Apologies and loneliness (Feel free to read and comment)


Oct 13, 2020
Northwest Virginia
Not totally sure who all I owe apologies to, and it is a bad habit of mine that I am trying really hard to break. My confidence is so crappy, that I feel like I do something wrong or tick someone off when that may not actually be the case. And I'm also afraid that maybe my RT is a little too needy, or maybe not entirely eye catching. So I may end up redoing it again, and hope for a bite that sticks (which is the loneliness/ sadness portion of my title).

Also doesn't help that I have a hard time interpreting what people tell me, especially with it being only visible text instead of looking someone eye to eye and hearing them tell me something. Thank you Asperger's.... but I am also not using that as an excuse, just part of why it's hard for me to express my true feelings and why it's difficult to understand that maybe someone isn't angry with me, but are trying to tell me in a not angry way that what I'm doing may be annoying, or to not do said thing again.

For my RTs, I may need someone to at least read them and tell me if something doesn't come across just right, or at least some concrit that isn't too harsh. I can totally understand what people tell me, I just have a hard time interpreting actions sometimes. Like if you say x thing is wrong, I may be like 'Oh crap, I didn't mean to say that' or something. And I have a hard time saying what I want to RP, because I've dealt with rejection way too many times in my 20 years of RPing to be comfy with it. So that is one reason why I'm hesitant, even though I've met some friendly people here. I also know that not everyone likes the same kinks that I do.

And I also would like to apologize for what I had mentioned a couple weeks after Christmas, which was still technically holiday time due to New Years, traveling, etc. I do understand that was still time for people to travel back home if they were seeing family, or just wanting to get away from the Internet world for a time. And I did not mean to make it sound like I didn't understand, or that I didn't respect my partner's space if they were just wanting to get away with their family and not worry about stuff that is a hobby for most of us here. I am aware real life takes priority.

RP is an escape for me, since my RL is well... crap mostly at work. So I just want to get away to a world where there is no Covid, no McDonald's hell, and I can live vicariously through my characters that want the same things I do, all that fun stuff. So if no one is interested, that's fine. I would just like to know if we won't work out, instead of being told that we would get along and then the Bermuda Triangle of RP partners takes another one from me.

So if I have unintentionally hurt anyone, I apologize. Also if I do bump a RT, I am most definitely still interested in RPing with whomever messages me. So please don't take it wrong if you see me add stuff, or bump a thread. I can RP with more than one person, I miss that actually. I haven't had multiple RP partners in awhile. And who knows, I might do a rare group RP, but I prefer 1x1.
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