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Cupcakes & Non-con taboo stories please


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Jan 10, 2021
Hi - How are you today? So it's about time for the O/os and the requests so everyone knows what kind of cupcakes I prefer.

I find my muse only responds to NON-CONSENSUAL NSFW SUBMISSIVE WORLD BUILDING STORIES. I'm not looking for a whole lot of romance unless it's built up via some time. And I'm not going to budge on this. I do NOT want to write consensual stories. I want stories that are about 60/40 smut/plot and do create a world.

So what to expect with my writing?
  • Grammar is not my thing - I don't think I'm writing at a grade school level. But, you will notice issues.
  • I like curvy women, I like playing female presenting characters, I like playing all races, I prefer to play virgins, I like playing multiple characters.
    • But seriously - please don't ask me to play super pencil chicks. They have their beauty I'm not knocking that. It's just I want to be attracted to my character.
  • With work and regular life stress that I want to write to get away from I try and be a daily writer. It is better to expect me to be a every 2-3 day writer.
  • Site pms/forums, discord, or nothing. I do not do email rps.
    • Note I do tend to write between/at jobs which means more often than not I'm writing from a phone. So thus my posts may seem more chaotic because of that as well.
Ok still interested? Cool - gonna post my O/os and interests in an edit to this post. Bumps going forward will primarily be that I edited this original post.

Please read: F-LIST FOR CC

indicates that there is something about this that is really spurring my muse. That said I will listen to other ideas.

  • LARGE DOM/tiny Sub
    • This works primarily in my want to do anthro stories - but I'm happy to utilize it in Human/Human concepts or other supernatural pairings
    • Generally I just want to play around with size differences. If she is 4'9" how helpless and vulnerable she feels against a 6'3" dominant character. If she is so small but has breasts that would make Dairy Queen proud. She is small enough that we do some kind of cervical invasion/stomach bulging versus a large cock.
    • This is very M/f oriented, but I am always down for F/f or Hermaphro/f or any other combo that is my character as a submissive.
    • I'm NOT interested in writing an Amazon/Giantess character. This interest is specifically about my character being small.
  • His Proper Submissive Trophy
    • I need some help refining this idea but at this point I just can't let it go. I would really like to do this story line.
    • I do know this. YC would be a billionaire sort, with a ton of connections/resources/money to them. MC is minimum wage/under the table/street walker/ect ect ect but there is a huge gap.
    • Ideally, she was forced somehow before to be this sweet submissive thing. Maybe she was a secretary, a waitress for a restaurant YC visits often, a slave to a stripper club that is about to be auctioned off for her first experience, ect ect ect. But, it isn't who she is. I want to play with the lines of going from a "proper submissive" to a firebrand and needing to be "taught" back to being a "proper submissive" by someone who dominates MC's life. This wouldn't be entirely private either. YC wants her as a jewel on their arm when they desire it. So what is the best ways to keep someone who is non-compliant to be compliant in a public charity dinner where your hand is up their skirt.
  • Some twisted version of DDLG/MDLG
    • Ok before I have anyone down my throat - yes I have done research about DDLG/MMLG lifestyle. I consider myself a middle actually. That said - what I'm about to list is for rp/fantasy purposes. It's just to explore something that I do in life that is ssc in a way that is closer to what I rp.
    • Ok now the idea: So basic right now because this is a newer idea, thus up to alot of modification. Basically I would like to write a story about a kidnappe whose purpose under their kidnapper is to be their sex submissive & little. That said I do still have some reservations about pieces I don't want to write like diaper play. But, alot of the other routine stuff I would love to put a dark non-con twist on - like bottle time with penis tips, naked nap times, cradles that are similar to tall walled cages, maybe still some form of a collar but with a paci attached that can also be a gag. The basic idea to use this more as a humiliation play versus the more traditional rl versions of ddlg. Also I want this to be between adults! Normally yes, I'm all for age gaps and the late teens. But, this one I would like a grown woman forced to simplify/degraded.
  • Forced human body modification
    • taking a human body to revert into more and more animalistic traits in order to eventually take her to a cat girl/genie/hucow/breeder/lactating/pet stage/tails/ears/limbs changes.
    • Changing a woman into a hermaphrodite (my def: boobs/cunt/penis/ass largely female presenting), or a male into one. (I will only write female presenting characters - so even if there is a male starting out I expect before the end of "day 1" in the story this is a female now.)
    • Branding, drastic body reconfiguration (washboard to bimbo bodies)
    • Perhaps a body change like limb/tendon augmentation so the new "pet" if there is a pet version of this idea can no longer walk on 2 feet. So even if the story is written that eventually they are "free" they forever hold that marking.
    • Some sample types of Body Mod that has been sitting in my head:
    • (Why light? Because in my mind there is not one bad one good. Just a version more people tend towards/light and the darker version. So this version would utilize magic as means of changing and not be so....finite.)
    • (Why darker? Because this one would intel in my example tendon severing - but I'm also up for severing limbs. This is the biggest reason why this is usually not most people's stick. I'm also going to use medical means in this case)
  • Breeding world
    • - Breeding world. Here the two mains would be different classes within royalty. I would really like to play a female presenting hermaphrodite fem character, because her ability to breed and be breed makes her a valuable object.
      Snapshot: The thin sheer skirts revealed to everyone as she walked through the market square who she was. Because there were only a few of her class and her level. She may be a slave but few were born like her every generation.

      The great kingdom of Balia hosted the greatest amount of slave goddesses. Beings that their society said were given to kingdoms of a blessing from the gods. They were the gift of a prosperous kingdom for increased fertility and wealth. Any documentation about one being found in a high level household was drowned in exaggerations about sudden income bursts and the amount of children born. Because without these "blessings" the population staggered. Conventional humans were lucky to conceive at all, if they actually birthed a child it was rare that they lived beyond their 5th birthday. Populations were so minimal that countries far back in the records were now expanded into the size of continents as populations dwindled down to cities for protection.

      But, the last two centuries another advancement in biology more and more what science explained was hermaphrodites were born. The governments positioned them as "blessings" from the new religion that had taken over most populations. Beings meant only to serve and procreate because they seemed to be the only ones who could inseminate and carry a child that would live into adulthood. One that remained untouched versus attempted to be breed before puberty even hit was even more unheard of. The slave market's auctioneer rubbed his slimy hands in delight at what the current babble would bring him.

      Here she stood at just making it to 5' thanks to the sandles on her feet. The auctioneer specifically choosing to present her in the middle of the day so the sun behind them lite up her ruby red hair and presented a halo around her where she stood in the center bound in her elaborate gold collar and cuffs. Her pearlesant skin came from being hidden away since her mother had her 18 years ago. The fact that the auctioneer was selling one of his own daughter didn't bother him. Because when she came out of the concubine so long ago and he saw what she was he knew that in time his "Treasure" as he eventually named her would bring so much wealth to him. All the temptation to reveal her early through the years worth the first call from the crowd in receiving her. Not even giving the auctioneer a chance to state her opening the crowd was eager with her sudden appearance.

      "2.5 billion golds." That was clearly a high level business man's slave secretary. Because there was a strange affliction of calm and panic. Any household would want someone that was the "god's blessing" to the kingdom.

      Treasure's mixture of gold and green eyes blinked out at the crowd from behind think lashes. She tried to take a step back but there was an electrical prod behind the bottom of her rib cage that jolted her forward. She gave a small scream and the soft voice emerging from the strawberry lips further excited the crowd. Five more offers were over top of each other confusing the crowd. Treasure's auctioneer had her turn and the sheer green, golds, and cream fabrics were a series of individual lengths twisted together on a belt that hung low on her generous hips and the thick curve of her ass. She tried to look down because despite her worth the auctioneer had humiliated her again and again about her form so she would be a modest thing. He had tried to scare her into being submissive but it had been a struggle. Even now she was dragging each step. He thrust her forward and pulled on the skirts and it became a small war that excited the crowds that she tried to keep herself covered. Their excitement building as the auctioneer growled at her. In private he would have smacked her carefully to not overly mar her skin. In public he didn't yet dare damage the goods so obviously.

      "Show them you slut or the dogs can have you." He threatened and her lip curled up. The growl heard by his assistant which hit her with the prod again for growling at her father. Still her shoulders remained taunt despite how her cheeks ballooned into a ruby red blush as dark as her hair.

      "No..." She said and the crowd heard it. Instead of repulsed the energy spurred the crowd. Now they were even more curious for her reveals. They were curious of her fiestyness. The few older gentleman and ladies of wealth that allowed themselves to come among the "riff raff" of the auction got greedy dark eyes at the chance to break such a spirit. More calls came and each time she flinched at the higher and higher calls. Her father was squaring off with her eyes darker than charcoal. Despite his earlier resolve not to stoop to this point he couldn't help it. He felt embarrassed that someone as low as her could be back talking to him. She was his daughter. And she was a thing. A trophy for the society. His hand came cross her face in one swing sending her spiraling to the ground and her knees.

      "That's where a slave belongs." He kept her there for the moment to take the assistant's knife from his belt and slit the thin metal under the stronger steel. Breaking the line of fabric behind her neck and at the base of her spine. Revealing her thoroughly when she stood again.

      Her father lifted her up by the knee length curls and presented the body gone of nearly all the suggestive fabric and the crowd groaned. She was indeed a wealth. Her stubborn chin rising as they gazed upon the heavy melon breasts tipped in dark bronze erect nipples that the auctioneer had pierced as soon as they appeared to be fully grown prior to impregnation. The gold hoops wearing small bells that jingled as fought to keep her hands which were pulled behind her. The smooth belly just out enough to show she was healthy enough to carry brought heavy flared hips explaining the generous rump behind wiggling to and fro. There was nothing to hide what the skirt before had only presented. No hair disrupting the view straight down for the crowd lead by the small dangling piercing at her navel. Standing there at forced mid erection by the pills her father had given her earlier was a proud 9" length dotted in stud piercings cock with the pearl droplet of precum on the end. It was just erect enough to give view to the clean pussy lips beneath, a second later her father helping with the view by thrusting her hips out and holding her shaft so all could see. A ruby red tail attempting to curl behind in the wealth of hair only to be yanked out from behind her so she cried aloud and wiggled for the crowd who laughed. A "nekoaphro" was even more rare than Treasure was because of her genitalia.

      "A surprise one after another - this just grew when she reached puberty at 16 so we had to let her stay back another 2 years to finish maturing." He patted her head and scratched at a space hidden by her ears and tears blossomed unshed in her eyes as two triangular ears emerged from among the nest of curls.Her medical records are all above my lords and ladies. This is a certified slave goddess with all signs visible she will easily give birth to many children late into her 60s if you so choose to keep her thus long...who is ready to take her home today?" Because today was her 18th birthday and she was at the prime of her ability to carry or give children. This was their world. When the single sex couldn't often breed it was her kind that became nothing more tan animals and for Treasure she was even part animal.

      ((Ok neko thing isn't really needed. I can remove that part. It just sounded fun.)
  • Futuristic Incest
    • Something involving futuristic breeding and incest between at least 2 males and 3 females. I'm thinking either F/GF/mom/daughters or F/Son/mom/sister/niece​
  • Draco Malfoy/Sailor Moon
    • - These are the two areas where I tend to always have a craving - but can never get that right story to satisfy the muse entirely. So I'm always looking. I grouped them together for that reason. I'm not opposed to some crazy idea to join the two worlds together. I'm just not sure how you would.
      [*]For Sailor Moon - I'm expressly interested in something very akin to the Prince Demande/Neo Queen Serenity plot line. I don't need it to be cannon. I just know I want to be SM and other scouts, or only SM. And that there is def obsession/possession/enslavement/non con involved in the way the other writer's character would view SM her worth/use/purpose in relation to them.
      [*]For Draco Malfoy - I'm only interested in a story where the "pure bloods" have won in the wizarding world, Draco doesn't have to be the scum of the earth, but he is not this entirely reformed character. He still sees things his way, and he still sees esp non pure bloods as lesser.

  • YES I WANT TO WRITE THESE - WARNING IF YOU READ THE FOLLOWING IDEAS: The next 2 ideas tend to be ones people shy away from the most. I'm interested and I have some generally unwanted desires to wrap up in both. 1st one being Old (50-60+) males/young teen females with a huge severe orgy hedonism and the other being feminization where I would like to play a once male character. Not everyone's thing so keep scrolling if your not down.
    • Would involve multiple males played by someone else to only 1-3 f characters, M+/f+, RAPE, Old/young, and humiliation - SUPER TABOO SUBJECTS NORMALLY Can have a lot more kinks that I list below with the warning of might trigger someone not use to seeing inquires on these topics
      • Ideally, I would like to involve a lot more severe things but that is the must haves.
        [*]I've rarely had the guts to admit this but I do have a story idea that would be considered pretty "dark". The idea revolving around forced sex/servitude to a multitude of 60+ men at a mens club of sorts one night (or longer if we can get an actual story going).
        [*]Please STOP reading if you have issues with certain Taboos.
        • Interested kinks to involve: OLD (60+)/young (still would be looking to play 18-27 range think early college), M+/f+, def rape, degradation/humiliation, short term story, rape of course if I hadn't mentioned it 20,000 other times, multiple holes filled at once, bondage, incest, possible piss play allowed, possible bestiality allowed, canning and other physical impact play, possible race play (in my head this has revolved around a generation that would use slurs against Asian women while lusting for them, because it's multiple (2-4 females to 4-8 males min we can do multiple races), and other kinks that would make this a very much non con with little hope of working towards consensual story.
        • Thus all the warnings. I'll put this here in case anyone ever is interested, but know alot of negotiable. The biggest thing is that it is NON CON/RAPE, multiple males, and the age difference.
      • Ideally would like a F counter character with this - so it's more of F/fhermaphrodites but not against a male character to write alongside with. 1-3 f characters, M-to-F sub hermaphrodite feminization/transformation, RAPE, , and humiliation
        • In general my idea with this is take a former male character(s) and feminize them/hermpahrodite them. These would be characters who on the front end would be against the manipulation of their "manlyness". Everything would become controlled for them because it would be turning them from one thing to another. I would like to keep this very public - so their is the humiliation of those that knew them finding out about this.

I just noticed when plotting characters for other stories there where face claims that weren't used that I like. So I just want to give myself a little central on BM for them.

Probably going to be mostly past ideas as I take them down because that idea is fulfilled for the moment than want to repost it later.
  • Other Taboos I’m into
    • Generally I would say if there is other taboo topics besides scat/gore/vore/snuff/med play I am for one way or another. Like age play I have my limits but, I’ll write it. Beasties? Ya but select circumstances/scenarios. Blood play? Minimal amounts and it had to work into the story purposefully. A lot of these really help my muse but, I know everyone is different. So I don’t expect every story to have everything. I find f-list pretty well maps out most if you take a look. Yes, to a certain extent I find these are easier to write in pms vs forum because people tend to be worried they willn't find partners later if it's realized what they write.
  • She had been his second obsession. His first was power. He thought she would understand that both of them the big joke of high school. But, she had rejected him the same way everyone else did. She would be the first as well as the last to feel his wrath. She would also be the one to help him in his pursuit.
  • LARGE DOM/tiny Sub
    • This works primarily in my want to do anthro stories - but I'm happy to utilize it in Human/Human concepts or other supernatural pairings
    • Generally I just want to play around with size differences. If she is 4'9" how helpless and vulnerable she feels against a 6'3" dominant character. If she is so small but has breasts that would make Dairy Queen proud. She is small enough that we do some kind of cervical invasion/stomach bulging versus a large cock.
    • This is very M/f oriented, but I am always down for F/f or Hermaphro/f or any other combo that is my character as a submissive.
    • I'm NOT interested in writing an Amazon/Giantess character. This interest is specifically about my character being small.
Last edited:
My first bump! *ya!* - I did edit it, 1 idea taken down for now, a new one presented, and some highlighting. My ideas are currently listed in order of desire. That said if you see my interests and have your own idea feel free to pitch it. I would prefer in order to keep this as a fairly clean thread to be pmed any ideas someone has. I don't mind writing forum, pms, or discord. All I ask is NEVER suggest anything consensual. I do NOT write consensual stories. Dub con we may come to an agreement on. But, never ask me to write consensual stories no matter how taboo.
I have some great stories - but I'm still really hoping to have one good one focused around the hook to sex slave idea or more body mod.

If not those I just added a new SO TABOO I PUT WARNINGS AROUND IT idea for anyone with severe taboo likings and there is still the HP/SM idea.

I'm prob gonna put one more idea up by the end of the day but I'll keep this as my only bump for awhile after if I don't get an inquiry t hat works out....try for 3 weeks to wait before bumping again.

:D Muse just want what muse wants.
indicates that there is something about this that is really spurring my muse. That said I will listen to other ideas.

  • Breeding world- ideally with a hermaphrodite fem character
    • - Breeding world. Here the two mains would be different classes within royalty. I would really like to play a female presenting hermaphrodite fem character, because her ability to breed and be breed makes her a valuable object.
      Snapshot: The thin sheer skirts revealed to everyone as she walked through the market square who she was. Because there were only a few of her class and her level. She may be a slave but few were born like her every generation.

      The great kingdom of Balia hosted the greatest amount of slave goddesses. Beings that their society said were given to kingdoms of a blessing from the gods. They were the gift of a prosperous kingdom for increased fertility and wealth. Any documentation about one being found in a high level household was drowned in exaggerations about sudden income bursts and the amount of children born. Because without these "blessings" the population staggered. Conventional humans were lucky to conceive at all, if they actually birthed a child it was rare that they lived beyond their 5th birthday. Populations were so minimal that countries far back in the records were now expanded into the size of continents as populations dwindled down to cities for protection.

      But, the last two centuries another advancement in biology more and more what science explained was hermaphrodites were born. The governments positioned them as "blessings" from the new religion that had taken over most populations. Beings meant only to serve and procreate because they seemed to be the only ones who could inseminate and carry a child that would live into adulthood. One that remained untouched versus attempted to be breed before puberty even hit was even more unheard of. The slave market's auctioneer rubbed his slimy hands in delight at what the current babble would bring him.

      Here she stood at just making it to 5' thanks to the sandles on her feet. The auctioneer specifically choosing to present her in the middle of the day so the sun behind them lite up her ruby red hair and presented a halo around her where she stood in the center bound in her elaborate gold collar and cuffs. Her pearlesant skin came from being hidden away since her mother had her 18 years ago. The fact that the auctioneer was selling one of his own daughter didn't bother him. Because when she came out of the concubine so long ago and he saw what she was he knew that in time his "Treasure" as he eventually named her would bring so much wealth to him. All the temptation to reveal her early through the years worth the first call from the crowd in receiving her. Not even giving the auctioneer a chance to state her opening the crowd was eager with her sudden appearance.

      "2.5 billion golds." That was clearly a high level business man's slave secretary. Because there was a strange affliction of calm and panic. Any household would want someone that was the "god's blessing" to the kingdom.

      Treasure's mixture of gold and green eyes blinked out at the crowd from behind think lashes. She tried to take a step back but there was an electrical prod behind the bottom of her rib cage that jolted her forward. She gave a small scream and the soft voice emerging from the strawberry lips further excited the crowd. Five more offers were over top of each other confusing the crowd. Treasure's auctioneer had her turn and the sheer green, golds, and cream fabrics were a series of individual lengths twisted together on a belt that hung low on her generous hips and the thick curve of her ass. She tried to look down because despite her worth the auctioneer had humiliated her again and again about her form so she would be a modest thing. He had tried to scare her into being submissive but it had been a struggle. Even now she was dragging each step. He thrust her forward and pulled on the skirts and it became a small war that excited the crowds that she tried to keep herself covered. Their excitement building as the auctioneer growled at her. In private he would have smacked her carefully to not overly mar her skin. In public he didn't yet dare damage the goods so obviously.

      "Show them you slut or the dogs can have you." He threatened and her lip curled up. The growl heard by his assistant which hit her with the prod again for growling at her father. Still her shoulders remained taunt despite how her cheeks ballooned into a ruby red blush as dark as her hair.

      "No..." She said and the crowd heard it. Instead of repulsed the energy spurred the crowd. Now they were even more curious for her reveals. They were curious of her fiestyness. The few older gentleman and ladies of wealth that allowed themselves to come among the "riff raff" of the auction got greedy dark eyes at the chance to break such a spirit. More calls came and each time she flinched at the higher and higher calls. Her father was squaring off with her eyes darker than charcoal. Despite his earlier resolve not to stoop to this point he couldn't help it. He felt embarrassed that someone as low as her could be back talking to him. She was his daughter. And she was a thing. A trophy for the society. His hand came cross her face in one swing sending her spiraling to the ground and her knees.

      "That's where a slave belongs." He kept her there for the moment to take the assistant's knife from his belt and slit the thin metal under the stronger steel. Breaking the line of fabric behind her neck and at the base of her spine. Revealing her thoroughly when she stood again.

      Her father lifted her up by the knee length curls and presented the body gone of nearly all the suggestive fabric and the crowd groaned. She was indeed a wealth. Her stubborn chin rising as they gazed upon the heavy melon breasts tipped in dark bronze erect nipples that the auctioneer had pierced as soon as they appeared to be fully grown prior to impregnation. The gold hoops wearing small bells that jingled as fought to keep her hands which were pulled behind her. The smooth belly just out enough to show she was healthy enough to carry brought heavy flared hips explaining the generous rump behind wiggling to and fro. There was nothing to hide what the skirt before had only presented. No hair disrupting the view straight down for the crowd lead by the small dangling piercing at her navel. Standing there at forced mid erection by the pills her father had given her earlier was a proud 9" length dotted in stud piercings cock with the pearl droplet of precum on the end. It was just erect enough to give view to the clean pussy lips beneath, a second later her father helping with the view by thrusting her hips out and holding her shaft so all could see. A ruby red tail attempting to curl behind in the wealth of hair only to be yanked out from behind her so she cried aloud and wiggled for the crowd who laughed. A "nekoaphro" was even more rare than Treasure was because of her genitalia.

      "A surprise one after another - this just grew when she reached puberty at 16 so we had to let her stay back another 2 years to finish maturing." He patted her head and scratched at a space hidden by her ears and tears blossomed unshed in her eyes as two triangular ears emerged from among the nest of curls.Her medical records are all above my lords and ladies. This is a certified slave goddess with all signs visible she will easily give birth to many children late into her 60s if you so choose to keep her thus long...who is ready to take her home today?" Because today was her 18th birthday and she was at the prime of her ability to carry or give children. This was their world. When the single sex couldn't often breed it was her kind that became nothing more tan animals and for Treasure she was even part animal.

      ((Ok neko thing isn't really needed. I can remove that part. It just sounded fun.)
  • Forced human body modification
    • taking a human body to revert into more and more animalistic traits in order to eventually take her to a cat girl/genie/hucow/breeder/lactating/pet stage/tails/ears/limbs changes.
    • Changing a woman into a hermaphrodite (my def: boobs/cunt/penis/ass largely female presenting), or a male into one. (I will only write female presenting characters - so even if there is a male starting out I expect before the end of "day 1" in the story this is a female now.)
    • Branding, drastic body reconfiguration (washboard to bimbo bodies)
    • Perhaps a body change like limb/tendon augmentation so the new "pet" if there is a pet version of this idea can no longer walk on 2 feet. So even if the story is written that eventually they are "free" they forever hold that marking.
  • Draco Malfoy/Sailor Moon
    • [*]For Draco Malfoy - I'm only interested in a story where the "pure bloods" have won in the wizarding world, Draco doesn't have to be the scum of the earth, but he is not this entirely reformed character. He still sees things his way, and he still sees esp non pure bloods as lesser.

I would def love to write any of my warning ideas. But, at the moment I'm just hopeful to write from the Breeding world, Forced body modification, or Draco Malfoy related things. So I just quoted these three specific ideas above. That said again I would love LOVE to write either of my "warning" labeled ideas in the initial post or something that goes off my kinks that someone else has in their head. I'm always open to new ideas. While I'm at work/snowed in the next 2 days I'm going to try and edit the initial post with hopefully more ideas or even more details about these ones. Just right now brain can't think to add further till I start talking to someone.

My Flist is listed in the initial post - please read it.

indicates that there is something about this that is really spurring my muse. That said I will listen to other ideas.

  • His Proper Submissive Trophy
    • I need some help refining this idea but at this point I just can't let it go. I would really like to do this story line.
    • I do know this. YC would be a billionaire sort, with a ton of connections/resources/money to them. MC is minimum wage/under the table/street walker/ect ect ect but there is a huge gap.
    • Ideally, she was forced somehow before to be this sweet submissive thing. Maybe she was a secretary, a waitress for a restaurant YC visits often, a slave to a stripper club that is about to be auctioned off for her first experience, ect ect ect. But, it isn't who she is. I want to play with the lines of going from a "proper submissive" to a firebrand and needing to be "taught" back to being a "proper submissive" by someone who dominates MC's life. This wouldn't be entirely private either. YC wants her as a jewel on their arm when they desire it. So what is the best ways to keep someone who is non-compliant to be compliant in a public charity dinner where your hand is up their skirt.

Still have quiet a few other ideas I want to work with. But, I brought this one back after trying to clean it up a little. This is still a concept I would like to explore. Look at the older posts for other ideas I'm game for right now.

  • Some twisted version of DDLG/MDLG
    • Ok before I have anyone down my throat - yes I have done research about DDLG/MMLG lifestyle. I consider myself a middle actually. That said - what I'm about to list is for rp/fantasy purposes. It's just to explore something that I do in life that is ssc in a way that is closer to what I rp.
    • Ok now the idea: So basic right now because this is a newer idea, thus up to alot of modification. Basically I would like to write a story about a kidnappe whose purpose under their kidnapper is to be their sex submissive & little. That said I do still have some reservations about pieces I don't want to write like diaper play. But, alot of the other routine stuff I would love to put a dark non-con twist on - like bottle time with penis tips, naked nap times, cradles that are similar to tall walled cages, maybe still some form of a collar but with a paci attached that can also be a gag. The basic idea to use this more as a humiliation play versus the more traditional rl versions of ddlg. Also I want this to be between adults! Normally yes, I'm all for age gaps and the late teens. But, this one I would like a grown woman forced to simplify/degraded.

So new idea - that said still interested in the other stories mentioned above too.
Please read: F-LIST FOR CC

indicates that there is something about this that is really spurring my muse. That said I will listen to other ideas.

  • LARGE DOM/tiny Sub
    • This works primarily in my want to do anthro stories - but I'm happy to utilize it in Human/Human concepts or other supernatural pairings
    • Generally I just want to play around with size differences. If she is 4'9" how helpless and vulnerable she feels against a 6'3" dominant character. If she is so small but has breasts that would make Dairy Queen proud. She is small enough that we do some kind of cervical invasion/stomach bulging versus a large cock.
    • This is very M/f oriented, but I am always down for F/f or Hermaphro/f or any other combo that is my character as a submissive.
    • I'm NOT interested in writing an Amazon/Giantess character. This interest is specifically about my character being small.
  • Some twisted version of DDLG/MDLG
    • Ok before I have anyone down my throat - yes I have done research about DDLG/MMLG lifestyle. I consider myself a middle actually. That said - what I'm about to list is for rp/fantasy purposes. It's just to explore something that I do in life that is ssc in a way that is closer to what I rp.
    • Ok now the idea: So basic right now because this is a newer idea, thus up to alot of modification. Basically I would like to write a story about a kidnappe whose purpose under their kidnapper is to be their sex submissive & little. That said I do still have some reservations about pieces I don't want to write like diaper play. But, alot of the other routine stuff I would love to put a dark non-con twist on - like bottle time with penis tips, naked nap times, cradles that are similar to tall walled cages, maybe still some form of a collar but with a paci attached that can also be a gag. The basic idea to use this more as a humiliation play versus the more traditional rl versions of ddlg. Also I want this to be between adults! Normally yes, I'm all for age gaps and the late teens. But, this one I would like a grown woman forced to simplify/degraded.

  • YES I WANT TO WRITE THESE - WARNING IF YOU READ THE FOLLOWING IDEAS: The next 2 ideas tend to be ones people shy away from the most. I'm interested and I have some generally unwanted desires to wrap up in both. 1st one being Old (50-60+) males/young teen females with a huge severe orgy hedonism and the other being feminization where I would like to play a once male character. Not everyone's thing so keep scrolling if your not down.
    • Would involve multiple males played by someone else to only 1-3 f characters, M+/f+, RAPE, Old/young, and humiliation - SUPER TABOO SUBJECTS NORMALLY Can have a lot more kinks that I list below with the warning of might trigger someone not use to seeing inquires on these topics
      • Ideally, I would like to involve a lot more severe things but that is the must haves.
        [*]I've rarely had the guts to admit this but I do have a story idea that would be considered pretty "dark". The idea revolving around forced sex/servitude to a multitude of 60+ men at a mens club of sorts one night (or longer if we can get an actual story going).
        [*]Please STOP reading if you have issues with certain Taboos.
        • Interested kinks to involve: OLD (60+)/young (still would be looking to play 18-27 range think early college), M+/f+, def rape, degradation/humiliation, short term story, rape of course if I hadn't mentioned it 20,000 other times, multiple holes filled at once, bondage, incest, possible piss play allowed, possible bestiality allowed, canning and other physical impact play, possible race play (in my head this has revolved around a generation that would use slurs against Asian women while lusting for them, because it's multiple (2-4 females to 4-8 males min we can do multiple races), and other kinks that would make this a very much non con with little hope of working towards consensual story.
        • Thus all the warnings. I'll put this here in case anyone ever is interested, but know alot of negotiable. The biggest thing is that it is NON CON/RAPE, multiple males, and the age difference.
      • Ideally would like a F counter character with this - so it's more of F/fhermaphrodites but not against a male character to write alongside with. 1-3 f characters, M-to-F sub hermaphrodite feminization/transformation, RAPE, , and humiliation
        • In general my idea with this is take a former male character(s) and feminize them/hermpahrodite them. These would be characters who on the front end would be against the manipulation of their "manlyness". Everything would become controlled for them because it would be turning them from one thing to another. I would like to keep this very public - so their is the humiliation of those that knew them finding out about this.

LARGE DOM/tiny Sub
[*]This works primarily in my want to do anthro stories - but I'm happy to utilize it in Human/Human concepts or other supernatural pairings
[*]Generally I just want to play around with size differences. If she is 4'9" how helpless and vulnerable she feels against a 6'3" dominant character. If she is so small but has breasts that would make Dairy Queen proud. She is small enough that we do some kind of cervical invasion/stomach bulging versus a large cock.
[*]This is very M/f oriented, but I am always down for F/f or Hermaphro/f or any other combo that is my character as a submissive.
[*]I'm NOT interested in writing an Amazon/Giantess character. This interest is specifically about my character being small.
is the newest idea and one I'm most eager about after thinking about it again. I did post a quote of my original post that contains a few other concepts I've been most eager to explore. But, really if there is any of my concepts or something along the lines of my f list/likes/concepts someone is interested in exploring I'm open to listening.

I write ONLY submissive female presenting characters. I do not write dom characters. I will write happily hermaphrodites but they are always female presenting.
Ok...inspired because I have a story that is working out with Son/mom I would like to try another. For me a Son/mom dynamic has to clearly present as the son in charge from day 1. Ideally involve other kinks like lactation, breeding, humiliation play, ect. Bimbofication would be great for one like this. I would like a level of cockholding either dad aware or not. Always non con/rape. This wouldn't be starting out as a lovey dovey thing. And no I'm not interested in blackmail. Domination forced upon her so she just doesn't feel like she has a choice.
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