I'm dreadfully sorry for being inactive for a while. Life grabbed a hold of me.
For one, I've been a little busy with school. I planned on graduating early,
(which I might, perhaps next month) so I'm working my ass off to secure my credits.
To make matters worse... I actually got hit by a car a few weeks ago.
The car fractured my foot, though thankfully it's nearly healed now.
Yay for minor fractures.
And yes, the job. I'm currently job searching--part-time, of course, I'm still a student.
Some options are a local Shoppers, Sobeys, EB Games (again), maybe even Walmart
or Zellers.
Anyway, thought I'd let ya'll know. I won't be starting up any new roleplays anytime soon,
unless they're over AIM; a lot of my classes at school are computer classes,
so I can go on AIM, just not adult sites ;][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]