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Low Stress, High Quality Play for Discerning Connoisseurs of Smut and Kink

Jan 25, 2021


I. What I can offer

Hello, I am Curious! I'm a flexible and accepting adult roleplayer looking for compatible writing partners to help me draw out the most enjoyable story we can! I've been doing this for longer than I like to put in print and creative writing is a lifelong passion of mine. I've never lost pace when engaging with someone advertising themselves as 'advanced lit', though my expectations for you are not so high. Personality and creativity are the keys here. A perfectly grammatical post with no heart just won't get under my skin and keep our story in the back of my mind all day. I don't want the machinations of 'just another story', liking the same kinks isn't enough. We need to both make an effort to thrill one-another for this to work, I'm sure we both have limited time and when I log on it's to scratch an itch. Connection is the key, the kinks are secondary, and if we're not feeling it we should step away until we're closer to the same page. Most would say here that they tend to give back what they're getting, but I tend to give what I think is right for the scene consistently and if my partner is falling short of that the story tends not to continue. I have a lot of respect for how firm most people are with boundary setting in their ads but I don't let it affect my positivity when I have to let an online friend go. We all have different paths.

I tend to post between 2-5 paragraphs but this can double if I'm into what we're doing and the scene calls for it. I think hyperinflated posts are just as problematic as clipped ones, I'm grateful to a partner who has a sense for what's appropriate here and I'll do my best to gauge you too.

I'm very comfortable in OOC and for me half the fun is plotting out our story and gossiping about the twists and curves we throw the characters that delight us most. Exchanging faceclaims and/or inspirational material is a big plus but not necessary. I have a tumblr I like to draw from, impress me by showing you read this far and dig deep into the archive to send me some you'd just love to have me play, and most importantly what you'd like to do to them (details please!). I'm not shy and I don't scare easily! I want to know what is going to work for both of us, so you might as well tell me. There's no reason to be ashamed even if it's not what I'm into, no judgement of you as a person. People just are who they are, this for me isn't about fixing anything or anyone. It's playtime for the things in our heads we know don't and couldn't work in real life, things we wouldn't necessarily even want. It's not a step toward any kind of attainment, it's just release in a safe space where no-one is at risk, simple and plain.

I'm capable of playing multiple characters, and willing, provided that you are. It takes an enthusiastic player and a hot concept to move me to this, but it's not uncommon. I find expanding the cast makes everything more fun overall. The story is conflict. It's about friction. I want heat from every direction. I can't enjoy myself, however, if I feel like I'm being taken advantage of. I see these guys slouching into my PMs wondering if I'll just throw them a harem RP that takes six or seven paragraphs on my end to their one or two... there must be someone satisfying them, and I don't judge them either, but I hate the idea that I'm losing good players to the 'ignore' button because they underestimated my standards. Just be aware of what you're asking for and please try to wonder 'what's in it for them?' close to the amount that I seem to be.

II. What I'm looking for
Kinky taboo smut, of course! My limits are the usuals, but I enjoy so many of the things common to this space it almost feels perfunctory to list them. We can have a larger conversation about it in OOC, but to be clear I like stories that involve intelligent and capable women, generous of proportions and fetish, who choose to dedicate themselves to maximizing the sexual aspects of their lives above all else. Women who plot and plan, prod and cajole, hint and tease to get what they want and need in life. I'm a simple person in life but with my stories I like layers upon layers without burying us in intrigue. If everyone is clear all the time there's no story! Secrecy and risk is always a fun part of it, but I don't like big consequences. It's especially fun when we tease a bunch of 'what if people knew' through the first act and then people do find out, but by that point our characters don't care and just accept the social consequences because living their truth is more important than the fear of being judged.

III. What I'd like to write



Imagine something like the matrix, putting on a headset that doesn't just show you a screen but gives you full sensory feedback for literally everything you do. It can work however we want, the simplest would be I guess a head strap that just transports your mind, the most complicated being an early version that requires entering something like a full body suit or even pod with a bunch of physical attachments. The how is immaterial.

... as I said, imagine one or more party members who are used to the usual grind, big burly characters who hack and slash and spellcast their way through dungeons, dispatching bad guys, looting chests, rescuing damsels and just generally doing the whole hero thing. Then my character joins them.

She just bought the whole DLC pack, and hidden somewhere in there is an 'XXX' pack which unlocks charisma/dialogue options that allow her to deal with literally any situation using sex should she choose. It'll be up to us whether she was even aware it was in there, I can foresee an adorable moment here where she says "I just got the packs that you had" and he realizes that it auto-populates the world with every box you checked in the tutorial unless you manually disallow all the adult stuff (as he did, except for during 'private time'). Perhaps my character is well aware of all this and just acting like she's surprised as part of a playful seduction ploy. Maybe she doesn't know but takes it in total stride and just adapts with an easy smile and a flick of her hair, leaving YC incredulous while she gets to work and learns the system. Any of these could be the hottest option depending on the tone and chemistry between our characters.

More to come!

Excessive Sexual Fluids
Dom/Sub (not a necessity by any means)
Height/Size Difference

Force/Coersion/blackmail of any kind (willing consent is important to me)

I hope you find what's right for you!
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