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Fx Any Looking for Sentient Beasts, if you'd please~


Dec 11, 2019
Lately, I've been craving odd partnerships between smaller humanoids and large creatures that are typically portrayed as feral or put on the back burner in fantasy stories.

Rather, for the sake of the little plot cookies I'd like to present, I'd like to write opposite them as sentient creatures, capable of communication and in control of their faculties.

I'll take anything from fluffy romantic comedies to dark, gritty stories, all with progression and plenty of plot. Non-con and dub-con aren't out of the question, we can talk.

A list of potential critters is as follows:
  • Dragons
  • Griffins
  • Minotaurs
  • Orcs
  • Large canids (dire wolves etc?)
  • Centaurs
  • Cyclops
  • Giants
  • Trolls
  • Harpies

The list goes on. Feel free to bring a creature concept to me if those don't strike your fancy! I'm pretty open to different beasties, as you can probably tell. I enjoy creature anatomy and am willing to play humans, elves, fae, nekomimi, were-girls, and various other humanoids opposite someone's larger critter. My characters will all be aged 15-20, depending on partner preference.
Age gaps (small or enormous) are fine and even expected in many cases.

I'm looking to BUILD on these prompts, greatly in fact. They are intended to be long term and need some worldbuilding, and I need the right partners for that. A few little concepts to give you an idea of what I'm looking for...

Green = very interested
Feel free to bring your own ideas to the table!


#1: A warrioress is hired/sent to kill a beast rumored to be wreaking havoc across the land in a fit of vengeful rage. After much tracking and battling the two begin to form a great respect for one another, which eventually starts to blossom into something deeper. The warrior had intended to get in close to catch the beast unawares- but our sellsword, however, is finding it increasingly difficult to finish the job when her quarry has become so precious to her...


#1: A woman wanders into the lair of an ageless lizard while seeking shelter, and is kept prisoner for a time. As time passes, the two begin to grow close despite their innumerable differences.

#2: A dragon takes a rare moment of pause one stormy night, carefully plucking an infant from their place in the reeds. Abandoned by her family but adopted by said dragon, she grows up as very nearly the creature's own daughter- that is, until other people and beasts come to misunderstand their relationship. Some think she is the dragon's captive or even their pet, but even in her young age, she knows full well she would much prefer to become the dragon's life partner.


#1: Two races (ex. Orcs and Humans) have been on thin ice with one another for centuries. Sick of the bad blood, the two have dozens of meetings to discuss fair truce terms, and finally decide that a union between the two peoples would be symbolic of their hope for peace. After two decades of deliberation, it is decided that the chief/chieftess of one kingdom and the princess of the other are to be wed to one another... and neither is sure what to make of their arranged partner.

** #2: ** (MxF) There is a war torn creature serving his fiftieth year in the vaults of the arena. He defeats champions for the sake of mortal entertainment and meager meals, more or less enslaved and having not been outside the pit even once in all these years. One day, a peculiar event occurs that promises to change his life for good- a child tumbles into the pit. She is hurt but not fatally so, and he returns her safely to the sea of worried onlookers in the stands. Several years later, he hears tell of a new coronation- the illegitimate princess won the candidacy. This new young queen is very familiar for some reason- and what business would a royal have wandering into the arena on her own, just to see a monster?

#3: A tribe catches a lone traveler in the woods one evening, and where it was originally intended that they were going to eat her or make a pet out of her, they instead decide to present her to their chief as something of a gift or trophy. What manner of creature is their leader, what will they choose to do with this gift?


#1: The Centauri people have been enslaved since losing the war a great many years ago, and only recently have they gotten the rights of actual citizens back. Many still work as pack animals, afraid of making waves- but one Centaur wants to be known. They enlist in the royal army and climb the ranks all the way into the royal vanguard. After living a life of hardship and ridicule, their new job is ever sweeter- but as a member of the vanguard, they are naturally expected to escort the royal family throughout the day. What should the centaur make of the unguarded and unapologetic obsession the princess has with them?​
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