Mx Any Furry Fandom Requests (Aggretsuko, BNA, AC, Mao Mao, Zootopia)

Lemon Lime Light

Oct 24, 2015
I've just been having the itch to play fandom rp from a couple different furry fandoms. With a good mixture of fluff, plot, and story. No real plots in mind, just concepts/pairings I'd like to do, listed below. Holiday themes loved too. If we want to do kink stuff, I won't say no to anything that isn't banned on this site.

I am literate and write fanfiction for fun, I typically do paragraph style and have nearly two decades of writing experience. I do try to put in at least two or three paragraphs per response, and always want to get something going that my partner can go off of. I love taking input from both sides, and not just letting one tell the entire thing.

Even if I'm feeling a little bummed by the end of Season 3, I'm still hopelessly in love with the characters, if you couldn't tell by my icon. It can just be so down to earth and fun, even when it is being fantastical. And naturally, a lot of the characters are ripe for shipping! Most of my ships have a plot or two in mind already. Of course, these are only suggestions, we can do anything!

Note: I'm not interested in Haida x Retsuko, Fenneko x Retsuko, or Tsunoda x Komiya. I know those are popular ones, but they don't really vibe with me.

Fenneko x Haida:
"Do you know what its like, to not be able to tell the guy you like that you like him because he's hopelessly chasing after someone who doesn't like him back?"
Fenneko angst! She most certainly has it, but like most stuff about her, she keeps it all buried and hidden. It absolutely destroys her. But after watching him for too long, she can't take it anymore. Does she snap and get aggressive? Maybe she swallows every ounce of pride she has and asks a certain deer.

Fenneko x Tsunoda:
Probably my favorite ship of all. Even if they're not actually fans of each other, that just gives more shipping fuel! They could totally find something they have in comon, or maybe it's just pure sexual tension.

Haida x Inui:
It should have happened, let's rectify that in RP form.

Retsuko x Manaka:
Girl was about ready to beat the stalker with a nailbat, no hesitation. She clearly went from being indifferent to caring greatly. Even if its canon and she doesn't stay in the group, maybe Migi and Hidarin get her to admit she has a crush on Retsuko. Then they immedately go back on their promise not to tell anyone by trying to push the two together.

Retsuko x Hyoudou:
She has, absolutely no idea how it happened, but after everything, she found herself dating her former manager. He can range from cold and indifferent but with a heart still, to going as hard as he does for anything else he's passionate about. He's a huge dork, but honestly Retsuko has never been happier. Maybe it could start with the tried and true trope of Retusko needing a fake boyfriend just to show her family she has one. Hyoudou holds the appearance of a business man with his life together, the exact type of man her mother wants. Even if he is just a window washer. But of course, Hyoudou puts over passion into it, and its hard to stop afterwards.

Manaka x Hyoudou:
Similar to Retsuko, with with Manaka and the scandal of dating your manager.

I love the characters, and want to do some ships with Michiru. Which ones? Pretty much every one you expect.

Michiru x Ogami
Michiru x Nazuna
Michiru x Marie <--- Fave
Michiru x Nina (aged up of course)

Some fun could be had with Michiru's shape shifting (and Nazuna's too if we do both).

Animal Crossing is full of happy little Waifus and Husbandos, and I'd like to roleplay them in an equally happy and fluffly scenario. With few exceptions, detailed below, I'm not looking for much drama or negativity in these an Animal Crossing role play. Just a feel good one for cute fluffy possibly smutty romance.

At least one half will need to be one of the animal villagers. I'm open to one of us being a Villager/Mayor/Island Rep, but not both.

Some of my favorite characters to use include:
Tom Nook
Crazy Redd
Will totally do others though!

My favorite pairs are:
Tom Nook x Crazy Redd - Ex husbands who are totally harboring some feelings for each other still. Their divorce was for heat of the moment anger with one or the other. Neither wanted it to end, but one hurt the other so bad that they just couldn't go on. It has been quite a while since then, but the feelings of love don't go away. Maybe Redd is trying his hardest to get back into Tom's life. Maybe Tom's trying to convince himself to forgive Redd. Maybe Timmy and Tommy are playing parent trap. This and the below one are my favorite ships for this fandom.

CJ x Flick - My other favorite ship, and I will only do these two as this pairing, absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS. CJ is probably the more high energy one while Flick is laid back and lowkey. We could do something more fluffy with just mindless fluff. We could do a plot about them getting married. We could do a plot when they're still just roommates, and trying to find the courage to make it more.

Tom Nook x Blathers - Listen to how much Tom goes on about him and sings his praises at the beginning of New Horizons, he totally crushes hard on this nerdy owl. Maybe Blathers is oblivious, but his sister takes one look and realizes he needs pushed into something great.

Digby x Raymond
Digby x Cherry
Tom Nook x Isabelle
Isabelle x Digby

This is honestly one of my biggest cravings to do right now. This fandom is one of my biggest obsessions because I love the characters and dynamics so much. It is just that finding people to talk to and have fun with this fandom is hard.

This would be a story based shipping roleplay centered around Mao Mao x one of the characters I've listed below as me being interested in. Almost all my cravings for cute stories revolve around the relationship just starting and the characters working out their feelings. Listed below are my craved characters and some head canons for them. I'd love to hear your own too.

Not interested in Badgerclops or King Snugglemane

Mao Mao: Age 24. Will be one of the halves of any ship. He is bisexual and the world's biggest switch. He's also, predictably, incredibly awkward when it comes to romance, often times not knowing what to do, or even how to properly act on his feelings.

Tanya Keys: Age <redacted, but older than Mao Mao>. She and Mao Mao are ex....something. They worked together and the sex happened frequently. Mao Mao tried to take control, but Tanya knows exactly every button to push to get him to act exactly like she wants him to. Even when it looks like he's on top, Tanya's always calling the shots

Eugene: Age 32. Ok i've fallen hard into this ship. He's bisexual, but never got a chance to explore that aspect of himself. He's not entire sure if he feels comfortable dating, but see's everything that he saw in Sonara in Mao Mao and just couldn't help falling in love with him. I think he'd carry a lot of doubts and reservations about dating, holding onto a sense of loyalty for his wife, but still loving Mao Mao all the same.

Honey: Age 19. She's selectively mute, only able to talk to a very small list of people she feels comfortable with. At the moment, that list consists only of Camille. She however, slowly gets a crush on the new sheriff. I think she'd be even worse at showing her emotions that Mao Mao is. To the point where she at first comes off like a creepy stalker, standing and watching Mao Mao.

Ol' Blue: Age Late 20's Early 30's? I haven't put much thought into this one. I just started thinking cute things about it.

Bao Bao:
Age 23. He was Mao Mao's first love. The two of them never officially broke up. But after the incident, there were a lot of hurt feelings on both sides. Leading to a lot of conflict when both find out that the romantic feelings never died between them.

Ok for this one, its much less about ships and more about plots. I have two setups, both involving Judy

There is a drug problem going around Zootopia University. The only problem is, nobody can trace it to its source. The ZPD has resorted to sending an officer undercover as a student. That officer is Judy because "After 15 and before 40, nobody can tell how old a Bunny is". Judy, who is 26, will be undercover as a 19 year old college student with small leads on where to go.

A genderbent Judy (I typically go with Jude or Jaden), comes from a slightly more conservative town with a very conservative view on homosexuality. When asked, J will say that he's fine with it, but he's straight. But it's clear as day to Nick that J is in fact, not straight. He can't stand to watch this unhealthy level of self denial, and resolves to do something about it
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