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Fx Male Bearded dad bods wanted!


Oct 21, 2009
I am a brat submissive
I usually play as a fantasy character.
I rarely play as a human.
Below is a list of my current characters .

Erel - Drow elf or drow elf vampire hybrid or occasionally a drow lycan hybrid. Shes an Ellistraee follower not an evil drow.

May- virgin snow elf, has to reside in a cold environment.

Gemma- female orc

Lynn- human but raised by wolves has learned english but still sometimes struggles

Gracie- drow demon hybrid also not evil.

Pearl- furry cabbit ( cat rabbit hybrid)

Now for my current cravings..

Master x submissive
Boss x employee
Blind date
Club scene meeting

I am an older married straight female. I have a life but I post as often as I can. I usually do 1 to 4 paragraphs. My requirements are :

Be original, use a thesaurus if need be, if you say the same word 5 times in a paragraph I can't do it. Please let me know if you can't post or if you need me to add something, I am willing to change things if you handle it nicely. Generally I will say like tried out scraping her teeth over his skin to see how he reacts, it's better to say that you didn't like it in the story than demanding I change it via PM .
I like it if people are english literate but can put up with some spelling errors or typos.

I don't do scat or piss play or degregation. I don't do blood other than vampires, no vore or excessive gore. No permanent marking, no killing, no God modding.
Example: I shoot you in the head. Is God modding.
I pull the trigger attempting to shoot you in the head is not.

I like details, sure saying he kissed her deeply is nice but he kissed her deeply caressing her tongue with his own is better.

I only play female characters.
I am a switch brat type and occasionally crave a Dom role.

Thanks for reading this and please send me a message if you are interested.
If there is no ooc connection the role play will quickly become boring for me. I need ooc conversation and communication. I want to know how your day was, what you might be going through a bit. I want to plot our next posts and get feedback on how yc might be feeling.
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