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Baby, Baby! family of 4 to go! (Wolvenrogue and Iris)


Aug 21, 2011
George Stevens , vice president of Marketuing at Wyliss Advertizing was having his usual routine hectic day . 4 teleconferences 2 zoom meetings , 14 proof approvals, and no lunch. Routine that is until Martha , the receptionist handed him a note on scrap of paper that said "Police Sargent Edwards is in the foyer to see you. HE HAS A BABY!" "WHAT!!!!!??? " George blurted out loud enough that everyone in the office heard it. He quickly composed himself and headed up to the reception area. "Sargent Edwards? George Stevens, how can I be of service, " "A hhh Mister Edwards perhaps you should sit down.." he handed George a picture of a wrecked car " Do have a brother named Samuel with a wife named Judy" " Why yes they have a new baby gi...." he started to say. realizing suddenly why they were here to see him. Mister Stevens, this is Amy Smith from Family Services, she will assist you with the necessary paperwork for Guardianship.. The county runs a class for new parents which is free, we suggest you attend .

Three and half hours later George was headed to the county health department with his niece Jamie in the car safely buckled in. That afternoon would be his first class in parenthood, something he had promised himself would never happen.
Abby Morris had more of less hit the bottom of her luck. She should have known better. Sleeping with the father of the baby you watched. Who was she kidding. And to think! That he would take care of her, that he would bring her in, kick out his wife...course that was a fantasy. Those things he whispered to her ear- lies. And it proved when she told him she was carrying his child. He wrote her one last check and told her to never come back. His wife would probably wonder what happened to their little nanny, but she would soon be replaced. This was almost two months ago and now she had found herself into attending a group that helped out new parents. Abby wasn't the only singular parent among couples.

At one point she thought of getting rid of it, but...she couldn't do that. She didn't see it in her heart to do such a thing. Currently she sat in a chair, it was pretty uncomfortable, she felt like she was still in school. Course...she was still in school, finishing the last of her high school semester but as of lately...she was falling behind. Thoughts of how to take care of this child were growing heavy on her thoughts and the morning sickness was too much. She didn't want to do a thing. Lucky for her she felt reasonably normal at this later hour in the day, these evening sessions were good. They took place after she ate dinner, tonight it was a craving of those giant hummus sandwiches a deli made on the walk over. Long loose curled locks hung along her back, a few bouncing tendrils along the front of her shoulders, she wore a green turtleneck to keep the chill out of the air, but sitting in here...she was growing warm. Her coat hung over the back of her chair hiding her bag as she absently rubbed a hand over her stomach. There was not a clue as to if it was a boy or girl yet...she hadn't even gone to get a check up. She was too nervous, she had to do something though.

Given what happened...her boyfriend wasn't happy with what happened he wouldn't help her out. Of course he found out. It wasn't easy for Abby to lie, her eyes always looked away. Those soft blue eyes swimming in green. Before her was a notebook, it was filled with notes, helpful places to call. Food pantries, counselors, appointments that would do her good. Her home wasn't a good living situation either, maybe that's where she had got the sneaky idea of fooling with the man of the child she had nannied. Her mother always had a different man home every night...if she found out she was pregnant. Her throat bobbed- she had to think more pleasant thoughts.
George felt really out of place as he walked into the Health Department class room carrying a baby carrier with his now daughter Eline inside. This had all been a whirlwind and neighbors and church ladies had been a big help at first , but the tragedy of it had worn thin now and that help had moved to fresher issues. George was feeling alone in the world, and the parade of sitters through what had been a quiet and peaceful home was not helping at all. Then there was dealing with bottles, and diapers and pediatrician visits and tests of every sort. But then Elaine had become suddenly ill and broken out in hives. She had a soybean allergy, and could no longer use commercial formula . He was told to ask at his first parenting class about the possibility of a wet nurse, in hopes that the health department had available resources.

So it was that he sat at a long table with 25 women 3 of whom were very pregnant and one, a young girl named Abby , barely showed at all. She had a certain "deer in the headlights look, That told him she was on her own without significant support. George was much better off. He had a great job and a large suburban home, two cars, a boat, and all the toys a confirmed bachelor should have , and one he shouldn't , a four week out baby girl.
Abby wasn't sure aatall why she attended these. It was only a harsh reminder of what she had done, what was ahead of her along with the zero help she would get from home. She had to make voice of it soon too. Her hands kept in her lap, often ringing at the shirt she wore. She alreasy dreaded the day when her clothes wouldn't fit. She didn't have the money for it. Emotional was how she felt. More so now than ever.

George wasn't thr first man to come to one of these and he received much sympathy and offers of help. Some of these woman were on their second child, having to just resituate themselves back into the wold. Maybe they liked the company of a room full of hormonal women. "Now, remember its best to get a appointment ever few weeks, more often is best to make sure your child is a healthy one." This reminder made Abby hot, she picked up her notebook a small thing and gentle waved it to cool herself off.

Shit. A feeling of sickness started to pass her and a bottle of water was grabbed from her past dinner. It was almost empty by now. Quietly she sipped it her eyes passing over George and his young baby. She couldn't help it, a faint blush turned her cheeks, her emotions were so out of whack. She cried for no reason- more so of all that happened, she really thought the man wanted her..he had but in another way. He had it all too- it was foolish of her to stop her birth control.

When the session was done she lingered, shyly walking over and smiling down at the baby. 'She's cute.." She said careful not to be too close, some parental figures were very protective. "I'm Abby...I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other here?" She asked. She wasn't sure why she was talking to him. Maybe because there was a small line at the snack table as woman left. She didnt just want to be standing there.
"I'm George, and this is Elaine my Daughter" the words had caught in his throat as events of the last two weeks came flooding back in a rush of emotions he had never before experienced. His parents were long dead, having died when he was twenty and those wounds had since faded. His brother, Samuel, an identical twin was a devastating loss, as other than Elaine, and her mother Judy, he had no family , and now it seemed that he and Elaine were all that remained. It was all to fresh. George coughed and choked , and did all he could to beat back the tears that rolled down his face as his whole body shook in silence . He was trying to be strong, but he had no strong left, and the sight of the young woman looking worried and distressed and likely carrying more weight on her shoulders than he did was the last straw , and the tears came in front of everyone and he couldn't stop them, he couldn't even speak, he felt ashamed for a moment before he realized how ridiculous that was. recovering slowly , he pushed the tears off his face and slowly steeled himself and after kissing Elaine's tiny forehead, he looked up at Abby and said . "I 'm sorry for that. " this was my niece, she is now my daughter . My twin brother and his wife were killed in a car accident, and she and I are stuck with each other, there is no other family, I've never touched a baby until her, and I have no idea what to do. I've had 11 babysitters in 13 days, and now they tell me I need to find a wet-nurse what ever that is, Elaine is allergic to formula. and she has only had one donor bottle and water since, If I cant find someone soon shill be put on and IV. "

He sucked in a long breath and this time was able to stop the tears. "They said I should ask here because my best hope is to find a new mom who hasn't delivered yet. They told me that I might be able to convince them to induce lactation and feed my little girl. I'm guessing that is what is meant by a wet nurse., but I don't really know. " his voice trailed off when he realized that the room had gone silent and 27 pairs of eyes were on him and listening to every word he had said. He swallowed hard and continued. "Sso if anyone is interested , or in being a live in nanny, I will pay you well, and you can have your own room and bath, and the use of a car, and this is Elaine " his hand shook as he pointed to her " She is four weeks old and what she needs, I can't give her."
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