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Fx Any ᴀᴡᴋᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴇᴇɴ ʟᴇᴠᴇʟɪɴɢ - ғ ғᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ


Dec 11, 2019

Hello, all~
Some cravings and some added free time fell into my lap and into my head at the same time, so I thought I'd check for interest! Down to one job again as opposed to two, so I can breathe~

I won't waste too much time trying to make such a simple request thread super cutesy. Instead, I'll get right into it!

I am hoping for awkward teen romances, pairings be damned. I have some concepts adopted from some mangas, but with a sort of 'progression' theme. The erotic aspects will improve as they improve and experiment, that sort of thing!

Don't get me wrong I absolutely love experienced, earth shattering bed escapades, but I simply CANNOT get enough of the many facets of confused virgin experimentation. I'll put a few plots and prompts in to see if anyone's interested, but please feel free to PM me with your own if you have any ideas!
  • Characters will be 16-19, please and thank you.​
  • These can be rom-com slice of life plots, can be adjusted for heavier/grittier themes, or can be rewritten for bigger, thicker plots.​
  • I'm big on anime tropes of all kinds.​
  • Fandom settings are fine, canon characters are not. Only looking for OC's at this time!​
  • Plots can be adjusted to suit different time periods and even supernatural themes. Let me know what you're into, we can work it out.​
  • Multi-paragraph posts, any pairings welcome. <3​
  • Long-term only. All my prompts are vague because they need to be built upon. I am happy to world build with you!
  • Romance will be eventual, never instantaneous. Varying smut to story ratios, plot pending.​

***The 'Good' Kids***
Characters A and B are both known to be the studious type. They're both cautious, intelligent, practical and are members of the student council and the honor society- they're straight-laced, boring perfectionists, as far as everyone around them can see. Unbeknownst to their peers, however, is the fire surging beneath the surface. Both, in their individual, boiling seas of stress and pressure have come to notice one another more and more as their school obligations overlap... and neither are so perfect as to pass up a chance to let off some steam.

Characters A and B have always been neighbors, and were once even friends- but eventually grew apart as time went on and their interests diverged. One day, Character A, the more direct and openly adventurous of the pair, gets a front row/balcony seat to a rather intense 'session' of Character B's. They've got a great many kinks and a growing passion for their craft. Usually they're more cautious, though; They close the blinds, they pick their packages up at a different location, they practice in the shadows. As you can imagine, Character B has never had the courage to try it on a real person... but Character A is happy to make the offer up front. Why use dolls and mannequins when your childhood friend is alive and kicking, right?

Character A is a noted pervert, but there's a good reason for this; Their family runs a high-end adult entertainment shop, and Character A works there part-time to stock shelves. Practically bursting at the seems with all manner of sexual know-how, Character A is the bane of many, and a hero to one Character B, a classmate from a rich and very prudish family. Character B approaches Character A in the hopes that, in return for tutoring or some sort of other favor, Character A will share their knowledge. Character A has never ACTUALLY had sex or a 'playmate' before, and so simply cannot pass up a chance to put their skills to the test.​
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