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Fx Male Entertainment Needed! (Check out my ideas ^^)


Sep 18, 2019

Hello! šŸ‘‹

Basically I am looking for a few new role-plays. Iā€™m pretty open minded. I do have a couple plots and pairings in mind that we can build on together ^^. If the ideas donā€™t interest you then we can come up with something else or if you have an idea in mind let me hear it. We can definitely make something work.

šŸŒø~I have an F-list but Iā€™m definitely open to some things if you really want them so if itā€™s a no on my list let me know and we can work it out, here it is!~šŸŒø


Donā€™t get me wrong, I enjoy smut but I donā€™t want that to be the only thing we focus on, please šŸ˜¬

Also I am playing female. So here are some pairings and ideas I have in mind. If there is a line through them that means Iā€™m not open to that idea or theme. I have too many rps going on with that theme or idea. ^^

1: marriage. Iā€™m definitely thinking some type of royal family type rp. More medieval like. Fantasy would be nice here as well.

2: Demon queen/princessx (human or something of your choice).

3: A modern day love story but I want this to be deep. I want the character to have real emotions, go through hard shit and what not. I would love to play this one.

I was thinking character A cheats on character B. They decide to work it out but itā€™s going to be dark and difficult. I would love if both characters have a detailed background. One can even have a dark past. Anyway they will be working through their own problems. I even have a picture to reference the couple a bit.

4: Pirates! I would love to do something with pirates. Maybe a young woman runs away from her family, she can be some sort of royal family or maybe just a higher class family but she disguised herself as a male to get into your characterā€™s ship. She is now your characterā€™s personal assistant but she has healing abilities. Her type of magic is rare and quite useful so when your character finds out he quickly makes her the head physician on the ship. He still thinks she is a male but he finds out eventually and that throws everything out of whack. Heā€™s uncertain about the idea of having a female on his ship and she is also being tracked down by the family that kept her as a prisoner and used her for her healing abilities. They made a lot of money off of her so they want her back no matter what. Thatā€™s just a thought. I donā€™t have a clear idea but we can always build around this.

5: Mermaids/mermen. I havenā€™t done something like this in awhile. Could even combine it with the pirate theme.

6: sibling love (with a twist). So I would like 3 siblings. The eldest is male and the younger two are male and female. Can be twins if you want. Anyway Iā€™m craving an incest sibling romance. The basic idea I have in mind is that character A is the older brother of character B and character C. He has always protected them and took care of them due to their dysfunctional parents. While growing up character B and C formed very strong feelings for their older brother (character A). Neither one of them noticed anyone else but him but they both can sense that the other wants characterā€™s A attention all the time so thereā€™s a bit of a sibling rivalry between character B and C. Character A loves both of his siblings and canā€™t choose one or the other, he has the hardest time just getting over the face that heā€™s in love with both of them and knows itā€™s wrong. So basically its just about the lives of these three. I want quite a bit of drama, romance, tragedy and smut to happen. We can discuss it in more details. I donā€™t mind playing 1 character or 2 out of the 3 if you donā€™t want to play 2 characters. Itā€™s totally up to you who you want to play and how many of the siblings you want to play.

7: female maid or bodyguard x prince (or some sort of royal ruler). I have an idea for this one. My plot for this is more fantasy with action, smut, drama and romance ^^ (Iā€™m actually craving this. I can explain the idea, just message me and ask.)

8: demon mercenary x fae bar maid. I have a plot that we can expand on for this one. It includes magic, mystical creatures and adventure between a cute fae and her demon partner.

9: College kids. Iā€™m thinking that MY and YC become roommates. YC is quite, keeps to himself while mine is wild, flirty and just out there. Eventually MC comes onto yours and they have sex. This is the start of their friends with benefits situation but YC starts to develop feelings for mine. Through the eyes of everyone else they only see MC as a flirty party girl, a slut even due to her body and attitude. She gets attention from everyone and everyone likes her but they also thinks these things about her. MC knows how they feel so she just plays into the stereotype due to her own insecurities but sheā€™s really smart, talented and has great goals in life which YC can see but what happens when his ex from high school comes around. She was his first real love. Maybe MC gets a little jealous even though theyā€™re only supposed to be friends with benefits. Thatā€™s just a thought. We can definitely do something else if you want.

10: Its basically a fantasy adventure plot with slow build romance and maybe some instant smut. Also I want to make it clear that this is something I put together knowing that I am making a lot of choices for YC. This is just an idea. I donā€™t want to offend anyone by making it seem like I want to control your character. I donā€™t. Some people enjoy that I have it so planned out and some dont. If you donā€™t we can definitely change this into something completely different ^^ trust me, Iā€™m very open and just want something fun to rp lol

Character A is a spoiled prince whoā€™s only duty in life is to marry a princess. Due to being the second son he doesnā€™t receive the perks of being the first born. Nor does he automatically inherit the title as king. This can be up for debate if my partner wants. Maybe the king canā€™t choose which son to be king. Anyway Character A grows up loathing his older brother and father but develops an absolute fear for his father due to his fatherā€™s tyrant and abusive behavior. As he gets older the king pushes his son, Character A, to grow up and get married since all he does is sleep around with whoever he wants. The maids are never off limits and you can always find the prince brining some random woman home. Even with all of this the prince never genuinely gets attached to a woman. The reason for this is something my partner can decide. The night of Character Aā€™s birthday a royal ball is thrown, the king is hoping his son will find a wife. One of the royal families that arrives is the Bristow family consisting of a mother, father and the oldest daughter who is Character B. This family is trying their hardest to make good on their name due to their youngest daughter, Character C,running away at a young age to live the opposite life of a princess. This embarrassment is known throughout the lands and the only to fix this is if the oldest marries a high ranking prince or if the youngest daughter is returned to them. Rumors have it that Character C runs her own bounty hunter/mercenary group and takes on jobs as a personal guard from time to time. Character C arrives at the ball as a body guard for another princess. When she meets the prince she avoids him quickly which catches his attention. Someone how the two are alone with one another. Even though Character C and Character A seem to get along well Character Cdoes her best to keep some distance between them. The last thing she needs is for her identity to be revealed. As for Character A something about her pulls at his heart. Thereā€™s attraction there from both sides. The prince decides to invite her to stay at the Royal kingdom so that they could further get to know each other. This isnā€™t a sexual invite by the way lol. He is rejected by Character C and that makes his heart cold again.

Upset about the reject Character A goes back to the party only to be harassed by Character B. Now this princess is nothing like her younger sister, Character C,she is quite conceited and prideful. In her mind she is the best of the best, she has no problem making herself be seen and heard. Even though Character A is a prince he doesnā€™t agree with Character Bā€™s behavior. It disgusts him and because he isnā€™t in such a good mood he decides to invite her to stay the night in his room. Now this is where the instant smut comes in but itā€™s up to my partner if they want it or not. It doesnā€™t have to happen. But the prince wants to break her, ruin her pride and make her fall to her knees. So instead of loving her king a gentleman heā€™s rough and beast like. He treats her in a way that she doesnā€™t expect but Character B is weak she takes it and decides to use the night events to get what she wants. Iā€™m thinking that the next morning Character B and her family have breakfast with the king and her father demands that she be engaged to Character A since he took her ā€œvirginity.ā€ Of course the king wants his son married off so he agrees without caring what his son has to say. As the conversation goes on Character C is brought up and expresses to the king how they desperately want their younger daughter back. Seeing an opportunity to get out of the engagement the prince offers to find Character C and bring her back as long as they can renegotiate the whole engagement. They agree but Character B forces herself along this journey with the prince.

Thereā€™s several ways we do this idea. If youā€™re interested then maybe we can have Character B and the prince go along with the enagedment while he is trying to find Character C? They could constantly be arguing but thereā€™s no denying thereā€™s attraction there as well. Maybe when they do find Character C sheā€™s not interested in the prince but the chemistry they have ends up being too strong and so they sneak around behind Character Bā€™s back? I am looking for character A. I will be playing the two sisters.

Like I said in the beginning Iā€™m open to hear if you have any other ideas in mind please let me know. I also have many pictures to go along with the pairings or plots, I donā€™t mind showing them if you ask. Anyway I just ask that you give me something to work with when it comes to posting. No one liners but I'm not asking for a book either (unless you want to give me one then I wonā€™t argue) šŸ˜ Can't wait to hear from ya
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Could really use some new entertainment. I have some new pictures that I would love to use. I just need an amazing partner to come up with an amazing plot. We do not have to use what I suggested. Iā€™m quite open at the moment.
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