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Looking for a good partner

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Jan 14, 2009
Wherever I'm needed
Hello Blue Moon. I have been a member for quite some time but I have just recently gotten back into roleplaying. If you see somthing on my list of cravings do not hesitate to PM me
I am not anal about post length as long as I have enough to make my own post. I would like at least a paragraph and I get agitated by one line replies because I know anyone can do better then a one liner and it is a little annoying. When it comes to pairings again I am not that picky

An RP based on the movie the 13th warrior(Or the book Eaters of The Dead.
An RP based on Devil May Cry-Set after all of the games.
An RP based on the graphic novels or movie The Watchmen. If anyone needs some explaining about the plot just ask and I will explain.
An RP set in the Marvel universe(I have a link to the Marvel site that has all of the marvel characters ever for selection
I just beat Mass Effect 2 and I have been craving an RP set in the Mass Effect universe with OC's but maybe set along the storyline with Shepard
A Mortal Kombat universe setting. Using OC's set in the Universe during the tournament or possibly using the reboot that is currently being considered by WB. The link to the promo trailer is below

Favorite Pairings
  • Vampire X Vampire
    Vampire X Human
    Vampire X Slayer
    Vampire X Hybrib
    Werewolf X Human
    Werewolf X Vampire
    Werewolf X Slayer[/list:u]
Demon X human
Knight X Princess
Knight X Warrior
Paladin X Demon
((If you have any pairings that I do not have listed then just ask me about it and it will most likely happen.))

Anime RP
I would really prefer OC,s characters but if absolutly necessary we can use Canon
Again I would prefer OC,s characters
With this one Canon's are fine
Again Canon's would be fine
This anime is also a 2d fighting game if you need any info I will fill you in
Again this anime is also another 2D fighter
I will allow some Canon's
((These are it for now but if you have one you are interested in let me know and I will gladly rp it))
OC's only in this one I dont need everyone playing Altier
Canon's are fine but I have expanded the characters so you can be any Mortal Kombat or DC character
I prefer to base it off of Synphony of the night
Any game from 1 to 5
Again any one from 1 to 4
Any of the games will do but I am mostly looking for 7 through 10 and Dirge of Cerberus
Canon's are fine for this one.
Either 1 or 2 will do and Canon's are fine
Clive Barker's Jericho
OC,s please
Any of the 3 games
((If there is nothing here that appeals to you but you have somthing that you would like to try by all means contact me and share your idea I am open to anything.))
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hey, I'm up for pretty much anything. I'm usually submissive but I can try the dominate role. Just give me a chance to warm up. A twilight based RP sounds awesome. PM me if you want to give it a shot.

      • Really? :]
        Well, I hope they remain 'underground'.
        If they go mainstream, they'll be butchered.
        Like Twilight.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

      • Perhaps :]
        But then again,
        I noticed the werewolf x human pairing too.
        So I'm unsure what to go with.

        -tilts head-[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

      • For a pairing?
        I'm unsure.

        You see, I much more enjoy werewolves then vampires. ;]
        I wonder if there was a way we could mesh the two ideas
        together. If you want.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Here is an interesting idea. A plot like twilight except we switch the race. A human and a werewolf. If you tend to be more dom then you can play a female werewolf atracted to the scent of a male human..How does that sound? Or a school for creatures of the night in general so we can use both

      • Well, I have an idea.

        I'm sure the House of Night isn't the only educational system
        catering to the needs of fantasy adolescences or young adults.

        There could be a school for werewolves
        [ perhaps the same rule with fledglings apply here],
        one for witches or for shapeshifters... you know.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
I like the sounds of that alot actually. Also I notice you have been around for a while I hate to ask you this but I recently had a partner ditch on me and I was curious if you would know anyone who would rp the Watchmen?? I am really sorry to ask

      • :] And, we could totally do a Harry Potter thing with this,
        and maybe have the schools host a like, special tournament or something.

        : OO It'd be pretty fun.

        xD Well, to be honest, I don't.
        I've read the comics, though.
Sounds like a perfect idea to me

I agree I am going to go homicidal if hollywood screws up The Watchmen..I dont suppose you would be interested in doing two rps would you? I would understand if you would not want to tackle that

      • Do you have anything to add?
        Any ideas? Speculations?
        And I think we should disregard the idea of labels.

        Dom, sub, etc.
        That way we can be equal.
        And start on a blank slate.

        I suppose we should be playing seniors, too.
        Maybe add another year -- so they could be,
        18, 19. 19 seems suitable.

        What will you be playing?
        I might play a werewolf fledgling, all up to you.

        I don't think I could handle two consecutive roleplays like that,
        sorry doll.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
I have nothing at all to add and I agree with your idea of throwing out the labels..

I suppose seniors would be appropriate and I intended on playing a werewolf fledgling as well.

Tis fine my friend I understand

      • Excellent.

        Anything else?
        Should we discuss our characters
        to see if they mesh well?

        Or just hop straight to the roleplaying?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

      • Nah, it's okay.

        Just promise me you're not playing a really whiny,
        extremely submissive guy, though we're
        disdaining labels.

        I will whack you with my Banjo action figure.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
...Banjo and kazooie??

I wont I promise I tend to play emotional but strong characters. Would you like to do the honors of starting so I know how long my post needs to be lol.
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