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Fx Male Little dark cravings and plots: Nightmare Asylum // Soldier girl in trouble


Jan 7, 2021
Hello everyone! I go by Lux and I'm kind of new here. I have been rping for some years now and before explaining what I'm looking for I'd like to tell you a little bit about my writing style and preferences:

- I'd like my partner to write a minimum of 2 paragraphs per post. They don't have to be super longs paragraphs or posts, just give me enough to work with and I will do my best to make the rp enjoyable too!
- I write in third person pov, using for the most part past tenses; please no first person pov, it is confusing for me.
- OOC is very important for me, I love brainstorming and any questions about my characters or the plot are more than welcome. It is always nice to create new plots together so feel free to hit me up with your ideas, I'd sure love to hear them!
- Separation between characters and real life: Yep, I think this shouldn't be necessary to say but I am not my characters, which means their personality may not resemble mine nor do their ideals and mindsets and that also goes for the relationships they may develop with your characters.
- Response times: I would LOVE to be able to respond more than once a day but many times it isn't possible for me. I am a college student currently going through finals and my time is a little limited right now. Things will get less busy in a couple of weeks though. If I'm going to be away for several days straight I'll try to let you know.
- Importance of the plot : Yes I love smutty scenes but I need a context! If you're interested on a long term rp with me I need a story, be it the ones I suggest or your own ideas! If you're just looking for some erotica it'd likely be a short-term rp that will finish as soon as the scene is done.
- Kinks and stuff--> F-list-Warning

Now time for me to share some plot ideas!

1. The Asylum:
The New Eden Psychiatric Hospital is a renowned asylum, situated miles away from any population centre. It is known to hold several dangerous patients and more than rehabilitations it offers more permanent treatments. From the outside, it is a good place. The installations are modern and clean and the patients seem to be under control but once you're inside... Things change. They use drugs and tranquilizers to keep all the patients on the line and very unethical therapies are given to certain patients too. The staff is also rather twisted and take advantage of the patients or let things slide. On the basement they have specially cells for complete isolation but also its where the most controversial therapies happen, where certain experiments are conducted.

My girl, is a twenty two year old woman with the gift to see beyond what a regular human should see. She has seen spirits, demons, any terrible creatures beyond the veil... But this gift turned out to be a curse when she wasn't capable to explain that what she could see was in fact real. Diagnosed with severe schizophrenia, delusions and ptsd, she was forcefully taken into this asylum despite being perfectly sane. (Will give more details about her if you choose this option ^^)

Now in this plot there are several ways in which your character could be included, here are some but feel free to come up with your own or play them all!
- YC is a doctor at the asylum, it is your choice if he is moral and tries to help my girl through this or if he decides to take advantage of her, like his colleagues would do. After all, in this place no one judges, everyone is rather corrupted.
- YC is another patient, you can choose to be misdiagnosed and sane as well OR have any kind of disorder.
- YC is an actual demon or spirit that lives in the asylum and decided to torment or help my girl.

+ Possibly included in this rp: Non-con, use of drugs, bondage.

2. Military relationships:
This prompt isn't as detailed as the one before, and I'd love to discus some ideas! It will be a military setting, be it some war, and special mission etc... My girl is a very talented soldier with a bit of a problem to follow orders and discipline. She likes to go on her own, and it so far has turned out well, but her superiors aren't that happy about it. After all, who wants and insubordinate woman with enough charisma to guide her comrades into battle, to mess with their plans and pride? Despite her youth and her way to piss off her superiors, her successes at different missions has allowed her to raise through the ranks rather easily, now being the head of her own special forces squad. (Will give more info about her if you choose this setting ^^ )

Now, what kind of settings could we play? Here are some ideas!
- YC is my girl's superior and being somehow forced to work together, be it the two alone on a special mission or with an entire squad he's faced with her insubordination and if he doesn't stop her, she may even take the lead! Will he allow that? Is he strong enough to stop her?

- My girl is captured during a mission and taken into some secret place where she is interrogated. Will you be able to break her and get any information out of her? Or will she find her way out of this situation?

+ Possibly included in rp: Non-con, fight for dominance, sexual and non sexual torture, violence.


And that's all for now! If you find any of these interesting OR would like to hit me up with an idea of your own, send me a PM ! <3
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