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Mx Male How about some guy on guy...


Rogue+Gambit Forever!!
Dec 2, 2020
My Bully/is my Lover:
Could take place in high school, maybe the bully picked on said guy cause he was scrawny wore glasses had braces etc. Then summer comes, he comes back to school with no braces contacts etc. So the bully finds himself attracted to the kid he picked on, when I said kid I don't mean actual kid I just mean that's what he called him instead of using his name. They start hanging out, the bully's sidekicks start to think he's going soft so they try to put him back on the straight and narrow then realize they've lost him.

A young man maybe 17-18 struggling to find himself starts seeing a therapist, said therapist makes him feel like he can really be himself, maybe even tries to get him to feel what he truly wants. The doctor could be older maybe even just graduated or much much older, isn't afraid to express how the patient makes him feel when he's there. Maybe this therapist has unethical ways of practice, uses techniques that no other therapist has to where he engages in making out with the student.

New Neighbor/Boy next door
A young man maybe in his early twenties etc moves into a new house in a new town, has just broken up with his lifetime boyfriend. He see's YC outside mowing the lawn without a shirt, watches him as he carries boxes into his new house struggling with a few heavier ones so he asks YC to help him carry them in etc. More details can be discussed in Dm's.

Frat Brothers/Lovers
So this story would involve to frat brothers maybe best friends all through school, while pledging or after a few drinks they realize how much they really want to be with one another. Things happen, they get intimate with each other etc.

College Roommates

((More to come))​
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