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Fx Any The Adventures of Alexa Null


Sep 7, 2019
Jurassic Park
Looking for any gender opposite my female character. If partner gender matters to you, I’m a man. I can make this MxM if you come up with a great character opposite mine. I’m also open to making it a group RP if people are interested.

In 2036, a colossal asteroid called Apophis landed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, sending earthquakes and a series of tsunamis that sank most small island nations entirely, nearly obliterated Japan, and also submerged most of the coastline that touched it, from Argentina to Siberia. Meanwhile, Russia was hit by a smaller fragment and consumed by a forest fire a hundred times the size of Australia’s 2020 fire, causing the government to collapse, trillions of tons of CO2 to release into the atmosphere, and all of its nukes to go missing. London, Venice, DC and many more were drowned after Greenland and a third of Antarctica melted because of all this. The impact, fire and ensuing chaos killed millions and created hundreds of millions of refugees, but the more wide reaching economic disaster came once the entire global supply chain was disrupted, as well as much of the stock market.

China moved swiftly to suppress news of their disaster and then used it as a pretext to seize control of other national landmasses and waters for “humanitarian reasons,” such as both Koreas, Vietnam, and the Philippines. When the UN Security Council wanted to vote to condemn these attacks, Chinese agents revealed the first ever cybernetically augmented soldiers to murder them, crippling the world’s diplomatic response. And so the United States resorted to war to fend off desperate Chinese aggression and restart their faltering economy, dragging in NATO and most of the world, with only the broken remnants of Russia as China’s ally.

By May 2037, the US had exhausted what trillions it had saved by cancelling debts to China on a costly invasion of mainland China, but was on the verge of conquering Beijing when a rogue PRA officer launched a massive nuclear attack on all surviving cities on Wednesday, May 13th. Within hours, the US retaliated, terrorists used misplaced nukes to further sow death, and World War III was over. It was the last, as many had always feared. For a time, between the asteroid and the nukes, many billions of lives were lost and what few news stations remained on the air warned of the end of modern technology entirely.

But all was not lost. In 2021, in the wake of coronavirus, what remained of the top travel companies had completed a merger to form a monopoly called Stellar. By 2035, Stellar unveiled their new, multibillion dollar Ark line of cruise ships, HyperTrains for underground and above ground travel of up to 1001 cars long, Voyager space jets, even entire artificial private islands and cities called EcoSpheres. All were supposedly powered by breakthrough cold fusion with nearly perpetual motion engines. They’d put nearly 15 years of R&D into these super machines as a backup plan to restore the luster of the Golden Age of travel in case of a 9/11 or worse style catastrophe...all paid for with a conspiracy to impose ridiculous fees and cuts to service for unaware customers.

In the decades since, thanks to Stellar and affiliated corporations in the Consortium, people returned to some semblance of normal in exchange for giving over their bodies to cybernetics and screens that were constantly monitored and throwing out politicians who had gotten humanity into this mess. The only remaining government is the US, which consists of President Hugh America and a few aides to make him look good as he spouts corporate messaging on TV, and only nominally controls the DC EcoSphere, leasing the land for it and the gimmicky AmeriMet rail system from Stellar.


Alexa Null (not her real name) was born on June 22nd, 2072 in the Tokyo EcoSphere. She was set to be married off to a top Hatamoto LLC executive but then ran away in 2090, carrying only her sword, pistol, and a few implants such as a BabelPlug in search of a purpose of her own. She was a mercenary for hire by several cruise lines and EcoSphere for the past three years. However, she quit that line of work, got rid of her corporate surname (which identifies what entity you work for) in favor of Null, and has only just reappeared...

Well, that’s up to you. A dirty, overcrowded city in what remains of the US, Cyberpunk 2077 style? A squalid Met station somewhere in the world, a la Metro? A Snowpiercer like train? A cruise line or exotic island, like BioShock or Brink? Or hey, maybe a convoy in the Wasteland for some good ol fashioned, Mad Max or Fallout adjacent action?

PM me if interested!
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