Good to Be Back


Jan 23, 2021
Thought I'd give this a try, and Bot pretty much mandates I need three posts, so why not have some fun with it. I'm a long time member of the forum, but I decided to start fresh with a new account after these seven years of on and (mostly) off activity. My previous account was a facade of who I really am, and this account is more of a pallet cleanser and more me actually being me. When you commit to an account that was in it of itself a character, it's hard to want to try normalcy after seven years. I never intentionally misled anyone or manipulated anyone with this persona, but that fabrication had its own life and existence that was completely false, I was roleplaying a roleplayer ironically. That persona was never more than a stranger passing in the night, I'm not saying it made genuine friends on the forum, but after a certain point I wanted to actually start being me on this forum. So here's to something new.
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