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KombatWombat's Female Character's


Oct 31, 2019
Female char's this time round! As always this is just the gender they were made with I can always play them as Male if you'd like.

Ashley Silvermane
Age: 23
Face: Human
Powers: Mage, Spatial ability and Defensive major, Offensive Wind abilities to some extent.


Ophelia Maxwell Dawn

Age: 24
Race: Human
Power: Sword use and water based techniques

Preferred Weapon: The Katana handed down in her family. No one knows it's name as she has it covered and when asked she always says she's is not allowed to reveal the name of her sword save under dire circumstances.

The Dawn family has served as protectors of the piece since the very first Gaia Quake. Max, her preferred name, is what one might call a black sheep in the Dawn family. Her swordsmanship is the best in the family, outshining even her instructors in some cases and yet despite this and many others of the Dawn family constantly coming around to try and lead her onto the right path Max refuses to play ball. They do put up with her however due to the fact that her results Almost outweigh her Oddities.



Annabelle Seraphim Rosette
Age: 28
Powers: Ink based magic letting her store various objects and weapons under her skin.

History: Ask her and all you'll get is the story of a kid who scraped and scavenged anything she could to get where she is now. She'll show you her scars and tell you the stories of her kills. And while that's true to a certain extent that's not her REAL story. The name she uses now is Anna 'The Inkwell' Heart. Anna, the only name she give and Heart for the strange tattoo of a heart on her collarbone a few inches in size.

In reality her real name is Annabelle Seraphim Rosette. The only daughter of the Rose family who rule over the Magitech kingdom of Whitestone. The royal family their lost their daughter 15 years ago and while they maintain good face and continue to rule their kingdom as a just and good hearted family, they will often pay highly for any information, real or not on their daughters location.
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