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Fx Female Looking to Write Against Submissive Characters

Island Gwen

Oct 11, 2020
Hi there, thanks for checking out my request thread. I am hoping to meet one or more partners to make fun and interesting stories with. Below I will attempt to break down who I am, who I would like to meet and what stories I might enjoy. As well as the nitty gritty details that are also important in deciding on compatibility.

This is an edit from my previous entry based on lessons learned and as a reflection of other stories I have going. Foremost, I am restricting this request to stories largely revolving around women. Also, I have learned that I am able to write at a high volume - I will be able to write several times a day. In my limited experience, I prefer writing on Discord over other platforms, for reasons we can discuss.

I am a mid 30s professional woman working from home in the US ever since COVID. This allows me to write every day or nearly. This isn't required by my partners, I can wait for people with other timeframes. I have been doing real-time roleplaying for years, and have only recently moved to this longer form writing. I can't tell if I am doing well at it or not, but I am having fun and hopefully learning and improving as I go.

One or more persons to create fun, sexy and interesting stories together. I have tried writing just myself, but tend to get impatient to get through the 'slow' development and pressing for the 'fun' sex or action scenes or the big set pieces. I feel like I would do better sharing with someone else and working through those developmental parts together. Plus, its always fun seeing how someone else reacts to the characters, the plots and what ideas they have.

Further, as the subject line indicates, I am hoping to write against submissive women characters. I have stories going where I am writing the submissive part and I feel I need a change and more experience in that role.

When I first start thinking about a new story, my brain starts racing about the possibilities and all the fun that could be had. And how I might want to develop the plot. How neat the character(s) are or could become. The things coming down the line, foreshadowing. The drama that could come up from the situations we get them into.

I would describe my writing style as crisper and more 'realistic'. I tend to prefer real images as face claims over anime images. This might be a weakness of mine, and maybe I should learn to be more fanciful. I also like putting in details about wardrobe or setting or set dressing as I feel like this adds grounding to the world and what is unfolding within it.

You may have noticed I haven't written any plots. I feel the 'A x B' is much less important than the person I am going to be writing with. This doesn't seem to be an opinion shared by others here, so maybe I need to learn about this as well. I would rather talk with someone about the world we want to explore, the main characters we want to inhabit that place and the plot arcs that they will follow.

As I write this, it sounds like a lot more work than 'teacher x student.' Maybe that's why people stay focused more narrowly on specific ideas? In a place where ghosting happens it doesn’t make sense to devote all that time into world building and characterization for a long story that may never see its fulfillment? That its easier to stick with shorter plot ideas? I don't know, tell me what you think.

• Locating - I would prefer to write stories on Discord, but this doesn't have to be a deal breaker. I can be flexible for the right person / story.
• Plot to smut ratio - In the past, my writing has been pure smut. Moving here has allowed for more plotting and world building, so that is fun. I guess I am open to a mix, leaning more towards sexy parts.
• Frequency - I am able to support several updates per day. This is not a requirement from my partners, but it sure would be fun to find!
• Response Length - My additions will tend to be shorter, two to three paragraphs depending on what is going on. More for set up pieces, less for quick back and forth.
• Limits - My only limits are those of the site's. If the story calls for it, then I am good. But as suggested above, I tend to be more 'realistic' and less 'fantastical'. Mega-anything doesn't really work with how I view my writing. And more 'cartoony' behaviors is the same.
• Preferences - I lean towards preferring female to female characters, but this doesn't have to be a hard and fast rule. I also tend towards wanting power exchange and kink involved in at least some level.
• Fandoms - While I have nothing against them per se, I don't follow any of them very closely, and my knowledge of them will be superficial. I recognize I don't put the same emotional weight into them as fans might. My imagination is sparked by original worlds and characters.

Thanks for reading my request thread, and I hope to meet interesting people to make stories with. The goal of this posting is to try and show who I am and what I might be like to write with. If you have gotten this far and are interested, please shoot me a message.

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Changed from the first step to the second, with some alterations based on what I have learned so far.

Updated this again, changed it to be targeted towards writing against submissive woman characters. I am going to keep this request thread slightly more general and rely on my other thread for the dream writing situation.

Finding myself with more capacity to write. So many good stories to be made, message me if you think we might work out together.

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