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Blessed and Loved (Lavender Lover x Xywel)


European Story-Weaver
Apr 7, 2020

Name: Marid Trove
Age: 33
Race: Human
Occupation: Trader, Traveler, Social Drinker, Sad wannabe lover.
Marital status: Single.
Personality: Kind, Calm, Passionate, Intelligent, A Tad Moody, Prideful.

Under normal circumstances, Marid Trove would enjoy nights like these, just taking a break from the hard work that he usually found himself doing. Having just returned from a lengthy trip, the trader was leisurely strolling through the woods. Truth be told, he was in quite a good mood as he whistled softly to himself. The mercs he’d been with were good people, not above helping out others on their travels while they roamed about. Marid even gave them a little discount because of it. Even though he was a trader didn’t mean he wouldn’t help people for free every once in a while. He wasn’t a monster, after all.

Just as he neared the moonlit lake that always had quite the good view, he heard a woman cry out, the sound of men following suit. Something in that cry made the hair in his neck stand upright, urging him to flee, but he heard something else too. Pain, fear. That wasn’t good.
"Argh, I’m almost home too…” Marid muttered with an annoyed expression on his gruff bearded face, scratching the side of his beard with a stylishly gloved hand. And even though he was annoyed, he didn’t waste any time riding through the forest and taking a small detour, taking out his repeater crossbow in the process and loading it. Little did he know that this detour would change his entire life to its very core.

Marid was a well-trained fellow, a trader that could bite back against anyone that dared to rob him. Well-shaped yet not too bulky, his body was built for speed and strength, sharp eyes scanning the undergrowth below a mass of brown hair.
Coming to a standstill within the bushes, he observed the situation. And his face paled at the sight in front of him. Out of the bushes came a group of 4 rather disgusting looking mercs and thugs. And even worse, a robed woman. A witch.
It was just that the woman in question was… exotic looking, to say the least. The robes were coloured in a deep right in the light of his lantern, the woman’s face cruel and prideful. It had been a trap... damn it all.

“Fucking hell…” He muttered, hesitating a moment before pulling out a vial from his belt, quickly throwing it as he immediately as he fired his bow. Before the thugs knew what hit them, the bolt had already buried itself in the throat of one of them.
The man cried out in pain or at least tried to as he tried to yell between his broken blackened teeth, gurgling as he went down. Not skipping a beat, he dropped his crossbow and took his throwing knives, followed by the vial landing in the bandit’s midst in an explosion of smoke and acid. Another one went down as his eyes and mouth were melting.

Within moments, he had beaten two of the bandits. But the trader was outnumbered by a lot. The remaining two bandits attacked as the witch spit a word of power at him, forcing Marid to dive for cover. Where he just sat a moment ago was now a black flame, hungrily eating away at the wood and the reigns of his horse. Its restraints now weakened, the beast broke free, running off into the woods. His enemies didn’t even flinch.

Using his cart as cover, the trader threw dagger after dagger, dodging spells as much as he could. And fair is fair, he managed to take down one more bandit. But his luck ran out. With a snap of her fingers, the witch sent a bolt of purplish energy at him, the remaining bandit not letting him dodge it. It collided on his chest, the trader spitting out blood. He knew then it was a devastating wound. He was done.

Collapsing slowly, he gritted his teeth as he grabbed the seared and mangled flesh of his chest, weakly raising his dagger as his two assailants slowly came closer, murder in their eyes and grins.
"Damn you both... I'm not going down without a fight." He mumbled, vision fading slowly.

Wings and Tendrils
Name: Luna
Age: ?
Race: God
Occupation: Goddess of the Moon and Stars
Marital Status: Single and ready to mingle
Personality: Flirtatious, Sly, Persistent, Somewhat clueless to human culture as of now, insensitive at times

Earth. It was the first of its kind. A whole planet filled with different living species, all coexisting together. Many Gods played a hand in its creation. They built landscapes, waterways, the tree’s, and the languages. Everything on Earth was originally built by some God or multiple. Including its people. Creating man was difficult, and it took many Gods and many days to perfect their moldings. Once they were created, they were sent out into their new world to inhabit it. The Gods passed on their knowledge to the humans. Teaching them about the world they created and how they should live in it. In return for this important information, the humans worshipped the Gods, building temples and masses for them. All in all, it was successful. But then it all changed. Humans started to branch off on their own. They believed they didn't need the help of the Gods anymore now that they had all the information they needed. They began to make their own methods and followed their own teachings, even created their own false Gods to follow and look up to. It was a huge slap in the face to be honest. There were some humans who stuck to their original Gods, but not many. As a result of this insult, Gods began to leave Earth. What more could they do? It was a failed project, so it was time to start new ones. They went off and created new worlds, ones that would be better than Earth now that they learned from their mistakes. Eons had passed since then and Earth was nothing but a blueprint for other worlds and long forgotten. At least forgotten to some.

Though it had happened long ago, Luna still remembered Earth. She was the one that built its solar system and stars. She taught the humans astrology and astronomy before they turned their back on her kind. She was never one to care about being worshipped, she wasn’t that egotistical like other Gods, but she did enjoy the company of the humans, especially those of the male species. They were rather interesting with their own thoughts and different cultures. It was quite different. Even now, after years and years, Earth was still unique in that sense. Gods took away that uniqueness with their other projects, not wanting to have another mistake like Earth. Because of this, Luna found herself very bored as she visited other planets, creating stars and planets for the other Gods. It all became very mundane for her. The people were boring. There was no excitement, no evolution. They just stayed the same. Soon enough Luna viewed everything as bland, and it gave her somewhat of a creator’s block. Her designs and creations became less and less elaborate. It took a toll on her. So, she decided to take a vacation, and what better place than Earth? She didn’t tell the rest of the Gods where she was going, just that she was going to work on a project of her own. Then off she went to the forgotten planet, ready to enjoy her time of relaxation and rejuvenation. Or so she thought.

Upon landing on Earth everything was different. The people had evolved beyond the Gods expectations. Humans had discovered something completely unheard of, magic. There were people calling themselves witches and sorcerers, using strange liquids and using words to do some incredible things. The landscapes had also changed due to human interference, building their own mountains and rivers. And most importantly, war was ravaging most of the planet. There was conflict everywhere. Kingdoms were formed and all the rulers placed in the position of power all seemingly decided to fight each other. It was very confusing to Luna. How could such a promising world go to complete shit like this? It was very disappointing, and she felt like she had to do something about it. But how? She barely knew anything about the world anymore. It had changed so drastically. She wouldn’t be able to simply rule, nor did she necessarily want to. She needed to find someone. Someone to be her champion and help her fix this mess.

Luna had situated herself deep in the forest by a village. Finding a champion had become quite difficult. She needed someone to fit her criteria, and not freak out upon looking at her. She needed someone brave and true. Someone who wasn’t scared to look conflict right in the eye. It would also be nice if they were good looking., just to give her something to enjoy and amuse herself with. Wouldn’t be fun to attach herself to someone horrendous looking. She’d have to see them everyday and she’d rather look at something pleasant.

Luna was heading back to her hideout when she heard a scream echoing through the trees. ”Is someone getting mauled again?” She asked herself, but then she heard the shouts of men and grew curious. It sounded like something interesting was going down. And who knows, maybe she’d find her champion among them. She floated throughout the forest and followed the commotion. After a minute she came upon a group of men and one cloaked woman. It was one of those witches she’d heard about. But what was going on? She hid herself within the leaves of the trees just as a man on horseback came riding through. It appeared that he thought someone was in trouble, just as she did, but they both soon realized that was not the case.

She watched with curious eyes as they battled, keeping a close eye on the stranger. Look at him! Outnumbered and still fighting on. Yes, that was something Luna needed in her champion. Resilience! But then he was shot by the witch and went crumbling to the ground. “Pity.” She grumbled to herself, ready to head back to her temporary home, but then she heard those words.

“I’m not going down without a fight.”

“Ah wonderful!” She beamed as she swooped down to the clearing and kneeled beside the wounded man. “You’re exactly what I need.” Her orange eyes glowed with excitement as she brushed some hair away from the human’s face. She practically swooned. “And handsome too? This is wonderful. I choose you.” She decided with a clap of her hands. Finally, she found her champion! It was becoming a tiresome three days looking for one. Now she could begin her plans to revive Earth from its desolate state. It was going to be glorious! A tale they’d tell for ages, and she’d be apart of it. Finally, something interesting, something…. something smelled like it was burning. She looked back down at her champion and then at the sizzling wound on his chest. “Oh my that is quite bad.” She said, twisting her head to look at it curiously. The shot had burned through his clothes and his flesh was gnarled and sizzling. “Well I can’t have you dying on me now.” She said with a smile as she stroked the side of his stubbled face.

The witch and other bandit looked at the scene with shock and utter confusion. What was unfolding before them and what in the world was standing in front of them? Luna’s skin was a shimmering pale blue and her white hair flowed down her waist as if it defied gravity itself. She wore gold and purple armor that seemed to swirl and move with its own life. Her crown floated above her head, glimmering and shining. She was definitely unique sight in the human world.

Luna looked back at the two assailants. She didn’t exactly know what to do with them. They seemed like they might be a hassle in her trying to move him, so she supposed she would have to get rid of them. Luna stood up and looked at the two. From the side of each thigh, two tendrils slithered out, black and sleek. They moved slowly and rhythmically before the right one shot out and whipped the last bandit in the face. The sound was booming and it sent his head turning in an unnatural position, almost upside down with his chin facing the night sky. He fell with a thud. She then looked to the witch who quickly began to chant something Luna didn’t quite understand, but if she’s learned anything from the battle that just happened, it was best not to let the creature speak. The same tendril that just spun her comrades head around quickly coiled around her cloaked throat, making her gurgle and gag on her words. The appendage grew tighter and tighter until she heard a crack and the sound of liquid oozing from the body. She let the body drop quickly, not really wanting to get any blood on her.

“They won’t bother us now.” She said looking back down at her chosen one. Her palm glowed a deep blue hue, and with a wave of her hand over his body, he began to float calmly into the air. She was careful not to move him too much, not wanting to cause anymore discomfort to the wound. She did the same to his cart, figuring that he may not want to part with it. She couldn’t do anything about the animal however, she had no idea where it had gone. “Lets go somewhere more comfortable.” She said before leading the way through the forest, the two things following behind her slowly.

Name: Marid Trove
Age: 33
Race: Human
Occupation: Trader, Traveler, Social Drinker, Sad wannabe lover.
Marital status: Single.
Personality: Kind, Calm, Passionate, Intelligent, A Tad Moody, Prideful.

Right after Marid made what would surely be his final declaration, he heard a female voice happily call out as he heard a soft thud beside him. Although his visual was getting a bit blurry, his eyes still widened when he saw the blue shimmering skin and the voluminous white hair. But her eyes, gods those eyes. Her eyes were glowing orange, excitedly looking at him as she swooned over him, proclaiming that she had chosen him.
His eyes flickered to the crown too, mouth falling open when he noticed it was floating.
“I… wha-… ggngg…” He tried to speak, his breaking voice full of confusion and pain. Looking in her eyes, Marid saw her smile and stroke the side of his face gently. Somehow, that gesture sparked somewhat warm within him. Although the pain stayed, the confusion left his eyes. This woman wouldn’t let him die. Her voice and aura told him that much. And that touch… so soft. He couldn’t die before he would have more of… that. His eyes locked with hers, the trader smiling at her despite his condition.
“Thank… you, fair lady.”

Marid had been quite unlucky when it came to love. Either meeting gold-diggers or women that dated him just for his looks, his relationships had been vapid. But his woman… something about her made him pause, made him believe she was different. Not her appearance, although she looked stunning and striking. But the way she touched him.

With him struggling to stay upright, Marid looked on as the strange yet soothing entity turned towards his would-be killers. The man's eyes widened again as he saw those two tendrils flow out of her body. But he couldn’t have expected what came next. When the first strike thundered through the woods, he flinched, falling backwards on his ass as he gritted his teeth against the pain. The adrenaline momentarily cleared his vision, allowing him to see the bandit’s head having been smashed upside down.
The witch was understandably frightened, trying to weave a spell to defend herself, but the woman just casually took out that one as well before the first body even hit the floor.

He was dumbfounded, flabbergasted, just absolutely stunned. How could such a being exist? Something so powerful. Then he realized that this woman, powerful as she was, had taken a liking to him. A little bit of worry shot through his system as she waved her hand. To his amazement, he started floating, seeing his cart do the same.
Marid could barely nod and smile gratefully as she started to lead the way. But alas, his wounds began to take their toll on his body. But as he slowly drifted into unconsciousness, his eyes were plastered upon his saviour, her curvy swaying body etched into his mind. Powerful, beautiful, gentle yet ruthless.

Just before everything went black, he felt something spark within him. A flicker of need and want. Oh no…
Chuckling softly, Marid finally fell into darkness, realizing one last thing. That he was already falling for this strange yet wonderful woman.
The rest of the way, the trader would be silent, Luna seeing that he had lost consciousness. But that he had a smitten smile frozen on his face.
Luna floated quickly through the moonlit forest, wanting to make haste before her human dropped dead on her. It was a bit hard since she was lugging around the giant cart with her. It wasn't exactly easy to move it through the trees since she had travelled off the main trail. To help with this, she simply floated it high into the air, just over the tree line. It would definitely be a sight for anyone who happened to look up in the night sky. Anyone close enough that was. Luna peered over at him, just to check if he was still breathing. She paused and looked at him closely. He was breathing, though it was weak. She also noticed the the smile casted upon his face. Smiling at such a time? How strange. How interesting! Perhaps she had gotten herself a crazy one. It would definitely make things more exciting. Luna couldn't help but start to smile herself. This night had been so interesting. Finally. This was what she was looking for. Excitement. Entertainment.

Soon enough Luna came upon a small clearing in the forest. It was a decently sized circle, big enough to fit the cart as she let it gradually float back down to the ground and out of the sky. She looked around cautiously at first, making sure there was nothing there with them. The clearing was big enough and private enough to let her do what she had to do. She held out both hands and formed the shape of a diamond with her fingers. Both her hands glowed a bright blue, a much more vibrant hue than when she was making the two float. Just ahead of her, in the middle of the clearing, a diamond shape began to form in the air. As she widened her hands the shape expanded as well, creating a large portal that glowed a bright blue, basking part of the forest in the light . Once it was big enough, she guided the cart through by giving it a rough push. She then gently guided her human through the light and to the other side. Just as they entered. the shape faded away, like a gust of wind, and left the forest dark again.


Once on the other side, they where in a massive hall. The floors were sleek and the ceilings were high, high enough to allow the cart to look small in comparison. The walls were lined with shelves that were filled with trinkets, crystals, books and knick-knacks. She collected all these items from the different worlds she'd visited. In the middle of the room, high above, sat a giant blue crystal that pulsed with light. The room was filled with splendor, but Luna acted indifferently toward it. With a dismissive wave of her hand the cart finally hit the ground with a creak and a thud.

"Lets take care of that obscene wound." Luna said as she led the floating body down the hall and towards the middle door. As they made their way down, she motioned to one of the floating shelves, calling for it. It came down to her gracefully. It was filled with potions and unknown liquids. Some were gifts from other Gods and some she had concocted herself. She looked through the shelf curiously, her eyes scanning its contents to look for something familiar. "Ah, there it is." She reached inside and pulled out a glass decanter. Inside swirled a dark purple liquid that sparkled and glittered as she twirled it around. It was a liquid of healing that she had gotten from another friend quite some time ago. It wasn't rare for Gods to fight among another, causing damage to their bodily vessels. It was always nice to have an elixir of healing on hand just in case something of the sort happened. They continued their journey to the middle door and just as they approached it, the door slid open by itself. She let the body float inside first before she followed behind it.


They entered what appeared to be the bed chamber. Luna couldn't recall the last time she used this room, it had been so long. When Earth was in its prime it was very lively with her human pets and Gods seeking some mischief, but after Earth went down and they all became busy with work, it had turned into a strange place. Almost like she forgot it existed. God's didn't have to sleep, and since Luna decided to engulf herself into her work, she never did. She was glad she didn't get rid of the room however, since now it was coming in handy for her injured guest.

His body floated to the bed and she eased it down onto the soft surface. She set the decanter down on the side table and inspected his wound once more. It was very gnarly. Definitely not something he would survive if she didn't intervene. "Those witches are pretty powerful. Even I may have been hurt if I was hit with that." She said, grabbing the edges of the burned fabric of his shirt and ripping it apart. It left his torso bare and gave her more access to the wound, making things much easier. She grabbed the decanter and carefully started to pour the liquid onto the wound. It coated the scarred skin and exposed meat, creating a hardened dark purple cap to cover it. It would began to heal from the inside out. It would probably take him a few days to fully recover, but at least the wound would be closed while it healed.

"That was a close one." Luna sighed, staring down at the unconscious man with curious eyes. "But you will be fine. I'll make sure of that." And with that Luna left the bedroom to prepare for when he awoken in the morning. If he did at all.

Name: Marid Trove
Age: 33
Race: Human
Occupation: Trader, Traveler, Social Drinker, Sad wannabe lover.
Marital status: Single.
Personality: Kind, Calm, Passionate, Intelligent, A Tad Moody, Prideful.

As he flew through the sky and was brought into a world in ways that would blow his mind asunder, Marid was blissfully asleep. Or rather, unconscious and dying. During the couple of minutes that it took for Luna go travel to the clearing and invoke the gate to her home, he only regained consciousness a single time, seeing her look at him with a smile on her face. If he hadn’t been flying and if she hadn’t looked like a mix between an angel, fae and demoness, he might’ve been less worried.

But soon enough, the red haze of pain overtook him again as he fell back into dreamless darkness. Marid didn’t move as he was laid on the bed, his skin pale and breath now shallow. The wonders around him were lost on him for the time being, but even in his state, his body could instinctively feel the soft bed underneath him. His smiling yet pained visage softened, the pained portion disappearing entirely as he was treated, his shirt and vest were torn off him and discarded to give her proper access to that terrible wound.
When she applied it, his breathing became slower and more regular, although it was still shallow. Some colour returned to his cheeks within a couple of minutes.
While she sighed and stared at him with those curious eyes of hers, he almost looked back to normal as he laid there, his handsome features on full display. She could see that he had taken good care of his body for sure, his abs and pecs somewhat chiselled and well visible. His facial hair well-kept, if a bit tussled and dirty by the fight.
If he knew he was being checked out by a lovely goddess, he would’ve freaked out, but she now had all the time to look at him.


A good amount of hours later, the medicine was doing its work quite well. Marid’s consciousness was returning slowly but surely. His unconsciousness changed into a healthy dreamless sleep, the man waking up with a soft groan somewhere in the morning.
Even before he opened his eyes, he felt the soft bed beneath him, his mind trying to remember where he was. It was as if his thoughts were filled with thick syrup, Marid having trouble orienting himself. Hadn’t he been on a journey of some kind? Yes, he was. A trading trip.

Then, the memories came flooding back. The ambush, the witch, the wound. Oh gods, the wound!
His hands touched the wound. Or where the wound should be, anyway. Instead of sore bloody flesh, he felt a laying covering it. Somebody had patched him up. Then, he remembered his saviour. The woman with the wings and tendrils.

His eyes opened, Marid gasping loudly as he realized he was in a bedroom without compare. His head turned as he looked at the fine fabrics, the cushions and lighting, panicking for a second as he didn’t even recognize the style of it all.
With a shuddering breath, he steadied himself. Finding his calm center. He was still alive. Whoever the woman had been, she had obviously saved him from certain death. Which meant she had a reason to save him and that he was safe for now.
What reason she could’ve had to safe his life, he couldn’t say. One thing he knew for sure though: He owed her a life debt now.

Standing up from the bed with slow careful motions, Marid didn’t even look around for clothes, testing his legs to stand. They almost immediately buckled, forcing him to sit on the edge of the bed. He felt hungry, his energy low. He would need to take it more slowly.
Trying again, the trader managed to stand up this time, wobbling a bit before stepping away from the bed.
“Hello?” He called out. “Anyone there? I wish to thank you if you’re around.”
Luna had let her human rest for the entirety of the night, only checking on him once to make sure he was actually still breathing. She was pretty confident in the elixirs potency, it was made by a God after all, but she had to make she sure she didn't apply it to a dead man. That would have been a waste. When it was proven that he was in fact alive and improving, she went off to take care of some things herself. She had to prepare herself for the eventual awakening of her guest.


When morning had finally come, Luna was in her study, rifling through books and papers. She had spent the entire night trying to refamiliarize herself with Earth and the humans culture. When it was still in its prime, her and her fellow immortals took some notes on how they operated and interacted with each other. They also received books the humans themselves had wrote, as some would gift it as a sign of worship. Many took this as simply receiving a silly gift from a child and never cared much for it, but Luna took interest in them and gladly took the books off of the hands of those who had no reason for them. All in all, these books were completely forgotten about in her community. She was thankful for her past actions, as now she had her own small archive of human history, sadly however, it was completely outdated!

"None of this is relevant!" Luna sighed after finishing the pages of another dusty book. She tossed it onto the floor, joining the rest of the books she had in a massive pile of disappointment. None of it was the same anymore. In her short three days of being there it was clear that everything had changed. None of these books mentioned magic or the beastly creatures that lurked around. It was all man made, after they had all left Earth to rot. The humans didn't operate as they used to and they didn't follow the old culture. This was a completely different planet and she knew nothing about it. How would she help her champion rule if she didn't even know simple things? It was definitely going to be a problem and she'd have to figure out a solution.

It was then that Luna heard the call. "Ah he's awake!" She said to herself, her frustration now replaced with excitement. She quickly exited her study. She had been preparing all night and morning for his awakening. He had been damaged, so surely when he awakens he would be hungry. Luna made sure that she went out back into the human world and acquired the man with some food.

"Good morning my champion!" Luna beamed as she entered the room, holding the dead carcass of a rather large deer. Its neck was bent at an odd shape and its tongue hung out of its mouth. Luna read that humans eat the meat of animals, so she made sure to find a big one to give to him. "I hope you slept well." She said as she approached him, dragging the dead animal along with her. "You're able to stand, that is wonderful." She claimed when they were finally face to face. She was taller than him, only about an inch or so. Her orange eyes glowed brightly with excitement, but then calmed to its normal shade. "I've brought you food." She said dropping the carcass onto the floor. "I do hope you enjoy it." She stared at the dark purple cap that protected his wound. It was like a smooth scab, definitely unusual. "I'm glad that's working properly. Haven't used it in such a long time. Now, let me take a look at you." Her feet left the ground and she began to float effortlessly around him. "Its been so long since I've seen a human male. You look much different when you aren't crumpled on the ground dying." She said as she inspected him. A strong build, definitely something that would come in handy. She moved behind him and her hands glided up the bare skin of his back and to his shoulders. She gave them a squeeze and moved down to his arms, giving those a firm squeeze as well. "Yes," She commented as she floated back in front of him. "This will do quite nicely." She then cupped his face, her eyes scanning over every feature and hair. He was still handsome. Excellent! "How are you feeling?" She asked as she released him. She needed to make sure there was no damage to his head.

Name: Marid Trove
Age: 33
Race: Human
Occupation: Trader, Traveler, Social Drinker, Sad wannabe lover.
Marital status: Single.
Personality: Kind, Calm, Passionate, Intelligent, A Tad Moody, Prideful.

The silence was a bit disheartening for Marid. Not only did he find himself within an unfamiliar environment, but the style and items within this dwelling were also out of this world.
Creeping forward, he felt a shiver run over his back. His voice echoed through the corridors, the man unaware of the excited goddess heading his way.
Meeting her in the living room, this first formal meeting wasn’t what he expected. Quite the opposite. The sight of Luna dragging a dead deer with her scared the living daylights out of him, the animal’s eyes dead and foggy, the tongue lolling out of its mouth. The goddess herself looked terrifying, her eyes glowing with absolute power, her wings and tendrils creating an alien visage. He noticed her height, the goddess being even taller than he was and despite his situation… Well, the goddess had curves and beauty in spades.
Not that her beauty really sank in though. The dead deer and glowing eyes made sure of that.

Marid’s face went deathly pale like a sheet, the man staggering back as he opened and closed his mouth. Only a small whimper came out of it. Not only did she look all kinds of beautiful and frightening at the same time, but her words also didn’t make any kind of sense. ‘Her champion’? ‘Brought him food’? What kind of strange pit of doom did he fall into now? As the goddess approached, he had to force himself not to scream in terror and flee at the sight. A monstrous woman with a dead deer? Not a very good second impression after effortlessly slaughtering two bandits.
He stuttered a bit, his usual calm having noped out of the equation until he dragged it back kicking and screaming.
Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, opening them to look at his host.
“I... well… I did sleep well, t-thank you. And as for the deer… Do you have a s-stove or fireplace? Humans don’t really… y’know… eat raw meat. We like it cooked or roasted.”

His eyes widened with even more shock when she casually floated off the ground and flew around him. He felt like some kind of attraction now.
“It’s working good, yes.” He muttered, trying to ignore the fact that an all-powerful entity was checking him out like some kind of cuddly pet.
Her comment about him looking different than when he wasn’t dying made him frown, a surge of pride rushing through him.
“W-what? Of course I look different when I’m not half dead.” His cheeks reddened as he realized this wasn’t the best course of action. Getting whipped by those tendrils wasn't really on his bucket list.
“I mean… No offense, ma’am.” He hastily added, stammering as he did so.
Marid let out a soft ‘eek’ as she touched him, the feel and texture of her hands pleasant yet firm. Closing his eyes, Luna could feel him shiver underneath her touch as she checked him out, the man muttering the words ‘calm calm calm’ over and over.
Every time she squeezed him, he would inhale sharply. Frankly, he didn’t know what to think of this. One thing was for sure though. He owed this woman his life. Although he had no idea what kind of pit he’d fallen into instead of dying, he would make the best of it. And wouldn’t disrespect his host. That’d be uncouth.

Marid opened his eyes when she cupped his face, his eyes meeting hers as her divine gaze absorbed every facet of his image. Beginning to sweat, he waited a while still, relieved when she finally let him go.
“I’m feeling good, all things considered.” He said, taking half a step backwards. “Although I wasn’t expected such a… thorough examination.”
With him having the chance again to take the initiative, he made a bow before the woman.
“My name is Marid Trove, m’lady. Trader and traveller. I’m honoured to meet your acquaintance.” Gulping silently, he continued. His eyes were glued to her body, taking in her wings and breasts and face. He felt a strange mixture of attraction and fright. “Might I ask you… you are, miss? And where I am? And what this w-whole champion business is? Do pardon my questions, but this is very confusing for me.”
Marid’s belly rumbled, the man smiling apologetically at Luna.
“Do excuse me, it appears that I am indeed quite hungry. Would you have someplace where I can prepare this deer? I wouldn’t want to let your gracious gift go to waste.”
Luna honestly had no idea what he was talking about. Stove? What in the world was that? She'd never heard of such a thing, but assumed it was something the humans had created in their absence. The cooking part however, had completely slipped her mind. "Oh yes, I suppose you do cook it with fire. I may have forgotten that step." She said as she solemnly starred down at the dead animal. Though she may have forgotten it, she surely wouldn't know how to do it regardless. Its been so long since she'd been to Earth and even when she was here she didn't exactly participate in simple human activities like cooking. She didn't even have to eat. It was more like something fun to do rather than a necessity for her. "Well, anyways," She started, looking back up at him. "I am glad you are feeling much better Marid Trove. I would have been disappointed if you died on me." She said with a soft smile.

She was unaware of Marids fear of her and assumed that his nervousness was just from recovering from his attack. This was just due to her own ignorance. She hadn't interacted with lesser beings in some time. It was her job to create planets and stars, not interact with the people that inhabit them. Plus, the people the Gods created were boring, not very interesting in the slightest, so she never really sieged the opportunity to see them. The humans however, were much different in that aspect. It was part of the reason she came back. They were just so intriguing.

"Well I have many names, but you can just call me Luna. I've grown to like that one. As for where you are, you are in my home, I thought it would be the best place to take you while you recover. I do hope you enjoy your stay." Luna bent down and picked up the deer. "I don't have what you call a stove, but I do believe I have a room where you can prepare this. It hasn't been used in some time though. Follow me." She began to make her way down the hall. There were many doors, all looking different in materials and aesthetic. They soon came across an old wooden door and when she opened it, it revealed a kitchen like area.


It was clearly old, not as fancy and wonderous as the rest of the place, but looked more human like, something that may have calmed Marid a bit. Luna set the deer down on the counter with a thump and looked around the room fondly. "Ah good memories." She said before looking over at Marid. "Tell me how to prepare this. I don't want you to strain yourself. You look awfully weak." She had no idea how to cook, but if a human could do it, then clearly she could. "As for the champion subject, I have chosen you to help me restore this world to its former glory! Exciting yes?"

Name: Marid Trove
Age: 33
Race: Human
Occupation: Trader, Traveler, Social Drinker, Sad wannabe lover.
Marital status: Single.
Personality: Kind, Calm, Passionate, Intelligent, A Tad Moody, Prideful.

At the mention of a stove, the goddess looked at him as if he was speaking nonsense. It confused Marid a little bit, he had to admit. Didn’t this woman eat or anything? Or was she used to eating flesh raw? A darker thought popped into his head. Did she have a taste for human flesh, perhaps? No, probably not. Hopefully not.
Still, the sudden naivety of this woman did put him at ease a bit. He smiled at her and nodded.
“Yeah, a fire would be perfect. I’m used to cooking meat on the go anyway, so a simple fire would be quite enough!”

At this point, not having heard her name, Marid was expecting her to be some kind of demon queen or something along those lines. A goddess would be too preposterous to think about, surely. No way he would’ve gained the attention of such a high being.
He chuckled with a grimace at the mention of him dying. It sounded so casual that it kind of put him off balance.
“Yeah, I’m rather relieved I haven’t died too. That would’ve been a disappointment for me as well.” He admitted, chuckling softly. Her smile did make him relax a little bit, enough to suppress that flight response for now.
He still had no idea why she did save him, but being ‘interesting’ wasn’t high on his guessing list. Marid would have to wait for that eventual answer though.

The man tilted his head when she introduced herself as ‘Luna’. The name rang a bell. Somewhere. Wasn’t there some… deity or something? Or was it a fae? Something like that. Probably a fae.
Not wanting to insult his host, he followed her down the hall towards the kitchen while they talked.
“Well met, Lady Luna. I am already enjoying my stay quite a lot on the premise I’m not dead, I can assure you. But all jokes aside, you really got a lovely home. And thank you for letting me use your kitchen. You're most kind.”
Marid meant what he said, although he didn’t know what half the stuff inside this home was or did.

As they approached the wooden door, he was afraid for a moment to be led to some other strange big room, but he was pleasantly surprised. Although it was smaller and old, it was more subdued than the rest of the house, making Marid breathe a sigh of relief. He didn’t know how much more madness he could take.
He opened his mouth to say he would take it from there when she asked him to give her instructions. With a soft snap, he closed his mouth again while he thought, nodding slowly.
“You’ve got a point. Sorry to make you do this, but I can ce-…” His words were stopped when she mentioned the champion part.

His head snapped towards her, the man looking at her in disbelief, eyes blinking.
“W-w-wait. Restore this world? Champion? I’m a trader and a swordsman, not a hero. I might not be the correct person for the job. But if you have the abi… Who or what are you, my lady? A fae perhaps or some kind of immortal spirit?” His passion and intelligence shone through, the man not able to hide his curiosity regardless of the shock on his face.

Her reply paled him beyond compare, the man covering his face with a hand. His heart was racing, his breathing rapid and shallow, feeling like he could faint at any moment. He needed something to divert his attention to. He looked at the deer.
“O-okay… So for the dear, you first skin it and get rid of the intestines…”
With a somewhat rattled voice, he began to describe how to best prepare a deer of this size, using the distraction to get his mind in order a bit.
Once the deer was roasting over the fire, Marid looked at her with an awed expression.
“I… I am sorry, my lady. I am just a bit shook. This is a lot to take it all at once.”
Nonetheless, his quivering lips did form into a small smile.
“But I can’t deny this is indeed exciting.” His passionate and kind sides resonated with his pride. This lady thought he would be able to help restore his world… What an honour!
Luna was standing over the deer, curiously awaiting her instructions, when Marid began to stumble and blubber over his words. She was worried for a moment at his stuttering. Did the attack really cause damage to his head? She thought as she took her orange eyes from the carcass and let them scan over him. Her expression did lighten to an Aha! kind of expression after a moment. She forgot to tell him that she chose him! That's why he was so surprised. Silly her. "Apologies, I forgot to tell you. But yes, you're my champion now." She said simply, as if that answered everything. Her smile was bright however, practically ear to ear with her excitement just from the word. When he tried to explain that he wasn't the right man she just continued to smile. "You are." She said, again, rather simply, as if this was now set in stone. For Luna it was. She chose him, and she wasn't going back on it. There was just something about him that made her blood sing. Mmm, he was scrumptious. She decided it for him, wasn't that wonderful? Chosen for greatness! What human wouldn't love it? Or at least that was how she saw it.

"What's a fae?" She asked. "Its been eons since I've been here honestly, I'm a little embarrassed." she gushed, placing a hand on her cheek. Would she be considered a fae? Was this some kind of slang? Ahh everything was so different! It was so exciting! "As I said before I have a lot of names, too many to go down the list, so I am simply Luna, goddess of moons, stars and secrets. You humans added that last one, very enticing. I approve~" She purred, her concentration going back to the dead deer in front of her as he told her how to prepare it.

After everything was said and done and the deer was cooking Luna focused her attention back onto her chosen. She thought for a bit, face contemplating. "I suppose it is.." She said softly. Was it really? All they were doing was creating a kingdom of their own, solving all the wars and conflicts, then transitioning into possible world domination. Perhaps it would be a bit difficult, but that's where the fun laid!

"Isn't it!?" She mused when he also voiced excitement, stepping closer to him, she cupped his face in her silken hands. "Once there's no longer a gaping hole in your chest we will begin this journey."

Name: Marid Trove
Age: 33
Race: Human
Occupation: Trader, Traveler, Social Drinker, Sad wannabe lover.
Marital status: Single.
Personality: Kind, Calm, Passionate, Intelligent, A Tad Moody, Prideful.

The amount of information coming at him at once was overwhelming. The news that he really was her champion and that she wasn’t budging on that made him fear for a moment that he was trapped in some kind of cruel joke. But that bright smile she flashed at him made that thought seem ridiculous. Nobody could smile like that and not have good intent in their mind, not even the gods.
“Ah... alright. Ehm... That might take some time to get used to.” He said with an apologetic smile, deciding not to tempt fate further. He didn’t want to annoy his host, after all.
“Like I said, I’m not too used to being a champion of sorts. So please be patient with me.”

The thought that he was chosen for greatness didn’t cross his mind just yet. The trader tilted his head when she asked him what a fae was.
“You... don’t know what a fae is?” He said, disbelief lining his voice. Eons? She’s not been in his world for eons? Who WAS she?
“The ancient fairies and nature spirits? You do seem like you could be one with those gorgeous wings of yours.” A bit of flattery couldn’t hurt, right?
His answer soon came when she told him her name.

Miran couldn’t help but blink as his mouth slowly fell open, the man slowly stepping back. Gulping, he voiced his excitement, feeling excited, proud and a fair bit scared. Especially as the goddess stepped closer to him and cupped his face in hands way too soft to be true.
The trader’s cheeks reddened as he smiled at her, nodding slowly.
“H-having no gaping hole in my chest would be preferable, yes. Well, glad to have been saved by you, my lady. I’m... wow... The goddess of moons, stars and secrets herself. That’s... wow...”

His eyes couldn't stop wandering around her exotic and curvy form as she cupped his face, the lack of clothing on the goddess not helping matters a lot. Smiling softly, he tried to calm himself as he was held by divine hands, a beaming goddess seemingly being very taken with him.
Not the worst situation, but it was one he hadn’t expected to happen to him in a thousand lifetimes.
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