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Fx Male Final Fantasy 14 craving!


Great Dragon Of The Damned
Nov 3, 2019

Let's get straight into the meat of things, shall we?

Some about what I want standard in a roleplay.

  • I'm up for roleplay here in PM or over on Discord. I don't publicly roleplay.
  • Give me a healthy balance between smut and story. I don't want characters to randomly start doing eachother for no given reason. We can discuss a balance, but I don't do pure smut stories.
  • I only write FxM pairings, with the preference that I'll be writing the female. We can always discuss the second statement. FYI your real gender is no matter to me, honestly I don't care what you have hanging.
  • My post length varies on how much you give me and how invested I am in the story. I like to try to get 2 paragraphs out every time.
  • Send me ANYTHING that you feel sets a vibe, being pictures, playlists, anything. Is your character singing Barbie girl? Send me that link! I love vibe-setting between us OOC like that!
  • I write third person ONLY. No first, not you first me third. NO. Only third person and that is final, I do not negotiate in that.

Now that I got that out of the way we can get to what I am currently craving to death!

Final Fantasy 14!

As it is my favourite Final Fantasy and most played game I'd love to roleplay it, with the option to 'double up' for my partner to choose their favourite sir or lady or something in between to be their beloved.

We can have a little pick and choose, as I have multiple lady options at the ready!

Star men of the show:

G’Raha Tia
Alphinaud (The adult he should be in ShB, not the minor he is in ARR)

The lady options would be following:

Warrior of Light
Team member of the Warrior of Light, either a Scion or a friend of the WoL
Alliance member of one of the City States

This all can and will be sandboxed between us both to set a plot and see how it could go! Please let me know what you’d like and what interests you!

This can be both long term and just some sweet porn without plot, or with a bit of plot, or porn with feelings... You know what I mean!

Now, if this all seems to click with you, please do send me a message and let me know what interests you!

I don't bite! Unless you want me to~

Hail To The Snail!

And I hope to see you soon.
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