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Looking for Dominant men to play out a few ideas! Mostly BDSM!


Jul 13, 2017
I have been RPing for around twelve years now. I feel as if I am fairly literate and tend to write larger posts, around a paragraph or two minimum, to more. I would like a similar partner to write with. These can be long term or short term!

I also must advise that I am a stay at home mom of two. So, sometimes I might be able to respond right away or sometimes it might take me a bit. Please be patient with me! I will be back!

As for what I am seeking, at the moment, that seems to be more BDSM type of stuff. Master/slave, Dominant/submissive, and anything in between. I have a few ideas, which I will list below, but I am open to others, as well. I am open to darker, non-consensual type scenes, to dub-con, and con. So, please, I would love to hear your ideas!


Now, onto my ideas:

Imagine our characters live in a world where young women(adhering to BM's rules), are commonly married off or sold off at the young age of 15, just when they are coming in to knowing their bodies and becoming women. Routinely, especially if the girls are to be married off to a more wealthy man, they will be sent to certain businesses set up around the country that specialize in helping to get these girls ready. They would train the girls in all things traditionally woman. From cooking and sewing, to poise and her place with her new husband, which is where the most important skills comes in. Sex and submission.

Not only are the girls trained to be their new or future husband's perfect wife outside of the house, they are also trained to be the perfect wife behind closed doors, as well. Some girls are only trained in specific things, while others are trained all around. As this would be a world where men could have multiple wives, these businesses and their services are in high demand. This also means, however, that there would be knock offs, places kidnapping girls and the like, trying to make a quick buck. Though, actual training places would be held in high esteem. Each place would have its way of training its girls.

This is where our characters come in. I can play multiple characters at once. So, could have multiple girls being trained at once, a set of twins which I think might be fun, or just a single girl being trained at one time. It would give us windows to either focus on single kinks or branch out and touch on many.

Your character I would prefer to be the one or ones(if you play multiple characters), to be training the girl(s). Though, I am open to your character being the new husband!

I really do think this idea could have all kinds of possibilities. So, I hope to catch someone's eye and I hope we can get something going!

I was thinking that this could either be medieval or modern times. Your character would be from a well off or even very wealthy family. To tend to his needs, it is either a tradition or a special exception made for him, or even his idea, to purchase a servant. This young woman(15-19 preferably) would be there to tend to his every need. From fixing meals for him, doing his clothes, and whatever he requires of her, including caring for his sexual needs. It could be that the girl was trained for this and bought from a specific place or, perhaps, she was kidnapped, or maybe her family even handed her over, trying to get in YC's good graces? MC could be unwilling, but too frightened to say no, be it from needing to help her family or something similar. I am open for all kinds of ideas for this one! I would love to do this one!

I picture my character being from a culture where the women are more subservient to their men, their father's, brother's, husband's, etc. They are raised this way since birth, always being taught to respect and listen to the men in their life, do as they are told, even if they don't agree or like it. I could see this being either a story of a father and daughter, the father using this cultural thing to his advantage to make his daughter his or maybe even a newly married couple, maybe the husband not being from the same cultural background, maybe more open sexually than his wife because of said difference, which has him training her, corrupting her, and showing her all kinds of kinky things? I mean, she won't stop him, right? I could see the marriage maybe having been arranged, possibly a younger bride, or even a consensual relationship.

I have an idea about a young woman, anywhere from 15-22, being very curious about BDSM. With that curiosity, either she is too shy to approach anyone she knows or maybe she just doesn't know anyone into it, she sets out to find someone who would teach her.

That would, of course, be where your character comes in. They could be strict, a huge pusher of boundaries, forcefulness in her learning her place, or more understanding, easing her into it, pushing boundaries, but with gentle reassurance throughout, or even a mix! Could be, my character gives consent, agreeing to go along with it, but with being able to stop if she gets uncomfortable, or more contractual, where my character will be kept by yours, taught, until he feels she is ready. Maybe she is free to go as she pleases, sessions being set up, or she is forced to live with your character, doing as he wishes, wearing what he wishes, and always at his disposal? There are all kinds of ideas that could be used for this!

A young woman, teen(adhering to BM's rules), or maybe even a group of girls, is staying at an isolated cabin/lake house/whathaveyou for a period of time. I just like the idea of them being out in the woods or some such and the freedom of it for the story.

As for your character, maybe they planned to meet up for the time period, just to see what would happen, without previously knowing one another? Or maybe they do? Or, just maybe, it's a man who forces his way inside and his way with the girl(s)?

I am open to all kinds of ideas with this!

I love the thought of a hostage situation kind of scenario. Maybe my character(or multiple!), could be home alone, your character(or even characters!), breaking in to my character's house to have their way with the girl or group that is within the house. Could be that it's a teen or young woman home alone for the weekend or week, giving your character plenty of time to have their fun. Or, perhaps its a family, the dad being out of town, and only leaving a mother home alone with her two teenaged daughters? Lots of possibilities for this!

I had a bit of an idea swirling around about a little coercion and incest. Basically, MC and YC are together(be it dating, just sleeping together, etc) and while happy together(I am willing to make them a not so happy couple!), things are starting to get a little stale or maybe even just one of them wants to branch out a bit. Well, seeing as MC has a younger sister, maybe, just maybe, she could be the outlet to spice things up? Heck, maybe YC has had an eye on the sister for awhile!

I am very open to different ways to play this out. Maybe MC is completely fine with the idea? Or, maybe she isn't, and it takes a little 'encouraging' to get her to agree? Ideally, I'd like the couple working together, in some capacity, to coerce the younger sister into giving into their wants. I'd like her to be a little apprehensive, not quite sure, but is too curious or whathaveyou to say no. I would also love for the sisters to play with each other, even if it is just the older sister playing with the young at first, mostly.

Also, I prefer playing characters on the younger side, 15-18, but I am willing to wiggle some on the ages. Maybe the older sister is early twenties and the youngest is soon turning 18? Or, maybe the older sister is younger herself, 18 or 19, and the sister is a bit younger, around 15 or 16? All kinds of ideas!

I am looking forward to getting some role play going! Also, don't be afraid to throw your own ideas at me! I am looking for all kinds of RP!
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