension of the Dark Lord's own will. In this capacity, Talon found herself working alongside her Hand counterpart, Darth Nihl. Talon was often tasked with her Master's most important missions, including the capture of the Jedi fugitive Cade Skywalker, and his training in the ways of the dark side of the Force, until her apprentice renounced the One Sith. Talon always remained loyal to her lord Darth Krayt, even during Darth Wyyrlok's attempted takeover of the One Sith, aiding Krayt in his recovery and along with Nihl fighting off the Sith who stood between Krayt and his former Voice, witnessing his return to power. When Darth Krayt finally fell during the Battle of Coruscant, she entered hiding along with the rest of the One Sith, working from concealment to achieve their goals by less overt means.

Plot Idea(s):
My all-time favorite Sith in the universe. Because Darth Talon retreats after the Battle of Coruscant, this could be an interest way to have her become an underground operative (operating in the depths of Coruscant). Here she could meet a wide array of characters. Darth Talon does not need to be paired against another Sith, and can duly end up paired against a Jedi, or another character altogether.


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Face-Claim: CBCreativeArt (Cosplay)
Organization: Jedi, Grand Army of the Republic
Force-sensitive: Yes
Lightsaber: Blue
Specialty: Powerful Jedi, exceptional combatant, military warrior and soldier
Species: Rutian Twi'lek

Aayla Secura
, a Force-sensitive Rutian Twi'lek female, was a Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Prior to the Clone Wars, Secura learned the ways of the Force as the Padawan of Jedi Master Quinlan Vos. With the outbreak of civil war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Secura and her fellow Jedi supported the Republic by becoming officers in its newly-formed military. As a general, she commanded the clone troopers of the 327th Star Corps, with Commander CC-5052 "Bly" serving at Secura's side.

Throughout the conflict, Secura fought alongside her soldiers in multiple battles across the galaxy, from Geonosis to Quell, Coruscant, and Felucia. As the war drew to an end, the clones were instructed by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to execute Order 66, resulting in a sudden purge of the Jedi Order at the hands of their own troopers. As a result, Secura was among the first casualties of the purge, having been shot in the back repeatedly by Bly and several other clone troopers.

The demise of Secura and many other Jedi was sensed through the Force by Grand Master Yoda, who survived the purge and ultimately escaped into exile, while the Galactic Empire rose to power in place of the Republic. Secura's death was also witnessed in a Force vision by Depa Billaba and her apprentice, Caleb Dume, on Kaller. Decades after her death, Secura's voice joined those of her fellow fallen Jedi offering inspiration to Rey in her climactic battle against Darth Sidious on Exegol.

Plot Idea(s):
Aayla Secura has a long history in the universe. Because of her primary involvement in military, she can be placed nearly anywhere and against anyone.


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Face-Claim: Daisy Cosplay
Organization: Not Applicable - Rebel/Revolutionary
Force-sensitive: Unknown
Lightsaber: Not Applicable
Specialty: Expert pilot, marksman, combatant
Species: Twi'lek

Hera Syndulla
was a Twi'lek female revolutionary who became a central figure in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire and the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Born the daughter of General Cham Syndulla on Ryloth with a brother who died young, she saw firsthand the devastation of the Clone Wars and the reign of the Empire on her homeworld. Syndulla became an expert pilot and left her homeworld and her father's planetary resistance behind, setting off across the galaxy to build her own resistance movement against the Empire aboard her starship, the Ghost. Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi who survived Order 66, joined her during the Gorse conflict and eventually became her lover and father of her son. Her crew, the Spectres, mounted an insurgency on Lothal and was eventually comprised of Mandalorian warrior Sabine Wren, Lasat survivor Garazeb Orrelios, Syndulla's life-long astromech droid Chopper, and Padawan Ezra Bridger.

In the following years during the Galactic Civil War, Hera continued to be one of the most crucial leaders in the Alliance. Hera took part in the Alliance's pivotal moments on Scarif, Mako-Ta, Hoth, and eventually, Endor, the battle which saw the death of Emperor Palpatine and the fracture of the Empire. Following the battle, the Alliance reorganized into the New Republic, with Syndulla as one of its top military leaders. She continued to oversee the Barma Battle Group, which included Alphabet Squadron, throughout the aftermath of Endor, and participated in the Empire's final defeat at the Battle of Jakku.

Plot Idea(s):
Would love to explore a storyline where Hera is the hired pilot, or a similar plot where her primary role is as an expert pilot.


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Face-Claim: Maja Felicitas Bergmann
Organization: Jedi Order
Force-sensitive: Yes
Lightsaber: Blue
Specialty: Jedi Master, skilled fighter, extremely wise and patient
Species: Togruta

Shaak Ti
was a Togruta female Jedi Master of the Jedi Order and member of the Jedi High Council in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Considered to be amongst the wisest and most patient in the Order, she was a skilled fighter and devoted believer in the ways of the Jedi. During the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Ti took part in the pivotal battles of Geonosis, Kamino, and Coruscant as a general for the Grand Army of the Republic.

Plot Idea(s):
Shaak Ti is normally one of the most calm character in the universe, however for this roleplay, I would like to explore an alternative universe or spinoff of some kind... One where Shaak Ti is actually evil, rather than good (Sith vs. Jedi). Similarly, I would be open to exploring a story where Shaak Ti has an estranged twin sister who is on opposing sides.
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[Under Construction]

[ POST - 4 ]

A Quick Summary:
[Wikipedia] The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is an American media franchise and shared universe centered on a series of superhero films produced by Marvel Studios. The films are based on characters that appear in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The franchise also includes television series, short films, digital series, and literature. The shared universe, much like the original Marvel Universe in comic books, was established by crossing over common plot elements, settings, cast, and characters.

*** A great resource to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is the webpage MCU Wiki and Marvel Database.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: I am not limited specifically to the MCU. I am also open to creating stories within other Marvel verses, even the DC Universe (see below).


Welcome to MARVEL'S marvelous world of superheroes, heroines, and villains! ~

I'm going to try to keep it as simple as possible, granted the complexity of the expansive universe, including (but not limited to) the films, comics, books, and video game content. To keep this consistent and organized, if you have ANY questions, feel free to message me. Remember the golden rule: Just because it isn't listed here, doesn't mean I'm not open to it! :)

HOWEVER, the age-old roleplay question is always: "Which timeline are we going to be setting this plot?" To be completely frank, as much as people place emphasis on timeline, to me, it isn't of particular importance. I'm open to CREATIVE LIBERTY, and as complicated as the timeline may be, it is not something we have to follow. That aside, we can break it down into three categories: Pre-BLIP (any period, any film), Post-BLIP (any period, any film), and finally... the near-distant FUTURE!

Also, here is a general nutshell of the updated timeline: [ MCU Timeline (shows + films) ]

Regarding TIMELINES: Over the course of many decades, the MARVEL Universe has become expansive and enormous, spanning over several generations and hundreds of years (in lore). While it is easy to pick a specific timeline and stick to it, there are also other options that can be explored. I am duly interested in exploring VARIANTS, alternative universes, time warps, timeline blends, time travel, and any kind of spinoff(s) we can imagine!
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Male CANON Characters

* Below is a list of male CANON characters from the MCU that I am interested in playing against. These would be CANON character that YOU play.
** If there is another character that is NOT featured on this list that you would like to play, feel free to send me a PM request and we can discuss.
*** I am also equally interested and open to male ORIGINAL (OC) characters. Got a character in mind? Send him my way!

AVENGERS Franchise
OTHER FranchisesNOT Currently Accepting (Marvel)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers)
- The Winter Soldier (Bucky - long hair)
- White Wolf (Bucky - short hair)
- Falcon (Sam Wilson)
- Falcon as Captain America
- Zemo (Baron)
- Ultron (Reincarnated)
- Thor (God ofThunder)
- Loki (God of Mischief)
- The Hulk (Bruce Banner - any variant)
- Vision
- White Vision
- Quicksilver
- Doctor Strange
- The Black Panther (T'Challa or
someone who picks up the mantle)
- Killmonger (Erik)
- M'Baku
- Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
- Star-Lord (Peter Quill)
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
- Mysterio (Quentin Beck)
- The Vulture (Adrian Toomes)
- Shang-Chi
DEADPOOL Franchise:
- Deadpool (Wade Wilson)
- Cable (Nathan)
- Ajax (Francis)

X-MEN Franchise:
- Wolverine (Logan)
- Old Man Logan (LOGAN)
- Magneto
(Max Eisenhardt or Erik Lensherr)
- Caliban

HELLBOY Franchise:
- Hellboy (Both versions accepted:
Ron Perlman vs. David Harbour)
- Abe Sapien

DAREDEVIL (Netflix):
- Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
- The Punisher (Frank Castle)
- Jigsaw (Billy Russo)
- James Wesley
Marvel Universe - NOT ACCEPTING:
- Iron Man
- War Machine
- Thanos
- Professor X
- Angel
- Colossus
- Cyclops
- Drax
- Nick Fury​
- Quicksilver (X-Men version with Evan Peters)
- Hawk-Eye
- Kingpin
- Blade
- The Amazing Spider-Man
(Andrew Garfield films)
- Fantastic Four
- Ghostrider
- Ice Man
- Toad
- W'Kabi
- Klaw
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Female CANON Characters
CANON Female Characters
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* Below is my selection of CANON (Existing) Characters. Most of these characters are based off of the Marvel Comics universe and/or the MCU. I reserve the right to use creative liberty even with CANON characters.
** I am open to blending timelines, mixing characters and even mashing up universes. This includes overlapping both Marvel and DC.
*** For the list of ORIGINAL (OC) that are FEMALE (my characters), see below [ POST #6 ].

The World of AVENGERS --- Canon MCU

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Superhero Name: (The) Scarlet Witch
Real Name: Wanda Maximoff
Face-Claim: Elizabeth Olsen
Organization: Ex-Avengers
Species: Human (Genetically Enhanced or Mutant)

Specialty/Power: Wanda is a powerful conjurer of Chaos Magic. As witch (magician), she is naturally and easily capable of many talents, such as telekinesis, psionics, psionic energy creation and manipulation, flight, telepathy, and can also manipulate people's mental and emotional state of mind, including but not limited to their perceptions (causing hallucinations, altering their realities, etc.).

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Black Widow (soon-to-be)
Real Name: Yelena Belova
Face-Claim: Florence Pugh
Organization: Red Room / USSR
Species: Human

Specialty/Power: Similar abilities to her sister Natasha, the Black Widow (see below). Yelena is in peak athletic condition. She also has extensive military, martial arts, and espionage training. In the comics, Yelena is also a Super-Adaptoid, as she was mutated by material synthesized from the Super-Adaptoid where she could adapt the powers of anyone around her like Luke Cage, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Sentry, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and Wolverine in rapid succession.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Black Widow
Real Name: Natasha Romanoff
Face-Claim: Scarlett Johansson
Organization: Red Room, Avengers
Species: Human

Specialty/Power: Master in the covert arts of espionage, infiltration & subterfuge. Expert martial artist, with exceptional agility & athletic abilities. Utilizes advanced weaponry including custom stun batons & "Widow's Bite" bracelets capable of stunning enemies with electrical discharges. In some versions in the comics, Black Widow is also enhanced by biotechnology which makes her body resistant to aging and disease and heals above the human rate. The white blood cells in her body are also enhanced by these implants, making them efficient enough to fight off most microbes, foreign bodies and other threats to her body, keeping her healthy and immune to most, if not all infections, diseases and physical disorders.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Nebula
Real Name: Nebula
Face-Claim: Karen Gillan
Organization: Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy
Species: Luphomoid

Specialty/Power: Nebula is an athletic woman, and an excellent armed and unarmed combatant. She possesses a gifted intellect and is a brilliant battle strategist. Nebula uses blasters worn on her wrists that fire concussive blasts of unknown energy or heat blasts that can incinerate a human being almost instantly.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Gamora
Real Name: Gamora
Face-Claim: Zoe Saldana
Organization: Guardians of the Galaxy
Species: Zen-Whoberis

Specialty/Power: Gamora is the adopted daughter of Thanos, and the last of her species. Her powers include superhuman strength and agility and an accelerated healing factor. She also is an elite combatant, being able to beat most of the opponents in the galaxy.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Valkyrie
Real Name: Brunnhilde
Face-Claim: Tessa Thompson
Organization: Member of the Fallen Valkyries, possibly new leader of Asgard
Species: Asgardian

Specialty/Power: Valkyrie possesses typical Asgardian physiological traits including super human strength, stamina, speed, durability, and reflexes. Her strength is greater than the typical Asgardian allowing her to capture Thor and Loki, and even knock down the Hulk.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Sif (Goddess of War)
Real Name: Sif
Face-Claim: Jamie Alexander
Organization: Warriors Three (Asgard)
Species: Asgardian

Specialty/Power: Sif possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability, and is extremely long-lived. Superhuman Strength: Like all Asgardians, Sif is superhumanly strong. However, she possesses greater physical strength than the average Asgardian female.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Black Panther
Real Name: Princess Shuri of Wakanda
Face-Claim: See below
Organization: Wakanda
Species: Human (Wakandan)

Regarding Face-Claims: The face-claim linked above is of Cosplayer Cutiepiesensei, who does an amazing series of Black Panther cosplays. In addition, I am open to using Shuri from the MCU portrayed by Letitia Wright.

Specialty/Power: Shuri is a masterfully fantastic scientist, engineer, and inventor with a genius level of intellect on par with the likes of her brother T'Challa and Tony Stark. Before undergoing the trials to become the Black Panther, Shuri was an extensively trained martial artist. After the trials, like the Black Panthers before her, Shuri consumed the heart-shaped herb; this granted her enhanced speed, agility, strength, endurance and senses. Her uniform is composed of vibranium.

Optional: (IN THE COMICS) Through her training underneath the tutelage of a griot spirit while in the Djalia, Shuri had been imbued with new supernatural abilities that allowed her to transform her body into a flexible stone-like material which also granted her an enhanced durability that cannot be dented by normal gunfire or powerful directed energy weapons. Shuri is also capable of animorphism which allows her to transform herself and whoever she is in direct contact with into a flock of black birds or a singular large dark bird.

Plot Idea(s):


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Show/Franchise: She-Hulk (Upcoming in 2022 on Disney+)

Superhero Name: She-Hulk
Real Name: Jennifer Walters
Face-Claim: Tatiana Maslany --- Alternate Face-Claim: Aspen Rae (open to using her in place of Tatiana)
Organization: Avengers, Fantastic Four, Defenders, S.H.I.E.L.D., many more
Species: Human (Genetically Enhanced)

Specialty/Power: Walters is a lawyer who, after an injury, received an emergency blood transfusion from her cousin, Bruce Banner, and acquired a milder version of his Hulk condition. As such, Walters becomes a large, powerful, green-hued version of herself; however, unlike Banner, she still largely retains her personality: in particular, she retains the majority of her intelligence and emotional control, although like Hulk she is still susceptible to outbursts of temper and becomes much stronger if enraged. In later series, her transformation is permanent.

Plot Idea(s):

The World of X-MEN --- Canon Mutants


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Superhero Name: Mystique
Real Name: Raven Darkhölme
Face-Claim: Ashlynne Dae (Cosplayer)
Organization: Brotherhood of Mutants, X-Men
Species: Human (Mutant)

Specialty/Power: Mystique is a mutant shapeshifter with the ability to psionically shift the formation of her biological cells at will to change her appearance and thereby assume the form of other humans and animals. She can also alter her voice to duplicate exactly that of another person. Originally, it was clearly stated that Mystique's powers were limited to appearances only; she could not assume the powers of the people she morphed into or alter her body to adapt to different situations. As a shape-shifter, Mystique is able to constantly alter and rejuvenate her body's cells and thereby retain her youthful appearance despite having lived for over one hundred years.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Storm
Real Name: Ororo Munro
Face-Claim: See below
Organization: X-Men, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
Species: Human (Mutant)

Regarding Face-Claims: Despite many people's love for Halle Barry, unfortunately, I will not use her. Instead, I would like to use Jade Cargill (Wrestler) for a muscular version of Storm. I am also open to using the punk-portrayal by Alexandra Shipp from X-Men: Apocalypse.

Specialty/Power: Storm is one of the most powerful mutants on Earth and has demonstrated a plethora of abilities, most of which are facets of her power to manipulate the weather. Storm possesses the psionic ability to control all forms of weather over vast areas. She has been able to control both Earthly and extraterrestrial ecosystems. She can modify the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity, and moisture (at a molecular level), generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomena, and has demonstrated excellent control over atmospheric pressure. She can incite all forms of meteorological tempests, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, and hurricanes, as well as mist. She can dissipate such weather to form clear skies as well.

Her precise control over the atmosphere allows her to create special weather effects. She can create precipitation at higher or lower altitudes than normal, make whirlwinds travel pointing lengthwise in any direction, channel ambient electromagnetism through her body to generate electric blasts, flash freeze objects and people, coalesce atmospheric pollutants into acid rain or toxic fog, and, along with her natural ability of flight, summon wind currents strong enough to support her weight to elevate herself (or others) to fly at high altitudes and speeds. Her control is so great that she can even manipulate the air in a person's lungs. She can also control the pressure inside the human inner ear, an ability she uses to cause intense pain. She can also bend light using moisture in the air and her manipulation of mist and fog to appear partially transparent, and in later comics, nearly invisible.

In addition, Storm's ancestry supports the use of magic and witchcraft, so this is a potential.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: White Queen (or Emma Frost)
Real Name: Emma Grace Frost
Face-Claim: See below
Organization: Brotherhood of Mutants, X-Men
Species: Human (Mutant)

Regarding Face-Claim: There are a few options I think would work best. There's cosplayer Maid of Night's version of Emma Frost. However, I am also open to using Candice Swanepoel (Victoria Secret model) as well as Elsa Hosk.

Specialty/Power: Mystique is a mutant shapeshifter with the ability to psionically shift the formation of her biological cells at will to change her appearance and thereby assume the form of other humans and animals. She can also alter her voice to duplicate exactly that of another person. Originally, it was clearly stated that Mystique's powers were limited to appearances only; she could not assume the powers of the people she morphed into or alter her body to adapt to different situations. As a shape-shifter, Mystique is able to constantly alter and rejuvenate her body's cells and thereby retain her youthful appearance despite having lived for over one hundred years.

Plot Idea(s):

The World of MARVEL --- Miscellaneous

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Superhero Name: Spider-Woman (multiverse)
Real Name: Gwen Stacy
Face-Claim: Shirongane (Cosplayer)
Organization: N/A
Species: Human (Genetically Enhanced)

Specialty/Power: After being been bitten by the radioactive spider that bit Peter Parker on Earth-616, Spider-Gwen has all the powers of Spider-Man. She has the
speed, agility, and proportional strength of a spider and can stick to walls. Depending on lore, we can also include shooting webs.

Plot Idea(s):

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Superhero Name: She-Venom
Real Name: TBD
Face-Claim: Caitlin Christine (Cosplayer-Model)
Organization: N/A
Species: Human (Infected with Symbiote)

Specialty/Power: TBD

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Spider-Woman
Real Name: Petra Parker (Genderbent Spider-Man)
Face-Claim: Caitlin Christine (Cosplayer-Model)
Organization: N/A
Species: Human (Genetically Enhanced)

Specialty/Power: Same powers and abilities as classic Peter Parker and Spider-Man.

Peter Parker has superhuman abilities derived from mutations resulting from the bite of a radioactive spider. Since the original Lee-Ditko stories, Spider-Man has had the ability to cling to walls. This has been speculated to be based on a distance-dependent interaction between his body and surfaces, known as the van der Waals force, though in the 2002 Spider-Man film, his hands and feet are lined with tiny clinging cilia in the manner of a real spider's feet. Spider-Man's other powers include superhuman strength, speed, agility and balance, and a precognitive sixth sense referred to as his "Spider-Sense," which alerts him to danger. After years of fighting, Parker honed his skill into an equivalent of martial arts that is unique to his powers. Academically brilliant, Parker has expertise in the fields of applied science, chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, mathematics, and mechanics.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Black Cat
Real Name: Felicia Hardy
Face-Claim: Enji Night (Cosplayer)
Organization: N/A
Species: Human (Genetically Enhanced)

Specialty/Power: Same powers and abilities as classic Peter Parker and Spider-Man.

Peter Parker has superhuman abilities derived from mutations resulting from the bite of a radioactive spider. Since the original Lee-Ditko stories, Spider-Man has had the ability to cling to walls. This has been speculated to be based on a distance-dependent interaction between his body and surfaces, known as the van der Waals force, though in the 2002 Spider-Man film, his hands and feet are lined with tiny clinging cilia in the manner of a real spider's feet. Spider-Man's other powers include superhuman strength, speed, agility and balance, and a precognitive sixth sense referred to as his "Spider-Sense," which alerts him to danger. After years of fighting, Parker honed his skill into an equivalent of martial arts that is unique to his powers. Academically brilliant, Parker has expertise in the fields of applied science, chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, mathematics, and mechanics.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Lady Deadpool (alternate reality)
Real Name: Wanda Wilson
Face-Claim: Caitlin Christine (Cosplayer-Model)
Organization: N/A
Species: Human (Genetically Enhanced)

Specialty/Power: Part of alternate reality Earth-3010, Lady Deadpool is able to heal injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, and severe burns within moments. Her healing factor is developed to the point that she can regrow missing limbs and organs.

Plot Idea(s):
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[ POST - 5 ]

The DC Universe & Other Comics
A Quick Summary:
[Wikipedia] The DC Universe (DCU) is the fictional shared universe where most stories in American comic book titles published by DC Comics take place. DC superheroes such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, The Flash, Green Lantern and Aquaman are from this universe, as well as teams such as the Justice League. It also contains well-known supervillains such as Lex Luthor, the Joker, Sinestro, Harley Quinn, Reverse-Flash, Darkseid, General Zod, Penguin, the Riddler, Catwoman, Ra’s al Ghul, Bane and Two-Face. In context, the term "DC Universe" usually refers to the main DC continuity. The term "DC Multiverse" refers to the collection of all continuities within DC Comics publications. Within the Multiverse, the main DC Universe has gone by many names, but in recent years has been referred to by "Prime Earth" (not to be confused with "Earth Prime") or "Earth 0".

The main DC Universe, as well as the alternate realities related to it, began as the first shared universe in comic books and were quickly adapted to other media such as film serials or radio dramas. In subsequent decades, the continuity between all of these media became increasingly complex with certain storylines and events designed to simplify or streamline the more confusing aspects of characters' histories.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Because the DCU and it's enormous franchising has lead to inconsistent and tangled timelines, this will not be a priority in our roleplay. For sake of sanity and simplicity, we can invent our own timeline and/or storyline to best suit our ideas and characters.
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DC Characters (& Others)

* Below is a list of male CANON characters from the MCU that I am interested in playing against. These would be CANON character that YOU play.
** If there is another character that is NOT featured on this list that you would like to play, feel free to send me a PM request and we can discuss.
*** I am also equally interested and open to male ORIGINAL (OC) characters. Got a character in mind? Send him my way!

DC Cinematic UniverseNOT Accepting (DC)ACCEPTING Other Comics
DC Cinematic Universe:
- Superman (Clark Kent)
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry)
- Batman (any version except Ben Affleck)
- Robin or; Nightwing
- Deathstroke (Slade Wilson)
- Scarecrow (Dr. Jonathan Crane)
- Bane
- Green Arrow (never seen the show however)
- The Flash
- Ben Affleck as Batman
- The Joker (any variant)
- Green Lantern
- Lex Luther
- Shazam
- The Swamp Thing
- Cyborg
- Sandman Comics (Neil Gaiman)
- Lucifer (Neil Gaiman) - Both comics and the show
- Fables (Vertigo)
- V for Vendetta (Alan Moore) - Both comic and film
- Constantine (Hellblazer) - Both comic and film
John Constantine

Non-Comic Related:
- Van Helsing

The World of DC --- Canons

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Superhero Name: Wonder Woman
Real Name: Princess Diana of Themyscira (civilian name: Diana Prince)
Face-Claim: Gal Gadot
Organization: Justice League
Species: Amazonian

Specialty/Power: Wonder Woman's Bronze Age origin story relates that she was sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta and was given a life as an Amazon, along with superhuman powers as gifts by the Greek gods. In 2011, DC changed her background with the retcon that she is the biological daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta, jointly raised by her mother and her aunts Antiope and Menalippe. She possesses an arsenal of magical items, including the Lasso of Truth, a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which serves as a projectile, and, in older stories, a range of devices based on Amazon technology.

Diana is depicted as a masterful athlete, acrobat, fighter and strategist, trained and experienced in many ancient and modern forms of armed and unarmed combat, including exclusive Amazonian martial arts. With her godlike abilities of incalculable superhuman strength, nigh-invulnerability, speed, flight, fast healing and semi-immortality, Diana's fighting prowess is enhanced.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Harley Quinn
Real Name: Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel
Face-Claim: Margot Robbie
Organization: Suicide Squad
Species: Human

Specialty/Power: Harley has no real superpowers, but was injected with a special toxin antidote by Poison Ivy, which resulted in her becoming immune to various forms of chemicals, such as Ivy’s pheromones and Joker Venom. The injection also gave Harley enhanced strength and durability, making her a formidable hand-to-hand combatant. In addition, Harley is proficient in multiple weapons, often wielding a giant mallet. She sometimes has two pet hyenas, as both companions and attack dogs. Prior to her interaction with any toxins or chemicals, Harley was a peak athlete and a highly trained gymnast with a genius-level IQ—assets occasionally hindered by her mental instability.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Catwoman
Real Name: Selina Kyle
Face-Claim: Anne Hathaway
Organization: N/A
Species: Human

Specialty/Power: Catwoman is a Gotham City burglar who typically wears a tight, one-piece outfit and uses a bullwhip for a weapon. She was originally characterized as a supervillain and adversary of Batman, but she has been featured in a series since the 1990s which portrays her as an antiheroine, often doing the wrong things for the right reasons.

Selina has no true metahuman abilities and instead relies on her peak human reflexes and agility to aid her in her schemes. She is a master burglar, gymnast and acrobat with a mastery of both hand-to-hand and weapon based combat. She is a dangerous, clever and resourceful fighter, known for precise, agile attacks and speedy getaways. Her formidable hand-to-hand combat skills are augmented by her cat-like speed, agility, reflexes, balance, and flexibility.

Plot Idea(s):

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Superhero Name: Starfire
Real Name: Princess Koriand'r
Face-Claim: Cutiepiesensei (Cosplayer)
Organization: Teen Titans
Species: Tamaranean

Specialty/Power: Starfire is a Tamaranean and as such her physiology is designed to constantly absorb ultraviolet radiation. The radiation is then converted to pure energy, allowing her to fly at supersonic speeds. Starfire is capable of using this power to fly in space and even go fast enough to cross several solar systems in minutes to seconds. After being experimented on by the alien Psions, Starfire gained the ability to release her absorbed energy into incredibly powerful blasts called "starbolts."

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Blackfire
Real Name: Princess Komand'r
Face-Claim: Starfucked (Model & Cosplayer)
Organization: Teen Titans, Citadel, Justice League Odyssey
Species: Tamaranean

Specialty/Power: Princess Komand'r (Blackfire) is a Tamaranean like her younger sister; her physiology is designed to constantly absorb and control pure ultraviolet radiation into destructive and powerful bolts of energy which she calls "blackbolts." The radiation is then converted to pure energy which enabled her incredible feats of strength, speed, durability and the like; all on par or possibly greater than those of Starfire, having fought and bested her many times. This is not the case for flight, however, as she suffered a sickness in her youth which stripped her of this ability, but she found other means of circumventing this handicap. Being of royal blood and having fought in many wars, Komand'r also boasts impressive mortal combat skills superior even to her sibling, be it unarmed or with weaponry on hand, having battled and bested the likes of her own sibling.

Plot Idea(s):

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Superhero Name: Raven
Real Name: Rachel Roth (false civilian name)
Face-Claim: Nichameleon (Cosplayer)
Organization: Teen Titans
Species: Cambion - Half-Human, Half-Demon

Specialty/Power: A Cambion, daughter of a demon father (Trigon) and human mother (Arella), Raven is a powerful empath who can sense emotions and control her "soul-self", which can fight physically, as well as act as Raven's eyes and ears away from her physical body; more recently, she's been shown as being adept with various types of magic and sorcery. As a Cambion, Raven has an array of abilities; she is firstly an empath, able to sense and alter the emotions of others. She can induce calm, suppress negativity, and even make someone fall in love with her. By absorbing the pain of the wounded into herself, she can induce rapid healing for the affected person. She has displayed the ability to control, manipulate and or generate pure shadows and darkness. Raven can manipulate energy, time, and emotions. This latter ability manifests in different variations, from causing supremely destructive pain, inducing tension, fear-based illusions, and stealing emotions from others.

Raven can astral project a solid black energy form that takes the shape of a bird, called her soul-self. Her soul-self can travel long distances, become intangible, and is able to telepathically communicate. It can act as a shield as it can absorb a limited amount of energy and solid matter, regurgitating them before reintegrating with Raven. Using her soul-self, she can convert her physical body into her soul-self and carry or teleport herself and others over a limited distance. Her soul-self can mentally subdue at least one person by enveloping them inside of itself. Raven's soul-self could initially stay outside her body for exactly five minutes; failure to reintegrate in time would cause mental torment for her, though she eventually overcame this limitation. In her third body, Raven acquired the ability to fly. Raven is shown to be able to fly unaided in space.

Raven also has limited precognition, which allows her to predict future events that are about to happen, although this happens involuntarily and infrequently. She has also been shown to be an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, despite the fact that she rarely uses these abilities.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Terra
Real Name: Tara Markov
Face-Claim: Cara Delevingne
Organization: Teen Titans, Dark Side Club, Outsiders
Species: Human

Specialty/Power: Tara Markov, half-sister of Brion Markov (Geo-Force), was the illegitimate daughter of the King of Markovia. While in Markovia, she came under the care of a Dr. Helga Jace and, through her experiments, Terra obtained Earth manipulation powers—specifically, the ability to control all forms of earthen matter.

Terra as Atlee instead of Tara Markov: Atlee's powers are currently limitless, while she limits herself to "harmless" feats such as growing large formations of rock with the slowness needed to avoid a geological hazard, and using floating rocks as projectiles and to levitate around, Gerard Shugel, the Ultra-Humanite, while residing in her body, was able to shift nearby tectonic plates with ease or cause volcanoes to erupt at his will. He surmises that Atlee has always had this amazing amount of power, but willingly chose to limit herself in fear of the damage she could cause.

Plot Idea(s):
In the comics, Terra is portrayed as a gentle, kind, cheery individual. I want to abandon that personality completed in this story, and take on more of the personality featured in the animated television series Teen Titans. In the show, she is portrayed headstrong, stubborn, and quite rebellious and mischievous. She has a bit of a grunge/rock flair in the show, and I would like to retain that.


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Superhero Name: Poison Ivy
Real Name: Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley, PhD
Face-Claim: Ashlynne Dae (Cosplayer)
Organization: Birds of Prey, Suicide Squad, many more
Species: Human (Enhanced)

Specialty/Power: Initially thought to have been transformed by human experiments, Isley is later revealed to be gifted by the Green, an interplanetary force which grants her a supernatural control over plant life, enhanced strength and stamina, the power to transfer poison through touch, complete immunity to all toxins and poisons, and the ability to project mind-controlling pheromones. With the latter power at its full potential, she proves capable of controlling every person on Earth, including other super-powered beings. She has the ability to control and mutate all forms of plant life on a molecular level, making it respond to her will and command. Her expertise as a biochemist lets her develop mutant plants, and create and bring to life plants that were long thought to be extinct. In volume three of Batman, she causes giant plant roots to become uprooted at a moment's notice, and directs the roots to entangle her enemies.

Beyond her metahuman traits, Ivy is shown to be exceptionally physically fit both due to gymnastics and her enhanced health; being both similar to Harley Quinn in skill as well as showing enough hand-to-hand combat prowess to challenge Batman without relying solely on her powers.

Plot Idea(s):


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Superhero Name: Black Canary (or Black Siren)
Real Name: Dinah Drake or Laurel Lance
Face-Claim: See below
Organization: Birds of Prey, Justice League, Justice Society
Species: Human (Enhanced)

Regarding Face-Claims: The Black Canary has been adapted into various media. In Birds of Prey (TV Show) she was played by Rachel Skarsten, and in Smallville she was played by Alaina Huffman. In Arrow and the Arrowverse shows the characters Dinah Laurel Lance, Sara Lance and Dinah Drake are portrayed by Katie Cassidy, Caity Lotz and Juliana Harkavy. Dinah Lance made her cinematic debut in the DC Extended Universe film Birds of Prey, portrayed by Jurnee Smollett, who will reprise the role in an upcoming HBO Max movie focusing on the character.

Because there are so many versions, I am willing to portray whichever is your favorite. Additionally, I can also supply my own FC for Black Canary (I can use a cosplayer or a model).

Specialty/Power: Although depictions of the Black Canary have varied over the years, the character is often portrayed as a prodigious hand-to-hand combatant, having mastered styles such as numerous martial art styles. The Black Canary has been depicted as an expert motorcyclist, gymnast, covert operative and investigator. She is also an excellent leader and tactician, having served as the field commander of the Birds of Prey and the leader of the Justice League and League of Assassins for a time.

Her superpower, the canary cry, allows her to create ultrasonic vibrations whenever she screams, allowing her to severely damage both organic and inorganic objects. Her canary cry has been depicted as having 10-fold the capabilities of most sonic weapons and has even been depicted as breaking metals and having the resonance to affect and shatter Earth. In The New 52, her canary cry now grants her the ability to glide and propel herself across long distances by screaming downwards. Due to this reliance on speech, she is often bound and gagged by villains as a means of incapacitation. Despite her power, the Black Canary often relies on her martial arts skills instead, preferring to use her canary cry only during urgent situations, such as against superpowered opponents.

Plot Idea(s):
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[ POST - 6 ]

Superheroine ORIGINALS
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Original Characters

Original (OC) Female Characters
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* Below is my selection of Original (OC) Characters. Most of these characters are based off of the Marvel Comics universe and/or the MCU. Most of my Originals are not attached to a specific timeline, however they could be if requested. I am also OPEN & WILLING to "pluck" these Originals out of their normal timeline and "drop" them into all-new timelines of our choosing.
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